CDZ Trumped Up Nonsense

Never before has the Fed spent so much for such DISMAL RESULTS. Yet they go LOOK AT THE EMPLOYMENT RATE....................and ignore all other key factors.

Obama is a failure both here and abroad.
His foreign policy is a joke.
and Hillary wants more of the same.

When people look at some of the charts and graphs posted...........Do you really want more of this? If you do, then perhaps you need to pass out whatever it is you are smoking.

The GOP candidates are looking for ways to lower the taxes to give INCENTIVES to create jobs here. Looking for ways to simplify the tax codes and end the massive regulatory codes that drive business out. To end inversion and create jobs.

Trump is proposing Tariffs...........why yes he is which is usually a Dem thing..but he is getting support from conservatives like Jeff Sessions because they understand that it is killing jobs in this country. The TPP is more of the same on steriods...........a job killer.

At the same time the Dems ignore the lower wages and increased spending by allowing illegals to flood our country. They drive down wages and increase the cost of Nanny state handouts. To Cuba with love and the Wet Feet Dry feet immigration policy. Once they hit dry land they are INSTANT AMERICANS..........Yeeeeee HAW......................

Stupidity in motion............with the establishment laughing all the way to the bank.
When people look at some of the charts and graphs posted...........
They have to wonder just how desperate is this guy known as eagle1462010 . The people at Fox fabricated that chart and had to offer an apology for their deception. And the change in home ownership rate......Obama's fault.........really? It is deceptions like these that feed off political ideologies that confound the voting population. If Americans are to reform and protect our government, we first must defend against the perpetuation of distortions and outright lies foisted upon us by a biased media and subsequently regurgitated by ideologues.
Thanks for proving my point...............Only a Dem could spend the amount of stimulus money Obama spent with such dismal results..................Not to mention the QE's ..............A child could have done better with that much money to spend to create jobs................

His legacy is DEBT......
His legacy is Poverty.
His legacy is Welfare
His legacy is Food Stamps.

Foreign policy........LOL
Thanks for proving my point
And which point was that.........explain please.
I would say that it's closer to the truth to say that it is you who is unwittingly proving the op's point. I assume it is fair to characterize you as a Trump supporter and as has been pointed out, someone who is trumping up nonsense, yes?
Never before has the Fed spent so much for such DISMAL RESULTS. Yet they go LOOK AT THE EMPLOYMENT RATE....................and ignore all other key factors.

Obama is a failure both here and abroad.
His foreign policy is a joke.
and Hillary wants more of the same.

When people look at some of the charts and graphs posted...........Do you really want more of this? If you do, then perhaps you need to pass out whatever it is you are smoking.

The GOP candidates are looking for ways to lower the taxes to give INCENTIVES to create jobs here. Looking for ways to simplify the tax codes and end the massive regulatory codes that drive business out. To end inversion and create jobs.

Trump is proposing Tariffs...........why yes he is which is usually a Dem thing..but he is getting support from conservatives like Jeff Sessions because they understand that it is killing jobs in this country. The TPP is more of the same on steriods...........a job killer.

At the same time the Dems ignore the lower wages and increased spending by allowing illegals to flood our country. They drive down wages and increase the cost of Nanny state handouts. To Cuba with love and the Wet Feet Dry feet immigration policy. Once they hit dry land they are INSTANT AMERICANS..........Yeeeeee HAW......................

Stupidity in motion............with the establishment laughing all the way to the bank.
When people look at some of the charts and graphs posted...........
They have to wonder just how desperate is this guy known as eagle1462010 . The people at Fox fabricated that chart and had to offer an apology for their deception. And the change in home ownership rate......Obama's fault.........really? It is deceptions like these that feed off political ideologies that confound the voting population. If Americans are to reform and protect our government, we first must defend against the perpetuation of distortions and outright lies foisted upon us by a biased media and subsequently regurgitated by ideologues.
Thanks for proving my point...............Only a Dem could spend the amount of stimulus money Obama spent with such dismal results..................Not to mention the QE's ..............A child could have done better with that much money to spend to create jobs................

