Trump will survive this scandal but Joe Biden won't...

Whatever. he asked the president of Ukraine to do him a favor and get dirt on Biden and his son. Against constitutional law. He was even warned about this and still did it. He's a liar fraud and con man and should scare everyone. Oh and I should have said he was a mobbed-up Manhattan real estate failure.

Another lie. He asked the Ukrainians to aid an existing investigation into the 2016 election and corruption that had occurred in the past. Does Biden's run for President exempt him from being investigated for apparent corruption? Heck, a fair investigation might have found Biden did nothing wrong...why do you oppose an investigation?
it has all been investigated several times by the ukrainians and they found no evidence of any problem. There is no evidence of any problem, just lying scumbag GOP propagandists and the dupes like you.

So you say, but I don't see any proof in your post, no links that show that it's been investigated by the Ukrainians or that there was no problem, just the IMPRESSION that Hunter Biden was trading on his father's name. Your name calling fails to convince, by the way, and just makes you look desperate.
the fact that GOP voters have been duped by a brilliant gigantic propaganda machine is the biggest story of the last 30 years. A disgrace. It is not name calling it is the biggest story in politics the last 30 years. Innocent until proven guilty and no gigantic conspiracy theories with no evidence oh, thank you very much super duper LOL
Fankie get your shit right before you post again.
It's the Democrats who control the vehicle for propaganda the democrat controlled mainstream media.
Sure, the Democrats control all respected journalists around the world LOL, the BBC France 24 the hindustani times the newspaper and media of record in every respected country around the world, in fact every newspaper and media not owned by Rupert Murdoch. Dumbass dupe.
...Biden is the man who actually obstructed justice by getting a prosecutor fired in Ukraine when he was investigating his son.

I think we found out with Crooked Hillary that very seldom are these Democrats ever held accountable for their treason or their corruption.

Biden needs to go to jail but probably the best we will get is that he won't get the Moon Bat Party nomination.
Another lie. He asked the Ukrainians to aid an existing investigation into the 2016 election and corruption that had occurred in the past. Does Biden's run for President exempt him from being investigated for apparent corruption? Heck, a fair investigation might have found Biden did nothing wrong...why do you oppose an investigation?
it has all been investigated several times by the ukrainians and they found no evidence of any problem. There is no evidence of any problem, just lying scumbag GOP propagandists and the dupes like you.

So you say, but I don't see any proof in your post, no links that show that it's been investigated by the Ukrainians or that there was no problem, just the IMPRESSION that Hunter Biden was trading on his father's name. Your name calling fails to convince, by the way, and just makes you look desperate.
the fact that GOP voters have been duped by a brilliant gigantic propaganda machine is the biggest story of the last 30 years. A disgrace. It is not name calling it is the biggest story in politics the last 30 years. Innocent until proven guilty and no gigantic conspiracy theories with no evidence oh, thank you very much super duper LOL
Fankie get your shit right before you post again.
It's the Democrats who control the vehicle for propaganda the democrat controlled mainstream media.
Sure, the Democrats control all respected journalists around the world LOL, the BBC France 24 the hindustani times the newspaper and media of record in every respected country around the world, in fact every newspaper and media not owned by Rupert Murdoch. Dumbass dupe.
There are no more "respected" journalists-they have become yellow journalism hacks.
...Biden is the man who actually obstructed justice by getting a prosecutor fired in Ukraine when he was investigating his son.

untrue. His son was never under investigation and the investigation into Burisma had been closed. A former Ukrainian prosecutor says Hunter Biden broke no Ukrainian laws.
...Biden is the man who actually obstructed justice by getting a prosecutor fired in Ukraine when he was investigating his son.
Biden survived a lot worse He stood up to calamity Think the yellow POS trump could?
This too?
Trump supporters, please tell me you agree and think this is horrible

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GOP Rep. blasts Trump's tweet warning of 'civil war," calling it 'beyond repugnant'
GOP. Rep. Adam Kinzinger blasted President Trump's tweet warning of a 'civil war like-fracture' if Trump were to face impeachment charges, calling it 'beyond repugnant' the president would try to gin up images of violence in the face of impeachment.
...Biden is the man who actually obstructed justice by getting a prosecutor fired in Ukraine when he was investigating his son.

You can stop this anytime. The General Public isn't buying it. Your deflection trying to cover up for your Criminal in Charge is noted.

And I predicted a year ago that Biden probably wasn't going to get the nod, that another Dem was going to get the nomination. Sure am glad he has been around to make Rump do his latest Rico type action.

Now, Democrats are stuck with Biden and have to fight for him. If they toss him aside, Trump wins. If they fight harder for him, Trump wins. Democrats just got played.

No they didn’t. Biden is not the candidate and the polls consistently show any of the top Democrats could beat Trump.

