
I voted for Trump in 2016. I won’t in 2020 after this wag the dog move in Iraq. He said he was for nonintervention, just like W and O claimed during their first campaign, but alas Don lied just as W and O did.
He said that he had an imminent threat to American citizens and already the butchery had made thousands of Americans dead because of Suleimani. Iran to also seek the anger of the Americans by dint of pushing the monster is waking up if I can put it that way because Iran should keep quiet and if we compare Trump and Obama him Obama the red line could be crossed and he did not react that's why the expression Make America Great Again is the right sentence after 8 years of Obama
There is no imminent threat. Just another lie. Stop believing the propaganda.

Trump’s cowardly act should get him impeached and removed, but sadly it won’t.

If O did this, you cons would be screaming. You’re just as much a bunch of hypocrites as the libs.
Precisely I do not believe the propaganda that is said here in France and in Europe, I inquire before making a judgment about Trump you have to be blind not to see the propaganda that is being made against him.

I am not saying that the action was right nor wrong. But the reason behind it is clearly wrong. It's to take the pressure off his Impeachment. And that is not only wrong but damned dangerous for not only America but the entire world. I said something was coming and here it is. Another "Here, hold my beer" moment.

& now donny is bloviating about 'hitting 52 targets' in iran. 52 targets because that is the same # of hostages they took back in the 70s. he's also talking about taking out cultural sites important to the iranians. what might that be? did you know that is a war crime?
donny shoots off his mouth & hopefully if he gave a command to do so - the military officials in charge of directing it will refuse the order.

UN warns destroying cultural heritage may be war crime
New measure urges prosecution of any parties responsible for attacks against historic monuments, sites and buildings
By Edith M. Lederer 25 March 2017, 11:00 am
UN warns destroying cultural heritage may be war crime
Amazingly some cons love this shit. They are blood thirsty warmongers.

After all the lies this government has told over the last 100 years, one would think all Americans would know it is lying again about the imminent threat BS. Until they provide valid proof, the default position for all Americans should be the fucking government is lying.
I voted for Trump in 2016. I won’t in 2020 after this wag the dog move in Iraq. He said he was for nonintervention, just like W and O claimed during their first campaign, but alas Don lied just as W and O did.
He said that he had an imminent threat to American citizens and already the butchery had made thousands of Americans dead because of Suleimani. Iran to also seek the anger of the Americans by dint of pushing the monster is waking up if I can put it that way because Iran should keep quiet and if we compare Trump and Obama him Obama the red line could be crossed and he did not react that's why the expression Make America Great Again is the right sentence after 8 years of Obama
There is no imminent threat. Just another lie. Stop believing the propaganda.

Trump’s cowardly act should get him impeached and removed, but sadly it won’t.

If O did this, you cons would be screaming. You’re just as much a bunch of hypocrites as the libs.
Precisely I do not believe the propaganda that is said here in France and in Europe, I inquire before making a judgment about Trump you have to be blind not to see the propaganda that is being made against him.

is there some inside intel you know that the rest of us don't? what's the eminent threat? where's the proof?
So true...
If a known compulsive liar who has lied to you many times in the past told you it was very, very important that you go and murder your neighbor, but he couldn't show you the evidence proving his claim, would you take him at his word and get your gun? Caitlyn Johnstone

I am going to make a prediction and am pretty sure of it.

Get ready for a series of overruns. I have been involved in one. The panic, the death, the terror involved can't be described. MOST of the defenders will die. Those that survive will never be completely sane ever again. When you close your eyes at night, you will relive parts of it. Oh, you won't see the actual even but part of your mind will relive some of the terror. I am unable to explain it to anyone that has not been involved in one before. And a couple in here, I can bet, have been involved in more than one. But, trust me, one is more than enough.

