Trump won't admit it but he HOPES there's a riot in the streets outside his rally tonight

Why else would he:
1. First, set the rally in Tulsa on Juneteenth?
2. Then, under pressure to change it, only move it to the next day, while the Juneteenth marchers are still there?
3. Continue to register attendees well beyond the BOK arena's capacity, leaving many in the streets?
4. Post a threat to protesters on is Twitter feed?
"(“Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis,” Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter on Friday morning. “It will be a much different scene!”)
5. Pressure the local authorities to remove the city curfew?

He wants violence. This disgusting fucking pig wants riots in Tulsa. now you can read minds?

Tell me which one of my 5 points is mind-reading.
Why else would he:
1. First, set the rally in Tulsa on Juneteenth?
2. Then, under pressure to change it, only move it to the next day, while the Juneteenth marchers are still there?
3. Continue to register attendees well beyond the BOK arena's capacity, leaving many in the streets?
4. Post a threat to protesters on is Twitter feed?
"(“Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis,” Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter on Friday morning. “It will be a much different scene!”)
5. Pressure the local authorities to remove the city curfew?

He wants violence. This disgusting fucking pig wants riots in Tulsa.

Mind reader are you? And you don't want white conservatives to riot. When they do? They call it WAR.

I posted 5 facts and all you can do is shamble something about mind reading? Seriously?

Even if (as if) our great President "wanted" riots, fool, your people have already rioted their way across fucking America. Thus, any meaning in your OP was neutralized by heavy doses of irony before you even wrote it.

That's YOUR bi-ass talking.

JUNE 2, 2020
Exclusive: Most Americans sympathize with protests, disapprove of Trump's response - Reuters/Ipsos

Why else would he:
1. First, set the rally in Tulsa on Juneteenth?
2. Then, under pressure to change it, only move it to the next day, while the Juneteenth marchers are still there?
3. Continue to register attendees well beyond the BOK arena's capacity, leaving many in the streets?
4. Post a threat to protesters on is Twitter feed?
"(“Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis,” Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter on Friday morning. “It will be a much different scene!”)
5. Pressure the local authorities to remove the city curfew?

He wants violence. This disgusting fucking pig wants riots in Tulsa.

I hope there is too, and all of the rioters are shot dead. Can you be there?
Why else would he:
1. First, set the rally in Tulsa on Juneteenth?
2. Then, under pressure to change it, only move it to the next day, while the Juneteenth marchers are still there?
3. Continue to register attendees well beyond the BOK arena's capacity, leaving many in the streets?
4. Post a threat to protesters on is Twitter feed?
"(“Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis,” Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter on Friday morning. “It will be a much different scene!”)
5. Pressure the local authorities to remove the city curfew?

He wants violence. This disgusting fucking pig wants riots in Tulsa.

Mind reader are you? And you don't want white conservatives to riot. When they do? They call it WAR.

I posted 5 facts and all you can do is shamble something about mind reading? Seriously?

Even if (as if) our great President "wanted" riots, fool, your people have already rioted their way across fucking America. Thus, any meaning in your OP was neutralized by heavy doses of irony before you even wrote it.

That's YOUR bi-ass talking.

JUNE 2, 2020
Exclusive: Most Americans sympathize with protests, disapprove of Trump's response - Reuters/Ipsos

Don't worry asshole. You only need to put up with Trump about 4 1/2 more years.
The DT Jr. will take over. I suggest you back to your land of origin.
Considering that they have already posted an add wanting protesters, with time given off community service. I would say that the crazies are already planning on one. We have seen the violence from the left many times before.

I get such a kick watching the undereducated pretend that a virus is intelligent enough to bypass riots and looting but will attack a rally. They know what is coming but they scream and flail against it in the hopes they can somehow work out a Biden win.
Let me guess you illegal Mexican you don't know what 4th of July is
Riot riot riot!!!

Juneteeth is another made up fucking holiday

Like July 4th, ignorant white trash?

Let me don't know what Juneteenth is about?
Dude...NOBODY knew what Juneteenth was about! All of a sudden it's a crucial liberal holiday? You get more amusing with each passing day! Admit this point you're just making up shit to be outraged about! You're so hypersensitive to anything that Trump does or says that you start to drool like one of Pavlov's dogs whenever you hear his name!
You know what will be really amusing? When Joe Biden finally starts having rallies and you see how few people show up for them! You liberals have the same level of "excitement" for a Biden campaign as the average person does going in for a rectal exam!
Why else would he:
1. First, set the rally in Tulsa on Juneteenth?
2. Then, under pressure to change it, only move it to the next day, while the Juneteenth marchers are still there?
3. Continue to register attendees well beyond the BOK arena's capacity, leaving many in the streets?
4. Post a threat to protesters on is Twitter feed?
"(“Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis,” Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter on Friday morning. “It will be a much different scene!”)
5. Pressure the local authorities to remove the city curfew?

He wants violence. This disgusting fucking pig wants riots in Tulsa.

Mind reader are you? And you don't want white conservatives to riot. When they do? They call it WAR.

I posted 5 facts and all you can do is shamble something about mind reading? Seriously?

