Trump working on pardoning people accused of war crimes

This might sound mean and cruel but if the US was required to bomb Japan and Germany at the close of WWII killing hundreds of thousands of very intelligent civilians, who the fuck would give two shits about some filthy middle east inbred retard savages getting lit up by Americans fighting for freedom and against Muslim insanity?
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This might sound mean is cruel but if the US was required to bomb Japan and Germany at the close of WWII killing hundreds of thousands of very intelligent civilians, who the fuck would give two shits about some filthy middle east inbred retard savages getting lit up by Americans fighting for freedom and against Muslim insanity?

Because we have much better technology today. We don't have to kill tens to hundreds of thousands of innocent citizens to prove a point.
The thing is none of the "civilian" invaders into Europe are innocent. Most of them are rapists, assault Westerners and generally have contempt for Western civilization. The native population in Europe has been through enough and evolved past violence. But they really need to go back to their roots and fuck up any savage committing violent crime. As far as in a middle battle zone when "friendly" middle easterners are simply clever terrorists, if there is any doubt at all, I would lite up any and all savages without getting permission from headquarters. Also Russia needs to be apologized to and called in to undo Reagan's arming of the Taliban in the 80's. Afghanistan as a terrorist nation would not exist if Reagan did not give them billions of dollars in weapons. The Ruskies will have no lawsuits and sleepless nights wasting the savages.
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The thing is none of the "civilian" invaders into Europe are innocent. Most of them are rapists, assault Westerners and generally have contempt for Western civilization. The native population in Europe has been through enough and evolved past violence. But they really need to go back to their roots and fuck up any savage committing violent crime. As far as in a middle battle zone when "friendly" middle easterners are simply clever terrorists, if there is any doubt at all, I would lite up any and all savages without getting permission from headquarters. Also Russia needs to be apologized to and called in to undo Reagan's arming of the Taliban in the 80's. Afghanistan as a terrorist nation would not exist if Reagan did not give them billions of dollars in weapons. The Ruskies will have no lawsuits and sleepless nights wasting the savages.

How do you know that? Have you spoken and gotten to know each one of them?
So much better when Clinton was getting paid to pardon criminals right? In this case the men were convicted not because what they did was so bad but because it wasn't PC.
Targeting and murdering unarmed civilians has nothing to do with PC.
This is the military that donnie and his deplorables want, tho.

As opposed say to trading a traitor who left his base to flirt with the Taliban --- for 4 LEADERS of the Taliban who were captured at GREAT COST to our military??? Different set of values indeed.....
One of those traded was al Baghdadi. Good call shitstain.
Our military has standards and codes. It is professional and strict. Something our enemies typically lack. Trump seems to want them to emulate our enemies. No surprise.

war etiquette seem soooOoooo oxymoronish.......~S~
Did you look at that statement with anything like a hint of skepticism? For if that were true and an established fact, the man wouldn't need a pardon, because the conviction would likely have been thrown out on appeal. But his appeals were dismissed.

So, where did you find that crap? And, you didn't willfully confuse Behenna's mere claim that "exculpatory evidence" was withheld with an actual fact, or did you?

Guy, I was in the Army for 11 years... Military Justice is an oxymoron. You don't get a jury of your peers, you get a hearing of seven officers who are eager to please their higher-ups. In Behenna's case, not a one of those officers had combat experience.

•On the evening of February 25th, prosecution expert witness Dr. Herbert MacDonell told the prosecution attorneys the only logical explanation for what happened was that Mansur had to be standing, reaching for LT Behenna's gun when he was shot. This contradicted the prosecution's theory that Mansur was executed while seated on a rock.

•On February 26th LT Behenna testified that while he was interrogating Mansur he turned his head towards his interpreter, and when he did, Mansur lunged for his gun. The LT fired a controlled pair of shots. This explanation was identical to what Dr. MacDonell told the prosecution team in a private meeting the night before.

•During a recess after 1LT Behenna's testimony, Dr. MacDonell met with the prosecution team and told them again that the LT's testimony was exactly what he had demonstrated to Prosecutors the day before and that the LT must be telling the truth. The prosecutors sent Dr. MacDonell home to New York. Leaving the courtroom, Dr. MacDonell told defense counsel he would have made a great witness for LT Behenna.

