Trump Winning: Number Of People Collecting Unemployment Reaches 17-Year Low...

OK, so you all agree BHO 's economy is a success.

Yes, we should encourage job training wherever possible.

Ha you do know Trump is the President, not Obama, right? He gets all the credit for both the failures and successes. And this is a success. So good on em. :thup:
Nope, Obama gets credit for the rebuilding of the economy. Not a thing you can do about that. But, yes, Trump is responsible for the National Labor Participation Force fall out rate reaching almost 100 million.

Ya gotta stop living in denial. Trump's the President, not Obama or Clinton. He gets all the credit for current failures and successes. And this one's a success. Y'all haters gotta move on.
This is great news. I like when he focuses on domestic issues. I really hope he doesn't get bogged down in quagmire wars around the world. It'll take his focus away from domestic issues. But let's celebrate this good news.

The number of out-of-work people collecting unemployment checks fell to a 17-year low in April, underscoring the strongest U.S. labor market in years.

So-called continuing jobless claims fell by 49,000 to 1.98 million, marking just the second time they’ve fallen below 2 million during the current eight-year-old economic expansion. Continuing claims also dipped below the 2 million mark in March.

The last time state unemployment offices sent out fewer checks to jobless Americans was in April 2000, the government reported Thursday...

Number of people collecting unemployment checks hits 17-year low, jobless claims show
Those numbers have been going down for years. Great news, but adding "Trump Winning" is fake news.

This is great news. I like when he focuses on domestic issues. I really hope he doesn't get bogged down in quagmire wars around the world. It'll take his focus away from domestic issues. But let's celebrate this good news.

The number of out-of-work people collecting unemployment checks fell to a 17-year low in April, underscoring the strongest U.S. labor market in years.

So-called continuing jobless claims fell by 49,000 to 1.98 million, marking just the second time they’ve fallen below 2 million during the current eight-year-old economic expansion. Continuing claims also dipped below the 2 million mark in March.

The last time state unemployment offices sent out fewer checks to jobless Americans was in April 2000, the government reported Thursday...

Number of people collecting unemployment checks hits 17-year low, jobless claims show
Those numbers have been going down for years. Great news, but adding "Trump Winning" is fake news.

Aw come on now? That's a bit petty, don't ya think? It's good news for American Workers. We should all be pleased.
I said it's great news. You are attributing it to Trump. That is fake news.

He's the President. It's his show. He gets the credit for both failures and successes. And this is a success. So good on em. :thup:
So Trump's to blame then for us having the 4th worst month, in terms of job growth, than we've had in the last 4 years, is that right?

Bureau of Labor Statistics Data

This is great news. I like when he focuses on domestic issues. I really hope he doesn't get bogged down in quagmire wars around the world. It'll take his focus away from domestic issues. But let's celebrate this good news.

The number of out-of-work people collecting unemployment checks fell to a 17-year low in April, underscoring the strongest U.S. labor market in years.

So-called continuing jobless claims fell by 49,000 to 1.98 million, marking just the second time they’ve fallen below 2 million during the current eight-year-old economic expansion. Continuing claims also dipped below the 2 million mark in March.

The last time state unemployment offices sent out fewer checks to jobless Americans was in April 2000, the government reported Thursday...

Number of people collecting unemployment checks hits 17-year low, jobless claims show
Those numbers have been going down for years. Great news, but adding "Trump Winning" is fake news.

This is great news. I like when he focuses on domestic issues. I really hope he doesn't get bogged down in quagmire wars around the world. It'll take his focus away from domestic issues. But let's celebrate this good news.

The number of out-of-work people collecting unemployment checks fell to a 17-year low in April, underscoring the strongest U.S. labor market in years.

So-called continuing jobless claims fell by 49,000 to 1.98 million, marking just the second time they’ve fallen below 2 million during the current eight-year-old economic expansion. Continuing claims also dipped below the 2 million mark in March.