When you release the full power of the Religious Fanatics like has just been done, this is what you are looking at. Every Outpost, Every Embassy, and more. They pick the fight, the time and the place. And they blend in with the locals until just before the attack. The US can't anticipate when and where, the US can only react. And the Fanatics won't care if they live your die. It's a new ballgame.
I think it will happen again, the lefties did a lot of a Fake News to get to Trump and the American people could see what they are trying to do and right now if i not mystaking he is pretty popular in the poll from France TV? i only get CNN for American Tv here in France and we all know that they are against Trump.
I voted for Trump in 2016. I won’t in 2020 after this wag the dog move in Iraq. He said he was for nonintervention, just like W and O claimed during their first campaign, but alas Don lied just as W and O did.
He said that he had an imminent threat to American citizens and already the butchery had made thousands of Americans dead because of Suleimani. Iran to also seek the anger of the Americans by dint of pushing the monster is waking up if I can put it that way because Iran should keep quiet and if we compare Trump and Obama him Obama the red line could be crossed and he did not react that's why the expression Make America Great Again is the right sentence after 8 years of Obama

not one shred of evidence has come forth re: an eminent threat. you like to blindly believe a confirmed liar who listens to anybody that gives him a compliment? that's pitiful.
This is so true, but some Americans get duped every time.

The Pentagon lied about Vietnam.

The Pentagon lied about WMDs in #Iraq.

The Pentagon lied about Gaddafi massacring protesters in #Libya.

The Pentagon lied about Assad gassing his own people in #Syria.

And the Pentagon is lying today about #Soleimani and #Iran too.

the only one above i would disagree with is assad. but you are spot on as far as the larger point you are making.
You need to get informed. It has already been proven, Assad never gassed his people.
He said that he had an imminent threat to American citizens and already the butchery had made thousands of Americans dead because of Suleimani. Iran to also seek the anger of the Americans by dint of pushing the monster is waking up if I can put it that way because Iran should keep quiet and if we compare Trump and Obama him Obama the red line could be crossed and he did not react that's why the expression Make America Great Again is the right sentence after 8 years of Obama
There is no imminent threat. Just another lie. Stop believing the propaganda.

Trump’s cowardly act should get him impeached and removed, but sadly it won’t.

If O did this, you cons would be screaming. You’re just as much a bunch of hypocrites as the libs.
Precisely I do not believe the propaganda that is said here in France and in Europe, I inquire before making a judgment about Trump you have to be blind not to see the propaganda that is being made against him.

is there some inside intel you know that the rest of us don't? what's the eminent threat? where's the proof?
So true...
If a known compulsive liar who has lied to you many times in the past told you it was very, very important that you go and murder your neighbor, but he couldn't show you the evidence proving his claim, would you take him at his word and get your gun? Caitlyn Johnstone

I am going to make a prediction and am pretty sure of it.

Get ready for a series of overruns. I have been involved in one. The panic, the death, the terror involved can't be described. MOST of the defenders will die. Those that survive will never be completely sane ever again. When you close your eyes at night, you will relive parts of it. Oh, you won't see the actual even but part of your mind will relive some of the terror. I am unable to explain it to anyone that has not been involved in one before. And a couple in here, I can bet, have been involved in more than one. But, trust me, one is more than enough.

When you release the full power of the Religious Fanatics like has just been done, this is what you are looking at. Every Outpost, Every Embassy, and more. They pick the fight, the time and the place. And they blend in with the locals until just before the attack. The US can't anticipate when and where, the US can only react. And the Fanatics won't care if they live your die. It's a new ballgame.
You forgot to say who would be responsible for all this death. That would be the asshole in the White House.
I voted for Trump in 2016. I won’t in 2020 after this wag the dog move in Iraq. He said he was for nonintervention, just like W and O claimed during their first campaign, but alas Don lied just as W and O did.
He said that he had an imminent threat to American citizens and already the butchery had made thousands of Americans dead because of Suleimani. Iran to also seek the anger of the Americans by dint of pushing the monster is waking up if I can put it that way because Iran should keep quiet and if we compare Trump and Obama him Obama the red line could be crossed and he did not react that's why the expression Make America Great Again is the right sentence after 8 years of Obama
There is no imminent threat. Just another lie. Stop believing the propaganda.

