Trump: You would be in jail.

Ding dong the Witch is dead, the wicked Witch is dead!

Not only did Donald CRUSH the debate, he gave the Butcher of Ben Ghazi a gloomy look at her future.


He said he will have a special prosecutor appointed to look into her vast criminal enterprise and then added as a quip that if he were president, she would be in jail.

Congratulations President Trump. Your performance tonight was spectacular.

Laughing...I'm bookmarking this post for November 8th. Mikey is in full delusional denial. And you can be dollars to donuts, this same Trump sychophant will be bleating about how the election was stolen come November.

As the Trump candidacy has become a wasteland of self deception.
Sadly, Obama will pardon her before he leaves office, and Hillary will be untouchable.

He can't because they've never even pressed charges. When the banana republic appointees are replaced that will change.

The only thing that Donald is changing is glue for his toupee. Its 30 days until Trump's name is anathema even in the republican party.

And I'm gonna giggle all the way to Trump's predictable, inevitable defeat listening to the frantic self deception and delusional optimism from our Trumpies as Donald's candidacy leaves a long brown streak on the bowl.
Opinion? It's a fucking Supreme Court ruling. Ok, your turn. List the number of times a Presidential Pardon has been overturned in the history of the United States.

You guys have challenged EVERYTHING I've said from the very beginning, and I have backed up and showed references for what I said from the very beginning showing what I said was correct. What have you shown in rebuttal? Jack. Jack Shit.

Yup, anything is possible with a corrupt Supreme Court. Like I said, a Supreme Court not loaded with progressives would overturn any such pardon, if challenged.

Has any President been pardoned for crimes before they took office? That would be unprecedented. It would be announcing to the whole world that our President is above the law and will continue to be reckless.

If Obama decrees some blanket pardon for Clinton, that would cover anything? Can she kill someone, like a political enemy of hers, and he then pardons it? By your logic, yes that could happen.

Are you fucking retarded? I've explained it plain as day, and provided facts for you. He can pardon her for potential federal criminal charges, AS LONG AS THE ACT WAS COMMITTED PRIOR TO THE PARDON.

Now, you keep fucking talking about pardons being overturned. Since 1776, how many times has that happened? Examples please.

There haven't been many "pardons" for crimes that weren't charged and convicted. Not much precedence there, so it certainly is feasible. We've never had a President as corrupt as Obama before.

Selective ignorance huh? Nixon was pardoned for perjury...without being charged and convicted.

Yes and it was highly controversial, and never challenged. So your point is dead in the water once again.

Haha first you say it hasn't happened, then you say it did, but it was controversial. You are a back tracking fool. You started by saying it can't happen. Then you say there is nothing that says it can happen, then you say it has never happened, and now you admit all that is wrong and it has happened but it was controversial. Holy crap man, you have no credibility.
Sadly, Obama will pardon her before he leaves office, and Hillary will be untouchable.
He can only pardon someone who's been convicted of a crime.
Where does the US Constitution say that?
Lewdog linked to it thrice.

Pardoning someone for possible future convictions after the president is out of office goes well beyond the wording in Article II defining the powers of the president.
Sadly, Obama will pardon her before he leaves office, and Hillary will be untouchable.
He can only pardon someone who's been convicted of a crime.
Where does the US Constitution say that?
Lewdog linked to it thrice.

Pardoning someone for possible future convictions after the president is out of office goes well beyond the wording in Article II defining the powers of the president.
Ford pardoned Nixon.
Sadly, Obama will pardon her before he leaves office, and Hillary will be untouchable.
He can only pardon someone who's been convicted of a crime.
Where does the US Constitution say that?
Lewdog linked to it thrice.

Pardoning someone for possible future convictions after the president is out of office goes well beyond the wording in Article II defining the powers of the president.
Ford pardoned Nixon.
You're late to the game. I already addressed that. Thoroughly.
Sadly, Obama will pardon her before he leaves office, and Hillary will be untouchable.
He can only pardon someone who's been convicted of a crime.
Where does the US Constitution say that?
Lewdog linked to it thrice.