The last time state unemployment offices sent out fewer checks to jobless Americans was in April 2000, the government reported Thursday...

Number of people collecting unemployment checks hits 17-year low, jobless claims show
Those numbers have been going down for years. Great news, but adding "Trump Winning" is fake news.

Aw come on now? That's a bit petty, don't ya think? It's good news for American Workers. We should all be pleased.
I said it's great news. You are attributing it to Trump. That is fake news.

What? We went to a anti business president to a pro business president and you claim it to be fake news?


The only business Trump is helping, is his own. For the rest of the US, he's just screwing with you.
This is great news. I like when he focuses on domestic issues. I really hope he doesn't get bogged down in quagmire wars around the world. It'll take his focus away from domestic issues. But let's celebrate this good news.

The number of out-of-work people collecting unemployment checks fell to a 17-year low in April, underscoring the strongest U.S. labor market in years.

So-called continuing jobless claims fell by 49,000 to 1.98 million, marking just the second time they’ve fallen below 2 million during the current eight-year-old economic expansion. Continuing claims also dipped below the 2 million mark in March.

The last time state unemployment offices sent out fewer checks to jobless Americans was in April 2000, the government reported Thursday...

Number of people collecting unemployment checks hits 17-year low, jobless claims show
Those numbers have been going down for years. Great news, but adding "Trump Winning" is fake news.

This is great news. I like when he focuses on domestic issues. I really hope he doesn't get bogged down in quagmire wars around the world. It'll take his focus away from domestic issues. But let's celebrate this good news.

The number of out-of-work people collecting unemployment checks fell to a 17-year low in April, underscoring the strongest U.S. labor market in years.

So-called continuing jobless claims fell by 49,000 to 1.98 million, marking just the second time they’ve fallen below 2 million during the current eight-year-old economic expansion. Continuing claims also dipped below the 2 million mark in March.

The last time state unemployment offices sent out fewer checks to jobless Americans was in April 2000, the government reported Thursday...

Number of people collecting unemployment checks hits 17-year low, jobless claims show
Those numbers have been going down for years. Great news, but adding "Trump Winning" is fake news.

Aw come on now? That's a bit petty, don't ya think? It's good news for American Workers. We should all be pleased.
I said it's great news. You are attributing it to Trump. That is fake news.

What? We went to a anti business president to a pro business president and you claim it to be fake news?


The only business Trump is helping, is his own. For the rest of the US, he's just screwing with you.

These numbers don't support your accusation. This is good news for American Workers. It is what it is.
Those numbers have been going down for years. Great news, but adding "Trump Winning" is fake news.

Those numbers have been going down for years. Great news, but adding "Trump Winning" is fake news.

Aw come on now? That's a bit petty, don't ya think? It's good news for American Workers. We should all be pleased.
I said it's great news. You are attributing it to Trump. That is fake news.

What? We went to a anti business president to a pro business president and you claim it to be fake news?


The only business Trump is helping, is his own. For the rest of the US, he's just screwing with you.

These numbers don't support your accusation. This is good news for American Workers. It is what it is.

These numbers have nothing to do with Trump. They represent the 8 years of the Obama Administration's work to put America back to work. Yes, they are good for the American workers, and that's why I thanked Obama for all he did for the American workers.

You can't claim that two months of Trump being President had ANYTHING to do with the lowest unemployment claims in 17 years. That is an amazing achievement even if you assholes continue to deny what a good President you had.
Aw come on now? That's a bit petty, don't ya think? It's good news for American Workers. We should all be pleased.
I said it's great news. You are attributing it to Trump. That is fake news.

What? We went to a anti business president to a pro business president and you claim it to be fake news?


The only business Trump is helping, is his own. For the rest of the US, he's just screwing with you.

These numbers don't support your accusation. This is good news for American Workers. It is what it is.

These numbers have nothing to do with Trump. They represent the 8 years of the Obama Administration's work to put America back to work. Yes, they are good for the American workers, and that's why I thanked Obama for all he did for the American workers.

