Trump: You would be in jail.

Q: Has the U.S. Supreme Court weighed in?
Several times. In 1833, Chief Justice Marshall said the court had no authority to overrule presidents and described a pardon as “an act of grace delivered to the individual for whose benefit it is intended.” In an 1866 case, the Court said, “Congress can neither limit the effect of his pardon, nor exclude from its exercise any class of offenders.” - How do presidential pardons work?

No where does your link, or in the Constitution Article 2 section 2 make any claim that the President has the right to grant a pardon for offenses that haven't been tried yet.

Ok, so how did Nixon get pardoned for perjury when he hadn't been tried and convicted?

The leading Supreme Court case is Ex parte Garland (1867). Justice Stephen J. Field, writing for the Court in a 5-4 decision, held that the President's pardoning power is ''unlimited,'' and ''It extends to every offense known to the law, and may be exercised at any time after its commission, either before legal proceedings are taken, or during their pendency, or after conviction and judgment.''

Constitution Allows Pardons Before Conviction

Next question?
Q: Has the U.S. Supreme Court weighed in?
Several times. In 1833, Chief Justice Marshall said the court had no authority to overrule presidents and described a pardon as “an act of grace delivered to the individual for whose benefit it is intended.” In an 1866 case, the Court said, “Congress can neither limit the effect of his pardon, nor exclude from its exercise any class of offenders.” - How do presidential pardons work?

No where does your link, or in the Constitution Article 2 section 2 make any claim that the President has the right to grant a pardon for offenses that haven't been tried yet.

Ok, so how did Nixon get pardoned for perjury when he hadn't been tried and convicted?

He didn't. Ford just told the Feds he would pardon him, so they never charged him.
Q: Has the U.S. Supreme Court weighed in?
Several times. In 1833, Chief Justice Marshall said the court had no authority to overrule presidents and described a pardon as “an act of grace delivered to the individual for whose benefit it is intended.” In an 1866 case, the Court said, “Congress can neither limit the effect of his pardon, nor exclude from its exercise any class of offenders.” - How do presidential pardons work?

No where does your link, or in the Constitution Article 2 section 2 make any claim that the President has the right to grant a pardon for offenses that haven't been tried yet.

Ok, so how did Nixon get pardoned for perjury when he hadn't been tried and convicted?

He didn't. Ford just told the Feds he would pardon him, so they never charged him.

No, he was pardoned. I already proved you wrong with another post. Will you guys just give up already?
Here is another article talking about how Obama can pardon her before the investigation was even concluded.

A Pardon From Obama Might Be The Only Way to Save Hillary - The Political Insider

Idiot, it doesn't matter how many people get it wrong, including Trump. It isn't possible to pardon someone who hasn't even been convicted of a crime.
Ford pardoned Nixon before he was charged with any crime, let alone convicted. It can be done.

Not exactly. His "pardon" was basically telling the Feds that no matter what charges they come up with, he would end up pardoning Nixon.

Obama can't do that since he won't remain in office. Once the DoJ presses specific charges, they would have to be pardoned then. If they know a sitting Pres will pardon those charges, they won't bother. It doesn't mean the person is actually pardoned since the charges were never made and there is no conviction.

For the love of God... how many things do I have to link? A President can pardon someone from future federal criminal charges as long as the act they are pardoning has already happened.

Why is it that when people want something to happen so badly... they ignore facts? I don't get it.
Really? Is that what the Constitution says?

Your approach to this is grounded in precedent and that's nothing to criticize. Nobody has challenged a presidential pardon no matter how far out of bounds of the Constitutional power. So you're sure it will continue to be that way.

But I've been paying attention to this election and Trump has repeatedly turned conventional wisdom on its head. What everyone knows to be true never seems to apply to him and he prevails in unexpected ways. He's not going to stop defying the axiom when he's elected. He will build that wall, he will fix the inner cities, he will renegotiate NAFTA.

And he will put that old bitch in prison.

Every time he's told something can't be done, he proves everyone wrong.

The leading Supreme Court case is Ex parte Garland (1867). Justice Stephen J. Field, writing for the Court in a 5-4 decision, held that the President's pardoning power is ''unlimited,'' and ''It extends to every offense known to the law, and may be exercised at any time after its commission, either before legal proceedings are taken, or during their pendency, or after conviction and judgment.''

Constitution Allows Pardons Before Conviction

Next question?

Another opinion piece? You keep posting these as though they are fact.

Any such pardon could be overturned by the Supreme Court, assuming it's not loaded with lawless liberal hacks.
Q: Has the U.S. Supreme Court weighed in?
Several times. In 1833, Chief Justice Marshall said the court had no authority to overrule presidents and described a pardon as “an act of grace delivered to the individual for whose benefit it is intended.” In an 1866 case, the Court said, “Congress can neither limit the effect of his pardon, nor exclude from its exercise any class of offenders.” - How do presidential pardons work?

