Trump you have done a great huge diservice to the American people

and Clapper said informant , not spy. Trump makes up crap, he never speaks the truth.. Clapper has a book about and not a lot of good things about Trump.

I believe Clapper, Comey and Mueller, since Trump is a compulsive liar, always has been and always will be. I have never seen such a low life scum animal in my life, beyond reprehensible.

Excuse me animals everywhere, he is much worst than any animal could be. He is a vicious arrogant slob that goes for the throat of his victims and not for food, but to get even and save his arse.
Who is more like Putin;

Mueller, or Trump?

Is this a trick question?

I don't know, is it?

How much do you trust the information that is fed to you?

How much do you REALLY know about what is going on in the world?

To me you seem motivated by an awful lot of propaganda. Your emotions and what you write sounds a lot like the parroting I hear from a lot of the others on the so called "left." I know you are smarter than this though.

In the sixties and seventies, the left would never endorse or trust spooks. Why are they doing so now?

I have known of Trump and his shenanigans for decades, always tried to make the news. I can't stand a white collar crook, liar and arrogant slob who is a serial adulterer and self proclaimed assaulter. How many people has he ripped off and still is ruining people reputation so he can gloat in his arrogance , he is paying for play on steroids now and you are buying his Toilet paper. Good job.
and Clapper said informant , not spy. Trump makes up crap, he never speaks the truth.. Clapper has a book about and not a lot of good things about Trump.

I believe Clapper, Comey and Mueller, since Trump is a compulsive liar, always has been and always will be. I have never seen such a low life scum animal in my life, beyond reprehensible.

Excuse me animals everywhere, he is much worst than any animal could be. He is a vicious arrogant slob that goes for the throat of his victims and not for food, but to get even and save his arse.

I am not a fan of Trump either because same as Obama,he also lied about ending the middle east war but you lose more and more credibility here everyday by saying you voted for Hitlery and would AGAIN no less.:D Only an idiot would have voted for Hitlery over trump.:rolleyes:

I am dissapointed with Trump for kissing Isreals ass as he has done but you say you would vote for Hitlery just proves what a hypocrite you are because SHE is just as much a zionist pig as trump is.SHE has kissed Israels ass as much as he has and yet we never hear you say ONE BAD WORD about that mass murderering bitch.:rolleyes::cuckoo:

the people with logic and common sense voted for trump because unlike the evil witch,he is not a career politician so he was our only hope to change things.everyone knew nothing would change with that globalist facist pig HITLERY in office.:haha:

The clintons same as the Bushs have long time connections to the evil CIA organization and have had HUNDREDS of people murdered that knew about the clintons drug running operations in the mid 90's alongside the Bushs when Bush was VP under reagan while he was governor of arkansa so people thought with trump there was at LEAST a chance he might get rid of the evil CIA,FBI and fed which EVERY america knew would NEVER happen with clinton and yet you voted for that evil monster over someone not a career politician.:rolleyes:.

You do know that CFR media is influence by and made propaganda to twist the truth, right?

If you were told the same guy that spied on Carter for George Herbert Walker Bush and Reagan was the guy Obama used, would you still believe these spooks disingenuous characterization of what went on?

The FBI Informant Who Monitored the Trump Campaign, Stefan Halper, Oversaw a CIA Spying Operation in the 1980 Presidential Election
The FBI Informant Who Monitored the Trump Campaign, Stefan Halper, Oversaw a CIA Spying Operation in the 1980 Presidential Election

Oh, but back then I guess it was all right, he was just making sure the Carter administration wasn't influenced by the Iranians? Is that it?


So spying on the Russians. If Trump and his yahoos had nothing to hide they should of appreciated the protection. :iyfyus.jpg: Putin and Trump are two peas in a pod.

Damn, clear you didn't even read the article.

NO, there are no Russians to spy on.

"Equally strange are the semantic games which journalists are playing in order to claim that this revelation disproves, rather than proves, Trump’s allegation that the FBI “spied” on his campaign. This bizarre exchange between CNN’s Andrew Kaczynski and the New York Times’ Trip Gabriel vividly illustrates the strange machinations used by journalists to justify how all of this is being characterized:"
Trump's media games are clearly obstruction of justice tactics and can be charged as such in federal court once he is out of office.
I love this we put the guy in there to protect Trump BS that’s like having the police put someone in your house while your at work without your knowledge and claim they did it to protect you from a break in.
Planting a INFORMAT is ILLEGAL. It's what low life communists do and others like youself aprove of.
No--it is not, fool. Else we'd not have as many drug and organized crime convictions, eh?

If there was a legitimate reason to insert an is completely legal. want a reason?

there were at least 4 people in the Trump camp, that we know of, had contact with the Russians--one of them, Carter Page, is known to have been a Russian operative.
So, given that we know this..why would you NOT put an informant in place and gather intel on our enemies agents?

The idea that the FBI was spying on Trump on the direct order of Obama--is pure garbage.

So, enjoy your garbage.
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So you guys love comey today?

I know you agree with me, just can't admit your error. If Comey had not come out and Hillary won , the GOP and Trump would of hung him out to dry, just like now.

Please save me that Trump cares about the election and Comey coming out due to Clintons aides husbands email. He could careless bout ether.

Trump has been a charlatan from day one , all out for himself and only himself. Pay to play on steroids, even though he blasted Clinton for it. He makes me sick to my stomach.

But 50% approval sweets!!


Who's not winning?
Rasmussen again, eh?

All the other polls..the ones you don't like--except when you do...have Trump in the low 40's---still.
So you guys love comey today?

I know you agree with me, just can't admit your error. If Comey had not come out and Hillary won , the GOP and Trump would of hung him out to dry, just like now.

Please save me that Trump cares about the election and Comey coming out due to Clintons aides husbands email. He could careless bout ether.

Trump has been a charlatan from day one , all out for himself and only himself. Pay to play on steroids, even though he blasted Clinton for it. He makes me sick to my stomach.

Did Trump get 100s of millions from Russia?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Planting a INFORMAT is ILLEGAL. It's what low life communists do and others like youself aprove of.
No--it is not, fool. Else we'd not have as many drug and organized crime convictions, eh?

If there was a legitimate reason to insert an is completely legal. want a reason?

there were at least 4 people in the Trump camp, that we know of, had contact with the Russians--one of them, Carter Page, is known to have been a Russian operative.
So, given that we know this..why would you NOT put an informant in place and gather intel on our enemies agents?

The idea that the FBI was spying on Trump on the direct order of Obama--is pure garbage.

So, enjoy your garbage.
and Clapper said informant , not spy. Trump makes up crap, he never speaks the truth.. Clapper has a book about and not a lot of good things about Trump.

I believe Clapper, Comey and Mueller, since Trump is a compulsive liar, always has been and always will be. I have never seen such a low life scum animal in my life, beyond reprehensible.

Excuse me animals everywhere, he is much worst than any animal could be. He is a vicious arrogant slob that goes for the throat of his victims and not for food, but to get even and save his arse.
So I guess you will not be sending Trump Xmas cards this year...............poor thing.

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