Trump won over 3,000 counties

The reason Trump won, is because DEMOCRATS voted for him, especially in these 3 key states, where Trump was promising them the moon & the stars--(reopening rusted out factories, & coal production.)
"The moon & the stars"???

You talk as though those are pipe dreams that could never become reality.

Democrats have clearly forgotten that those factories and that coal production were reality until the Democrats got hold of them. The factories were thriving, the greatest production plant in the world, with huge numbers of jobs and products people wanted. And the coal production needed to power them was another great industry, providing jobs and energy across many states.

Trump didn't win by promising them.

Hillary LOST by supporting the miserable economic agenda that destroyed them, and promising to shut down the coal production.

But go ahead and keep blaming Trump. The farther you are off track of what normal Americans believe, the longer it will be before those real Americans ever vote for you again.
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It's always a hoot to see some sulky liberal trying to convince us that the counties within states were set up, and people moved into them on the basis of, trying to elect a certain Presidential candidate more than a hundred years after they were set up. When that candidate wasn't even born yet.

Can these liberal losers possibly get any more silly?

I guess it's what we can expect from a liberal who can't even spell gerrymandering, much less understand it.
Take away the millions of anchor baby votes Hillary got and Trump easily won the popular vote of TRUE Americans.

Prove it.

See? You can't defend your view with an intelligent argument. That's the difference between you and me.

There's nothing to defend, I destroyed you punk and left you laying in the street crying for your momma. Go to your safe space.

You can always come to upstate NY and say that to my face if you'd like.

I left Upstate NY years ago, and took all my money and wealth with me. Now NY gets $0.00 of my money. :eusa_dance:

See? You can't defend your view with an intelligent argument. That's the difference between you and me.

There's nothing to defend, I destroyed you punk and left you laying in the street crying for your momma. Go to your safe space.

You can always come to upstate NY and say that to my face if you'd like.

I left Upstate NY years ago, and took all my money and wealth with me. Now NY gets $0.00 of my money. :eusa_dance:

Oh look, another anonymous internet poster who just happens to be wealthy and wildly successful!

See? You can't defend your view with an intelligent argument. That's the difference between you and me.

There's nothing to defend, I destroyed you punk and left you laying in the street crying for your momma. Go to your safe space.

You can always come to upstate NY and say that to my face if you'd like.

I left Upstate NY years ago, and took all my money and wealth with me. Now NY gets $0.00 of my money. :eusa_dance:
True, NY is a place for those who want to make money and a good place to leave once you have it.
COAL PRODUCTION--We will need until we don't need it. And we will need less & less of it over time. When you see train loads of windmills coming down the tracks to supplement the power to coal fired power plants, you know that coal production is on it's way out.
Actually, it is NATURAL GAS that is killing coal, and NG will continue to kill coal no matter who is president. Tramp knowing lied to the coal miners.

See? You can't defend your view with an intelligent argument. That's the difference between you and me.

There's nothing to defend, I destroyed you punk and left you laying in the street crying for your momma. Go to your safe space.

You can always come to upstate NY and say that to my face if you'd like.

I left Upstate NY years ago, and took all my money and wealth with me. Now NY gets $0.00 of my money. :eusa_dance:

Oh look, another anonymous internet poster who just happens to be wealthy and wildly successful!

I purchased a new vehicle 2 weeks ago for $74k, made in the USA and I paid sales tax on it. What have you done for the economy lately? I think we all know the answer.
See? You can't defend your view with an intelligent argument. That's the difference between you and me.

There's nothing to defend, I destroyed you punk and left you laying in the street crying for your momma. Go to your safe space.

You can always come to upstate NY and say that to my face if you'd like.

I left Upstate NY years ago, and took all my money and wealth with me. Now NY gets $0.00 of my money. :eusa_dance:

Oh look, another anonymous internet poster who just happens to be wealthy and wildly successful!

I purchased a new vehicle 2 weeks ago for $74k, made in the USA and I paid sales tax on it. What have you done for the economy lately? I think we all know the answer.

I bought shocks for my SUV. lolol. I win.
COAL PRODUCTION--We will need until we don't need it. And we will need less & less of it over time. When you see train loads of windmills coming down the tracks to supplement the power to coal fired power plants, you know that coal production is on it's way out.
Actually, it is NATURAL GAS that is killing coal, and NG will continue to kill coal no matter who is president. Tramp knowing lied to the coal miners.

Normally the RW'ers would just tell laid off workers to get off their asses and move to where the jobs are.

See? You can't defend your view with an intelligent argument. That's the difference between you and me.

There's nothing to defend, I destroyed you punk and left you laying in the street crying for your momma. Go to your safe space.

You can always come to upstate NY and say that to my face if you'd like.

I left Upstate NY years ago, and took all my money and wealth with me. Now NY gets $0.00 of my money. :eusa_dance:
True, NY is a place for those who want to make money and a good place to leave once you have it.