No where does your link, or in the Constitution Article 2 section 2 make any claim that the President has the right to grant a pardon for offenses that haven't been tried yet.

Ok, so how did Nixon get pardoned for perjury when he hadn't been tried and convicted?
He didn't. This is the point. Ford discouraged prosecution but he couldn't stop it if a future administration sought charges. And he certainly couldn't pardon him.

The leading Supreme Court case is Ex parte Garland (1867). Justice Stephen J. Field, writing for the Court in a 5-4 decision, held that the President's pardoning power is ''unlimited,'' and ''It extends to every offense known to the law, and may be exercised at any time after its commission, either before legal proceedings are taken, or during their pendency, or after conviction and judgment.''

Constitution Allows Pardons Before Conviction

Next question?

Another opinion piece? You keep posting these as though they are fact.

Any such pardon could be overturned by the Supreme Court, assuming it's not loaded with lawless liberal hacks.

Opinion? It's a fucking Supreme Court ruling. Ok, your turn. List the number of times a Presidential Pardon has been overturned in the history of the United States.

You guys have challenged EVERYTHING I've said from the very beginning, and I have backed up and showed references for what I said from the very beginning showing what I said was correct. What have you shown in rebuttal? Jack. Jack Shit.
Q: Has the U.S. Supreme Court weighed in?
Several times. In 1833, Chief Justice Marshall said the court had no authority to overrule presidents and described a pardon as “an act of grace delivered to the individual for whose benefit it is intended.” In an 1866 case, the Court said, “Congress can neither limit the effect of his pardon, nor exclude from its exercise any class of offenders.” - How do presidential pardons work?

No where does your link, or in the Constitution Article 2 section 2 make any claim that the President has the right to grant a pardon for offenses that haven't been tried yet.

Ok, so how did Nixon get pardoned for perjury when he hadn't been tried and convicted?
He didn't. This is the point. Ford discouraged prosecution but he couldn't stop it if a future administration sought charges. And he certainly couldn't pardon him.

I just showed you a Supreme court decision that said specifically that a President can pardon someone for an offense as long as the offense occurred before the pardon... without indictment or conviction... a SUPREME COURT ruling.

The leading Supreme Court case is Ex parte Garland (1867). Justice Stephen J. Field, writing for the Court in a 5-4 decision, held that the President's pardoning power is ''unlimited,'' and ''It extends to every offense known to the law, and may be exercised at any time after its commission, either before legal proceedings are taken, or during their pendency, or after conviction and judgment.''

Constitution Allows Pardons Before Conviction

Next question?

Another opinion piece? You keep posting these as though they are fact.

Any such pardon could be overturned by the Supreme Court, assuming it's not loaded with lawless liberal hacks.
Or simply ignored. Pardons of theoretical future convictions are utterly irrelevant to the prosecution of crimes by future administrations. He might as well pardon gravity.

The leading Supreme Court case is Ex parte Garland (1867). Justice Stephen J. Field, writing for the Court in a 5-4 decision, held that the President's pardoning power is ''unlimited,'' and ''It extends to every offense known to the law, and may be exercised at any time after its commission, either before legal proceedings are taken, or during their pendency, or after conviction and judgment.''

Constitution Allows Pardons Before Conviction

Next question?

Another opinion piece? You keep posting these as though they are fact.

Any such pardon could be overturned by the Supreme Court, assuming it's not loaded with lawless liberal hacks.
Or simply ignored. Pardons of theoretical future convictions are utterly irrelevant to the prosecution of crimes by future administrations. He might as well pardon gravity.

Holy fucking Christ you guys are dense. Never mind. Trump can do whatever the fuck he wants. He can rename Earth to Earth Mc Round Pants if he wants.

The leading Supreme Court case is Ex parte Garland (1867). Justice Stephen J. Field, writing for the Court in a 5-4 decision, held that the President's pardoning power is ''unlimited,'' and ''It extends to every offense known to the law, and may be exercised at any time after its commission, either before legal proceedings are taken, or during their pendency, or after conviction and judgment.''

Constitution Allows Pardons Before Conviction

Next question?

Another opinion piece? You keep posting these as though they are fact.

Any such pardon could be overturned by the Supreme Court, assuming it's not loaded with lawless liberal hacks.

Opinion? It's a fucking Supreme Court ruling. Ok, your turn. List the number of times a Presidential Pardon has been overturned in the history of the United States.

You guys have challenged EVERYTHING I've said from the very beginning, and I have backed up and showed references for what I said from the very beginning showing what I said was correct. What have you shown in rebuttal? Jack. Jack Shit.
All you've shown is case law and conventional wisdom. You think it's all you need, but it isn't. When someone challenges the status quo, it always perplexes people like you who think dominant opinions are iron clad law. People like Donald Trump will always keep people like you guessing.

