Trump won't throw the first pitch at Nationals' game because he would get booed

Well you've surprised me. I didn't think your posts could get any nuttier.

Muddy seems to have hit a new level of nuttiness...
Hatred does this to a person.

That and the Herculean task of trying to defend Trump and his criminal enterprise every day.
Defend being a Republican from lying liberals is a full-time job.
Democrats don't solve problems.....they are the problem.

What's the last problem the Republicans solved?
Getting that cocksucking Democrat out of the White House.
Send Barron out to throw out the first pitch. Let him start earning that inheritance.
That'd actually be a very cool thing for him to do. I'd be okay with him doing that; in fact, I'd encourage him to do it if he can. Why not? For all that's wrong and twisted about his father, Barron's a kid. I'm not about to ascribe the "sins of the father" to his boy; Barron doesn't deserve that. He may one day, but right now, he does not.

There again, we have yet another lost opportunity to boost morale and establish some sort of goodwill. I wonder how many more instances of the un-imaginativeness of the so-called political strategists with whom Trump has surrounded himself we shall witness....Doubtless more fingers and toes than exist among all those clods.
Muddy seems to have hit a new level of nuttiness...
Hatred does this to a person.

That and the Herculean task of trying to defend Trump and his criminal enterprise every day.
Defend being a Republican from lying liberals is a full-time job.
Democrats don't solve problems.....they are the problem.

What's the last problem the Republicans solved?
Getting that cocksucking Democrat out of the White House.

lol, getting a term limited president out of the presidency is the only accomplishment by the GOP you can come up with.

That is NO surprise.
Send Barron out to throw out the first pitch. Let him start earning that inheritance.
That'd actually be a very cool thing for him to do. I'd be okay with him doing that; in fact, I'd encourage him to do it if he can. Why not? For all that's wrong and twisted about his father, Barron's a kid. I'm not about to ascribe the "sins of the father" to his boy; Barron doesn't deserve that. He may one day, but right now, he does not.

There again, we have yet another lost opportunity to boost morale and establish some sort of goodwill. I wonder how many more instances of the un-imaginativeness of the so-called political strategists with whom Trump has surrounded himself we shall witness....Doubtless more fingers and toes than exist among all those clods.

I thought that too. Or have him come along.
Mentioning Obama in the same sentence as sports is an embarrassment to sportsman everywhere… fact
Obama knew he sucked at baseball, but he had the courage to do his best. Your orange clown is a coward. He knows he would probably be out of breath by the time he walked out to the mound.
Barry sucks at all sports... fact

To be fair, we all can posses the natural athletic abilities of Trump. :lol:
First of all Trump has never claimed to be good at sports, and he is much older than Obama. Obama is a lying piece of fucking shit Who obviously has no coordination… fact

He knows all about baseball.

After all, he was born on third base and thought he hit a triple
Yeah the lying piece of shit claims he's good at basketball too…

Missing the Former President, I see.
Barry sucks at all sports... fact

To be fair, we all can posses the natural athletic abilities of Trump. :lol:
First of all Trump has never claimed to be good at sports, and he is much older than Obama. Obama is a lying piece of fucking shit Who obviously has no coordination… fact

He knows all about baseball.

After all, he was born on third base and thought he hit a triple
Yeah the lying piece of shit claims he's good at basketball too…

Missing the Former President, I see.

Yes he was one hell of a gun salesman… Best ever!

While George W. Bush was a progressive career politician, no doubt he could beat Obama had any sport easily…
Hatred does this to a person.

That and the Herculean task of trying to defend Trump and his criminal enterprise every day.
Defend being a Republican from lying liberals is a full-time job.
Democrats don't solve problems.....they are the problem.

What's the last problem the Republicans solved?
Getting that cocksucking Democrat out of the White House.

lol, getting a term limited president out of the presidency is the only accomplishment by the GOP you can come up with.

That is NO surprise.
Oh.....Hillary doesn’t count either?

I wonder why it is you nutsacks never mention Hillary if she's an embarrassment.
Barry sucks at all sports... fact

To be fair, we all can posses the natural athletic abilities of Trump. :lol:
First of all Trump has never claimed to be good at sports, and he is much older than Obama. Obama is a lying piece of fucking shit Who obviously has no coordination… fact

He knows all about baseball.