Even if (as if) our great President "wanted" riots, fool, your people have already rioted their way across fucking America. Thus, any meaning in your OP was neutralized by heavy doses of irony before you even wrote it.

That's YOUR bi-ass talking.

JUNE 2, 2020
Exclusive: Most Americans sympathize with protests, disapprove of Trump's response - Reuters/Ipsos

That's an article about the poll but not the poll. You don't have anything backing you up. Do not fuck up that city.
Why else would he:
1. First, set the rally in Tulsa on Juneteenth?
2. Then, under pressure to change it, only move it to the next day, while the Juneteenth marchers are still there?
3. Continue to register attendees well beyond the BOK arena's capacity, leaving many in the streets?
4. Post a threat to protesters on is Twitter feed?
"(“Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis,” Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter on Friday morning. “It will be a much different scene!”)
5. Pressure the local authorities to remove the city curfew?

He wants violence. This disgusting fucking pig wants riots in Tulsa.

Trump won't admit it but he HOPES there's a riot in the streets outside his rally tonight
Ofcourse he does...I do, all good Americans do.
We want the blood shed to commence.
Why else would he:
1. First, set the rally in Tulsa on Juneteenth?
2. Then, under pressure to change it, only move it to the next day, while the Juneteenth marchers are still there?
3. Continue to register attendees well beyond the BOK arena's capacity, leaving many in the streets?
4. Post a threat to protesters on is Twitter feed?
"(“Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis,” Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter on Friday morning. “It will be a much different scene!”)
5. Pressure the local authorities to remove the city curfew?

He wants violence. This disgusting fucking pig wants riots in Tulsa.

Trump didn't want the party atmosphere crushed by having to move out of the area at 10 p.m. every night. It's a happening! He told his supporters to enjoy. If you look at some of the coverage of the folks gathering, no masks to be seen. This is the part I worried about more--sure, they're going to take temps and hand out masks when the people enter the Center, but it's all those people outside with no precautions for days beforehand that will do the damage. Hopefully the heat and the sun will be killing the virus before it can spread too much.
if they do, it will automatically put the lie to the theory that libs are really concerned about corona virus by gathering in large groups.
As the President has by inviting tens of thousands to his rally.
Why else would he:
1. First, set the rally in Tulsa on Juneteenth?
2. Then, under pressure to change it, only move it to the next day, while the Juneteenth marchers are still there?
3. Continue to register attendees well beyond the BOK arena's capacity, leaving many in the streets?
4. Post a threat to protesters on is Twitter feed?
"(“Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis,” Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter on Friday morning. “It will be a much different scene!”)
5. Pressure the local authorities to remove the city curfew?

He wants violence. This disgusting fucking pig wants riots in Tulsa.

He has already called for his white nationalist brethren to show up and defend his rally.
Why else would he:
1. First, set the rally in Tulsa on Juneteenth?
2. Then, under pressure to change it, only move it to the next day, while the Juneteenth marchers are still there?
3. Continue to register attendees well beyond the BOK arena's capacity, leaving many in the streets?
4. Post a threat to protesters on is Twitter feed?
"(“Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis,” Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter on Friday morning. “It will be a much different scene!”)
5. Pressure the local authorities to remove the city curfew?

He wants violence. This disgusting fucking pig wants riots in Tulsa.

Mind reader are you? And you don't want white conservatives to riot. When they do? They call it WAR.

I posted 5 facts and all you can do is shamble something about mind reading? Seriously?

Even if (as if) our great President "wanted" riots, fool, your people have already rioted their way across fucking America. Thus, any meaning in your OP was neutralized by heavy doses of irony before you even wrote it.

That's YOUR bi-ass talking.

JUNE 2, 2020
Exclusive: Most Americans sympathize with protests, disapprove of Trump's response - Reuters/Ipsos

That's an article about the poll but not the poll. You don't have anything backing you up. Do not fuck up that city.
I hope they won't, disir. It's all about what the folks in Oklahoma are like. When Trump held a rally in Maine in '16, there was a large crowd of supporters and counter protesters outside and all the pols came out and talked to them, reminded them that these are your neighbors and the protesters stayed respectful. Even started exchanging brochures, some of them.
We'll keep our fingers crossed that they are there just to hear the Pres speak or to voice their disapproval and then they all go home, take a shower and cross their fingers they didn't catch the Germ.
Why else would he:
1. First, set the rally in Tulsa on Juneteenth?
2. Then, under pressure to change it, only move it to the next day, while the Juneteenth marchers are still there?
3. Continue to register attendees well beyond the BOK arena's capacity, leaving many in the streets?
4. Post a threat to protesters on is Twitter feed?
"(“Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis,” Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter on Friday morning. “It will be a much different scene!”)
5. Pressure the local authorities to remove the city curfew?

He wants violence. This disgusting fucking pig wants riots in Tulsa.

Mind reader are you? And you don't want white conservatives to riot. When they do? They call it WAR.

I posted 5 facts and all you can do is shamble something about mind reading? Seriously?

Even if (as if) our great President "wanted" riots, fool, your people have already rioted their way across fucking America. Thus, any meaning in your OP was neutralized by heavy doses of irony before you even wrote it.