The leading Supreme Court case is Ex parte Garland (1867). Justice Stephen J. Field, writing for the Court in a 5-4 decision, held that the President's pardoning power is ''unlimited,'' and ''It extends to every offense known to the law, and may be exercised at any time after its commission, either before legal proceedings are taken, or during their pendency, or after conviction and judgment.''

Constitution Allows Pardons Before Conviction

Next question?

Another opinion piece? You keep posting these as though they are fact.

Any such pardon could be overturned by the Supreme Court, assuming it's not loaded with lawless liberal hacks.
Or simply ignored. Pardons of theoretical future convictions are utterly irrelevant to the prosecution of crimes by future administrations. He might as well pardon gravity.

Holy fucking Christ you guys are dense. Never mind. Trump can do whatever the fuck he wants. He can rename Earth to Earth Mc Round Pants if he wants.
You're finally starting to get it.
You guys are fucking arguing with me about this, and you still think that Ford didn't pardon Nixon. Why would anyone take your guy's opinion seriously when you can't even get a simple thing like a fact right?

In a controversial executive action, President Gerald Ford pardons his disgraced predecessor Richard Nixon for any crimes he may have committed or participated in while in office. Ford later defended this action before the House Judiciary Committee, explaining that he wanted to end the national divisions created by the Watergate scandal.

Ford pardons Nixon - Sep 08, 1974 -

Notice it didn't say, "He threatened to pardon Nixon," It says...pardons...

The leading Supreme Court case is Ex parte Garland (1867). Justice Stephen J. Field, writing for the Court in a 5-4 decision, held that the President's pardoning power is ''unlimited,'' and ''It extends to every offense known to the law, and may be exercised at any time after its commission, either before legal proceedings are taken, or during their pendency, or after conviction and judgment.''

Constitution Allows Pardons Before Conviction

Next question?

Another opinion piece? You keep posting these as though they are fact.

Any such pardon could be overturned by the Supreme Court, assuming it's not loaded with lawless liberal hacks.

Opinion? It's a fucking Supreme Court ruling. Ok, your turn. List the number of times a Presidential Pardon has been overturned in the history of the United States.

You guys have challenged EVERYTHING I've said from the very beginning, and I have backed up and showed references for what I said from the very beginning showing what I said was correct. What have you shown in rebuttal? Jack. Jack Shit.

Yup, anything is possible with a corrupt Supreme Court. Like I said, a Supreme Court not loaded with progressives would overturn any such pardon, if challenged.

Has any President been pardoned for crimes before they took office? That would be unprecedented. It would be announcing to the whole world that our President is above the law and will continue to be reckless.

If Obama decrees some blanket pardon for Clinton, that would cover anything? Can she kill someone, like a political enemy of hers, and he then pardons it? By your logic, yes that could happen.

The leading Supreme Court case is Ex parte Garland (1867). Justice Stephen J. Field, writing for the Court in a 5-4 decision, held that the President's pardoning power is ''unlimited,'' and ''It extends to every offense known to the law, and may be exercised at any time after its commission, either before legal proceedings are taken, or during their pendency, or after conviction and judgment.''

Constitution Allows Pardons Before Conviction

Next question?

Another opinion piece? You keep posting these as though they are fact.

Any such pardon could be overturned by the Supreme Court, assuming it's not loaded with lawless liberal hacks.

Opinion? It's a fucking Supreme Court ruling. Ok, your turn. List the number of times a Presidential Pardon has been overturned in the history of the United States.

You guys have challenged EVERYTHING I've said from the very beginning, and I have backed up and showed references for what I said from the very beginning showing what I said was correct. What have you shown in rebuttal? Jack. Jack Shit.

Yup, anything is possible with a corrupt Supreme Court. Like I said, a Supreme Court not loaded with progressives would overturn any such pardon, if challenged.

Has any President been pardoned for crimes before they took office? That would be unprecedented. It would be announcing to the whole world that our President is above the law and will continue to be reckless.

If Obama decrees some blanket pardon for Clinton, that would cover anything? Can she kill someone, like a political enemy of hers, and he then pardons it? By your logic, yes that could happen.

Are you fucking retarded? I've explained it plain as day, and provided facts for you. He can pardon her for potential federal criminal charges, AS LONG AS THE ACT WAS COMMITTED PRIOR TO THE PARDON.

Now, you keep fucking talking about pardons being overturned. Since 1776, how many times has that happened? Examples please.