At this point, there have been no votes cast. Biden’s candidacy isn’t damaged as a result of Trump’s lies. He got away with lying about Hillary but people now know that Trump is a dishonest man and anything he says is not to be trusted.

I notice that Republicans aren’t jumping to Trump’s defence. Mitch McConnell isn’t saying that he won’t bring the impeachment to the floor of the Senate. Mitch isn’t saying anything at all.

That is not quite true. Biden holds the largest lead of all the Democrats in the RCP average at 7.4% That is held down because of a phony Rasmussen poll that claims Trump leads by 4 and they are the same outfit that clamed that Republicans held a 1 point lead in the generic ballot when Democrats won by 8. Warren's lead is 4 which is within most polls' margin of error. Sanders holds a 4.8 point advantage which is somewhat above the margin of error for most polls.

In 2016, people had no doubts of who Trump was. His dishonesty ratings were slightly higher than Clinton's but essentially the same. Suburban voters reluctantly voted against Clinton rather than for Trump and they likely will vote against Trump.
it has all been investigated several times by the ukrainians and they found no evidence of any problem. There is no evidence of any problem, just lying scumbag GOP propagandists and the dupes like you.

So you say, but I don't see any proof in your post, no links that show that it's been investigated by the Ukrainians or that there was no problem, just the IMPRESSION that Hunter Biden was trading on his father's name. Your name calling fails to convince, by the way, and just makes you look desperate.
the fact that GOP voters have been duped by a brilliant gigantic propaganda machine is the biggest story of the last 30 years. A disgrace. It is not name calling it is the biggest story in politics the last 30 years. Innocent until proven guilty and no gigantic conspiracy theories with no evidence oh, thank you very much super duper LOL
Fankie get your shit right before you post again.
It's the Democrats who control the vehicle for propaganda the democrat controlled mainstream media.
Sure, the Democrats control all respected journalists around the world LOL, the BBC France 24 the hindustani times the newspaper and media of record in every respected country around the world, in fact every newspaper and media not owned by Rupert Murdoch. Dumbass dupe.
There are no more "respected" journalists-they have become yellow journalism hacks.
Always good to get the brainwashed functional morons' Outlook, brainwashed functional moron...
...Biden is the man who actually obstructed justice by getting a prosecutor fired in Ukraine when he was investigating his son.

You can stop this anytime. The General Public isn't buying it. Your deflection trying to cover up for your Criminal in Charge is noted.

And I predicted a year ago that Biden probably wasn't going to get the nod, that another Dem was going to get the nomination. Sure am glad he has been around to make Rump do his latest Rico type action.

Now, Democrats are stuck with Biden and have to fight for him. If they toss him aside, Trump wins. If they fight harder for him, Trump wins. Democrats just got played.

No they didn’t. Biden is not the candidate and the polls consistently show any of the top Democrats could beat Trump.

At this point, there have been no votes cast. Biden’s candidacy isn’t damaged as a result of Trump’s lies. He got away with lying about Hillary but people now know that Trump is a dishonest man and anything he says is not to be trusted.

I notice that Republicans aren’t jumping to Trump’s defence. Mitch McConnell isn’t saying that he won’t bring the impeachment to the floor of the Senate. Mitch isn’t saying anything at all.

That is not quite true. Biden holds the largest lead of all the Democrats in the RCP average at 7.4% That is held down because of a phony Rasmussen poll that claims Trump leads by 4 and they are the same outfit that clamed that Republicans held a 1 point lead in the generic ballot when Democrats won by 8. Warren's lead is 4 which is within most polls' margin of error. Sanders holds a 4.8 point advantage which is somewhat above the margin of error for most polls.

In 2016, people had no doubts of who Trump was. His dishonesty ratings were slightly higher than Clinton's but essentially the same. Suburban voters reluctantly voted against Clinton rather than for Trump and they likely will vote against Trump.
of course there was no evidence against Hillary, just garbage propaganda repeated endlessly for 25 years.... Many independent idiots said there must be something to all that.... Nope.
...Biden is the man who actually obstructed justice by getting a prosecutor fired in Ukraine when he was investigating his son.
Biden survived a lot worse He stood up to calamity Think the yellow POS trump could?
This too?
Trump supporters, please tell me you agree and think this is horrible