You can't claim that two months of Trump being President had ANYTHING to do with the lowest unemployment claims in 17 years. That is an amazing achievement even if you assholes continue to deny what a good President you had.

Come on now? That's very petty, no? He's the President now. He rightfully gets the credit for both failures and successes. And this is a success. You're being very hateful and partisan. It's clouding your judgement.
. . . while the National Labor Participate Rate of people falling out of the work force reaches almost 100 million
First learn the difference between a level and a rate. You say rate, but then cite a level.
Second, "Not in the Labor Force" does not mean "falling out of the work force.' Of the current 94.5 million Not in the Labor Force (meaning neither working nor trying to work), 89 million (94.2%) say they don't want a job now. Of those who say they do want a job, 3.3 million have not done a single thing in the last year to find a job. And of the 2.2 million who have looked for work in the last year but not the last 4 weeks, 604,000 say they couldn't start a job at this time if one was offered.

The Labor Force Participation Rate tells us what percent of the population is currently willing and able to work. It tells us nothing about unemployment.
Why not? Anyone not participating in the market for labor, is by definition, unemployed by that market.
No, the people in the market, who cannot find work, are unemployed by definition.
Those not participating are, by definition, NOT unemployed.

If someone does not apply for a job, and then is not hired, what does that tell us about how hard it is to get a job? Nothing

Yes, they are unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.

Should we clamor for, Truth in legislative Advertising?
pinqy is quibbling on semantics when the logic of numbers confound him.

We are almost 100 million fallen out of the labor force, and Trump has done nothing to fix that.
They haven't "fallen" and there's nothing that needs fixing. Do you want to force people to try to work? Why exactly do you think it's a problem and how do you think it should be fixed?
The numbers continue to confound you. And you have no solution at all, do you? Don't feel bad, neither does Trump.
Lowering taxes for the one percent, is a one percent solution.
. . . while the National Labor Participate Rate of people falling out of the work force reaches almost 100 million
First learn the difference between a level and a rate. You say rate, but then cite a level.
Second, "Not in the Labor Force" does not mean "falling out of the work force.' Of the current 94.5 million Not in the Labor Force (meaning neither working nor trying to work), 89 million (94.2%) say they don't want a job now. Of those who say they do want a job, 3.3 million have not done a single thing in the last year to find a job. And of the 2.2 million who have looked for work in the last year but not the last 4 weeks, 604,000 say they couldn't start a job at this time if one was offered.

The Labor Force Participation Rate tells us what percent of the population is currently willing and able to work. It tells us nothing about unemployment.
Why not? Anyone not participating in the market for labor, is by definition, unemployed by that market.
No, the people in the market, who cannot find work, are unemployed by definition.
Those not participating are, by definition, NOT unemployed.

If someone does not apply for a job, and then is not hired, what does that tell us about how hard it is to get a job? Nothing

Yes, they are unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.

Should we clamor for, Truth in legislative Advertising?

There are jobs. Those who really want to work, will work.
pinqy is quibbling on semantics when the logic of numbers confound him.

We are almost 100 million fallen out of the labor force, and Trump has done nothing to fix that.
They haven't "fallen" and there's nothing that needs fixing. Do you want to force people to try to work? Why exactly do you think it's a problem and how do you think it should be fixed?
The numbers continue to confound you. And you have no solution at all, do you? Don't feel bad, neither does Trump.
They don't confound me. I understand them far better than you do. You still haven't articulated why you think 94 million people who do not want to work, or are unwilling to work, or are unable to work is a problem with the labor market.

Do you want the breakout of elderly, disabled, full time students age 16-24, and stay-home spouses?
Our economy is "sluggish" because not enough people are circulating money.
This is great news. I like when he focuses on domestic issues. I really hope he doesn't get bogged down in quagmire wars around the world. It'll take his focus away from domestic issues. But let's celebrate this good news.

The number of out-of-work people collecting unemployment checks fell to a 17-year low in April, underscoring the strongest U.S. labor market in years.