The leading Supreme Court case is Ex parte Garland (1867). Justice Stephen J. Field, writing for the Court in a 5-4 decision, held that the President's pardoning power is ''unlimited,'' and ''It extends to every offense known to the law, and may be exercised at any time after its commission, either before legal proceedings are taken, or during their pendency, or after conviction and judgment.''

Constitution Allows Pardons Before Conviction

Next question?

Another opinion piece? You keep posting these as though they are fact.

Any such pardon could be overturned by the Supreme Court, assuming it's not loaded with lawless liberal hacks.

Opinion? It's a fucking Supreme Court ruling. Ok, your turn. List the number of times a Presidential Pardon has been overturned in the history of the United States.

You guys have challenged EVERYTHING I've said from the very beginning, and I have backed up and showed references for what I said from the very beginning showing what I said was correct. What have you shown in rebuttal? Jack. Jack Shit.

Yup, anything is possible with a corrupt Supreme Court. Like I said, a Supreme Court not loaded with progressives would overturn any such pardon, if challenged.

Has any President been pardoned for crimes before they took office? That would be unprecedented. It would be announcing to the whole world that our President is above the law and will continue to be reckless.

If Obama decrees some blanket pardon for Clinton, that would cover anything? Can she kill someone, like a political enemy of hers, and he then pardons it? By your logic, yes that could happen.

Are you fucking retarded? I've explained it plain as day, and provided facts for you. He can pardon her for potential federal criminal charges, AS LONG AS THE ACT WAS COMMITTED PRIOR TO THE PARDON.

Now, you keep fucking talking about pardons being overturned. Since 1776, how many times has that happened? Examples please.

There haven't been many "pardons" for crimes that weren't charged and convicted. Not much precedence there, so it certainly is feasible. We've never had a President as corrupt as Obama before.

Another opinion piece? You keep posting these as though they are fact.

Any such pardon could be overturned by the Supreme Court, assuming it's not loaded with lawless liberal hacks.

Opinion? It's a fucking Supreme Court ruling. Ok, your turn. List the number of times a Presidential Pardon has been overturned in the history of the United States.

You guys have challenged EVERYTHING I've said from the very beginning, and I have backed up and showed references for what I said from the very beginning showing what I said was correct. What have you shown in rebuttal? Jack. Jack Shit.

Yup, anything is possible with a corrupt Supreme Court. Like I said, a Supreme Court not loaded with progressives would overturn any such pardon, if challenged.

Has any President been pardoned for crimes before they took office? That would be unprecedented. It would be announcing to the whole world that our President is above the law and will continue to be reckless.

If Obama decrees some blanket pardon for Clinton, that would cover anything? Can she kill someone, like a political enemy of hers, and he then pardons it? By your logic, yes that could happen.

Are you fucking retarded? I've explained it plain as day, and provided facts for you. He can pardon her for potential federal criminal charges, AS LONG AS THE ACT WAS COMMITTED PRIOR TO THE PARDON.

Now, you keep fucking talking about pardons being overturned. Since 1776, how many times has that happened? Examples please.

There haven't been many "pardons" for crimes that weren't charged and convicted. Not much precedence there, so it certainly is feasible. We've never had a President as corrupt as Obama before.

Selective ignorance huh? Nixon was pardoned for perjury...without being charged and convicted.
Another opinion piece? You keep posting these as though they are fact.

Any such pardon could be overturned by the Supreme Court, assuming it's not loaded with lawless liberal hacks.

Opinion? It's a fucking Supreme Court ruling. Ok, your turn. List the number of times a Presidential Pardon has been overturned in the history of the United States.

You guys have challenged EVERYTHING I've said from the very beginning, and I have backed up and showed references for what I said from the very beginning showing what I said was correct. What have you shown in rebuttal? Jack. Jack Shit.

Yup, anything is possible with a corrupt Supreme Court. Like I said, a Supreme Court not loaded with progressives would overturn any such pardon, if challenged.

Has any President been pardoned for crimes before they took office? That would be unprecedented. It would be announcing to the whole world that our President is above the law and will continue to be reckless.

If Obama decrees some blanket pardon for Clinton, that would cover anything? Can she kill someone, like a political enemy of hers, and he then pardons it? By your logic, yes that could happen.

Are you fucking retarded? I've explained it plain as day, and provided facts for you. He can pardon her for potential federal criminal charges, AS LONG AS THE ACT WAS COMMITTED PRIOR TO THE PARDON.

Now, you keep fucking talking about pardons being overturned. Since 1776, how many times has that happened? Examples please.

There haven't been many "pardons" for crimes that weren't charged and convicted. Not much precedence there, so it certainly is feasible. We've never had a President as corrupt as Obama before.

Selective ignorance huh? Nixon was pardoned for perjury...without being charged and convicted.

Yes and it was highly controversial, and never challenged. So your point is dead in the water once again.

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