Trump will survive this scandal but Joe Biden won't...

The Democrats are deliberately destroying Biden in creating this scandal.

Trump is a decoy, Biden is the real target.

Rump broke the law in a big way. You can try and deflect all you want to but it won't work this time. Too bad it didn't happen in June of next year.

AWESOME to know. Then surely you can rationalize your "opinion" doing the following:

A. Cite what Trump did to break the law.
B. Cite law supporting your opinion.

Looking forward to your response.

Reminds me of a murder trial.

Prosecutor: The Defendant was caught holding the gun still smoking over the body

Defense: Cite the evidence

Prosecutor: The Gun was shown to be the one that was used to kill the victim

Defense: Cite the evidence

Prosecutor: The Defendant was kicking the bleeding victim over and over

Defense: Cite the evidence

Prosecutor: It was all captured on Video.

Defense: Cite the Evidence.

Closing statement by the Defense: Jury, you have heard that lack of evidence. The Defense has asked for the evidence to be presented and not one time did the Prosecution present any evidence that my client was involved. Therefore, you must find my client not guilty.

Just how many times do you need to hear the Evidence? I have read it over and over in here. This Cite, Cite, Cite is not a defense. It's a pretty done deal that Rump is guilty of tampering with Elections using a Foreign Agent. Guiliani is pretty well toast as an accomplice. Barr is coming down for trying to cover it up. The Jury is in. So how about stopping insulting our intelligence with your "Cite the Evidence" already. The deflection routine is over and done with. Only you Rumpsters are buying it.

This is a great example what leftists have become. I asked two direct questions so the imbecile can support himself, he comes back with something imaginative that he spent far too long writing.

Oh, was it your turn to ask that same stupid question totally disregarding the answers already given to the same exact questions already asked and answered? What's the matter, you don't like me showing just how stupid it sounds if it is for something else?
The Democrats are deliberately destroying Biden in creating this scandal.

Trump is a decoy, Biden is the real target.

Rump broke the law in a big way. You can try and deflect all you want to but it won't work this time. Too bad it didn't happen in June of next year.

AWESOME to know. Then surely you can rationalize your "opinion" doing the following:

A. Cite what Trump did to break the law.
B. Cite law supporting your opinion.

Looking forward to your response.

Reminds me of a murder trial.

Prosecutor: The Defendant was caught holding the gun still smoking over the body

Defense: Cite the evidence

Prosecutor: The Gun was shown to be the one that was used to kill the victim

Defense: Cite the evidence

Prosecutor: The Defendant was kicking the bleeding victim over and over

Defense: Cite the evidence

Prosecutor: It was all captured on Video.

Defense: Cite the Evidence.

Closing statement by the Defense: Jury, you have heard that lack of evidence. The Defense has asked for the evidence to be presented and not one time did the Prosecution present any evidence that my client was involved. Therefore, you must find my client not guilty.

Just how many times do you need to hear the Evidence? I have read it over and over in here. This Cite, Cite, Cite is not a defense. It's a pretty done deal that Rump is guilty of tampering with Elections using a Foreign Agent. Guiliani is pretty well toast as an accomplice. Barr is coming down for trying to cover it up. The Jury is in. So how about stopping insulting our intelligence with your "Cite the Evidence" already. The deflection routine is over and done with. Only you Rumpsters are buying it.

This is a great example what leftists have become. I asked two direct questions so the imbecile can support himself, he comes back with something imaginative that he spent far too long writing.

Oh, was it your turn to ask that same stupid question totally disregarding the answers already given to the same exact questions already asked and answered? What's the matter, you don't like me showing just how stupid it sounds if it is for something else?

What a surprise, the imbecile is a liar too. Let's try this again. Now is your chase to:
A. Cite what Trump did to break the law.
B. Cite law supporting your opinion.

READY, GO!:Boom2:
Rump broke the law in a big way. You can try and deflect all you want to but it won't work this time. Too bad it didn't happen in June of next year.

AWESOME to know. Then surely you can rationalize your "opinion" doing the following:

A. Cite what Trump did to break the law.
B. Cite law supporting your opinion.

Looking forward to your response.

Reminds me of a murder trial.

Prosecutor: The Defendant was caught holding the gun still smoking over the body

Defense: Cite the evidence

Prosecutor: The Gun was shown to be the one that was used to kill the victim

Defense: Cite the evidence

Prosecutor: The Defendant was kicking the bleeding victim over and over

Defense: Cite the evidence

Prosecutor: It was all captured on Video.

Defense: Cite the Evidence.

Closing statement by the Defense: Jury, you have heard that lack of evidence. The Defense has asked for the evidence to be presented and not one time did the Prosecution present any evidence that my client was involved. Therefore, you must find my client not guilty.

Just how many times do you need to hear the Evidence? I have read it over and over in here. This Cite, Cite, Cite is not a defense. It's a pretty done deal that Rump is guilty of tampering with Elections using a Foreign Agent. Guiliani is pretty well toast as an accomplice. Barr is coming down for trying to cover it up. The Jury is in. So how about stopping insulting our intelligence with your "Cite the Evidence" already. The deflection routine is over and done with. Only you Rumpsters are buying it.