Deplorable injustice continues for Lt. Michael Behenna

Behenna is a murderer. He humiliated an Iraqi, interrogated him after the man had been exonerated, and, in the best reading, went about it so incompetently that the man had a chance to go after Behenna's weapon, and he couldn't control the situation without murdering the man. More likely, he was outraged and out of his mind that any of Those people had the unprecedented temerity to fight back against an occupying force.

Okay, let's take your argument, are you saying that this Iraqi was innocent, or that he was legitmately fighting an occupying force? If the latter, then the fault really lies with the politicians who sent Lt. Behenna over there, not the soldier who was doing the best he could under an unwinnable situation.

Hey, this funny thing happened after WWII. A bunch of old Nazis tried to keep fighting the war they obviously lost. The response was to take them out and shoot them.

Trump's pardon will be widely perceived, throughout the Arabic / Muslim world, as more evidence that mollycoddling murderers in the oh-so law-abiding and human rights-upholding West is the thing to do, not least because the lives of Those people count for nothing. How do you think that will play? Behenna's murderous rage, along with Trump's propensity to "stick it to Them", are likely to cost quite a few lives.

Um, yeah... funny thing... they were all killing us long before they ever heard of Lt. Behenna.

Sorry, man, you don't win a war by playing nice with the bad guys.

Now, myself, I have a simple solution. Get the hell out of the middle east. Stop arming them, stop picking sides, stop getting involved in their fights. But since the Oil Companies and Zionists dictate our policies, don't screw over the young men we send over there to do their dirty work.
The convicted murderer, now pardoned, went outside of his ROE and he murdered an unarmed person.

We know, you would do the same thing; you would partake in premeditated murder of an unarmed person too.

After all your hero Pee Wee Penis said, "I could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose any votes."

That's really what it's all about with you murderers; popularity.

The problem with "Rules of Engagement' is they are often written by guys with no combat experience sitting in an office somewhere.

Now, that said, Behennas should have just followed orders, but his platoon had been taking a pounding from IED attacks, and they knew this guy was responsible.

Has to be a certain point where we say, "We aren't going to punish the soldiers for the politicians' mistake."

Everyone here knows I despite Trump. But this was the right call.
Yeah and in Vietnam the U.S. made some enemies for life because some soldiers took advantage of the free for all atmosphere to smoke opium, rape innocent civilians, kill innocent civilians, and even take trophies of some of the people they killed. We have to learn from that. If we are going to go into a country to supposedly fight for the innocent civilians that are being treated horribly by their leader, then we need to make sure as a country we aren't there killing innocent people and creating a new generation of terrorists that will hate the U.S. for a life time.

If our military can not help these people by abiding by the rules of engagement, then they need to pack the fuck up and get out of the country. End of story.

Behenna was not raping anyone or taking his ear.

Nor was the man he killed an "innocent civilian".

Now, i have no problem prosecuting people who commit actual crimes, like those idiots at Abu Grahib or the guys who raped the 15 year old and killed her entire family. Those ARE crimes.

In Behenna's case, there was exculpatory evidence that the terrorist went for his gun. Honestly, if he were a cop in a street shooting, he'd have probably been acquitted.
As opposed say to trading a traitor who left his base to flirt with the Taliban --- for 4 LEADERS of the Taliban who were captured at GREAT COST to our military??? Different set of values indeed.....

Okay, now that I've had to stick up for Trump, I have to stick up for Obama.

First, it was five Taliban leaders.

Second, we had no legal grounds to continue to hold them. They had committed no crimes against Americans.

Third, the Afghan Government of Karzai requested that they be released, because they were seen as people who could bring the Taliban to the negotiating table.

Fourth- Before all his platoon-mates started whining to the media, Republicans were DEMANDING Obama do something to get Bergdahl released.