So-called continuing jobless claims fell by 49,000 to 1.98 million, marking just the second time they’ve fallen below 2 million during the current eight-year-old economic expansion. Continuing claims also dipped below the 2 million mark in March.

The last time state unemployment offices sent out fewer checks to jobless Americans was in April 2000, the government reported Thursday...

Number of people collecting unemployment checks hits 17-year low, jobless claims show
That's because they've given up looking for work, remember? What is the "real" unemployment number?

Why would someone give up looking for work? I don't get that one. There's jobs out there. If someone really wants to work, they will.
That's just what Republicans were saying last year. Trump included. When unemployment went down recently they asked if 4% unemployment was fake he said no it's real now.

Republicans are shameless hypocrites. I'm just immitating them.
This is great news. I like when he focuses on domestic issues. I really hope he doesn't get bogged down in quagmire wars around the world. It'll take his focus away from domestic issues. But let's celebrate this good news.

The number of out-of-work people collecting unemployment checks fell to a 17-year low in April, underscoring the strongest U.S. labor market in years.

So-called continuing jobless claims fell by 49,000 to 1.98 million, marking just the second time they’ve fallen below 2 million during the current eight-year-old economic expansion. Continuing claims also dipped below the 2 million mark in March.

The last time state unemployment offices sent out fewer checks to jobless Americans was in April 2000, the government reported Thursday...

Number of people collecting unemployment checks hits 17-year low, jobless claims show
That's because they've given up looking for work, remember? What is the "real" unemployment number?

Why would someone give up looking for work? I don't get that one. There's jobs out there. If someone really wants to work, they will.
That's just what Republicans were saying last year. Trump included. When unemployment went down recently they asked if 4% unemployment was fake he said no it's real now.

Republicans are shameless hypocrites. I'm just immigrating them.

Huh whaaa? You're not making much sense.
People are also under employed. That means they're working but not making enough. Isn't that right Republicans? That's what you were saying last year
This is great news. I like when he focuses on domestic issues. I really hope he doesn't get bogged down in quagmire wars around the world. It'll take his focus away from domestic issues. But let's celebrate this good news.

The number of out-of-work people collecting unemployment checks fell to a 17-year low in April, underscoring the strongest U.S. labor market in years.

So-called continuing jobless claims fell by 49,000 to 1.98 million, marking just the second time they’ve fallen below 2 million during the current eight-year-old economic expansion. Continuing claims also dipped below the 2 million mark in March.

The last time state unemployment offices sent out fewer checks to jobless Americans was in April 2000, the government reported Thursday...

Number of people collecting unemployment checks hits 17-year low, jobless claims show
That's because they've given up looking for work, remember? What is the "real" unemployment number?

Why would someone give up looking for work? I don't get that one. There's jobs out there. If someone really wants to work, they will.
That's just what Republicans were saying last year. Trump included. When unemployment went down recently they asked if 4% unemployment was fake he said no it's real now.

Republicans are shameless hypocrites. I'm just immigrating them.

Huh whaaa? You're not making much sense.
Immitating. I'm wondering why Republicans aren't talking about the underemployed or real unemployment number anymore
People are also under employed. That means they're working but not making enough. Isn't that right Republicans? That's what you were saying last year

This is good news for American Workers. Why can't you acknowledge that?
. . . while the National Labor Participate Rate of people falling out of the work force reaches almost 100 million
First learn the difference between a level and a rate. You say rate, but then cite a level.
Second, "Not in the Labor Force" does not mean "falling out of the work force.' Of the current 94.5 million Not in the Labor Force (meaning neither working nor trying to work), 89 million (94.2%) say they don't want a job now. Of those who say they do want a job, 3.3 million have not done a single thing in the last year to find a job. And of the 2.2 million who have looked for work in the last year but not the last 4 weeks, 604,000 say they couldn't start a job at this time if one was offered.

