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Trump will sign border bill Mcconnell declare national emergency

A national emergency?

Why, because a few Mexicans are trying to sneak into our country?

I’d hate to see what St Trumpy would do if there was a REAL emergency.
Tens of thousands of innocent Americans get killed every year by illegal aliens via manslaughter up to murder one.

Most of our drugs come into this country over the Southern border, and most of that through our regular entry ports along that border. But if the Customs folks are particularly vigilant at that time, it only means they enter elsewhere, like putting it in back packs for kids to carry over the border with them.

We need to seal off the border from pedestrians and vehicles except at the ports of entry where we can more carefully screen traffic and then we might dent some of the drug trade.

But the elites in DC dont care how many tens of thousands of Americans die because it is future voters/illegal voters for Dimocrats and cheap labor for the GOP Donor Class.

As far as those idiots are concerned we can all die of starvation and it means nothing to them if they can keep getting elected.
Proof "tens of thousands of innocent Americans get killed by illegal aliens"?
Where is real proof this is happening? I know the Gun Nutter NRA makes sure 50K plus die for nothang per year.
when u r a dumb fk and can't understand when and OLD MARTIAL LAW NEEDS TO BE UN DONE DUMB ASSES A NEW ONE MUST BE DECLARED.


Anti-Trump leftists reacted with horror to the news that the president is about to declare a national emergency to build the wall, labeling Trump a “dictator”.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell announced that Trump would be signing a spending bill to keep the government open but will also be “issuing a national emergency declaration at the same ...

Dictator! Leftists Freak Out Over Plan to Declare National Emergency to Build Wall
What's the national emergency there Sheep shit?

All the chit Obama created when he was in, problem is the sheeple haven't a clue we never LEFT IT.

By reversing Obama era policies, Biden said Tuesday, the Trump administration is “missing an enormous opportunity, an enormous opportunity to change the life for middle class people.”

Putting the drugs in the backpacks of kids crossing the border? Are you for real? Drug cartels aren't giving random migrants bags of drugs to carry over here, because they don't have any control over the delivery. Cartels like to use hired drug mules, because not only do they feel that paying the person to bring the drugs here in a vehicle is less risky than trusting unknown migrants, but also, the cartels know who the family members of the mule are, so that if a shipment comes up missing, they know who to go after. You gotta quit buying into the bullshit the politicians are scaring you with. No way in hell is a cartel member gonna trust a 15,000 dollar kilo of coke to a kid to bring over.
It is hilarious how much you libs know that just is not true.

Mexico drug gangs using more children as "mules" - CBS News

Luis Alberto is only 14 but has the wizened gaze of a grown-up hardened by life. He never met his father, worked as a child, was hired by a gang to sell drugs and then got addicted to them.

In October he checked into Cirad, a rehab center west of this border city that handles about 500 drug addicts at a time, a fifth of them younger than 17.

"They brought me here because I was using and selling 'criloco,"' Luis Alberto said, referring to methamphetamine, the drug of choice for 90 percent of adolescents in detox because of its low cost and easy availability.

Luis Alberto is just one of an increasing number of young people being used as "mules" to ferry drugs across the border into the U.S. or sell them in nearby Mexican towns, said Victor Clark, an anthropologist who studies drug trafficking.

"Minors are cheap labor and expendable for organized crime in an area where there are few job opportunities or places for recreation, and where the distribution and consumption of drugs have grown fast," Clark said.

Mexican authorities say they are aware of the problem, but there are no official figures on the number of adolescents detained for selling or distributing drugs because the law forbids keeping criminal records for minors.

The U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement says that between 2008 and 2011, the number of youths aged 14 to 18 caught trying to cross the border between Tijuana and San Diego to sell drugs has grown tenfold. Lauren Mack, spokeswoman for ICE in San Diego, said 19 minors were arrested in 2008, 165 in 2009, 190 in 2010 and 190 again last year.