That's YOUR bi-ass talking.

JUNE 2, 2020
Exclusive: Most Americans sympathize with protests, disapprove of Trump's response - Reuters/Ipsos

That's an article about the poll but not the poll. You don't have anything backing you up. Do not fuck up that city.
I hope they won't, disir. It's all about what the folks in Oklahoma are like. When Trump held a rally in Maine in '16, there was a large crowd of supporters and counter protesters outside and all the pols came out and talked to them, reminded them that these are your neighbors and the protesters stayed respectful. Even started exchanging brochures, some of them.
We'll keep our fingers crossed that they are there just to hear the Pres speak or to voice their disapproval and then they all go home, take a shower and cross their fingers they didn't catch the Germ.


I will hold the Democratic Party responsible.
Why else would he:
1. First, set the rally in Tulsa on Juneteenth?
2. Then, under pressure to change it, only move it to the next day, while the Juneteenth marchers are still there?
3. Continue to register attendees well beyond the BOK arena's capacity, leaving many in the streets?
4. Post a threat to protesters on is Twitter feed?
"(“Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis,” Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter on Friday morning. “It will be a much different scene!”)
5. Pressure the local authorities to remove the city curfew?

He wants violence. This disgusting fucking pig wants riots in Tulsa.

Mind reader are you? And you don't want white conservatives to riot. When they do? They call it WAR.

I posted 5 facts and all you can do is shamble something about mind reading? Seriously?

Even if (as if) our great President "wanted" riots, fool, your people have already rioted their way across fucking America. Thus, any meaning in your OP was neutralized by heavy doses of irony before you even wrote it.

That's YOUR bi-ass talking.

JUNE 2, 2020
Exclusive: Most Americans sympathize with protests, disapprove of Trump's response - Reuters/Ipsos

That's an article about the poll but not the poll. You don't have anything backing you up. Do not fuck up that city.
I hope they won't, disir. It's all about what the folks in Oklahoma are like. When Trump held a rally in Maine in '16, there was a large crowd of supporters and counter protesters outside and all the pols came out and talked to them, reminded them that these are your neighbors and the protesters stayed respectful. Even started exchanging brochures, some of them.
We'll keep our fingers crossed that they are there just to hear the Pres speak or to voice their disapproval and then they all go home, take a shower and cross their fingers they didn't catch the Germ.


I will hold the Democratic Party responsible.
Why else would he:
1. First, set the rally in Tulsa on Juneteenth?
2. Then, under pressure to change it, only move it to the next day, while the Juneteenth marchers are still there?
3. Continue to register attendees well beyond the BOK arena's capacity, leaving many in the streets?
4. Post a threat to protesters on is Twitter feed?
"(“Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis,” Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter on Friday morning. “It will be a much different scene!”)
5. Pressure the local authorities to remove the city curfew?

He wants violence. This disgusting fucking pig wants riots in Tulsa.

Mind reader are you? And you don't want white conservatives to riot. When they do? They call it WAR.

I posted 5 facts and all you can do is shamble something about mind reading? Seriously?

Even if (as if) our great President "wanted" riots, fool, your people have already rioted their way across fucking America. Thus, any meaning in your OP was neutralized by heavy doses of irony before you even wrote it.

That's YOUR bi-ass talking.

JUNE 2, 2020
Exclusive: Most Americans sympathize with protests, disapprove of Trump's response - Reuters/Ipsos

That's an article about the poll but not the poll. You don't have anything backing you up. Do not fuck up that city.
I hope they won't, disir. It's all about what the folks in Oklahoma are like. When Trump held a rally in Maine in '16, there was a large crowd of supporters and counter protesters outside and all the pols came out and talked to them, reminded them that these are your neighbors and the protesters stayed respectful. Even started exchanging brochures, some of them.
We'll keep our fingers crossed that they are there just to hear the Pres speak or to voice their disapproval and then they all go home, take a shower and cross their fingers they didn't catch the Germ.


I will hold the Democratic Party responsible.

No. It's not all about what the folks in Oklahoma are like. This is not a game. This is not a joke. That entire state is trying to carefully navigate through the financial crisis the COVID-19 pandemic created. Tulsa is not in a position to have to rebuild. If you fuck that shit up there are no fucking resources available.
This is not a game. This is not a joke.
I meant what I said quite seriously. I don't find anything funny about this rally or the mayhem it could cause, and it all rests squarely on the President's shoulders.
Why else would he:
1. First, set the rally in Tulsa on Juneteenth?
2. Then, under pressure to change it, only move it to the next day, while the Juneteenth marchers are still there?
3. Continue to register attendees well beyond the BOK arena's capacity, leaving many in the streets?
4. Post a threat to protesters on is Twitter feed?
"(“Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis,” Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter on Friday morning. “It will be a much different scene!”)
5. Pressure the local authorities to remove the city curfew?

He wants violence. This disgusting fucking pig wants riots in Tulsa.

He has already called for his white nationalist brethren to show up and defend his rally.
All ten of them? You think Antifa is going to show up? If there are ten skinheads then Antifa better bring a couple hundred or they'll get their asses handed to them yet again! :)

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