Trump Wrongly Corrected A Veteran About The Suicide Rate

I posted to you last night he was right. He might have it wrong for the year 2015 but they did like an 8 year study and it was, in fact, 22.
Most of your other sentences are ridiculous as well. Did you even listen to him, or were you listening in on hillarys Bluetooth the whole time?
I posted to you last night he was right. He might have it wrong for the year 2015 but they did like an 8 year study and it was, in fact, 22.
Most of your other sentences are ridiculous as well. Did you even listen to him, or were you listening in on hillarys Bluetooth the whole time?
He was not right. He was using outdated data. The veteran was using the latest data and showed she was up to date and more knowledgeable about the topic. The fact that Trump thought he needed to correct the female vet is telling. How dare a female attempt to correct him or show she is more knowledgeable than him. He is Trump and no girl has a right to correct him, even if she is a vet.
I posted to you last night he was right. He might have it wrong for the year 2015 but they did like an 8 year study and it was, in fact, 22.
Most of your other sentences are ridiculous as well. Did you even listen to him, or were you listening in on hillarys Bluetooth the whole time?
He was not right. He was using outdated data. The veteran was using the latest data and showed she was up to date and more knowledgeable about the topic. The fact that Trump thought he needed to correct the female vet is telling. How dare a female attempt to correct him or show she is more knowledgeable than him. He is Trump and no girl has a right to correct him, even if she is a vet.
So suicides are going down....
And don't bring up sexist shit. That's so ignorant.
I posted to you last night he was right. He might have it wrong for the year 2015 but they did like an 8 year study and it was, in fact, 22.
Most of your other sentences are ridiculous as well. Did you even listen to him, or were you listening in on hillarys Bluetooth the whole time?
Although the rate of veterans suicide was previously estimated to be 22 a day, the Department of Veterans' Affairs updated that number to 20 in August.

Funny, when right wingers post links, I usually read them before I comment. So I don't look as stupid as Trump.
I posted to you last night he was right. He might have it wrong for the year 2015 but they did like an 8 year study and it was, in fact, 22.
Most of your other sentences are ridiculous as well. Did you even listen to him, or were you listening in on hillarys Bluetooth the whole time?
Although the rate of veterans suicide was previously estimated to be 22 a day, the Department of Veterans' Affairs updated that number to 20 in August.

Funny, when right wingers post links, I usually read them before I comment. So I don't look as stupid as Trump.
So suicides are actually on a downward slope. That's progress, so what is everyone bitching about?
I posted to you last night he was right. He might have it wrong for the year 2015 but they did like an 8 year study and it was, in fact, 22.
Most of your other sentences are ridiculous as well. Did you even listen to him, or were you listening in on hillarys Bluetooth the whole time?
He was not right. He was using outdated data. The veteran was using the latest data and showed she was up to date and more knowledgeable about the topic. The fact that Trump thought he needed to correct the female vet is telling. How dare a female attempt to correct him or show she is more knowledgeable than him. He is Trump and no girl has a right to correct him, even if she is a vet.
So suicides are going down....
And don't bring up sexist shit. That's so ignorant.
Ya, Trump is never sexist.
I posted to you last night he was right. He might have it wrong for the year 2015 but they did like an 8 year study and it was, in fact, 22.
Most of your other sentences are ridiculous as well. Did you even listen to him, or were you listening in on hillarys Bluetooth the whole time?
Although the rate of veterans suicide was previously estimated to be 22 a day, the Department of Veterans' Affairs updated that number to 20 in August.

Funny, when right wingers post links, I usually read them before I comment. So I don't look as stupid as Trump.
So suicides are actually on a downward slope. That's progress, so what is everyone bitching about?
are you asking dean that?....this guy gets up and stubs his toe and will blame republicans....dean will moan about the tiniest thing about republicans,but you never see him bitch about anything the democrats have helped fuck up.....and his answer to what i am saying will be his standard answer....."what fuckups?"....
Trunp wants to send more troops to war. That will help suicides!! More troops coming back f'd up !
The fucked up thing about this is arguing about the numbers. One Vet suicide is one to many, but of course a partisan hack like the OP and others on this site don't care about Veterans unless they can ding Trump.
I posted to you last night he was right. He might have it wrong for the year 2015 but they did like an 8 year study and it was, in fact, 22.
Most of your other sentences are ridiculous as well. Did you even listen to him, or were you listening in on hillarys Bluetooth the whole time?
Although the rate of veterans suicide was previously estimated to be 22 a day, the Department of Veterans' Affairs updated that number to 20 in August.