Most of them were high school students who carried drugs, usually methamphetamine or cocaine, hidden in their bodies or in their cars, Mack said.​

And you were saying what? Oh, yeah, that the cartels dont use random kids, but then again, I never said random kids, dude.

445 people total between 2008 and 2011? Are you kidding me? And you want an $80 billion dollar wall for that? :21::21::21: And how many tried to come through at the point of entry out of the 445 you didn't tell us about?
$80 billion? Actually, the entire border security package including means to intercept illegals and illegal goods at ports of entry and to locate and deport people who have overstayed their visas is about $25 billion and the fence, itself will likely come in at between $6 billion and $10 billion.

That isn't what I have been reading about. For Trump to put up a concrete wall that runs 2000 miles, that is what it would cost us. Except he's a failure, because he said Mexico would pay for it. Trump's a liar and a fake.
Then you haven't been paying attention. The President has made it clear several times that he intends to build a smart fence similar to the smart fence Israel has built along its border with Sinai, which is basically what the Democrats proposed doing in 2013 in a bill (S. 744) which every Democrat in the Senate voted for. Chuck Schumer introduced that bill which had the stated purpose of reducing illegal immigration by at least 90%. Considering that Israel's smart fence had a 100% success rate in keeping out illegals from Africa, after tens of thousands of them had illegally crossed the border before the fence was completed in 2013, Schumer's fence probably would have achieved its goal. The US fence will not be 2,000 miles long but would omit areas in which natural obstacles would make if difficult for Illegals to cross, and based on the cost of the Israeli fence, Israel having a high cost of living similar to the US, it is reasonable to expect the cost of the US fence will be somewhre between $6 billion and $10 billion.

Can't the MAGA Dopers capture these new ones coming in.
And take the 12 million PLUS here in America and Gas them in
final MAGA Whitey only DOPer solution?

What a racist remark you made.....going back to the good ol' days, skippy?

As I read and see what DOPers want. I only see they can meet their needs by doing a
great Orange Douche MAGA DOPer Final Solution of their own to weed out non-whites
in purifying America of less human type peoples.

CIC great Douche & Bone Spur the BOOB. -Big Orange Orangutan Buffoon. Does so order, to HIDE!
Last edited:

Can't the MAGA Dopers capture these new ones coming in.
And take the 12 million PLUS here in America and Gas them in
final MAGA Whitey only DOPer solution?

What a racist remark you made.....going back to the good ol' days, skippy?

As I read and see what DOPers want. I only see they can meet their needs by doing a
great Orange Douche MAGA DOPer Final Solution of their own to weed out non-whites
in purifying America of less human type peoples.

This type of thinking is why I told you to put down your bong.
Your brain is being fried.


Can't the MAGA Dopers capture these new ones coming in.
And take the 12 million PLUS here in America and Gas them in
final MAGA Whitey only DOPer solution?

What a racist remark you made.....going back to the good ol' days, skippy?

As I read and see what DOPers want. I only see they can meet their needs by doing a
great Orange Douche MAGA DOPer Final Solution of their own to weed out non-whites
in purifying America of less human type peoples.

They are scared to death of the brown's and black's. And make no mistake, if Trump declares them as enemies of the state, Trump's retarded Sheep wouldn't think twice about killing them. Things can get that bad.
DANG? DOPer leaders said what?

View attachment 245940
Obama used a national state of emergency 12 or 13 times.
So far Trump has 0.
Don't let your Victoria Secrets get in a wad.
WOW.. DOPer right as always.


I see zero in Americaland by Obama a better POTUS to the failed great Douche.
Elected by Putin.
Keep trying to meet your MAGA racist needs. Lies are not helping DOPer Mod.

Can't the MAGA Dopers capture these new ones coming in.
And take the 12 million PLUS here in America and Gas them in
final MAGA Whitey only DOPer solution?

What a racist remark you made.....going back to the good ol' days, skippy?

As I read and see what DOPers want. I only see they can meet their needs by doing a
great Orange Douche MAGA DOPer Final Solution of their own to weed out non-whites
in purifying America of less human type peoples.