Trump’s cowardly act should get him impeached and removed, but sadly it won’t.

If O did this, you cons would be screaming. You’re just as much a bunch of hypocrites as the libs.
Precisely I do not believe the propaganda that is said here in France and in Europe, I inquire before making a judgment about Trump you have to be blind not to see the propaganda that is being made against him.

I am not saying that the action was right nor wrong. But the reason behind it is clearly wrong. It's to take the pressure off his Impeachment. And that is not only wrong but damned dangerous for not only America but the entire world. I said something was coming and here it is. Another "Here, hold my beer" moment.

& now donny is bloviating about 'hitting 52 targets' in iran. 52 targets because that is the same # of hostages they took back in the 70s. he's also talking about taking out cultural sites important to the iranians. what might that be? did you know that is a war crime?
donny shoots off his mouth & hopefully if he gave a command to do so - the military officials in charge of directing it will refuse the order.

UN warns destroying cultural heritage may be war crime
New measure urges prosecution of any parties responsible for attacks against historic monuments, sites and buildings
By Edith M. Lederer 25 March 2017, 11:00 am
UN warns destroying cultural heritage may be war crime

No they won't. Unless Congress steps in real fast. We are headed for an all out war with Iran if Congress doesn't do something fast. And I don't mean wait until November either. I mean this week.
There is no imminent threat. Just another lie. Stop believing the propaganda.

Trump’s cowardly act should get him impeached and removed, but sadly it won’t.

If O did this, you cons would be screaming. You’re just as much a bunch of hypocrites as the libs.
Precisely I do not believe the propaganda that is said here in France and in Europe, I inquire before making a judgment about Trump you have to be blind not to see the propaganda that is being made against him.

is there some inside intel you know that the rest of us don't? what's the eminent threat? where's the proof?
So true...
If a known compulsive liar who has lied to you many times in the past told you it was very, very important that you go and murder your neighbor, but he couldn't show you the evidence proving his claim, would you take him at his word and get your gun? Caitlyn Johnstone

I am going to make a prediction and am pretty sure of it.

Get ready for a series of overruns. I have been involved in one. The panic, the death, the terror involved can't be described. MOST of the defenders will die. Those that survive will never be completely sane ever again. When you close your eyes at night, you will relive parts of it. Oh, you won't see the actual even but part of your mind will relive some of the terror. I am unable to explain it to anyone that has not been involved in one before. And a couple in here, I can bet, have been involved in more than one. But, trust me, one is more than enough.

When you release the full power of the Religious Fanatics like has just been done, this is what you are looking at. Every Outpost, Every Embassy, and more. They pick the fight, the time and the place. And they blend in with the locals until just before the attack. The US can't anticipate when and where, the US can only react. And the Fanatics won't care if they live your die. It's a new ballgame.
You forgot to say who would be responsible for all this death. That would be the asshole in the White House.

Actually, it's as much the fault of Congress. Congress can stop this if they do something in the next week or so. Not waiting for the Voter in November. We will be in a full scale many years war with Iran by then.
He said that he had an imminent threat to American citizens and already the butchery had made thousands of Americans dead because of Suleimani. Iran to also seek the anger of the Americans by dint of pushing the monster is waking up if I can put it that way because Iran should keep quiet and if we compare Trump and Obama him Obama the red line could be crossed and he did not react that's why the expression Make America Great Again is the right sentence after 8 years of Obama
There is no imminent threat. Just another lie. Stop believing the propaganda.

Trump’s cowardly act should get him impeached and removed, but sadly it won’t.

If O did this, you cons would be screaming. You’re just as much a bunch of hypocrites as the libs.
Precisely I do not believe the propaganda that is said here in France and in Europe, I inquire before making a judgment about Trump you have to be blind not to see the propaganda that is being made against him.

