Trump won’t win Florida in 2020

The typical right winger reminds me of the mother of a spoiled child watching him march in a parade "Look !!!! my son is the only one in step !!!"

Bad news for you little girl.....MOST of the country LOVES Trump and sees the GOOD he is doing. Another of your Propaganda FAILS.,

And the typical Leftist such as yourself reminds me of......scratch that......

IS an ignorant, anti-American asshole. I'm not afraid to state the obvious.
I don't subscribe to your PC shaming tactics.

You got a credible link that shows Puerto Rico loves Trump, or did you just pull that out of our ass?
I'm afraid it goes both ways, recall when America was founded the Christian's were the same damn way (ie todays lefties are regressives)

I have a feeling it'll go right, right, right for a while before it swings back left because the right takes too much leash, just like the left just did. If we had more parties, idk maybe it'd stop it, but I think it might just be an American condition to swing back and forth wildly. Most of the time I think it's alright to do that, keep it a bit balanced between shit, and I think America as a whole does it's best when were in the "middle" of that wild swing thing - but idk about this year honestly, I think the D's are in deep shit and I worry they're not gonna survive to bring their shit back.

You should say "SOME" of the Christians were a certain way. Painting an entire class with such a broad brush is never wise.
There were indeed some bad people who called themselves Christians just as there are bad Journalists today calling themselves legitimate reporters when the truth is far from it.

I agree that any extreme is no good if that's your point. But what's happening here today is a large segment of the population is ignorant and gullible enough to swallow the Globalist garbage spewed by the Left media and people like BD.

Much of what they say is inaccurate. When you fail to see your true enemy until they have your neck in a noose, it's often too late to see your mistake.

Today's mainstream Leftist are simply following the Globalists agenda. Most probably aren;t even aware of why.....they simply have been emotionally manipulated into the fools they are.

Show me where President Trump's agenda is anti-American then we'll talk. Because I can easily show you how Mr. Obama's was.
He single handedly ushered in two new anti-American nuclear powers....Iran and NK. Great work Lefties.
I wish that were the case, really I do, but the reality is that they twist everything to be as negative as possible. That's called "bias" by the way.

In any event, your report is based upon the twisted biased news reporting that was done.

It's like all the media outlets spit out Hillary was gonna win because they based their predictions on previous biased media reports.

People say everyone hates Trump; that's a biased twisting. People say Trumps a racist; that's a biased twisting. People say Trump hates immigrants; that's a biased twisting. Trust me, you stop watching only left biased media, and [if you go into it with an open mind] you'll see a whole different side of Trump hear about all the good things he's doing.

It's just the way it goes, there's right biased media too ya know; that's why you can't just watch one media anymore, they're all a bunch of dicks who twist everything to fit their political biases. Almost all of them are reporting in "op ed" format, with their own personal opinions influencing their reports. Its kinda always been that way, but its been getting further and further to the extremes (right and left) because the reality of the "big picture" is that most American's hit the middle somewhere in the middle, but the R and D party can't have that shit.

Of course you are correct. But hard core Communist Leftist like BD are comparable to freedom Terminators. You cannot reason with them, logic and fact are meaningless to them and they will not stop until you are under their complete control and stripped of your human dignity.

No matter what you say that is based on fact, they will dismiss it and point to those fighting against their illegitimate cause as the problem.

Venezuela became a Leftist, hell-hole Dictatorship because people were "tolerant" of the Intolerant Left.
I see that as one of the biggest mistakes many good Americans are making in dealing with the Left.

You're trying to reason with the unreasonable, educate the unteachable and give audience to those who are hell bent on your destruction (and the nation's downfall).

As far as PR, Trump immediately sent MASSIVE aid.....documented, 10,000 containers in aid relief and much Federal support.....but in true Leftist form the Leftist in charge in PR manipulated things and made it appear that the Right was withholding the support and that it was much less, ALL so they can report how awful the Right is and whip their ignorant base into a hateful frenzy and propaganda party.. Typical Leftist tactics.

So you think they are still manipulating things to look like there is very little drinkable water or electricity today? It's been quite a while and the place still looks like the aftermath of a war. What ever was done hasn't been near enough. Americans are suffering, and Trump doesn't give a damn.

... I think your ire is misplaced.

Electricity - Puerto Rico Governor On The Island's Recovery
Water (one of many with no doubt the same inundation and destruction problems) - Puerto Rico Still Dealing With Contaminated Drinking Water

It's not like Trump is down there calling the shots, the people's reps are. They make whatever decisions and ya'll and the media blame Trump for it... Trump's done what he could do and the details are kinda up to them.

It's like the president wasn't expected to fix all the shit in Big Lake Alaska when almost the entire community went up in flames, it was on the locals to get their water/power back on - with funding help, maybe some workers, perhaps (I don't think big lake got any but just as a clarification), but it was on the peeps reps to get it rolling and get it done. No one blamed Obama because half the houses hadn't been rebuilt so didn't have running water for a year or two after the fire was put out, for example.
Louisiana is still in bad shape years after hurricane Katrina.....Obama had 8 years and did less for Louisiana than Trump has already done for PR.