This is a great example what leftists have become. I asked two direct questions so the imbecile can support himself, he comes back with something imaginative that he spent far too long writing.

Oh, was it your turn to ask that same stupid question totally disregarding the answers already given to the same exact questions already asked and answered? What's the matter, you don't like me showing just how stupid it sounds if it is for something else?

What a surprise, the imbecile is a liar too. Let's try this again. Now is your chase to:
A. Cite what Trump did to break the law.
B. Cite law supporting your opinion.

READY, GO!:Boom2:

Prosecutor: The Defendant was caught holding the gun still smoking over the body

Defense: Cite the evidence

Prosecutor: The Gun was shown to be the one that was used to kill the victim

Defense: Cite the evidence

Prosecutor: The Defendant was kicking the bleeding victim over and over

Defense: Cite the evidence

Prosecutor: It was all captured on Video.

Defense: Cite the Evidence.

Closing statement by the Defense: Jury, you have heard that lack of evidence. The Defense has asked for the evidence to be presented and not one time did the Prosecution present any evidence that my client was involved. Therefore, you must find my client not guilty.
"i dont want to be neutral. i dont want to be a saint. i want to be a corrupt lost cause" - President Trump
"i dont want to be neutral. i dont want to be a saint. i want to be a corrupt lost cause" - President Trump

What we've learned from leftists in this thread:

Daryl Hunt: Trump shot someone and must be impeached.

Basque-hack: "i dont want to be neutral. i dont want to be a saint. i want to be a corrupt lost cause", isn't a quote from John Osborn'es Look Back in anger act 3, he prefers that Trump said it.
...Biden is the man who actually obstructed justice by getting a prosecutor fired in Ukraine when he was investigating his son.
Meanwhile Ukraine institutions have investigated Biden and his son multiple times and have found no evidence of any crimes-and not when Obama and Biden were in office either..... All you have is garbage propaganda character assassination and innuendo.
...Biden is the man who actually obstructed justice by getting a prosecutor fired in Ukraine when he was investigating his son.
Meanwhile Ukraine institutions have investigated Biden and his son multiple times and have found no evidence of any crimes-and not when Obama and Biden were in office either..... All you have is garbage propaganda character assassination and innuendo.

The fired Ukraine prosecutor disagrees with you. :itsok:
That is the whole point, Biden was looking too be a real threat if he received the nomination, so he had to be destroyed. The game is not showing the country HOW your policy's will improve things for average Americans, better to just destroy those who run against you, then do what ever you and/or your party want. matters not what party is doing it, we are the losers. honesty in government has always been a problem wonder now if we have now destroyed all possibility of honest government.
...Biden is the man who actually obstructed justice by getting a prosecutor fired in Ukraine when he was investigating his son.
Meanwhile Ukraine institutions have investigated Biden and his son multiple times and have found no evidence of any crimes-and not when Obama and Biden were in office either..... All you have is garbage propaganda character assassination and innuendo.

The fired Ukraine prosecutor disagrees with you. :itsok:
The prosecutor fired for massive corruption?

...Biden is the man who actually obstructed justice by getting a prosecutor fired in Ukraine when he was investigating his son.
Meanwhile Ukraine institutions have investigated Biden and his son multiple times and have found no evidence of any crimes-and not when Obama and Biden were in office either..... All you have is garbage propaganda character assassination and innuendo.

All this illegal activity happened while obama and biden were in office. Your post confirms that you have no credibility.
Trump WILL be Impeached by the House.

What happens after that remains to be seen but he sure isn't GAINING support.

Biden will "survive" this but there was never any guarantee he would be the Dem nominee
Trump WILL be Impeached by the House.

What happens after that remains to be seen but he sure isn't GAINING support.

Biden will "survive" this but there was never any guarantee he would be the Dem nominee
Trump is making tons of money off this in campaign contributions. If they impeach Trump, his followers will give him even more. The Senate will not convict him.
Trump WILL be Impeached by the House.

What happens after that remains to be seen but he sure isn't GAINING support.

Biden will "survive" this but there was never any guarantee he would be the Dem nominee
Trump is making tons of money off this in campaign contributions. If they impeach Trump, his followers will give him even more. The Senate will not convict him.
Jeff Flake has admitted that were the Senate Impeachment vote ,private...that THIRTY FIVE Republicans would vote to convict.

The minute there's blood in the water...Trump is cooked
...Biden is the man who actually obstructed justice by getting a prosecutor fired in Ukraine when he was investigating his son.
Meanwhile Ukraine institutions have investigated Biden and his son multiple times and have found no evidence of any crimes-and not when Obama and Biden were in office either..... All you have is garbage propaganda character assassination and innuendo.

The fired Ukraine prosecutor disagrees with you. :itsok:
The prosecutor fired for massive corruption?


Why did Biden fire him?

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