After all, he was born on third base and thought he hit a triple
Yeah the lying piece of shit claims he's good at basketball too…

Somebody should tell this guy that Obama is not the president anymore

They truly miss the Former President, don't they?
maybe the people we elect as president should do their fucking job rather than all this other horse shit

When is he gonna start that?

You've been watching CNN again I see, you gotta stop watching the lying media if you want to know what is really going on with Trump.
Us Trumpets know he is doing what he promised because liberals are still kicking and screaming, we love it. Get on the Trump train or get out of the way.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yea, quit watching that evil CNN, if you want to be true trumptard you need to sit and watch Fox news all day and read breitbart. You guys better get in line we'll all be trumptards one day lying dead in the street from the polution or suicides from the isps that sell our personal info and it comes back to bite us. Yep make america great again, damn it.
Obama is responsible for the deaths of untold numbers of cops here at home and troops overseas, helped create wars in Syria and Libya which resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians, which caused millions of Arabs to flee from their home countries, yet you worry about the remote possibility of asphyxia from air pollution because Trump relaxed a couple of government regulations??

Obviously yer nuts.
A person who tells these lies might be perceived as a nut case.
That and the Herculean task of trying to defend Trump and his criminal enterprise every day.
Defend being a Republican from lying liberals is a full-time job.
Democrats don't solve problems.....they are the problem.

What's the last problem the Republicans solved?
Getting that cocksucking Democrat out of the White House.

lol, getting a term limited president out of the presidency is the only accomplishment by the GOP you can come up with.

That is NO surprise.
Oh.....Hillary doesn’t count either?

I wonder why it is you nutsacks never mention Hillary if she's an embarrassment.
I heard a fact, I'm pretty sure it's true...that H. Clinton lost the Presidential election last November. Maybe you haven't been informed yet?
Barry sucks at all sports... fact

To be fair, we all can posses the natural athletic abilities of Trump. :lol:
First of all Trump has never claimed to be good at sports, and he is much older than Obama. Obama is a lying piece of fucking shit Who obviously has no coordination… fact

He knows all about baseball.

After all, he was born on third base and thought he hit a triple
Yeah the lying piece of shit claims he's good at basketball too…

Somebody should tell this guy that Obama is not the president anymore

Sssssshhh. It will be time for his meds soon enough.
To be fair, we all can posses the natural athletic abilities of Trump. :lol:
First of all Trump has never claimed to be good at sports, and he is much older than Obama. Obama is a lying piece of fucking shit Who obviously has no coordination… fact

He knows all about baseball.

After all, he was born on third base and thought he hit a triple
Yeah the lying piece of shit claims he's good at basketball too…

Somebody should tell this guy that Obama is not the president anymore

They truly miss the Former President, don't they?

Yes. Now they have nobody to blame their own personal misery on but themselves
Who really wants to watch Fat Donny waddle out to throw the first pitch?
maybe the people we elect as president should do their fucking job rather than all this other horse shit

When is he gonna start that?

You've been watching CNN again I see, you gotta stop watching the lying media if you want to know what is really going on with Trump.
Us Trumpets know he is doing what he promised because liberals are still kicking and screaming, we love it. Get on the Trump train or get out of the way.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yea, quit watching that evil CNN, if you want to be true trumptard you need to sit and watch Fox news all day and read breitbart. You guys better get in line we'll all be trumptards one day lying dead in the street from the polution or suicides from the isps that sell our personal info and it comes back to bite us. Yep make america great again, damn it.
Obama is responsible for the deaths of untold numbers of cops here at home and troops overseas, helped create wars in Syria and Libya which resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians, which caused millions of Arabs to flee from their home countries, yet you worry about the remote possibility of asphyxia from air pollution because Trump relaxed a couple of government regulations??

Obviously yer nuts.
A person who tells these lies might be perceived as a nut case.
He is a proud member of the TinFoil Hat Brigade.
Progressives are missing the former president so much but here trying to insist there's a Russian connection… Fucking brain-dead assholes.
A lot of nothing burger is being eaten... lol
Same reason why the chickenshit wouldn't attend the Correspondence Dinner. He's afraid people might be mean to him.
Pure conjecture. He didn't want to attend the correspondence dinner because it's difficult to sit in a room with a bunch of dishonest assholes that hate you and then give them an opportunity to repeat everything they've been saying about you for the last year or so. I don't see the point of giving the pricks the satisfaction.