Pardoning someone for possible future convictions after the president is out of office goes well beyond the wording in Article II defining the powers of the president.
Ford pardoned Nixon.
No,you didn't.
Sadly, Obama will pardon her before he leaves office, and Hillary will be untouchable.
He can only pardon someone who's been convicted of a crime.
Where does the US Constitution say that?
Lewdog linked to it thrice.

Pardoning someone for possible future convictions after the president is out of office goes well beyond the wording in Article II defining the powers of the president.
Ford pardoned Nixon.
You're late to the game. I already addressed that. Thoroughly.

What I said is 100% true.
He can only pardon someone who's been convicted of a crime.
Where does the US Constitution say that?
Lewdog linked to it thrice.

Pardoning someone for possible future convictions after the president is out of office goes well beyond the wording in Article II defining the powers of the president.
Ford pardoned Nixon.
You're late to the game. I already addressed that. Thoroughly.

What I said is 100% true.
Ford could have pardoned the man on the moon. The result would be the same. If you didn't go back and read what I wrote on this, I can't help you.
He played to the deplorables with that ignorant vomit. Trump talks like he gets to personally arrest people, or force people to be prosecuted and jailed or not even prosecuted.

And for any candidate to say he'd jail their opponent is Soviet Union type of bullshit. It's something you'd hear from Kruschev or Kim Jung Un who don't have to worry about due process or LAWS.

Tinhorn dictators down in third world banana republics like Crapazula use that exact same tactic on their political opponents.

The repub party has as usual found a new low they all seem to be very happy with. Why am I not surprised!
He played to the deplorables with that ignorant vomit. Trump talks like he gets to personally arrest people, or force people to be prosecuted and jailed or not even prosecuted.

And for any candidate to say he'd jail their opponent is Soviet Union type of bullshit. It's something you'd hear from Kruschev or Kim Jung Un who don't have to worry about due process or LAWS.

Tinhorn dictators down in third world banana republics like Crapazula use that exact same tactic on their political opponents.

The repub party has as usual found a new low they all seem to be very happy with. Why am I not surprised!

HRC noted Michelle Obama's advice about "when they go low, we go high".

Low is the norm for Republicans now as you note. They don't go anywhere, LOW is what they are with Trump and his supporters the lowest cohort of the population. How can any person that would call them-self an American see Trump sitting in the oval office? Pigs look up from their sty and tell the farmer "please tell us this guy isn't moving in next to us". Why are some people so blind to the danger to democracy this guy poses?
He played to the deplorables with that ignorant vomit. Trump talks like he gets to personally arrest people, or force people to be prosecuted and jailed or not even prosecuted.

And for any candidate to say he'd jail their opponent is Soviet Union type of bullshit. It's something you'd hear from Kruschev or Kim Jung Un who don't have to worry about due process or LAWS.

Tinhorn dictators down in third world banana republics like Crapazula use that exact same tactic on their political opponents.

The repub party has as usual found a new low they all seem to be very happy with. Why am I not surprised!

HRC noted Michelle Obama's advice about "when they go low, we go high".

Low is the norm for Republicans now as you note. They don't go anywhere, LOW is what they are with Trump and his supporters the lowest cohort of the population. How can any person that would call them-self an American see Trump sitting in the oval office? Pigs look up from their sty and tell the farmer "please tell us this guy isn't moving in next to us". Why are some people so blind to the danger to democracy this guy poses?
After she made that comment, Trump reminded everyone how low Michelle went in 2007. Perhaps you missed that because your pot habit makes your attention span work in fits.
He played to the deplorables with that ignorant vomit. Trump talks like he gets to personally arrest people, or force people to be prosecuted and jailed or not even prosecuted.

And for any candidate to say he'd jail their opponent is Soviet Union type of bullshit. It's something you'd hear from Kruschev or Kim Jung Un who don't have to worry about due process or LAWS.

Tinhorn dictators down in third world banana republics like Crapazula use that exact same tactic on their political opponents.

The repub party has as usual found a new low they all seem to be very happy with. Why am I not surprised!

HRC noted Michelle Obama's advice about "when they go low, we go high".

Low is the norm for Republicans now as you note. They don't go anywhere, LOW is what they are with Trump and his supporters the lowest cohort of the population. How can any person that would call them-self an American see Trump sitting in the oval office? Pigs look up from their sty and tell the farmer "please tell us this guy isn't moving in next to us". Why are some people so blind to the danger to democracy this guy poses?