I am not saying that the action was right nor wrong. But the reason behind it is clearly wrong. It's to take the pressure off his Impeachment. And that is not only wrong but damned dangerous for not only America but the entire world. I said something was coming and here it is. Another "Here, hold my beer" moment.

& now donny is bloviating about 'hitting 52 targets' in iran. 52 targets because that is the same # of hostages they took back in the 70s. he's also talking about taking out cultural sites important to the iranians. what might that be? did you know that is a war crime?
donny shoots off his mouth & hopefully if he gave a command to do so - the military officials in charge of directing it will refuse the order.

UN warns destroying cultural heritage may be war crime
New measure urges prosecution of any parties responsible for attacks against historic monuments, sites and buildings
By Edith M. Lederer 25 March 2017, 11:00 am
UN warns destroying cultural heritage may be war crime

No they won't. Unless Congress steps in real fast. We are headed for an all out war with Iran if Congress doesn't do something fast. And I don't mean wait until November either. I mean this week.

you mean that the powers that be would carry out a war crime?
He said that he had an imminent threat to American citizens and already the butchery had made thousands of Americans dead because of Suleimani. Iran to also seek the anger of the Americans by dint of pushing the monster is waking up if I can put it that way because Iran should keep quiet and if we compare Trump and Obama him Obama the red line could be crossed and he did not react that's why the expression Make America Great Again is the right sentence after 8 years of Obama
There is no imminent threat. Just another lie. Stop believing the propaganda.

Trump’s cowardly act should get him impeached and removed, but sadly it won’t.

If O did this, you cons would be screaming. You’re just as much a bunch of hypocrites as the libs.
Precisely I do not believe the propaganda that is said here in France and in Europe, I inquire before making a judgment about Trump you have to be blind not to see the propaganda that is being made against him.

I am not saying that the action was right nor wrong. But the reason behind it is clearly wrong. It's to take the pressure off his Impeachment. And that is not only wrong but damned dangerous for not only America but the entire world. I said something was coming and here it is. Another "Here, hold my beer" moment.

& now donny is bloviating about 'hitting 52 targets' in iran. 52 targets because that is the same # of hostages they took back in the 70s. he's also talking about taking out cultural sites important to the iranians. what might that be? did you know that is a war crime?
donny shoots off his mouth & hopefully if he gave a command to do so - the military officials in charge of directing it will refuse the order.

UN warns destroying cultural heritage may be war crime
New measure urges prosecution of any parties responsible for attacks against historic monuments, sites and buildings
By Edith M. Lederer 25 March 2017, 11:00 am
UN warns destroying cultural heritage may be war crime
Amazingly some cons love this shit. They are blood thirsty warmongers.

After all the lies this government has told over the last 100 years, one would think all Americans would know it is lying again about the imminent threat BS. Until they provide valid proof, the default position for all Americans should be the fucking government is lying.

Obama and Clinton were cons?

Where was the far left when Obama was running his illegal wars?
There is no imminent threat. Just another lie. Stop believing the propaganda.

Trump’s cowardly act should get him impeached and removed, but sadly it won’t.

If O did this, you cons would be screaming. You’re just as much a bunch of hypocrites as the libs.
Precisely I do not believe the propaganda that is said here in France and in Europe, I inquire before making a judgment about Trump you have to be blind not to see the propaganda that is being made against him.

I am not saying that the action was right nor wrong. But the reason behind it is clearly wrong. It's to take the pressure off his Impeachment. And that is not only wrong but damned dangerous for not only America but the entire world. I said something was coming and here it is. Another "Here, hold my beer" moment.

& now donny is bloviating about 'hitting 52 targets' in iran. 52 targets because that is the same # of hostages they took back in the 70s. he's also talking about taking out cultural sites important to the iranians. what might that be? did you know that is a war crime?
donny shoots off his mouth & hopefully if he gave a command to do so - the military officials in charge of directing it will refuse the order.