Funny, when right wingers post links, I usually read them before I comment. So I don't look as stupid as Trump.

September is 7 days old nitwit. If the VA updated this, then what they did was previously report an additional SEVEN THOUSAND DIED that did not?

Yep, time to hire folks with more than a third grade math understanding in the VA.
Trunp wants to send more troops to war. That will help suicides!! More troops coming back f'd up !

Maybe they're fucked up because they're watching the lands they fought and watch their friend die to capture, being taken back in the blink of an eye!

She didn’t need him to tell her what’s going on.

GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump tried to show how much he knows about the issue of veteran suicides Wednesday night by correcting a veteran who’d asked him a question. But Trump’s attempt to demonstrate his knowledge failed ― the veteran had the right statistic, not Trump.

Rachel Fredericks specialized in aviations operations in the Marine Corps. She lost two friends to suicide, and she herself has post-traumatic stress disorder. During the Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America Commander-in-Chief Forum Wednesday night, Fredericks asked Trump what he was going to do to stop 20 veterans a day from killing themselves.

“Actually, it’s 22,” Trump replied. “It’s almost impossible to conceive that this is happening in our country.”

When Trump corrected Fredericks, the veteran shook her head, and a man behind her could be seen shaking his head as well.

Fredericks, in fact, cited the correct number. In July, the Department of Veterans Affairs revised its figures on suicide. Per The Wall Street Journal:

More: Trump Wrongly Corrected A Veteran About The Suicide Rate

So sad. Trump tries to bully everyone - including veterans.
Just as bad is Trump’s arrogance, which blinds him to the fact that he’s ignorant and wrong.

Why anyone would vote for this arrogant ass remains a mystery.
because he beats the alternative.
Quite the opposite.
Trunp wants to send more troops to war. That will help suicides!! More troops coming back f'd up !

Maybe they're fucked up because they're watching the lands they fought and watch their friend die to capture, being taken back in the blink of an eye!

What american land was taken? Defended ?? Oh ...none !! There was nothing to "capture". Unless you are an imperialist.

Don't be such a fool. Iraq was a pointless war and a huge mistake .
Trunp wants to send more troops to war. That will help suicides!! More troops coming back f'd up !

Maybe they're fucked up because they're watching the lands they fought and watch their friend die to capture, being taken back in the blink of an eye!

What american land was taken? Defended ?? Oh ...none !! There was nothing to "capture". Unless you are an imperialist.

Don't be such a fool. Iraq was a pointless war and a huge mistake .

9/11 was a mistake. Iraq was necessary.
Trunp wants to send more troops to war. That will help suicides!! More troops coming back f'd up !

Maybe they're fucked up because they're watching the lands they fought and watch their friend die to capture, being taken back in the blink of an eye!

What american land was taken? Defended ?? Oh ...none !! There was nothing to "capture". Unless you are an imperialist.

Don't be such a fool. Iraq was a pointless war and a huge mistake .

And here I thought we were concerned about the veterans, but Timmy must deflect back to the political.

Kinda shows a bit of disrespect, would you not agree chum(p)?
Trunp wants to send more troops to war. That will help suicides!! More troops coming back f'd up !

Maybe they're fucked up because they're watching the lands they fought and watch their friend die to capture, being taken back in the blink of an eye!

What american land was taken? Defended ?? Oh ...none !! There was nothing to "capture". Unless you are an imperialist.

Don't be such a fool. Iraq was a pointless war and a huge mistake .
Vietnam was bigger. But us Vets are proud of our service.

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