Trump: You would be in jail.

Here is another article that points to the exact article that gives Obama the ability to pardon Hillary for crimes before she has even been indicted.

There is only one way to avoid that, and that is for President Obama to use his authority to pardon Clinton for all criminal acts that she may have committed until this point. He would be well within his constitutional authority to do so, even though Clinton has not yet been charged with specific crimes.

If She Wins, President Obama Will Have to Pardon Hillary Clinton

Here is another article talking about how Obama can pardon her before the investigation was even concluded.

A Pardon From Obama Might Be The Only Way to Save Hillary - The Political Insider

Idiot, it doesn't matter how many people get it wrong, including Trump. It isn't possible to pardon someone who hasn't even been convicted of a crime.

See above post. Idiot. Maybe you should make sure you are right about something before you go calling someone idiot. Idiot.
Sadly, Obama will pardon her before he leaves office, and Hillary will be untouchable.
He can only pardon someone who's been convicted of a crime.

Idiot? I guess you haven't been paying attention. Idiot.

"Here's a demand I'm making today to President Obama," the candidate continued. "Mr. President, will you pledge not to issue a pardon to Hillary Clinton and her co-conspirators for their many crimes against our country and against society itself?

"Will you make that pledge?" Trump asked. "No one is above the law."

Trump to Obama: Don't Pardon Hillary for 'Crimes Against Our Country'

You can't pardon the unindicted, unprosecuted criminal.

Then why is Trump being asked about it, and why is Trump asking Obama not to do it? Idiot.
Preventive step in case she is charged and pardoned before Trump can jail her.
And Obama.
Sadly, Obama will pardon her before he leaves office, and Hillary will be untouchable.
He can only pardon someone who's been convicted of a crime.

Idiot? I guess you haven't been paying attention. Idiot.

"Here's a demand I'm making today to President Obama," the candidate continued. "Mr. President, will you pledge not to issue a pardon to Hillary Clinton and her co-conspirators for their many crimes against our country and against society itself?

"Will you make that pledge?" Trump asked. "No one is above the law."

Trump to Obama: Don't Pardon Hillary for 'Crimes Against Our Country'

You can't pardon the unindicted, unprosecuted criminal.

Then why is Trump being asked about it, and why is Trump asking Obama not to do it? Idiot.
Preventive step in case she is charged and pardoned before Trump can jail her.
And Obama.

Yeah I get that, but saintmichaeldefendthem doesn't, because well... he's an idiot.
He played to the deplorables with that ignorant vomit. Trump talks like he gets to personally arrest people, or force people to be prosecuted and jailed or not even prosecuted.

And for any candidate to say he'd jail their opponent is Soviet Union type of bullshit. It's something you'd hear from Kruschev or Kim Jung Un who don't have to worry about due process or LAWS.
How many times has a criminal run for president? It's perfectly appropriate for Trump to keep his campaign promise to restore the rule of law, starting with the long overdue prosecution of What-difference-does-it-make.

It's already been done, the wet dream of fake charges against HRC was never anything more than that. It is way over. That you derps still cling to this nonsense just points out how hateful you are. Get over it, it's over.
He played to the deplorables with that ignorant vomit. Trump talks like he gets to personally arrest people, or force people to be prosecuted and jailed or not even prosecuted.

And for any candidate to say he'd jail their opponent is Soviet Union type of bullshit. It's something you'd hear from Kruschev or Kim Jung Un who don't have to worry about due process or LAWS.
How many times has a criminal run for president? It's perfectly appropriate for Trump to keep his campaign promise to restore the rule of law, starting with the long overdue prosecution of What-difference-does-it-make.

It's already been done, the wet dream of fake charges against HRC was never anything more than that. It is way over. That you derps still cling to this nonsense just points out how hateful you are. Get over it, it's over.
It isn't over until she's in jail. After Comey is impeached and a real AG who respects the rule of law is appointed, a special prosecutor will charge the Butcher of Ben Ghazi using the mountain of evidence Comey amassed but refused to use.
Here is another article talking about how Obama can pardon her before the investigation was even concluded.

A Pardon From Obama Might Be The Only Way to Save Hillary - The Political Insider

Idiot, it doesn't matter how many people get it wrong, including Trump. It isn't possible to pardon someone who hasn't even been convicted of a crime.
Ford pardoned Nixon before he was charged with any crime, let alone convicted. It can be done.
Here is another article talking about how Obama can pardon her before the investigation was even concluded.

A Pardon From Obama Might Be The Only Way to Save Hillary - The Political Insider

Idiot, it doesn't matter how many people get it wrong, including Trump. It isn't possible to pardon someone who hasn't even been convicted of a crime.

See above post. Idiot. Maybe you should make sure you are right about something before you go calling someone idiot. Idiot.
Breitbart is wrong too. It's not possible to pardon theoretical crimes and convictions that have never occurred
You would be in jail.

That's what Putin does.

That's what Saddam did.

That's what Gaddafi did.

That's what Castro did.

But hey, Trump is a Republican.
Here is another article talking about how Obama can pardon her before the investigation was even concluded.

A Pardon From Obama Might Be The Only Way to Save Hillary - The Political Insider

Idiot, it doesn't matter how many people get it wrong, including Trump. It isn't possible to pardon someone who hasn't even been convicted of a crime.
Ford pardoned Nixon before he was charged with any crime, let alone convicted. It can be done.
And if Nixon was prosecuted, the fake pardon would have been null. Only a sitting president can issue a pardon after a conviction.
Here is another article talking about how Obama can pardon her before the investigation was even concluded.

A Pardon From Obama Might Be The Only Way to Save Hillary - The Political Insider

Idiot, it doesn't matter how many people get it wrong, including Trump. It isn't possible to pardon someone who hasn't even been convicted of a crime.

See above post. Idiot. Maybe you should make sure you are right about something before you go calling someone idiot. Idiot.
Breitbart is wrong too. It's not possible to pardon theoretical crimes and convictions that have never occurred

You're wrong. I was done before, with Nixon. Idiot.
Here is another article talking about how Obama can pardon her before the investigation was even concluded.

A Pardon From Obama Might Be The Only Way to Save Hillary - The Political Insider

Idiot, it doesn't matter how many people get it wrong, including Trump. It isn't possible to pardon someone who hasn't even been convicted of a crime.
Ford pardoned Nixon before he was charged with any crime, let alone convicted. It can be done.
And if Nixon was prosecuted, the fake pardon would have been null. Only a sitting president can issue a pardon after a conviction.

Wrong, once a President pardons you, you're untouchable for those crimes.

Edit to add: Idiot.
Can a president pardon convictions that occur AFTER he leaves office? Let's use some logic here.

He can pardon her his last day in office. Is Obama still in office? Will Obama still be in office even after the election? The election is November 8th, 2016. The next President doesn't take office until January 20th, 2017. So Obama could pardon Hillary on January 19th, 2017 if he wanted to.

.[/QUOTE]Clinton is not facing two civil charges. One of rape, and the other of fraud. Trump is.(Quote)Well, Sadly, Obama will pardon her before he leaves office, and Hillary will be untouchable: AND THEY HAVE THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE IN WITH THEM TO KEEP HILL UNTOUCHABLE, so THATS WHY SHE HAS NO CHARGES. were you born yesterday or just cant do the math!
Trump's special prosecutor could ignore Obama's pardon of theoretical crimes and proceed to prosecute Clinton. Once convicted, only the sitting president, Donald Trump, could issue a pardon to overturn it.
It was a clear win for Trump and a relief for all real Americans who want this country to survive. We live to fight another day.

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