Trump WON South Carolina!

Your favorite President just won SC! I wonder if Nicky will drop our or keep going? Awesome President Trump! :)
60% vs Biden’s 96%?! The Republican Party is in shambles.
I am truly mystified by this "race." Haley has nothing to gain. Any illusion she may have had about being "Plan B" is long since extinguished. DeSantis left the race because, policy-wise, he was indistinguishable from The Donald, and it made no sense for them to be harping against one another. Hence, he remains as Plan B.

Haley is quickly becoming as popular among Republicans as that Cheney woman.

Maybe all these "unpopular Republicans" will one day be popular with a party that rejects a crazy nutjob like Trump.
It's the only way he can win. Crooked Donald.

If Haley cant win her home state what is her justification for remaining in the contest?

I suppose she’s hoping trump will be put in jail by the Deep State which opens to door for her
People are calling for Tim Scott to be Trump's running mate. Trump & Scott

Whoever Trump chooses they would have to have a strong faith in God just like Pence had in order for the OT characters to continue the replaying of today's events.

Meaning Trump's running mate can only be a man who has strong faith in God and Jesus Christ; and expresses it loudly/proclaims God to others. That is the connection God placed along side Trump, and that cannot change.
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His money could allow her to go on

But not for any positive reason that I can see
Right, if Haley could get out now she would but she cannot, some money is poison full of a hissing snake and if you take it you have to obey it.

They paid her (Haley) to stay in to freeze the Trump money with the RNC and so far that is working. Poor Haley she just looks so defeated, and she's making women look bad now.
I am truly mystified by this "race." Haley has nothing to gain. Any illusion she may have had about being "Plan B" is long since extinguished. DeSantis left the race because, policy-wise, he was indistinguishable from The Donald, and it made no sense for them to be harping against one another. Hence, he remains as Plan B.

Haley is quickly becoming as popular among Republicans as that Cheney woman.
In a normal year, you would be right. Nikki would have no path to victory.

But when the leader in a race is badly wounded, you stay in the race.
In a normal year, you would be right. Nikki would have no path to victory.

But when the leader in a race is badly wounded, you stay in the race.
Trump is not badly wounded. He has a few bruises but nothing he cannot pay off. The thing Trump has in his holster is Tim Scott. As a running mate Tim Scott can began to bark and scare off any Trump attackers. He is going to do that with with the Holy Bible.
Trump is not badly wounded. He has a few bruises but nothing he cannot pay off. The thing Trump has in his holster is Tim Scott. As a running mate Tim Scott can began to bark and scare off any Trump attackers. He is going to do that with with the Holy Bible.

Trump is facing prison time
That is badly wounded
Trump is facing prison time
That is badly wounded
Other than the last hope for Dems / Socialists - an assassination of Trump, their hope is to go full Stalin and jail Trump.

The Dems / Socialists are using every page from the playbook of Stalin, Mao, as those sociopaths are the model for the Dem / Socialist party.

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