Trump Won't Accept 2020 Election Loss...

Seems to me while Obama wasn't accused of having Russian help Trump was so you'd think he'd try to do something about it,,,,,,,And just maybe Obama got the news late enough in his presidency that he thought it best for the next president to make those big decisions

He knew about Russia interfering in 2014 and didn't do a damn thing. That was long before Trump announced he would run, it was before mid-term elections. Some commentators indicated that Obama was trying to get Russia to sign on to the Iran treaty and thus was light on Russia. Not sure if that was true or not. The issue I have is Obama made it seem like a big deal after the election but did nothing in 2014? Sorry, I don't give him a pass, nor do I give Trump a pass today,he hasn't been tough enough with Russia.

1 hr ·

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370+ former prosecutors say Trump would have been indicted if he were not president

Not sure what this has to do with what we are talking about.
Just a throw in to give some proof to my feeling that Trump is a swine
Just STFU and impeach him. Do it now. You talked and talked and talked. Just do it! Impeach...Impeach....Impeach 45! You are the Political party from Hell! Now keep your promise!
I don't want him impeached I;d prefer other reasons for him to leave I'd really like to see him hounded to death like repubs did to Hillary
Seems to me while Obama wasn't accused of having Russian help Trump was so you'd think he'd try to do something about it,,,,,,,And just maybe Obama got the news late enough in his presidency that he thought it best for the next president to make those big decisions

He knew about Russia interfering in 2014 and didn't do a damn thing. That was long before Trump announced he would run, it was before mid-term elections. Some commentators indicated that Obama was trying to get Russia to sign on to the Iran treaty and thus was light on Russia. Not sure if that was true or not. The issue I have is Obama made it seem like a big deal after the election but did nothing in 2014? Sorry, I don't give him a pass, nor do I give Trump a pass today,he hasn't been tough enough with Russia.

1 hr ·

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370+ former prosecutors say Trump would have been indicted if he were not president

Not sure what this has to do with what we are talking about.
Just a throw in to give some proof to my feeling that Trump is a swine
Just STFU and impeach him. Do it now. You talked and talked and talked. Just do it! Impeach...Impeach....Impeach 45! You are the Political party from Hell! Now keep your promise!

They don’t have the guts or the fortitude to impeach Trump. Their fear of losing votes have allowed them to put their principles aside. Another party over country move.
He knew about Russia interfering in 2014 and didn't do a damn thing. That was long before Trump announced he would run, it was before mid-term elections. Some commentators indicated that Obama was trying to get Russia to sign on to the Iran treaty and thus was light on Russia. Not sure if that was true or not. The issue I have is Obama made it seem like a big deal after the election but did nothing in 2014? Sorry, I don't give him a pass, nor do I give Trump a pass today,he hasn't been tough enough with Russia.

1 hr ·

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370+ former prosecutors say Trump would have been indicted if he were not president

Not sure what this has to do with what we are talking about.
Just a throw in to give some proof to my feeling that Trump is a swine
Just STFU and impeach him. Do it now. You talked and talked and talked. Just do it! Impeach...Impeach....Impeach 45! You are the Political party from Hell! Now keep your promise!

They don’t have the guts or the fortitude to impeach Trump. Their fear of losing votes have allowed them to put their principles aside. Another party over country move.
Maybe you're right BUT Nixon was impeached for what Trump is doing
... because our Dems have been so gracious about their 2016 loss. One can only wonder if any Dem has a lick of self-awareness or, for that matter, any kind of awareness.

Pelosi worries Trump 'would poison the public mind' if he narrowly loses reelection bid

The only way President Trump will accept defeat in the 2020 election is if Democrats win by a big enough margin that he can’t dispute it, argues House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

“If we win by four seats, by a thousand votes each, he’s not going to respect the election,” said Pelosi in an interview with the New York Times.
In other words, Nancy is worried Trump will behave like a Democrat if he loses the election.

except he will likely have an actual case.....since they have been trying to remove him from office since the day he won the election....they aren't likely to stop spying and cheating in 2020.
Unprecedented 300 former prosecutors say trump committed a crime

Oh really? Did those 300 review ALL of the underlying evidence? That was your complaint for Barr. So these 300 (all of whom are WRONG per actual working prosecutors) can be summarily dismissed as more Dimtard parrots. yet you fall for it again.
Unprecedented 300 former prosecutors say trump committed a crime
Oh really? Did those 300 review ALL of the underlying evidence? That was your complaint for Barr. So these 300 (all of whom are WRONG per actual working prosecutors) can be summarily dismissed as more Dimtard parrots. yet you fall for it again.
Kinda like the "mental health experts" who regularly claim - without ever speaking to the POTUS - that he's nuts. Or all the "engineers" who swore 9/11 was a controlled demolition or cruise missile or nanothermites or mini-nukes.

Meanwhile Michael Cohen today entered a federal country club prison to write the book that several million bitter loony-lefties will buy.

One can only wonder what will be the advance on Bob Mueller's yet-to-be penned NYTimes best-seller.

Not sure what this has to do with what we are talking about.
Just a throw in to give some proof to my feeling that Trump is a swine
Just STFU and impeach him. Do it now. You talked and talked and talked. Just do it! Impeach...Impeach....Impeach 45! You are the Political party from Hell! Now keep your promise!