I'm not saying Trump is a Saint and like ANY politician, I reserve "trust" for after results are in.
But so far, he seems to be FAR more focused on helping Americans than Obama was.
Mostly Obama ensured that all the Democrat supporters were rewarded. That's where the trillions disappeared.
Solyndra for example. Trillions in payoffs. No wonder the Left loved Obama. They got rich off him at the nations expense.

Obama was the perfect example of "Party and Supporters above ALL else.....screw The People"
Louisiana is still in bad shape years after hurricane Katrina.....Obama had 8 years and did less for Louisiana than Trump has already done for PR.

I'm not saying Trump is a Saint and like ANY politician, I reserve "trust" for after results are in.
But so far, he seems to be FAR more focused on helping Americans than Obama was.
Mostly Obama ensured that all the Democrat supporters were rewarded. That's where the trillions disappeared.
Solyndra for example. Trillions in payoffs. No wonder the Left loved Obama. They got rich off him at the nations expense.

Obama was the perfect example of "Party and Supporters above ALL else.....screw The People"

The program that funded Solyndra made a profit for the US.
Everyone loves trump including many democrats afraid to say chance of him losing to any liberal in 2020
After the Democratic complacency that allowed that idiot to be elected, there will be no complacency in the next election.

That is to be seen.

However, I have no doubt that the evil, Communist Left with their Globalist agenda will indeed gain power again at some point.
And it is going to be a very dark time for America because I'm also certain that when it happens, they will pervert the laws of the nation, violate the Constitution and generally harm the nation like we've never seen......all while the Left imbeciles rejoice their own demise.

The next time the Left gains the upper hand in power they will undoubtedly.....
1). Enact MANY Un Constitutional gun control laws and attempt outright confiscation as we've never seen disguised as laws to "protect" society.
2). Remove as many non-Leftist-compliant judges as possible across the nation...possibly from the Supreme Court for the first time
3). Open the borders wide open. Basically stripping America of it's Sovereignty.
4). Begin an anti-Christian campaign as we've ever seen

I am certain the Left will use the Communist purging tactic called "A War On Corruption".
When you hear in the news, while the Left has control of the WH and both houses of Congress, of a massive "Anti-Corruption" campaign announcement. That is when the shit will really begin to hit the fan. It will actually mean the forceful purging of all opposition.

The Left is determined to change the face of America permanently and these are the "must-do's" for their agenda.

I blame it largely on the apathetic, tolerant Right. Just as in Venezuela, most will bitch and complain (if even that) and only get riled up AFTER the shit begins to hit the fan....too late.

So yeah, I do think the Left will eventually acheive a virtual (if not full) dictatorship right here in America.

Think it's impossible? So was a black President and Government mandated Health Care System. We also now have "Civil Forfeiture" and other completely Un Constitutional "Laws" today that would have been unthinkable 100 years ago. So think all you want.

Never underestimate your adversary. Too many on the Right have not learned that lesson yet. Venezuelans.
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I'm afraid it goes both ways, recall when America was founded the Christian's were the same damn way (ie todays lefties are regressives)

I have a feeling it'll go right, right, right for a while before it swings back left because the right takes too much leash, just like the left just did. If we had more parties, idk maybe it'd stop it, but I think it might just be an American condition to swing back and forth wildly. Most of the time I think it's alright to do that, keep it a bit balanced between shit, and I think America as a whole does it's best when were in the "middle" of that wild swing thing - but idk about this year honestly, I think the D's are in deep shit and I worry they're not gonna survive to bring their shit back.

You should say "SOME" of the Christians were a certain way. Painting an entire class with such a broad brush is never wise.
There were indeed some bad people who called themselves Christians just as there are bad Journalists today calling themselves legitimate reporters when the truth is far from it.

I agree that any extreme is no good if that's your point. But what's happening here today is a large segment of the population is ignorant and gullible enough to swallow the Globalist garbage spewed by the Left media and people like BD.

Much of what they say is inaccurate. When you fail to see your true enemy until they have your neck in a noose, it's often too late to see your mistake.

Today's mainstream Leftist are simply following the Globalists agenda. Most probably aren;t even aware of why.....they simply have been emotionally manipulated into the fools they are.

Show me where President Trump's agenda is anti-American then we'll talk. Because I can easily show you how Mr. Obama's was.
He single handedly ushered in two new anti-American nuclear powers....Iran and NK. Great work Lefties.

You're correct, of course, I grew up in a state that is to this day 70% Christian and I had little trouble fitting in (I'm bi and an LGBT supporter.)

I was speaking "in general" and as a concept rather than splitting hairs as much as folks these days tend to do.

As for the latter complaint there; son I'm a capitalist Trumpette, I love what he's doing... To be bluntly honest, I don't have the patience nor time to stupid myself down enough to argue the fruit loops side of the "bad" he's supposedly doing to the nation...
As for the latter complaint there; son I'm a capitalist Trumpette, I love what he's doing... To be bluntly honest, I don't have the patience nor time to stupid myself down enough to argue the fruit loops side of the "bad" he's supposedly doing to the nation...