The Labor Force Participation Rate tells us what percent of the population is currently willing and able to work. It tells us nothing about unemployment.
Why not? Anyone not participating in the market for labor, is by definition, unemployed by that market.
No, the people in the market, who cannot find work, are unemployed by definition.
Those not participating are, by definition, NOT unemployed.

If someone does not apply for a job, and then is not hired, what does that tell us about how hard it is to get a job? Nothing

Yes, they are unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States.

Should we clamor for, Truth in legislative Advertising?

There are jobs. Those who really want to work, will work.
for everyone on welfare?
. . . while the National Labor Participate Rate of people falling out of the work force reaches almost 100 million
First learn the difference between a level and a rate. You say rate, but then cite a level.
Second, "Not in the Labor Force" does not mean "falling out of the work force.' Of the current 94.5 million Not in the Labor Force (meaning neither working nor trying to work), 89 million (94.2%) say they don't want a job now. Of those who say they do want a job, 3.3 million have not done a single thing in the last year to find a job. And of the 2.2 million who have looked for work in the last year but not the last 4 weeks, 604,000 say they couldn't start a job at this time if one was offered.

The Labor Force Participation Rate tells us what percent of the population is currently willing and able to work. It tells us nothing about unemployment.
Why not? Anyone not participating in the market for labor, is by definition, unemployed by that market.
No, the people in the market, who cannot find work, are unemployed by definition.
Those not participating are, by definition, NOT unemployed.

If someone does not apply for a job, and then is not hired, what does that tell us about how hard it is to get a job? Nothing

Yes, they are unemployed on an at-will basis in our at-will employment States
I was finally curious enough to check: you are indeed the only person to use the phrase "unemployed on an at-will basis." So if you're the only one to hold a concept, then why do you expect it to make sense to anyone else?
This is great news. I like when he focuses on domestic issues. I really hope he doesn't get bogged down in quagmire wars around the world. It'll take his focus away from domestic issues. But let's celebrate this good news.

The number of out-of-work people collecting unemployment checks fell to a 17-year low in April, underscoring the strongest U.S. labor market in years.

So-called continuing jobless claims fell by 49,000 to 1.98 million, marking just the second time they’ve fallen below 2 million during the current eight-year-old economic expansion. Continuing claims also dipped below the 2 million mark in March.

The last time state unemployment offices sent out fewer checks to jobless Americans was in April 2000, the government reported Thursday...

Number of people collecting unemployment checks hits 17-year low, jobless claims show
That's because they've given up looking for work, remember? What is the "real" unemployment number?

Why would someone give up looking for work? I don't get that one. There's jobs out there. If someone really wants to work, they will.
That's just what Republicans were saying last year. Trump included. When unemployment went down recently they asked if 4% unemployment was fake he said no it's real now.

Republicans are shameless hypocrites. I'm just immigrating them.

Huh whaaa? You're not making much sense.
Immitating. I'm wondering why Republicans aren't talking about the underemployed or real unemployment number anymore

this is one of those RW basket case questions ... no answer will ever be good enough for them, and their hypocrisy is totally irrelevant when they're not busy lying.
Aw come on now? That's a bit petty, don't ya think? It's good news for American Workers. We should all be pleased.
I said it's great news. You are attributing it to Trump. That is fake news.

What? We went to a anti business president to a pro business president and you claim it to be fake news?


The only business Trump is helping, is his own. For the rest of the US, he's just screwing with you.

These numbers don't support your accusation. This is good news for American Workers. It is what it is.

These numbers have nothing to do with Trump. They represent the 8 years of the Obama Administration's work to put America back to work. Yes, they are good for the American workers, and that's why I thanked Obama for all he did for the American workers.

You can't claim that two months of Trump being President had ANYTHING to do with the lowest unemployment claims in 17 years. That is an amazing achievement even if you assholes continue to deny what a good President you had.

God damn...

Obama slowed it down / tried to crash job growth...

It was the Republican governors who brought in the jobs despite Obama

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