Trump won over 3,000 counties

It reflects the will of the voters on the state level. You need to remember that the federal government did not create the states, rather the states created the federal government.

Big deal. The voters are the people. Hillary got more than 2 million more votes from the people. Yes, Trump won on a technicality, but it was only a technicality. The majority of the voters don't support him.

Yes, Trump won on a technicality, but it was only a technicality.

That 'technicality' has decided elections for a couple of centuries

The majority of the voters don't support him.

The majority of the country does

Nope. More than 2 million more voters said the county chose Hillary. Trump weaseled a win, but it doesn't reflect the will of the country.
If the country had chosen Hillary, she would have the Electoral votes to show for it.

Why do you want two or three states to decide the presidency?

1 California 39,497,345

3 Florida 20,636,975

4 New York 19,842,724

5 Illinois 12,837,801

Win those 4 states, you have the popular vote locked up, the other 46 get fucked
Well no. The electoral college doesn't reflect the popular vote. I acknowledge that is how our system works. but it still doesn't reflect the will of the voters. If it did, more votes, which Hillary received, would select the president.
Crazy Cali does not count and should not count...
To the contrary, it does, per state

You really do need a refresher course in civics.

So more votes don't determine the winner. Hard to say that effects the will of the majority of voters.

So more votes don't determine the winner.

they do, per state.

and they get electoral votes for having the most votes

then all the electoral votes are counted, and the person with the most become president.
Haven't they covered this at your grade level?
As I said before, I know how the electoral college works. That doesn't mean it represents the will of the voters. An actual count of the votes tells us that.

Then you don't know how the Electoral college works.
Again. I know Trump won, and why he won.. His election doesn't represent the will of the majority of the voters. The vote count reflects that.
Crazy Cali should not be determining who president of the United States...
they do, per state.

and they get electoral votes for having the most votes

then all the electoral votes are counted, and the person with the most become president.
Haven't they covered this at your grade level?
As I said before, I know how the electoral college works. That doesn't mean it represents the will of the voters. An actual count of the votes tells us that.

Then you don't know how the Electoral college works.

The electoral college will install a person in the nation's highest office despite that person coming in second in the people's vote to fill that highest office. It makes no sense at any level, by any argument.

It serves no logical purpose. It is contrary to the most basic principle of democratic government.

Good thing we're a Republic

Being a Republic does not require elections to be undemocratic. If the President were elected by popular vote, we would still be a Republic.

A Republic that includes a voting process that selects the chief of executive of the country who didn't win is flawed.

If giving elected office to the person who didn't win was a good idea, then we should do it at every level.

Let the guys who come in second be Senators, house members, governors, state legislators, county supervisors, school board members, dog catchers.

Let all the losers be winners. Would that make America better?
Na, we don't want crazy Cali determining the direction of this country. Dumbass
Holy shit that's pretty impressive.

Hillary Counties Produce 64% of Economic Output

Damn empty land has gained a whole lot of power. The suddenly bleak future belongs to the unskilled and uneducated apparently. Go Trump! :rofl:

You've produced more than your fair share of failed threads, but this one might be the greatest.

If the vast empty land denied resources, like food, water, fuel and its minerals to "Hillary's counties, that production would cease to exist.

This thread is officially killed:banana2:
The reason Trump won, is because DEMOCRATS voted for him, especially in these 3 key states, where Trump was promising them the moon & the stars--(reopening rusted out factories, & coal production.)
"The moon & the stars"???

You talk as though those are pipe dreams that could never become reality.

Democrats have clearly forgotten that those factories and that coal production were reality until the Democrats hold of them. The factories were thriving, the greatest production plant in the world. And the coal production needed to power them was another great industry, providing jobs and energy across many states.

Trump didn't win by promising them.

Hillary LOST by supporting the miserable economic agenda that destroyed them, and promising to shut down the coal production.

But go ahead and keep blaming Trump. The farther you are off track of what normal Americans believe, the longer it will be before those real Americans ever vote for you again.