Fruit Loops and Snowflakes.
They REALLY aren't worth the time.

But they ARE a real threat.
As for the latter complaint there; son I'm a capitalist Trumpette, I love what he's doing... To be bluntly honest, I don't have the patience nor time to stupid myself down enough to argue the fruit loops side of the "bad" he's supposedly doing to the nation...


Fruit Loops and Snowflakes.
They REALLY aren't worth the time.

But they ARE a real threat.

IDK about the threat thing, but then again I can, and in fact was ready to, leave the country if they wanna go all socialist/communist. I do believe in the nation going where the people wish (not this years majority rules bullshit, but ya know something in the middle "democratic socialism" kind of thing. I'm with EC rather than PV because it's about being respectful for /all/ American's, not just the big city American's who of course have higher population.)

Also, I've totally been sitting here trying to come up with a Trump policy that I don't agree with and all I can think of is DACA, he's totally soft on Dreamers. I think we should bounce any of them who aren't pulling their weight (aka deport the ones who are on welfare, doing crimes, or are just sending their money back to Mexico, even perhaps to the point of the ones who bring their families over here to be on welfare [though I'm slightly negotiable on the latter.])

I don't mind immigrants at all, but they have to provide some benefit to the nation, at least a real 'potential' for benefit in the future, IMHO.
After the Democratic complacency that allowed that idiot to be elected, there will be no complacency in the next election.

That is to be seen.

However, I have no doubt that the evil, Communist Left with their Globalist agenda will indeed gain power again at some point.
And it is going to be a very dark time for America because I'm also certain that when it happens, they will pervert the laws of the nation, violate the Constitution and generally harm the nation like we've never seen......all while the Left imbeciles rejoice their own demise.

The next time the Left gains the upper hand in power they will undoubtedly.....
1). Enact MANY Un Constitutional gun control laws and attempt outright confiscation as we've never seen disguised as laws to "protect" society.
2). Remove as many non-Leftist-compliant judges as possible across the nation...possibly from the Supreme Court for the first time
3). Open the borders wide open. Basically stripping America of it's Sovereignty.
4). Begin an anti-Christian campaign as we've ever seen

I am certain the Left will use the Communist purging tactic called "A War On Corruption".
When you hear in the news, while the Left has control of the WH and both houses of Congress, of a massive "Anti-Corruption" campaign announcement. That is when the shit will really begin to hit the fan. It will actually mean the forceful purging of all opposition.

The Left is determined to change the face of America permanently and these are the "must-do's" for their agenda.

I blame it largely on the apathetic, tolerant Right. Just as in Venezuela, most will bitch and complain (if even that) and only get riled up AFTER the shit begins to hit the fan....too late.

So yeah, I do think the Left will eventually acheive a virtual (if not full) dictatorship right here in America.

Think it's impossible? So was a black President and Government mandated Health Care System. We also now have "Civil Forfeiture" and other completely Un Constitutional "Laws" today that would have been unthinkable 100 years ago. So think all you want.

Never underestimate your adversary. Too many on the Right have not learned that lesson yet. Venezuelans.

Yes, those will be dark days for you, but don't worry. As long as you have your compound in the wilderness, a good stock of tinfoil hats, and a shortwave radio so you can listen to Alex Jones, you'll be just fine.
Yes, those will be dark days for you, but don't worry. As long as you have your compound in the wilderness, a good stock of tinfoil hats, and a shortwave radio so you can listen to Alex Jones, you'll be just fine.

Let's see.....
"Compound in the wilderness"......don't have
"Good stock of tinfoil hats"......nope
"Shortwave Radio"....would like one...but nope (does having a shortwave radio make you a nut???)
"Alex Jones"....sry......but don't listen...maybe I should if he's on your list of don'ts

Well little one, looks like you're way off as usual. Big surprise there.
But is also no surprise you don't feel those are bad things....since you support them ALL
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Yes, those will be dark days for you, but don't worry. As long as you have your compound in the wilderness, a good stock of tinfoil hats, and a shortwave radio so you can listen to Alex Jones, you'll be just fine.

Let's see.....
"Compound in the wilderness"......don't have
"Good stock of tinfoil hats"......nope
"Shortwave Radio"....would like one...but nope (does having a shortwave radio make you a nut???)
"Alex Jones"....sry......but don't listen...maybe I should if he's on your list of don'ts

Well little one, looks like you're way off as usual. Big surprise there.

Looks like you're screwed then.
The cock sucker probably won't win in 2020 period.

We see that he lied about being for the little guy and his true colors are coming out as this tax bill is a big effin tax increase on us little guys.

Man, you are relentless in your ability to lie!

Is Gavin Newsome running in 2020?
you have to add in all of the conservatives that just keep moving into florida. big deal, 200,000 more Puerto Ricans. what about the 100's of thousands moving to Florida who aren't Democrats? and who says all Puerto Ricans are Democrats?

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