That was excellent advice on the part of the First Lady to which Hillary took to heart during the debate.

And an excellent question!
Repubs are very happy with the pig sty they've created for themselves.
Ding dong the Witch is dead, the wicked Witch is dead!

Wow- Trump really does admire Putin.

I am surprised he didn't also threaten to have Clinton assassinated too.
You know, listening last night to Clinton praising Trump's children effusively, (!)

I realized if he can get her to do that, he can get Mexico to pay for the wall, the Arabs to pay for a refugee safe zone and he'll move on Putin like a bitch, big league!

He's going to grab you Democrats by the pussy and phony tits, get used to it.

He's just that fly.
He played to the deplorables with that ignorant vomit. Trump talks like he gets to personally arrest people, or force people to be prosecuted and jailed or not even prosecuted.

And for any candidate to say he'd jail their opponent is Soviet Union type of bullshit. It's something you'd hear from Kruschev or Kim Jung Un who don't have to worry about due process or LAWS.

Tinhorn dictators down in third world banana republics like Crapazula use that exact same tactic on their political opponents.

The repub party has as usual found a new low they all seem to be very happy with. Why am I not surprised!

HRC noted Michelle Obama's advice about "when they go low, we go high".

Low is the norm for Republicans now as you note. They don't go anywhere, LOW is what they are with Trump and his supporters the lowest cohort of the population. How can any person that would call them-self an American see Trump sitting in the oval office? Pigs look up from their sty and tell the farmer "please tell us this guy isn't moving in next to us". Why are some people so blind to the danger to democracy this guy poses?
After she made that comment, Trump reminded everyone how low Michelle went in 2007. Perhaps you missed that because your pot habit makes your attention span work in fits.

You're a derp, hilarious that anyone would attack Michelle Obama who has carried herself with more class than almost any other first lady. No one cares what Trump said afterwards, the point was made, he goes low because that is who he is.

You people who try to defend this lowlife are just a sad lot. There were other actual respectable human beings running on the Republican side like Kasich, but you ankle-biters went for the loud knuckle-dragger who screams about how miserable life is. This is Trump's base, people that are miserable and want everyone else to be miserable with them. Misery loves company.
He's going to grab you Democrats by the pussy and phony tits, get used to it.

Well he sure has a lot of experience grabbing Americans by the pussy without their consent- he feels he is entitled to- just like he feels he is entitled to imprison his opposition if he is elected President.
He played to the deplorables with that ignorant vomit. Trump talks like he gets to personally arrest people, or force people to be prosecuted and jailed or not even prosecuted.

And for any candidate to say he'd jail their opponent is Soviet Union type of bullshit. It's something you'd hear from Kruschev or Kim Jung Un who don't have to worry about due process or LAWS.

Tinhorn dictators down in third world banana republics like Crapazula use that exact same tactic on their political opponents.

The repub party has as usual found a new low they all seem to be very happy with. Why am I not surprised!

HRC noted Michelle Obama's advice about "when they go low, we go high".

Low is the norm for Republicans now as you note. They don't go anywhere, LOW is what they are with Trump and his supporters the lowest cohort of the population. How can any person that would call them-self an American see Trump sitting in the oval office? Pigs look up from their sty and tell the farmer "please tell us this guy isn't moving in next to us". Why are some people so blind to the danger to democracy this guy poses?
After she made that comment, Trump reminded everyone how low Michelle went in 2007. Perhaps you missed that because your pot habit makes your attention span work in fits.

You're a derp, hilarious that anyone would attack Michelle Obama who has carried herself with more class than almost any other first lady. No one cares what Trump said afterwards, the point was made, he goes low because that is who he is.

You people who try to defend this lowlife are just a sad lot. There were other actual respectable human beings running on the Republican side like Kasich, but you ankle-biters went for the loud knuckle-dragger who screams about how miserable life is. This is Trump's base, people that are miserable and want everyone else to be miserable with them. Misery loves company.
He's going to grab your pussy and lather up your phony tits and you'll dig it and let him.....eagerly.... because you're into that kinky shit.

Speaking metaphorically of course.

Wait, were we just talking about going low?

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