8 conservatives' hilarious flip-flops on Bergdahl

Fifth- a military tribunal mostly acquitted Bergdahl of the charges against him. Frankly, I think that's fine. You take a mentally unstable man, pump him with drugs, send him into a combat zone with poor leadership, and then act all surprised when he does something irrational?
Yeah and in Vietnam the U.S. made some enemies for life because some soldiers took advantage of the free for all atmosphere to smoke opium, rape innocent civilians, kill innocent civilians, and even take trophies of some of the people they killed. We have to learn from that. If we are going to go into a country to supposedly fight for the innocent civilians that are being treated horribly by their leader, then we need to make sure as a country we aren't there killing innocent people and creating a new generation of terrorists that will hate the U.S. for a life time.

If our military can not help these people by abiding by the rules of engagement, then they need to pack the fuck up and get out of the country. End of story.

Behenna was not raping anyone or taking his ear.

Nor was the man he killed an "innocent civilian".

Now, i have no problem prosecuting people who commit actual crimes, like those idiots at Abu Grahib or the guys who raped the 15 year old and killed her entire family. Those ARE crimes.

In Behenna's case, there was exculpatory evidence that the terrorist went for his gun. Honestly, if he were a cop in a street shooting, he'd have probably been acquitted.

That's dishonest for you to post that as a response to my post. My post was not pointed toward any individual, let alone the guy you posted. It's about the process in general as a whole and the slippery slope it creates.
You take a mentally unstable man, pump him with drugs, send him into a combat zone with poor leadership, and then act all surprised when he does something irrational?

one wonders how much of that goes on.....~S~
Yeah and in Vietnam the U.S. made some enemies for life because some soldiers took advantage of the free for all atmosphere to smoke opium, rape innocent civilians, kill innocent civilians, and even take trophies of some of the people they killed. We have to learn from that. If we are going to go into a country to supposedly fight for the innocent civilians that are being treated horribly by their leader, then we need to make sure as a country we aren't there killing innocent people and creating a new generation of terrorists that will hate the U.S. for a life time.

If our military can not help these people by abiding by the rules of engagement, then they need to pack the fuck up and get out of the country. End of story.

Behenna was not raping anyone or taking his ear.

Nor was the man he killed an "innocent civilian".

Now, i have no problem prosecuting people who commit actual crimes, like those idiots at Abu Grahib or the guys who raped the 15 year old and killed her entire family. Those ARE crimes.

In Behenna's case, there was exculpatory evidence that the terrorist went for his gun. Honestly, if he were a cop in a street shooting, he'd have probably been acquitted.

Now if we want to talk about this guy's case, there are really only 4 people that can talk about what happened, and 2 of the 4 said some pretty damning things.

When you take a prisoner under a bridge in the middle of no where, when your orders told you to take them back to their city, when that person's body is found with their head blown up, and a burned naked body, it's pretty hard to holler self-defense.
Did you look at that statement with anything like a hint of skepticism? For if that were true and an established fact, the man wouldn't need a pardon, because the conviction would likely have been thrown out on appeal. But his appeals were dismissed.

So, where did you find that crap? And, you didn't willfully confuse Behenna's mere claim that "exculpatory evidence" was withheld with an actual fact, or did you?

Guy, I was in the Army for 11 years... Military Justice is an oxymoron. You don't get a jury of your peers, you get a hearing of seven officers who are eager to please their higher-ups. In Behenna's case, not a one of those officers had combat experience.

•On the evening of February 25th, prosecution expert witness Dr. Herbert MacDonell told the prosecution attorneys the only logical explanation for what happened was that Mansur had to be standing, reaching for LT Behenna's gun when he was shot. This contradicted the prosecution's theory that Mansur was executed while seated on a rock.

•On February 26th LT Behenna testified that while he was interrogating Mansur he turned his head towards his interpreter, and when he did, Mansur lunged for his gun. The LT fired a controlled pair of shots. This explanation was identical to what Dr. MacDonell told the prosecution team in a private meeting the night before.

•During a recess after 1LT Behenna's testimony, Dr. MacDonell met with the prosecution team and told them again that the LT's testimony was exactly what he had demonstrated to Prosecutors the day before and that the LT must be telling the truth. The prosecutors sent Dr. MacDonell home to New York. Leaving the courtroom, Dr. MacDonell told defense counsel he would have made a great witness for LT Behenna.

