Trump won't admit it but he HOPES there's a riot in the streets outside his rally tonight

This is not a game. This is not a joke.
I meant what I said quite seriously. I don't find anything funny about this rally or the mayhem it could cause, and it all rests squarely on the President's shoulders.
It's a campaign rally! When did those become the cause for "mayhem"? Since the left thinks it controls the streets nationwide?
Why else would he:
1. First, set the rally in Tulsa on Juneteenth?
2. Then, under pressure to change it, only move it to the next day, while the Juneteenth marchers are still there?
3. Continue to register attendees well beyond the BOK arena's capacity, leaving many in the streets?
4. Post a threat to protesters on is Twitter feed?
"(“Any protesters, anarchists, agitators, looters or lowlifes who are going to Oklahoma please understand, you will not be treated like you have been in New York, Seattle, or Minneapolis,” Mr. Trump wrote on Twitter on Friday morning. “It will be a much different scene!”)
5. Pressure the local authorities to remove the city curfew?

He wants violence. This disgusting fucking pig wants riots in Tulsa.

So where was the riot?

Looks like the pussy-hat brigade was too afraid to show up.
Worst of all, Trump doesn't even care about his own base anymore.

Tulsa Covid-19 Cases Hit a New High

June 19, 2020

Tulsa cases hit a new high...... Before there ever was a rally....... That makes it Trump's fault....

Do you understand why the word democrat is synonymous with the word untrustworthy?

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