They don’t have the guts or the fortitude to impeach Trump. Their fear of losing votes have allowed them to put their principles aside. Another party over country move.
Maybe you're right BUT Nixon was impeached for what Trump is doing
Nixon was impeached for covering up a real crime. There is no crime today.
Not sure what this has to do with what we are talking about.
Just a throw in to give some proof to my feeling that Trump is a swine
Just STFU and impeach him. Do it now. You talked and talked and talked. Just do it! Impeach...Impeach....Impeach 45! You are the Political party from Hell! Now keep your promise!

They don’t have the guts or the fortitude to impeach Trump. Their fear of losing votes have allowed them to put their principles aside. Another party over country move.
Maybe you're right BUT Nixon was impeached for what Trump is doing
Nixon was impeached for covering up a real crime. There is no crime today.
That's not what those 300+ prosecutors said
Not sure what this has to do with what we are talking about.
Just a throw in to give some proof to my feeling that Trump is a swine
Just STFU and impeach him. Do it now. You talked and talked and talked. Just do it! Impeach...Impeach....Impeach 45! You are the Political party from Hell! Now keep your promise!

They don’t have the guts or the fortitude to impeach Trump. Their fear of losing votes have allowed them to put their principles aside. Another party over country move.
Maybe you're right BUT Nixon was impeached for what Trump is doing
Nixon was impeached for covering up a real crime. There is no crime today.
Actually, Nixon was not impeached and the crime he guilty of was trying to cover up the break in for which he had no involvement.
Just a throw in to give some proof to my feeling that Trump is a swine
Just STFU and impeach him. Do it now. You talked and talked and talked. Just do it! Impeach...Impeach....Impeach 45! You are the Political party from Hell! Now keep your promise!

They don’t have the guts or the fortitude to impeach Trump. Their fear of losing votes have allowed them to put their principles aside. Another party over country move.
Maybe you're right BUT Nixon was impeached for what Trump is doing
Nixon was impeached for covering up a real crime. There is no crime today.
That's not what those 300+ prosecutors said
You mean former prosecutors, most of whom are now probably personal injury ambulance chasers.
Just STFU and impeach him. Do it now. You talked and talked and talked. Just do it! Impeach...Impeach....Impeach 45! You are the Political party from Hell! Now keep your promise!

They don’t have the guts or the fortitude to impeach Trump. Their fear of losing votes have allowed them to put their principles aside. Another party over country move.
Maybe you're right BUT Nixon was impeached for what Trump is doing
Nixon was impeached for covering up a real crime. There is no crime today.
That's not what those 300+ prosecutors said
You mean former prosecutors, most of whom are now probably personal injury ambulance chasers.
How many would get your head out of Trumps butt 5000?? 10000?? or is there no number ?
... because our Dems have been so gracious about their 2016 loss. One can only wonder if any Dem has a lick of self-awareness or, for that matter, any kind of awareness.

Pelosi worries Trump 'would poison the public mind' if he narrowly loses reelection bid

The only way President Trump will accept defeat in the 2020 election is if Democrats win by a big enough margin that he can’t dispute it, argues House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

“If we win by four seats, by a thousand votes each, he’s not going to respect the election,” said Pelosi in an interview with the New York Times.
Just send him to jail with Cohen.
... because our Dems have been so gracious about their 2016 loss. One can only wonder if any Dem has a lick of self-awareness or, for that matter, any kind of awareness.

Pelosi worries Trump 'would poison the public mind' if he narrowly loses reelection bid

The only way President Trump will accept defeat in the 2020 election is if Democrats win by a big enough margin that he can’t dispute it, argues House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

“If we win by four seats, by a thousand votes each, he’s not going to respect the election,” said Pelosi in an interview with the New York Times.
In other words, Nancy is worried Trump will behave like a Democrat if he loses the election.
How did Clinton behave How did Obama behave ?Trump is scum and you can guarantee he'll act like a scumbag if he loses

Clinton cried got drunk and blamed everybody
Are they planning on fraudifying up the next election? Wtf?!
Think trump and Putin are planning how to win the next election TOO for the orange scum?
No, but I bet Democrats are planning ways to fraud it up with the George Soros produced voting machines.
Maybe we can ask russia for help? Of course cutting voting days ,voting hours are things repubs would never think of We know they want all Americans to vote LOL LOL And pigs fly

Truth hurts huh Marion?

Your derpitude hurts..
What if I said:"Bitch, we're going to kill you all if you fraud it it up, motherfuckers".

Whatcha think about that? You're done! Your leftist dream is over! No, you're not going to subjugate Americans, leftists. Sorry! No!
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jwoodie said:
It sounds like she is worried about losing the House. Expect missing ballots and multiple challenges from the Democrats to prevent this. I wouldn't be surprised if they refused to seat newly elected Republicans in order to maintain control.
HA !!
That Is The Most Likely 2020 Scenario
There Will Be Even MORE Irregularities Than Usual
Anywhere Democrats Hold Sway

Lots And Lots Of Magical Missing Ballots Popping Up
120% Voter Precinct Turnout
With Zero Votes For Any Republican

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