Trump won over 3,000 counties

Yep. You won on a technicality. The only way you could win.

no technicality,

the same way elections have been decided in this country for centuries

Things can be wrong for a very long time. Not allowing women to vote lasted for over a century.
and longer for blacks.

you're not making a point here

To argue that we should keep doing something because we've been doing it a long time is a classic fallacious argument.

We do it because it works.

as we've seen this year.

getting a high number of votes in select states, as opposed to winning the popular vote in numerous, smaller, states, is NOT winning the will of the people.

The Democrat Bennett won the Senate race in Colorado, but his Republican opponent won twice as many counties.

Does that make that election undemocratic?
He wasn't the 2nd place contender, he won the majority of the EV

2 million...200 million?
doesn't matter.
Those votes werent' where she needed them

It means HIllary played a lousy ground game, and didn't win enough states to win the presidency.

If the electoral college didn't exist, had never been instituted, and someone today proposed it,

they would be laughed out of the room.

That's how bad the electoral college is.

Proves how much wiser the Founding Fathers were than.....


There's no wisdom in the electoral college. In fact, it wasn't wisdom that caused the Founders to cobble together the electoral college. They only did it because they needed gimmicks to unite the states who in those days thought of themselves as sovereign nations. That's how you got crazy stuff like the 3/5ths compromise, or the delay on banning slave importation,

or the electoral college.

There was nothing 'wise' about it.
Our country was founded as a republic. The electoral college represents that fact. What more wisdom do you need?

Name all the other republics in history that had the equivalent of an electoral college.
Why? That our system is unique is irrelevant, it's still completely consistent with republicanism.
twist it, spin it, doesn't matter.

Electoral votes win the presidency, not the popular votes
You are absolutely right. Even if that doesn't reflect the will of the voters.
It reflects the will of the voters on the state level. You need to remember that the federal government did not create the states, rather the states created the federal government.

Big deal. The voters are the people. Hillary got more than 2 million more votes from the people. Yes, Trump won on a technicality, but it was only a technicality. The majority of the voters don't support him.

The majority of voters did't support Hillary either.
twist it, spin it, doesn't matter.

Electoral votes win the presidency, not the popular votes
You are absolutely right. Even if that doesn't reflect the will of the voters.
It reflects the will of the voters on the state level. You need to remember that the federal government did not create the states, rather the states created the federal government.

Big deal. The voters are the people. Hillary got more than 2 million more votes from the people. Yes, Trump won on a technicality, but it was only a technicality. The majority of the voters don't support him.

Yes, Trump won on a technicality, but it was only a technicality.

That 'technicality' has decided elections for a couple of centuries

The majority of the voters don't support him.

The majority of the country does

Nope. More than 2 million more voters said the county chose Hillary. Trump weaseled a win, but it doesn't reflect the will of the country.

Same line over and over, Bulldog appears to be stuck. Like Rainman saying "4PM Wapner" over and over.
no technicality,

the same way elections have been decided in this country for centuries

Things can be wrong for a very long time. Not allowing women to vote lasted for over a century.
and longer for blacks.

you're not making a point here

To argue that we should keep doing something because we've been doing it a long time is a classic fallacious argument.

We do it because it works.

as we've seen this year.

getting a high number of votes in select states, as opposed to winning the popular vote in numerous, smaller, states, is NOT winning the will of the people.

States are arbitrary geographical divisions. A Californian or a New Yorker is just as much an American as anyone else.
And Bush wrecked the country.

What does that have to do with it. Sheesh. Stop trying to hijack, please.
You brought up Bush the minority president, Kat, and I correctly pointed out he wrecked the country.

But, we weren't discussing how the country was run. We were discussing the Electoral, and Popular vote. :dunno:
Sorry your slomo does not get it. A minority president, selected as has been Trump, wrecked the country. The link is obvious and so is your denial.
Yours doesn't get it either, and is oh so obvious. So I guess we are even. ;)
Nah, you are far behind and will never be even on these subjects.
Still doesn't reflect the will of the people. Hillary got more than 2 million votes more votes than that orange clown.

Take away the millions of anchor baby votes Hillary got and Trump easily won the popular vote of TRUE Americans.

Prove it.

See? You can't defend your view with an intelligent argument. That's the difference between you and me.

There's nothing to defend, I destroyed you punk and left you laying in the street crying for your momma. Go to your safe space.

You can always come to upstate NY and say that to my face if you'd like.
We all know how the electoral college works. That doesn't make it all right to put the 2nd place contender in charge. More than 2 million votes. You don't think that means something?
That doesn't make it all right to put the 2nd place contender in charge.
He wasn't the 2nd place contender, he won the majority of the EV

More than 2 million votes.

2 million...200 million?
doesn't matter.
Those votes werent' where she needed them

You don't think that means something?

