Trump Winning: Number Of People Collecting Unemployment Reaches 17-Year Low...

The #'s are from 2016 ... the first quarter of 2017 isn't even over yet, and the full year report wont come until around this time in 2018.

Thanks Obama, boomers are retiring in record #'s.

Huh? The unemployment insurance numbers are as of last week. And retirees have nothing to do with unemployment insurance.

its not unemployment, its retiring/ed ... retired=no longer employed ... no longer employed= no need for unemployment ins
The OP is about the number of continuing unemployment insurance claims. Retirees cannot have any effect on that number. That number is also completely independent of the official unemployment level and rate.

And I'm still trying to figure out why you falsely claimed the data were from 2016.

But how many of the claims simply ran out before and the applicant was still looking for work? Is that recorded?
No. But it doesn't need to be. The unemployment numbers used for the unemployment rate are from a monthly household survey that asks about job search activity, but does not ask about unemployment insurance. If someone is not working, actively looking for work, and could start work if offered, s/he is unemployed regardless of if s/he was ever eligible for or ever received UI benefits.

Well, for the numbers to be meaningful, one would need to know whether the reduction in benefits paid was entirely to due fewer people applying, or whether significant numbers of people were just seeing their benefit periods expire.

If 10 people are received EI in February, and 5 of them reach the end of their benefit period at the end of February, but haven't found work, yes the amount paid out in benefits goes down, as does the number of claimants, but that only means that half of them had their benefits run out.

Admittedly there were no new applicants to replace those who came off the program, but it would be helpful to know whose names are coming off the EI roles are doing so because they've found work, of if it's because their benefits ran out.
Thank you President Obama!!! Too bad the job creation numbers are falling now that the oranged-faced clown is President.

The #'s are from 2016 ... the first quarter of 2017 isn't even over yet, and the full year report wont come until around this time in 2018.

Thanks Obama, boomers are retiring in record #'s.

Huh? The unemployment insurance numbers are as of last week. And retirees have nothing to do with unemployment insurance.

its not unemployment, its retiring/ed ... retired=no longer employed ... no longer employed= no need for unemployment ins
The OP is about the number of continuing unemployment insurance claims. Retirees cannot have any effect on that number. That number is also completely independent of the official unemployment level and rate.

And I'm still trying to figure out why you falsely claimed the data were from 2016.
Thank you President Obama!!! Too bad the job creation numbers are falling now that the oranged-faced clown is President.

The #'s are from 2016 ... the first quarter of 2017 isn't even over yet, and the full year report wont come until around this time in 2018.

Thanks Obama, boomers are retiring in record #'s.

Huh? The unemployment insurance numbers are as of last week. And retirees have nothing to do with unemployment insurance.

its not unemployment, its retiring/ed ... retired=no longer employed ... no longer employed= no need for unemployment ins
The OP is about the number of continuing unemployment insurance claims. Retirees cannot have any effect on that number. That number is also completely independent of the official unemployment level and rate.

And I'm still trying to figure out why you falsely claimed the data were from 2016.

are people that retire active on the unemploymet list ?

We're not talking about the unemployment rate. We're talking about the number of people receiving EI - two entirely different things. The number of EI recipients is at a 17 year low, but it's unclear whether it's due to benefits expiring, and no new applicants to replace them, or it's because they find work. Retirements don't affect this rate at all.
The OP is about the number of continuing unemployment insurance claims. Retirees cannot have any effect on that number. That number is also completely independent of the official unemployment level and rate.

And I'm still trying to figure out why you falsely claimed the data were from 2016.

Can you collect unemployment if you are on Social Security?
This can reduce unemployment benefits to near zero for most workers. In 2002, 22 states still had offset rules, with five of those requiring a 100 percent offset. That meant that if you received Social Security retirement payments and lost your job, you received no unemployment compensation.
Thank you President Obama!!! Too bad the job creation numbers are falling now that the oranged-faced clown is President.

The #'s are from 2016 ... the first quarter of 2017 isn't even over yet, and the full year report wont come until around this time in 2018.

Thanks Obama, boomers are retiring in record #'s.