This type of thinking is why I told you to put down your bong.
Your brain is being fried.

Without DOPer going here. (Below)

"As I read and see what DOPers want. I only see they can meet their needs by doing a
great Orange Douche MAGA DOPer Final Solution of their own to weed out non-whites
in purifying America of less human type peoples."

How can the MAGA Moron DOPers get what they want?
Please explain the MAGA Orange plan. If you can.
As CIC Bone Spur has none.
Immigration IS a national emergency. It has been for decades. How many lives were lost to illegals, drugs and gangs the last twenty years.

Immigration is GOOD, illegal immigration is dangerous and BAD.
I want us to shut down all immigration for 75 years like we did until 1964.

Really? We shut down all immigration for 75 years back in 1964? Add 75 to 1964, and you get a year in the future. If we shut down all immigration in 1964 for 75 years, why are people still coming to this country?

You're gonna have to post a link for that claim. All I could find was immigration acts passed by Congress that in some cases stopped immigration from certain countries, and set a quota on others, but there is nothing I can find that says the US completely shut down immigration like you claim.

Either post a link, or admit this is something you pulled outta your ass.
read again. The shutdown of immigration ENDED in 1964, thereabouts.
DANG? DOPer leaders said what?

View attachment 245940
Obama used a national state of emergency 12 or 13 times.
So far Trump has 0.
Don't let your Victoria Secrets get in a wad.
WOW.. DOPer right as always.

View attachment 245941
I see zero in Americaland by Obama a better POTUS to the failed great Douche.
Elected by Putin.
Keep trying to meet your MAGA racist needs. Lies are not helping DOPer Mod.
I tried finding a source which you would believe and came up with this.
Here are the 28 active national emergencies - CNNPolitics
DANG? DOPer leaders said what?

View attachment 245940
Obama used a national state of emergency 12 or 13 times.
So far Trump has 0.
Don't let your Victoria Secrets get in a wad.
WOW.. DOPer right as always.

View attachment 245941
I see zero in Americaland by Obama a better POTUS to the failed great Douche.
Elected by Putin.
Keep trying to meet your MAGA racist needs. Lies are not helping DOPer Mod.
You need to coherently put words to a sentence (in English) to where any American could understand.
You might want to bone up on the Putin rhetoric, also. Seems you're a tad out of touch.
Not surprising with all those drugs in your system.
DANG? DOPer leaders said what?

View attachment 245940
Obama used a national state of emergency 12 or 13 times.
So far Trump has 0.
Don't let your Victoria Secrets get in a wad.
WOW.. DOPer right as always.

View attachment 245941
I see zero in Americaland by Obama a better POTUS to the failed great Douche.
Elected by Putin.
Keep trying to meet your MAGA racist needs. Lies are not helping DOPer Mod.
Sorry I have no pictures for you to look at. You will be required to read, or get your baby's momma to read it to you.

Executive Order 13581--Blocking Property of Transnational Criminal Organizations


By the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, including the International Emergency Economic Powers Act (50 U.S.C. 1701 et seq.) (IEEPA), the National Emergencies Act (50 U.S.C. 1601 et seq.) (NEA), and section 301 of title 3, United States Code,

I, BARACK OBAMA, President of the United States of America, find that the activities of significant transnational criminal organizations, such as those listed in the Annex to this order, have reached such scope and gravity that they threaten the stability of international political and economic systems. Such organizations are becoming increasingly sophisticated and dangerous to the United States; they are increasingly entrenched in the operations of foreign governments and the international financial system, thereby weakening democratic institutions, degrading the rule of law, and undermining economic markets. These organizations facilitate and aggravate violent civil conflicts and increasingly facilitate the activities of other dangerous persons. I therefore determine that significant transnational criminal organizations constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security, foreign policy, and economy of the United States, and hereby declare a national emergency to deal with that threat.
Executive Order 13581--Blocking Property of Transnational Criminal Organizations

Kinda sounds familiar....don't it.

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