Rush Limbaugh left NY for the same reason. He used to host a number of shows from his NY office, not anymore he got tired of NY pilfering his income now they get nothing, zip, nada. There are some of us who can tell NY to go to hell and leave. Now Rush hides out in Florida, no income tax down there. At $50 million a year you can imagine how much he saves.
It's always a hoot to see some sulky liberal trying to convince us that the counties within states were set up, and people moved into them on the basis of, trying to elect a certain Presidential candidate more than a hundred years after they were set up. When that candidate wasn't even born yet.

Can these liberal losers possibly get any more silly?

I guess it's what we can expect from a liberal who can't even spell gerrymandering, much less understand it.

DEMOCRATS voted for Trump--because he promised them he would re-open rusted out factories that have been closed for decades. They took the bait, swallowed it hook, line and sinker. That's how he won.

STEEL--that we get from China. Trump is heavily invested in China with a couple of hotel resorts there. He's not going to screw up trade with China--yet he continually campaigned on it. No investor is going to reopen those plants so they can LOSE money. No builder is going to pay more for the same product if they can get it cheaper elsewhere.

Textile mills-- No American is going to want to pay $75.00 for a shirt that they can get today for $12.00. No American is going to want to pay $5,000.00 for a new Apple I-phone, or 10K for a new computer, because all was manufactured here where wages are considerably higher along with payroll taxes, social security, medicare, workman's compensation, and health benefits are mandated. No investor will invest into this type of manufacturing.

Auto Manufacturing: Did you know that Mexicans in Mexico pay much higher prices for American auto's (old or new) than Americans do? They also pay a higher price for appliances, washer & dryer's, stove's refrigerator's--all AMERICAN MANUFACTURED GOODS. Mexico is the 2nd largest buyer of American goods in the world. So American auto makers, appliance manufacturers, G.E. and others are opening factories for manufacturing in Mexico, to give back jobs, making it more affordable for Mexicans to buy American products.

We are in a GLOBAL economy today, and it's not going away. So some of you nutcases want to close it all down. But consider when everyone in this country buys that new Apple I-phone, that factory will close down because that same phone won't be affordable to people in foreign countries. This is why these kind of jobs have left this country, and gone overseas.
See? You can't defend your view with an intelligent argument. That's the difference between you and me.

There's nothing to defend, I destroyed you punk and left you laying in the street crying for your momma. Go to your safe space.

You can always come to upstate NY and say that to my face if you'd like.

I left Upstate NY years ago, and took all my money and wealth with me. Now NY gets $0.00 of my money. :eusa_dance:
True, NY is a place for those who want to make money and a good place to leave once you have it.

Rush Limbaugh left NY for the same reason. He used to host a number of shows from his NY office, not anymore he got tired of NY pilfering his income now they get nothing, zip, nada. There are some of us who can tell NY to go to hell and leave. Now Rush ides out in Florida, no income tax down there. At $50 million a year you can imagine how much he saves.

Rush should be right at home in Florida, with its giant cockroaches.
There's nothing to defend, I destroyed you punk and left you laying in the street crying for your momma. Go to your safe space.

You can always come to upstate NY and say that to my face if you'd like.

I left Upstate NY years ago, and took all my money and wealth with me. Now NY gets $0.00 of my money. :eusa_dance:

Oh look, another anonymous internet poster who just happens to be wealthy and wildly successful!

I purchased a new vehicle 2 weeks ago for $74k, made in the USA and I paid sales tax on it. What have you done for the economy lately? I think we all know the answer.

I bought shocks for my SUV. lolol. I win.

Holy shit a lib contributing to the economy I nearly fell out of my chair.
To really appreciate the RW hypocrisy here, imagine their howling if Obama went on a victory tour just because an industry decided to keep SOME of its workers in an American plant.
There's nothing to defend, I destroyed you punk and left you laying in the street crying for your momma. Go to your safe space.

You can always come to upstate NY and say that to my face if you'd like.

I left Upstate NY years ago, and took all my money and wealth with me. Now NY gets $0.00 of my money. :eusa_dance:
True, NY is a place for those who want to make money and a good place to leave once you have it.

Rush Limbaugh left NY for the same reason. He used to host a number of shows from his NY office, not anymore he got tired of NY pilfering his income now they get nothing, zip, nada. There are some of us who can tell NY to go to hell and leave. Now Rush ides out in Florida, no income tax down there. At $50 million a year you can imagine how much he saves.

Rush should be right at home in Florida, with its giant cockroaches.

Your seething hatred is noted lib, I doubt it bothers Rush as he flies around on his private jet playing golf.
COAL PRODUCTION--We will need until we don't need it. And we will need less & less of it over time. When you see train loads of windmills coming down the tracks to supplement the power to coal fired power plants, you know that coal production is on it's way out.
Actually, it is NATURAL GAS that is killing coal, and NG will continue to kill coal no matter who is president. Tramp knowing lied to the coal miners.

Normally the RW'ers would just tell laid off workers to get off their asses and move to where the jobs are.

Our unemployment rate is around 4.5% today, which is considered good. What you people want is overseas jobs back, that you're not going to get.

I don't care if they lower the Corporate tax rate to ZERO percent, it will always be cheaper to manufacture goods overseas, and that's where manufacturing will go.

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