About this website


GOP Rep. blasts Trump's tweet warning of 'civil war," calling it 'beyond repugnant'
GOP. Rep. Adam Kinzinger blasted President Trump's tweet warning of a 'civil war like-fracture' if Trump were to face impeachment charges, calling it 'beyond repugnant' the president would try to gin up images of violence in the face of impeachment.
Not a Trump supporter, but who cares who says what at this point? They are all just shouting nonsense, just the way Trump likes to play it. It is getting a little old.
So you say, but I don't see any proof in your post, no links that show that it's been investigated by the Ukrainians or that there was no problem, just the IMPRESSION that Hunter Biden was trading on his father's name. Your name calling fails to convince, by the way, and just makes you look desperate.
the fact that GOP voters have been duped by a brilliant gigantic propaganda machine is the biggest story of the last 30 years. A disgrace. It is not name calling it is the biggest story in politics the last 30 years. Innocent until proven guilty and no gigantic conspiracy theories with no evidence oh, thank you very much super duper LOL
Fankie get your shit right before you post again.
It's the Democrats who control the vehicle for propaganda the democrat controlled mainstream media.
Sure, the Democrats control all respected journalists around the world LOL, the BBC France 24 the hindustani times the newspaper and media of record in every respected country around the world, in fact every newspaper and media not owned by Rupert Murdoch. Dumbass dupe.
There are no more "respected" journalists-they have become yellow journalism hacks.
Always good to get the brainwashed functional morons' Outlook, brainwashed functional moron...
Which media member is the worst? I say Brook Baldwin-tho she is cute for a moron.
the fact that GOP voters have been duped by a brilliant gigantic propaganda machine is the biggest story of the last 30 years. A disgrace. It is not name calling it is the biggest story in politics the last 30 years. Innocent until proven guilty and no gigantic conspiracy theories with no evidence oh, thank you very much super duper LOL
Fankie get your shit right before you post again.
It's the Democrats who control the vehicle for propaganda the democrat controlled mainstream media.
Sure, the Democrats control all respected journalists around the world LOL, the BBC France 24 the hindustani times the newspaper and media of record in every respected country around the world, in fact every newspaper and media not owned by Rupert Murdoch. Dumbass dupe.
There are no more "respected" journalists-they have become yellow journalism hacks.
Always good to get the brainwashed functional morons' Outlook, brainwashed functional moron...
Which media member is the worst? I say Brook Baldwin-tho she is cute for a moron.
Fox primetime Rush Limbaugh Savage etc etc are all a disgrace... There is a right-wing conspiracy against the truth and Democrats.
Fankie get your shit right before you post again.
It's the Democrats who control the vehicle for propaganda the democrat controlled mainstream media.
Sure, the Democrats control all respected journalists around the world LOL, the BBC France 24 the hindustani times the newspaper and media of record in every respected country around the world, in fact every newspaper and media not owned by Rupert Murdoch. Dumbass dupe.
There are no more "respected" journalists-they have become yellow journalism hacks.
Always good to get the brainwashed functional morons' Outlook, brainwashed functional moron...
Which media member is the worst? I say Brook Baldwin-tho she is cute for a moron.
Fox primetime Rush Limbaugh Savage etc etc are all a disgrace... There is a right-wing conspiracy against the truth and Democrats.
And there are no leftist disgraces-com'on you know better.
Another lie. He asked the Ukrainians to aid an existing investigation into the 2016 election and corruption that had occurred in the past. Does Biden's run for President exempt him from being investigated for apparent corruption? Heck, a fair investigation might have found Biden did nothing wrong...why do you oppose an investigation?
it has all been investigated several times by the ukrainians and they found no evidence of any problem. There is no evidence of any problem, just lying scumbag GOP propagandists and the dupes like you.

So you say, but I don't see any proof in your post, no links that show that it's been investigated by the Ukrainians or that there was no problem, just the IMPRESSION that Hunter Biden was trading on his father's name. Your name calling fails to convince, by the way, and just makes you look desperate.
the fact that GOP voters have been duped by a brilliant gigantic propaganda machine is the biggest story of the last 30 years. A disgrace. It is not name calling it is the biggest story in politics the last 30 years. Innocent until proven guilty and no gigantic conspiracy theories with no evidence oh, thank you very much super duper LOL
Fankie get your shit right before you post again.
It's the Democrats who control the vehicle for propaganda the democrat controlled mainstream media.
Sure, the Democrats control all respected journalists around the world LOL, the BBC France 24 the hindustani times the newspaper and media of record in every respected country around the world, in fact every newspaper and media not owned by Rupert Murdoch. Dumbass dupe.
Frankie, there are not respected journalists they are all DNC hacks
Fankie get your shit right before you post again.
It's the Democrats who control the vehicle for propaganda the democrat controlled mainstream media.
Sure, the Democrats control all respected journalists around the world LOL, the BBC France 24 the hindustani times the newspaper and media of record in every respected country around the world, in fact every newspaper and media not owned by Rupert Murdoch. Dumbass dupe.
There are no more "respected" journalists-they have become yellow journalism hacks.
Always good to get the brainwashed functional morons' Outlook, brainwashed functional moron...
Which media member is the worst? I say Brook Baldwin-tho she is cute for a moron.
Fox primetime Rush Limbaugh Savage etc etc are all a disgrace... There is a right-wing conspiracy against the truth and Democrats.
Rush is pretty much on target Savage close second Levin number 1 all you have are dishonest hacks for the DNC.Frankie.

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