

Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Trump and the GOP Congress now own the federal debt.

To be fair, Trump never actually promised to lower the debt. He did make claims here and there his "terrific" plans would lower the debt, yes. But he never made a big show of promising to actually lower the debt.

He constantly criticized Obama for raising the debt, but he never made anywhere near as much noise about how he was going to lower it.

And then, of course, there's this:

Donald Trump's Plans Would Add $5.3 Trillion to the National Debt

Donald Trump Would Boost Debt More Than Hillary Clinton, Report Says

Trump would beat Clinton by trillions when it comes to driving up debt

Trump plans would increase debt 26 TIMES more than Clinton's: Study

Donald Trump’s tax plan could land America $10 trillion deeper in debt

The Republican Party does not get to say they didn't promise to lower the debt, though. They have bitched and bitched and bitched and bitched about the debt.

Now they and Trump own the White House, the Senate, and the House of Representatives, and will soon own the Supreme Court.

Just like January 2001 to January 2007.

And what did the GOP do then? They exploded the debt, and created a trillion dollar government medical entitlement program which they did not pay for.

So don't get your hopes up, kids. Republicans are just as big spenders as the Democrats, as we are all about to be reminded.

Democrats: Tax and spend.
Republicans: Borrow and spend.

Trump owns it now. We blamed Obama for the debt. Turnabout is fair play.

U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time

It is funny how the far left drones are now all the sudden worried about the debt!

even funnier is how Trumpbots dont care abut the debt aymore ... from certain demise to a big ol YYAAAWWWWNNNNNNNN

hypocritical pricks ...
It is funny how the far left drones are now all the sudden worried about the debt!
I've posted literally HUNDREDS of posts on how to reduce the debt. I haven't seen you do shit except utter the same dozen or so words in every post, bot.
Suddenly, increasing the debt and executive orders are great things. Are we still offsetting increased debt with cuts in programs, or has that gone for the sake of the Comrade?

The GOP has to be the very definition of Hypocrisy.
Suddenly, increasing the debt and executive orders are great things. Are we still offsetting increased debt with cuts in programs, or has that gone for the sake of the Comrade?

The GOP has to be the very definition of Hypocrisy.
One of the very first things the last all-GOP Congress did was to let PAYGO expire.

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