I think he's just too busy trying to fix the mess Obama made to attend a ballgame. Obama had plenty of time to fuck around. Trump doesn't .
I don't see Trump as being a "throw the ball" kind of guy. He's a golfer. Probably doesn't know how.

Trump's idea of throwing out the first pitch was doing the first promo for 'Trump University'.
American presidents have thrown inaugural first pitches since Taft, yet now the (already) unpopular President Trump claims he has a "scheduling conflict"t hat keeps him from doing this.

The second-best popular vote getter in 2016 should be honest and admit he knows he will be relentlessly booed if he shows up on that mound.
Donald Trump Reportedly Won't Throw 1st Pitch for Nationals Due to Scheduling
Kind of like this fucking piece of shit… LOL

He throws like an 8 year old girl.

My daughter had a good arm when she was 8. What is your point?
Unlike obama, Trump was good at sports.

In recent weeks, Business Insider reached out to several of Trump's former classmates at the school. They paint a picture of Trump as a star athlete who rose to become one of the highest-ranked members of his class. They also hinted at regular hazing and fighting that went on at the academy.

According to his yearbook, Trump, who grew up in Queens, arrived at the school in upstate Cornwall, New York, in 1959. He graduated in 1964.

The yearbook shows that Trump, the son of millionaire real-estate developer Fred Trump, was a member of the varsity soccer, baseball, and football teams. He also won numerous awards including some for his athletic performance and a "neatness and order medal" in 1960.

One former classmate, George Beuttell, played football with Trump and described him as a "good man."

"He was one of the highest-ranked cadets there and he was motivated to excel back then, as he is now," Beuttell told Business Insider. "Nobody ever spoke badly about him then, and he was liked."

Beuttell said Trump "had direction back then that a lot of us other kids didn't."

"A lot of us were fooling around, played around, and he was more business than a lot of us," Beuttell said. "You had to admire that."

Trump's yearbook shows he rose to the rank of supply captain. According to Beuttell, this position was "probably the third-highest-ranked cadet in the whole school."

Another former Trump classmate, Jack Serafin, recalled taking orders from Trump.

"He made me memorize my serial number of my M1 [rifle] and I still remember it this way," Serafin told Business Insider. "Operationally, he was very well organized."

Arthur Schoenewaldt also spent some time as Trump's roommate. He said living with Trump was "great."

"It was obvious that he came from a better-than-average family, but he was a great guy," Schoenewaldt said.

Schoenewaldt also recalled Trump's athletic prowess.

"He was intelligent, he presented himself well, he was athletic," Schoenewaldt said. "I even heard from some of the coaches and stuff he could have played professional baseball."


Donald Trump's classmates share their memories about his 'Lord of the Flies' days in military school
maybe the people we elect as president should do their fucking job rather than all this other horse shit

When is he gonna start that?

You've been watching CNN again I see, you gotta stop watching the lying media if you want to know what is really going on with Trump.
Us Trumpets know he is doing what he promised because liberals are still kicking and screaming, we love it. Get on the Trump train or get out of the way.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Yea, quit watching that evil CNN, if you want to be true trumptard you need to sit and watch Fox news all day and read breitbart. You guys better get in line we'll all be trumptards one day lying dead in the street from the polution or suicides from the isps that sell our personal info and it comes back to bite us. Yep make america great again, damn it.
Obama is responsible for the deaths of untold numbers of cops here at home and troops overseas, helped create wars in Syria and Libya which resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians, which caused millions of Arabs to flee from their home countries, yet you worry about the remote possibility of asphyxia from air pollution because Trump relaxed a couple of government regulations??

Obviously yer nuts.

Obama knew he sucked at baseball, but he had the courage to do his best. Your orange clown is a coward. He knows he would probably be out of breath by the time he walked out to the mound.
Barry sucks at all sports... fact

To be fair, we all can posses the natural athletic abilities of Trump. :lol:
First of all Trump has never claimed to be good at sports, and he is much older than Obama. Obama is a lying piece of fucking shit Who obviously has no coordination… fact

He knows all about baseball.

After all, he was born on third base and thought he hit a triple
Yeah the lying piece of shit claims he's good at basketball too…

Don't care. Obama was cool

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