I really don't give a rat's ass about what you believe, the reality is:

Trump is going against a lot of Republican policies. Republicans have always been free pro trade. They aren't going to approve of undoing written signed contracts with foreign countries regarding manufacturing in this country. They would never approve of tarriff's, that only increase the cost to the consumer and have never created a single job. (Been there done that during the Carter/Nixon administrations--they don't work.)

While trade has always been a double edged sword. Americans enjoy cheaper products, it also cost jobs in this country.

COAL PRODUCTION--We will need until we don't need it. And we will need less & less of it over time. When you see train loads of windmills coming down the tracks to supplement the power to coal fired power plants, you know that coal production is on it's way out.
Wind power is a joke at this time, totally unreliable…
twist it, spin it, doesn't matter.

Electoral votes win the presidency, not the popular votes
You are absolutely right. Even if that doesn't reflect the will of the voters.

It reflects the will of the country, not a couple of states

Still doesn't reflect the will of the people. Hillary got more than 2 million votes more votes than that orange clown.
But, only because of those millions and millions of illegal voters. :cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
twist it, spin it, doesn't matter.

Electoral votes win the presidency, not the popular votes
You are absolutely right. Even if that doesn't reflect the will of the voters.

It's been that way many many many years now. Both sides. I assume you just do not like it because Hillary lost.
It would be unfair for some state like California to carry the whole country. That means many MORE millions of votes do not count.

Assume what you want. Hillary has more voters that wanted her to be president. Trump is not the country's choice.

Well, you know what they say in the old country...........

Don't know. Don't care. Trump only won on a technicality. Most know he's nuts. Sad that you don't.

And that technicality was? He played the game correctly?

I once played in a football game when my team scored 5 times, the other team only scored 3 times. We lost even though we scored twice more then them.
Holy shit that's pretty impressive.

Hillary Counties Produce 64% of Economic Output

Damn empty land has gained a whole lot of power. The suddenly bleak future belongs to the unskilled and uneducated apparently. Go Trump! :rofl:

You've produced more than your fair share of failed threads, but this one might be the greatest.

If the vast empty land denied resources, like food, water, fuel and its minerals to "Hillary's counties, that production would cease to exist.

This thread is officially killed:banana2:
Do it. Amuse us all.
twist it, spin it, doesn't matter.

Electoral votes win the presidency, not the popular votes
You are absolutely right. Even if that doesn't reflect the will of the voters.

then lets do it by county, forget the state EC. Trump won 3084 counties, Hillary won 57. and yes, her counties are where most of the welfare and food stamp money is spent and where most of the illegal aliens reside----no surprise there
twist it, spin it, doesn't matter.

Electoral votes win the presidency, not the popular votes
You are absolutely right. Even if that doesn't reflect the will of the voters.
It reflects the will of the voters on the state level. You need to remember that the federal government did not create the states, rather the states created the federal government.

Big deal. The voters are the people. Hillary got more than 2 million more votes from the people. Yes, Trump won on a technicality, but it was only a technicality. The majority of the voters don't support him.

the constitution is NOT a technicality.
Heard about this county vote annihilation of Hilda just now...........and I will tell you.........I'm going to be laughing about this right up through Christmas. Makes Jill Stein look like even more of a mental case. Another finger poke to the eye's of my progressive in-laws coming over on Christmas day. I cant fucking wait........already have put out the Charlie Brown tree near the front door with a wrapped package that says DUMS right underneath. When winning huge.........I really can be such a prick.:2up::popcorn::popcorn:
Holy shit that's pretty impressive.

Hillary Counties Produce 64% of Economic Output

Damn empty land has gained a whole lot of power. The suddenly bleak future belongs to the unskilled and uneducated apparently. Go Trump! :rofl:

So they started with a premise and manipulate the data to prove it. From you link: (my bold)

The data comes with one important caveat: Brookings used GDP data that’s based on where people work, not where they live. So some — perhaps many — of the workers who contributed to the economies of large Clinton counties commuted into the city from nearby counties that lean more Republican.