Deplorable injustice continues for Lt. Michael Behenna

Behenna is a murderer. He humiliated an Iraqi, interrogated him after the man had been exonerated, and, in the best reading, went about it so incompetently that the man had a chance to go after Behenna's weapon, and he couldn't control the situation without murdering the man. More likely, he was outraged and out of his mind that any of Those people had the unprecedented temerity to fight back against an occupying force.

Okay, let's take your argument, are you saying that this Iraqi was innocent, or that he was legitmately fighting an occupying force? If the latter, then the fault really lies with the politicians who sent Lt. Behenna over there, not the soldier who was doing the best he could under an unwinnable situation.

Hey, this funny thing happened after WWII. A bunch of old Nazis tried to keep fighting the war they obviously lost. The response was to take them out and shoot them.

Trump's pardon will be widely perceived, throughout the Arabic / Muslim world, as more evidence that mollycoddling murderers in the oh-so law-abiding and human rights-upholding West is the thing to do, not least because the lives of Those people count for nothing. How do you think that will play? Behenna's murderous rage, along with Trump's propensity to "stick it to Them", are likely to cost quite a few lives.

Um, yeah... funny thing... they were all killing us long before they ever heard of Lt. Behenna.

Sorry, man, you don't win a war by playing nice with the bad guys.

Now, myself, I have a simple solution. Get the hell out of the middle east. Stop arming them, stop picking sides, stop getting involved in their fights. But since the Oil Companies and Zionists dictate our policies, don't screw over the young men we send over there to do their dirty work.

That's the entirety of your analysis? Military justice is an oxymoron (Behenna's appeal was rejected by the U.S. Supreme Court), Behenna can't be responsible for the murder of an unarmed civilian because others sent him there, and they went after the occupiers before Behenna's murder - there is no such thing as a recruiting tool in any of that.

"Sorry, man, you don't win a war by playing nice with the bad guys."

I thought you're smarter than that. You particularly don't win wars by not maintaining discipline, by signaling to rogues they are getting off Scot free, and to the rest of the world you're on a murderous rampage and are no different from, certainly no better than, those you purportedly fight.

Behenna is a murderer. He left the body lying in the desert, and went back to base informing no one of what he had done in oh-so justified self-defense. Trump pardoned him reaffirming, in the final analysis, White supremacy, and the White supremacists collectively came out to praise their Dear Leader for it. Enjoy the company, Joe.
So much better when Clinton was getting paid to pardon criminals right? In this case the men were convicted not because what they did was so bad but because it wasn't PC.
Targeting and murdering unarmed civilians has nothing to do with PC.
This is the military that donnie and his deplorables want, tho.

As opposed say to trading a traitor who left his base to flirt with the Taliban --- for 4 LEADERS of the Taliban who were captured at GREAT COST to our military??? Different set of values indeed.....
One of those traded was al Baghdadi. Good call shitstain.

No, he was not. It is not necessary to lie to prove your point. Al Baghdadi is Iraqi, not Taliban.
So much better when Clinton was getting paid to pardon criminals right? In this case the men were convicted not because what they did was so bad but because it wasn't PC.
Targeting and murdering unarmed civilians has nothing to do with PC.
This is the military that donnie and his deplorables want, tho.

As opposed say to trading a traitor who left his base to flirt with the Taliban --- for 4 LEADERS of the Taliban who were captured at GREAT COST to our military??? Different set of values indeed.....
One of those traded was al Baghdadi. Good call shitstain.

Al Baghdadi was from Abu Ghraib released in 2004, having been deemed a "low risk" by the review board in place to evaluate whether to release prisoners there.
Hope he pardons them all.

Kinda hard to criticize soldiers who are trying to stay alive in countries where the kids would kill you because you are an American.

No innocent civilians in those countries. Any one of them would kill you.
Trying a soldier for "murder" in a war is like handing out speeding tickets at the Indy 500. REMFers love to fuck with the trigger-pullers....they steal our beer, eat our pie, slow-walk our mail from home, and if given the opportunity, get us charged with breaking their code of if it means something to them other than revenge for being a REMFer. Take the SEAL who lit up the al-Qaida bombmaker he'd captured....does anybody seriously believe he should have let him go? If civilians knew what really goes down in a combat AOR, they'd think twice before sending their sons into that kind of mayhem. And then they wonder why Billy comes home with a thousand yard stare and drinks like a fish.

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