UN warns destroying cultural heritage may be war crime
New measure urges prosecution of any parties responsible for attacks against historic monuments, sites and buildings
By Edith M. Lederer 25 March 2017, 11:00 am
UN warns destroying cultural heritage may be war crime
Amazingly some cons love this shit. They are blood thirsty warmongers.

After all the lies this government has told over the last 100 years, one would think all Americans would know it is lying again about the imminent threat BS. Until they provide valid proof, the default position for all Americans should be the fucking government is lying.

Obama and Clinton were cons?

Where was the far left when Obama was running his illegal wars?
You wouldn’t believe this if O did it. Why believe it when Don does it?
There is no imminent threat. Just another lie. Stop believing the propaganda.

Trump’s cowardly act should get him impeached and removed, but sadly it won’t.

If O did this, you cons would be screaming. You’re just as much a bunch of hypocrites as the libs.
Precisely I do not believe the propaganda that is said here in France and in Europe, I inquire before making a judgment about Trump you have to be blind not to see the propaganda that is being made against him.

I am not saying that the action was right nor wrong. But the reason behind it is clearly wrong. It's to take the pressure off his Impeachment. And that is not only wrong but damned dangerous for not only America but the entire world. I said something was coming and here it is. Another "Here, hold my beer" moment.

& now donny is bloviating about 'hitting 52 targets' in iran. 52 targets because that is the same # of hostages they took back in the 70s. he's also talking about taking out cultural sites important to the iranians. what might that be? did you know that is a war crime?
donny shoots off his mouth & hopefully if he gave a command to do so - the military officials in charge of directing it will refuse the order.

UN warns destroying cultural heritage may be war crime
New measure urges prosecution of any parties responsible for attacks against historic monuments, sites and buildings
By Edith M. Lederer 25 March 2017, 11:00 am
UN warns destroying cultural heritage may be war crime

No they won't. Unless Congress steps in real fast. We are headed for an all out war with Iran if Congress doesn't do something fast. And I don't mean wait until November either. I mean this week.

you mean that the powers that be would carry out a war crime?

It's only a war crime if Congress doesn't allow it to happen and they do it anyway. The Onus falls on Congress and the President.
Precisely I do not believe the propaganda that is said here in France and in Europe, I inquire before making a judgment about Trump you have to be blind not to see the propaganda that is being made against him.

I am not saying that the action was right nor wrong. But the reason behind it is clearly wrong. It's to take the pressure off his Impeachment. And that is not only wrong but damned dangerous for not only America but the entire world. I said something was coming and here it is. Another "Here, hold my beer" moment.

& now donny is bloviating about 'hitting 52 targets' in iran. 52 targets because that is the same # of hostages they took back in the 70s. he's also talking about taking out cultural sites important to the iranians. what might that be? did you know that is a war crime?
donny shoots off his mouth & hopefully if he gave a command to do so - the military officials in charge of directing it will refuse the order.

UN warns destroying cultural heritage may be war crime
New measure urges prosecution of any parties responsible for attacks against historic monuments, sites and buildings
By Edith M. Lederer 25 March 2017, 11:00 am
UN warns destroying cultural heritage may be war crime
Amazingly some cons love this shit. They are blood thirsty warmongers.

After all the lies this government has told over the last 100 years, one would think all Americans would know it is lying again about the imminent threat BS. Until they provide valid proof, the default position for all Americans should be the fucking government is lying.

Obama and Clinton were cons?

Where was the far left when Obama was running his illegal wars?
You wouldn’t believe this if O did it. Why believe it when Don does it?

Yes you were oddly silent under Obama, but now are oddly more vocal about it.

When an Iranian militia attacks a US embassy, do you let them get away with it and blame a video for it?
Precisely I do not believe the propaganda that is said here in France and in Europe, I inquire before making a judgment about Trump you have to be blind not to see the propaganda that is being made against him.