It means HIllary played a lousy ground game, and didn't win enough states to win the presidency.

If the electoral college didn't exist, had never been instituted, and someone today proposed it,

they would be laughed out of the room.

That's how bad the electoral college is.

Proves how much wiser the Founding Fathers were than.....


There's no wisdom in the electoral college. In fact, it wasn't wisdom that caused the Founders to cobble together the electoral college. They only did it because they needed gimmicks to unite the states who in those days thought of themselves as sovereign nations. That's how you got crazy stuff like the 3/5ths compromise, or the delay on banning slave importation,

or the electoral college.

There was nothing 'wise' about it.

Your opinion.

40 or so states would probably disagree with you

Oh it's clear that you people who got your guy in without winning the vote of the people would disagree.

Most of the conservative agenda is antiquated nonsense.
Q: How many times was a president elected who did not win the popular vote?

A: It has happened four times.

Last time it was Bush.

Presidents Winning Without Popular Vote

And it was a wholesale disaster.
Lets hope that Mr. Trump does better.

One good thing is that he is not overly staffing the inner circle with military men and women. Perhaps we will not go back into the ME for the 3rd time in 25 years. Of course he said he was going to get rid of ISIS…how you do that without boots on the ground? We’ll see.

As for the thread—Trump won. It’s fun to point out the texture of our processes but he won. Give the man a chance.
The democrats have divorced themselves from the nation by pandering only to the heavily populated coastal areas. They were so convinced that they need not dirty themselves with the interior that they pandered exclusively to the coasts.

That strategy lost.

Democrats can't believe it.
Holy shit that's pretty impressive.

Hillary Counties Produce 64% of Economic Output

Damn empty land has gained a whole lot of power. The suddenly bleak future belongs to the unskilled and uneducated apparently. Go Trump! :rofl:

The reason Trump won, is because DEMOCRATS voted for him, especially in these 3 key states, where Trump was promising them the moon & the stars--(reopening rusted out factories, & coal production.)

BUT--the problem for Trump and his administration, is they won't be there for him in 2018, much less in 2020. The majority of Republicans or 54% voted for other candidates during the primary, so they really didn't care for Donald Trump in the first place. I imagine this is why the Trump administration is now courting Mitt Romney, in an effort to repair some of the damage within the party.

In essence, they have 2 very short years to fix things, like Obamacare--and if they don't, Republicans are in the shit can, and the sewer gets drained. They don't have the votes in the Senate or the house to repeal Obamacare. It took a sitting Democrat President with super majorities in both houses to give us Obamacare, and that's what it is going to take to repeal it. Republicans aren't anywhere close to that kind of majority in either house.
twist it, spin it, doesn't matter.
Electoral votes win the presidency, not the popular votes
You are absolutely right. Even if that doesn't reflect the will of the voters.
Yet another disgruntled liberal loser trying to pretend the Constitution that created the Electoral College isn't popularly approved.

Do these people EVER stop to consider reality?
The reason Trump won, is because DEMOCRATS voted for him, especially in these 3 key states, where Trump was promising them the moon & the stars--(reopening rusted out factories, & coal production.)
"The moon & the stars"???

You talk as though those are pipe dreams that could never become reality.

Democrats have clearly forgotten that those factories and that coal production were reality until the Democrats hold of them. The factories were thriving, the greatest production plant in the world. And the coal production needed to power them was another great industry, providing jobs and energy across many states.

Trump didn't win by promising them.

Hillary LOST by supporting the miserable economic agenda that destroyed them, and promising to shut down the coal production.

But go ahead and keep blaming Trump. The farther you are off track of what normal Americans believe, the longer it will be before those real Americans ever vote for you again.

I really don't give a rat's ass about what you believe, the reality is:

Trump is going against a lot of Republican policies. Republicans have always been free pro trade. They aren't going to approve of undoing written signed contracts with foreign countries regarding manufacturing in this country. They would never approve of tarriff's, that only increase the cost to the consumer and have never created a single job. (Been there done that during the Carter/Nixon administrations--they don't work.)

While trade has always been a double edged sword. Americans enjoy cheaper products, it also cost jobs in this country.

COAL PRODUCTION--We will need until we don't need it. And we will need less & less of it over time. When you see train loads of windmills coming down the tracks to supplement the power to coal fired power plants, you know that coal production is on it's way out.
We need to end the EC. We're much better off having an over-population of rats in the cage dictate how the entire country is run.

Let's face it, Chicago, LA and NY are wholesome cities. The citizens have been purified to think for themselves, independent of propaganda. Additionally, they lean liberal because of higher learning, demonstrated by those who protest in the streets for the good of mankind. It's liberal progression that has proved itself throughout history. The goal is to make like Europe. Look how well they're doing.

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