Huh? The unemployment insurance numbers are as of last week. And retirees have nothing to do with unemployment insurance.

its not unemployment, its retiring/ed ... retired=no longer employed ... no longer employed= no need for unemployment ins
The OP is about the number of continuing unemployment insurance claims. Retirees cannot have any effect on that number. That number is also completely independent of the official unemployment level and rate.

And I'm still trying to figure out why you falsely claimed the data were from 2016.
Thank you President Obama!!! Too bad the job creation numbers are falling now that the oranged-faced clown is President.

The #'s are from 2016 ... the first quarter of 2017 isn't even over yet, and the full year report wont come until around this time in 2018.

Thanks Obama, boomers are retiring in record #'s.

Huh? The unemployment insurance numbers are as of last week. And retirees have nothing to do with unemployment insurance.

its not unemployment, its retiring/ed ... retired=no longer employed ... no longer employed= no need for unemployment ins
The OP is about the number of continuing unemployment insurance claims. Retirees cannot have any effect on that number. That number is also completely independent of the official unemployment level and rate.

And I'm still trying to figure out why you falsely claimed the data were from 2016.

are people that retire active on the unemploymet list ?
What unemployment list? The OP is about Unemployment Insurance Claims. There are about 2 million people receiving UI benefits. That number comes from the states as just a count. There is no single list of names. There are about 7 million total unemployed. There is no list, that number comes from a sample survey of the population.

There is no way that any change in the number of retirees would in any way change the number of people applying for or collecting unemployment insurance. Walk me through the math on how it could.
Eight years of hell with Obama, Trump is fixing his mess


In those 8 years, we went from $1.5 trillion deficits to $400 billion deficits. From 8.5% unemployment and losing 770,000 jobs a month, to 4.5% unemployment and creating 250,000 jobs a month.

DOW under Obama went up 11,000 points (more than double) Yup, pure hell.
Huh? The unemployment insurance numbers are as of last week. And retirees have nothing to do with unemployment insurance.

its not unemployment, its retiring/ed ... retired=no longer employed ... no longer employed= no need for unemployment ins
The OP is about the number of continuing unemployment insurance claims. Retirees cannot have any effect on that number. That number is also completely independent of the official unemployment level and rate.

And I'm still trying to figure out why you falsely claimed the data were from 2016.

But how many of the claims simply ran out before and the applicant was still looking for work? Is that recorded?
No. But it doesn't need to be. The unemployment numbers used for the unemployment rate are from a monthly household survey that asks about job search activity, but does not ask about unemployment insurance. If someone is not working, actively looking for work, and could start work if offered, s/he is unemployed regardless of if s/he was ever eligible for or ever received UI benefits.

Well, for the numbers to be meaningful, one would need to know whether the reduction in benefits paid was entirely to due fewer people applying, or whether significant numbers of people were just seeing their benefit periods expire.

If 10 people are received EI in February, and 5 of them reach the end of their benefit period at the end of February, but haven't found work, yes the amount paid out in benefits goes down, as does the number of claimants, but that only means that half of them had their benefits run out.

Admittedly there were no new applicants to replace those who came off the program, but it would be helpful to know whose names are coming off the EI roles are doing so because they've found work, of if it's because their benefits ran out.
Unfortunately there's no way to no exactly why people are no longer receiving insurance. However, we can look at the unemployment rate and the jobs numbers to see how the jobs market is.
Eight years of hell with Obama, Trump is fixing his mess


In those 8 years, we went from $1.5 trillion deficits to $400 billion deficits. From 8.5% unemployment and losing 770,000 jobs a month, to 4.5% unemployment and creating 250,000 jobs a month.

DOW under Obama went up 11,000 points (more than double) Yup, pure hell.

And we have to pay that money back

Remind me again how Obama got those jobs?
Remind me again how Obama got those jobs?

By doing everything you objected to. GM bailout, cash for clunkers, infrastructure spending, deficit reduction.

What infrastructure spending asshole?

Minimum wage "jobs" should never ever be included as a success. When jobs numbers come out that should be released to the public. One cannot survive on that. But no administration ever let's us know. Typical american politicians skewing things. 20 dollars per hour is decent, not good, but decent.
What infrastructure spending asshole?