I am not saying that the action was right nor wrong. But the reason behind it is clearly wrong. It's to take the pressure off his Impeachment. And that is not only wrong but damned dangerous for not only America but the entire world. I said something was coming and here it is. Another "Here, hold my beer" moment.

& now donny is bloviating about 'hitting 52 targets' in iran. 52 targets because that is the same # of hostages they took back in the 70s. he's also talking about taking out cultural sites important to the iranians. what might that be? did you know that is a war crime?
donny shoots off his mouth & hopefully if he gave a command to do so - the military officials in charge of directing it will refuse the order.

UN warns destroying cultural heritage may be war crime
New measure urges prosecution of any parties responsible for attacks against historic monuments, sites and buildings
By Edith M. Lederer 25 March 2017, 11:00 am
UN warns destroying cultural heritage may be war crime

No they won't. Unless Congress steps in real fast. We are headed for an all out war with Iran if Congress doesn't do something fast. And I don't mean wait until November either. I mean this week.

you mean that the powers that be would carry out a war crime?

It's only a war crime if Congress doesn't allow it to happen and they do it anyway. The Onus falls on Congress and the President.

so even after the UN has resolved that taking out cultural or religious sites is a war crime - as long as congress approves, then it's not a war crime?
I am not saying that the action was right nor wrong. But the reason behind it is clearly wrong. It's to take the pressure off his Impeachment. And that is not only wrong but damned dangerous for not only America but the entire world. I said something was coming and here it is. Another "Here, hold my beer" moment.

& now donny is bloviating about 'hitting 52 targets' in iran. 52 targets because that is the same # of hostages they took back in the 70s. he's also talking about taking out cultural sites important to the iranians. what might that be? did you know that is a war crime?
donny shoots off his mouth & hopefully if he gave a command to do so - the military officials in charge of directing it will refuse the order.

UN warns destroying cultural heritage may be war crime
New measure urges prosecution of any parties responsible for attacks against historic monuments, sites and buildings
By Edith M. Lederer 25 March 2017, 11:00 am
UN warns destroying cultural heritage may be war crime
Amazingly some cons love this shit. They are blood thirsty warmongers.

After all the lies this government has told over the last 100 years, one would think all Americans would know it is lying again about the imminent threat BS. Until they provide valid proof, the default position for all Americans should be the fucking government is lying.

Obama and Clinton were cons?

Where was the far left when Obama was running his illegal wars?
You wouldn’t believe this if O did it. Why believe it when Don does it?

Yes you were oddly silent under Obama, but now are oddly more vocal about it.

When an Iranian militia attacks a US embassy, do you let them get away with it and blame a video for it?
That’s funny. You will find no one more anti-O than me. You’re a dipshit.
& now donny is bloviating about 'hitting 52 targets' in iran. 52 targets because that is the same # of hostages they took back in the 70s. he's also talking about taking out cultural sites important to the iranians. what might that be? did you know that is a war crime?
donny shoots off his mouth & hopefully if he gave a command to do so - the military officials in charge of directing it will refuse the order.

UN warns destroying cultural heritage may be war crime
New measure urges prosecution of any parties responsible for attacks against historic monuments, sites and buildings
By Edith M. Lederer 25 March 2017, 11:00 am
UN warns destroying cultural heritage may be war crime
Amazingly some cons love this shit. They are blood thirsty warmongers.

After all the lies this government has told over the last 100 years, one would think all Americans would know it is lying again about the imminent threat BS. Until they provide valid proof, the default position for all Americans should be the fucking government is lying.

Obama and Clinton were cons?

Where was the far left when Obama was running his illegal wars?
You wouldn’t believe this if O did it. Why believe it when Don does it?

Yes you were oddly silent under Obama, but now are oddly more vocal about it.