People vote where they live.

More fake news.
That doesn't affect the numbers much. Most counties Trump won have just a handful of people living in them and account for a dismiss-able amount of the GDP.

You might want to take a peek at where your food and energy come from before you start dismissing those sparsely populated areas. But the study basically rolled the economic power of counties that commute into major cities, into the power of the counties where those major cities reside. That is a gross misrepresentation of the data.
I don't dismiss them. That doesn't mean I want people to stop building robots and advancing our technology which is what has the biggest impact on those people's jobs, and is why Trump won't be bringing them back.

Are you saying Korea, Japan, Mexico and China has better robots than we do?
Q: How many times was a president elected who did not win the popular vote?

A: It has happened four times.

Last time it was Bush.

Presidents Winning Without Popular Vote

Except the national popular vote is fiction. There is no such critter.

Our president is elected by 51 separate state popular votes (with the exception of Maine and Nebraska)

Yep, democracy ends at the State line. Regressives don't mind that when they win.
Holy shit that's pretty impressive.

Hillary Counties Produce 64% of Economic Output

Damn empty land has gained a whole lot of power. The suddenly bleak future belongs to the unskilled and uneducated apparently. Go Trump! :rofl:

You've produced more than your fair share of failed threads, but this one might be the greatest.

If the vast empty land denied resources, like food, water, fuel and its minerals to "Hillary's counties, that production would cease to exist.

This thread is officially killed:banana2:
Do it. Amuse us all.

Try changing the electoral process and you're "amusement" is assured
Holy shit that's pretty impressive.

Hillary Counties Produce 64% of Economic Output

Damn empty land has gained a whole lot of power. The suddenly bleak future belongs to the unskilled and uneducated apparently. Go Trump! :rofl:

You've produced more than your fair share of failed threads, but this one might be the greatest.

If the vast empty land denied resources, like food, water, fuel and its minerals to "Hillary's counties, that production would cease to exist.

This thread is officially killed:banana2:
Do it. Amuse us all.

Try changing the electoral process and you're "amusement" is assured
I'd rather have the future of the nation assured, which is why we must change the electoral process
Holy shit that's pretty impressive.

Hillary Counties Produce 64% of Economic Output

Damn empty land has gained a whole lot of power. The suddenly bleak future belongs to the unskilled and uneducated apparently. Go Trump! :rofl:

You've produced more than your fair share of failed threads, but this one might be the greatest.

If the vast empty land denied resources, like food, water, fuel and its minerals to "Hillary's counties, that production would cease to exist.

This thread is officially killed:banana2:
Do it. Amuse us all.

Try changing the electoral process and you're "amusement" is assured
I'd rather have the future of the nation assured, which is why we must change the electoral process

Enjoy gnawing on the neighbors leg, we in fly over country will be fat and sassy while you starve.

Do you not understand why the Founders decided the city sissies shouldn't rule the folks with the REAL power?

Too bad, how sad
Holy shit that's pretty impressive.

Hillary Counties Produce 64% of Economic Output

Damn empty land has gained a whole lot of power. The suddenly bleak future belongs to the unskilled and uneducated apparently. Go Trump! :rofl:

You've produced more than your fair share of failed threads, but this one might be the greatest.

If the vast empty land denied resources, like food, water, fuel and its minerals to "Hillary's counties, that production would cease to exist.

This thread is officially killed:banana2:
Do it. Amuse us all.

Try changing the electoral process and you're "amusement" is assured
I'd rather have the future of the nation assured, which is why we must change the electoral process

Enjoy gnawing on the neighbors leg, we in fly over country will be fat and sassy while you starve.

Do you not understand why the Founders decided the city sissies shouldn't rule the folks with the REAL power?

Too bad, how sad
Flyover country is fat and broke. And it will only get worse as you continue your war on education and demand that products at your Wal-Mart be more expensive.

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