What Has Obama Done? 11 Major Accomplishments

In February 2009, Congress approved Obama's $787 billion economic stimulus package. It cut taxes, extended unemployment benefits, and funded public works projects. The recession ended in July when GDP growth turned positive. In just seven months, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act pumped $241.9 billion into the economy. That increased growth to a robust 3.9 percent rate by early 2010. By March 30, 2011, almost all ($633.5 billion) of the funds were spent.

Obama bailed out the U.S. auto industry on March 30, 2009. The Federal government took over General Motors and Chrysler, saving three million jobs. It forced the companies to become more fuel efficient and therefore more globally competitive.
What infrastructure spending asshole?


What Has Obama Done? 11 Major Accomplishments

In February 2009, Congress approved Obama's $787 billion economic stimulus package. It cut taxes, extended unemployment benefits, and funded public works projects. The recession ended in July when GDP growth turned positive. In just seven months, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act pumped $241.9 billion into the economy. That increased growth to a robust 3.9 percent rate by early 2010. By March 30, 2011, almost all ($633.5 billion) of the funds were spent.

Obama bailed out the U.S. auto industry on March 30, 2009. The Federal government took over General Motors and Chrysler, saving three million jobs. It forced the companies to become more fuel efficient and therefore more globally competitive.

You fucking moron Chrysler was bought out by fiat years ago

And deflect much?

And deflect much?


Why does you chart end at 2012?

And as I showed you, the big increases in infrastructure spending were to get us out of the recession. 2009 / 2010

In February 2009, Congress approved Obama's $787 billion economic stimulus package.

That increased growth to a robust 3.9 percent rate by early 2010. By March 30, 2011, almost all ($633.5 billion) of the funds were spent.

Probably because that's the last data..
And no the stimulus funds were not all spent

And the ones that were was went to GM pension programs and for trees , signs and the like

This is great news. I like when he focuses on domestic issues. I really hope he doesn't get bogged down in quagmire wars around the world. It'll take his focus away from domestic issues. But let's celebrate this good news.

The number of out-of-work people collecting unemployment checks fell to a 17-year low in April, underscoring the strongest U.S. labor market in years.

So-called continuing jobless claims fell by 49,000 to 1.98 million, marking just the second time they’ve fallen below 2 million during the current eight-year-old economic expansion. Continuing claims also dipped below the 2 million mark in March.

The last time state unemployment offices sent out fewer checks to jobless Americans was in April 2000, the government reported Thursday...

Number of people collecting unemployment checks hits 17-year low, jobless claims show

Trump said repeal of Obamacare would create jobs. Tax reform, would create jobs, infrastructure spending would create jobs. But Trump has done none of that. As it says, the current 8 year-old economic expansion.

Eight years. Thanks Obama.

Eight years of hell with Obama, Trump is fixing his mess

As evidenced by this thread. :lmao:
Minimum wage "jobs" should never ever be included as a success. When jobs numbers come out that should be released to the public.
The questionnaire for the jobs survey used for the jobs created number consists of the following questions.
Total employees on payroll
Total non-supervisory employees
Total female employees.
Total payroll
Total hours
Overtime hours

There is no way to know how many are minimum wage. But we can see if average pay is going up or down (it's going up).

One cannot survive on that. But no administration ever let's us know.
Yeah, wouldn't it helpful if each year, based on extensive household surveys, the government released a report covering Characteristics of minimum wage workers

[sarcasm]gee, too bad that would never happen[/sarcasm]
The OP is about the number of continuing unemployment insurance claims. Retirees cannot have any effect on that number. That number is also completely independent of the official unemployment level and rate.

And I'm still trying to figure out why you falsely claimed the data were from 2016.

Can you collect unemployment if you are on Social Security?
This can reduce unemployment benefits to near zero for most workers. In 2002, 22 states still had offset rules, with five of those requiring a 100 percent offset. That meant that if you received Social Security retirement payments and lost your job, you received no unemployment compensation.
I assumed we were talking about people fully retired. People working are still in the labor force regardless of age or if they're receiving social security. And people looking for work are still in the labor force regardless of age or receipt of social security. And people who lose their jobs have not retired, they've been laid off.

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