When an Iranian militia attacks a US embassy, do you let them get away with it and blame a video for it?
That’s funny. You will find no one more anti-O than me. You’re a dipshit.

If that were the case then you would not be saying that Trump and Obama are one in the same.

But if name calling is all you have, so be it!
I am not saying that the action was right nor wrong. But the reason behind it is clearly wrong. It's to take the pressure off his Impeachment. And that is not only wrong but damned dangerous for not only America but the entire world. I said something was coming and here it is. Another "Here, hold my beer" moment.

& now donny is bloviating about 'hitting 52 targets' in iran. 52 targets because that is the same # of hostages they took back in the 70s. he's also talking about taking out cultural sites important to the iranians. what might that be? did you know that is a war crime?
donny shoots off his mouth & hopefully if he gave a command to do so - the military officials in charge of directing it will refuse the order.

UN warns destroying cultural heritage may be war crime
New measure urges prosecution of any parties responsible for attacks against historic monuments, sites and buildings
By Edith M. Lederer 25 March 2017, 11:00 am
UN warns destroying cultural heritage may be war crime

No they won't. Unless Congress steps in real fast. We are headed for an all out war with Iran if Congress doesn't do something fast. And I don't mean wait until November either. I mean this week.

you mean that the powers that be would carry out a war crime?

It's only a war crime if Congress doesn't allow it to happen and they do it anyway. The Onus falls on Congress and the President.

so even after the UN has resolved that taking out cultural or religious sites is a war crime - as long as congress approves, then it's not a war crime?

You are just playing "Whatifs". Stick with what is real. If the Military is given Military Viable Targets inside of Iran then they are going to hit those Military Viable Sites with precision. Even Rump isn't stupid enough to try and get them to take out Mosques. BTW, State Meeting Buildings are Viable Military Targets.
Amazingly some cons love this shit. They are blood thirsty warmongers.

After all the lies this government has told over the last 100 years, one would think all Americans would know it is lying again about the imminent threat BS. Until they provide valid proof, the default position for all Americans should be the fucking government is lying.

Obama and Clinton were cons?

Where was the far left when Obama was running his illegal wars?
You wouldn’t believe this if O did it. Why believe it when Don does it?

Yes you were oddly silent under Obama, but now are oddly more vocal about it.

When an Iranian militia attacks a US embassy, do you let them get away with it and blame a video for it?
That’s funny. You will find no one more anti-O than me. You’re a dipshit.

If that were the case then you would not be saying that Trump and Obama are one in the same.

But if name calling is all you have, so be it!
Warmongers will warmonger.
Obama and Clinton were cons?

Where was the far left when Obama was running his illegal wars?
You wouldn’t believe this if O did it. Why believe it when Don does it?

Yes you were oddly silent under Obama, but now are oddly more vocal about it.

When an Iranian militia attacks a US embassy, do you let them get away with it and blame a video for it?
That’s funny. You will find no one more anti-O than me. You’re a dipshit.

If that were the case then you would not be saying that Trump and Obama are one in the same.

But if name calling is all you have, so be it!
Warmongers will warmonger.

And this shows how you do not know what you are talking about, but continue. Obama was much worse than Trump in this fashion.
You wouldn’t believe this if O did it. Why believe it when Don does it?

Yes you were oddly silent under Obama, but now are oddly more vocal about it.

When an Iranian militia attacks a US embassy, do you let them get away with it and blame a video for it?
That’s funny. You will find no one more anti-O than me. You’re a dipshit.

If that were the case then you would not be saying that Trump and Obama are one in the same.

But if name calling is all you have, so be it!
Warmongers will warmonger.

And this shows how you do not know what you are talking about, but continue. Obama was much worse than Trump in this fashion.
I have posted here a thousand times how O was a disgusting war criminal, who should be in solitary at Supermax. Have you posted anything similar?

O was without question much worse than Dumb Donnie, but Donnie isn’t done yet is he?

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