His legacy is DEBT......
His legacy is Poverty.
His legacy is Welfare
His legacy is Food Stamps.

Foreign policy........LOL
Thanks for proving my point
And which point was that.........explain please.
I would say that it's closer to the truth to say that it is you who is unwittingly proving the op's point. I assume it is fair to characterize you as a Trump supporter and as has been pointed out, someone who is trumping up nonsense, yes?
I'm enjoying the establishment in mass confusion...............they deserve it...............they created Trump by their policies against the will of the people..................Now Frankenstein is bashing their door down...................

REAP IT...........
Never before has the Fed spent so much for such DISMAL RESULTS. Yet they go LOOK AT THE EMPLOYMENT RATE....................and ignore all other key factors.

Obama is a failure both here and abroad.
His foreign policy is a joke.
and Hillary wants more of the same.

When people look at some of the charts and graphs posted...........Do you really want more of this? If you do, then perhaps you need to pass out whatever it is you are smoking.

The GOP candidates are looking for ways to lower the taxes to give INCENTIVES to create jobs here. Looking for ways to simplify the tax codes and end the massive regulatory codes that drive business out. To end inversion and create jobs.

Trump is proposing Tariffs...........why yes he is which is usually a Dem thing..but he is getting support from conservatives like Jeff Sessions because they understand that it is killing jobs in this country. The TPP is more of the same on steriods...........a job killer.

At the same time the Dems ignore the lower wages and increased spending by allowing illegals to flood our country. They drive down wages and increase the cost of Nanny state handouts. To Cuba with love and the Wet Feet Dry feet immigration policy. Once they hit dry land they are INSTANT AMERICANS..........Yeeeeee HAW......................

Stupidity in motion............with the establishment laughing all the way to the bank.
When people look at some of the charts and graphs posted...........
They have to wonder just how desperate is this guy known as eagle1462010 . The people at Fox fabricated that chart and had to offer an apology for their deception. And the change in home ownership rate......Obama's fault.........really? It is deceptions like these that feed off political ideologies that confound the voting population. If Americans are to reform and protect our government, we first must defend against the perpetuation of distortions and outright lies foisted upon us by a biased media and subsequently regurgitated by ideologues.
Thanks for proving my point...............Only a Dem could spend the amount of stimulus money Obama spent with such dismal results..................Not to mention the QE's ..............A child could have done better with that much money to spend to create jobs................

His legacy is DEBT......
His legacy is Poverty.
His legacy is Welfare
His legacy is Food Stamps.

Foreign policy........LOL
Thanks for proving my point
And which point was that.........explain please.
I would say that it's closer to the truth to say that it is you who is unwittingly proving the op's point. I assume it is fair to characterize you as a Trump supporter and as has been pointed out, someone who is trumping up nonsense, yes?
I'm enjoying the establishment in mass confusion...............they deserve it...............they created Trump by their policies against the will of the people..................Now Frankenstein is bashing their door down...................

REAP IT...........
But the establishment isn't confused, they are doing what they have always done........ what republicans have historically supported. The confused are those who no longer support the establishment policies but have thus far been unable to organize and present a viable candidate who can represent their views to the masses. And so in desperation they cling to Trump, a salesman.......adept in selling his name......his brand........ Someone who has recreated himself for this presidential run.
Never before has the Fed spent so much for such DISMAL RESULTS. Yet they go LOOK AT THE EMPLOYMENT RATE....................and ignore all other key factors.

Obama is a failure both here and abroad.
His foreign policy is a joke.
and Hillary wants more of the same.

When people look at some of the charts and graphs posted...........Do you really want more of this? If you do, then perhaps you need to pass out whatever it is you are smoking.

The GOP candidates are looking for ways to lower the taxes to give INCENTIVES to create jobs here. Looking for ways to simplify the tax codes and end the massive regulatory codes that drive business out. To end inversion and create jobs.

Trump is proposing Tariffs...........why yes he is which is usually a Dem thing..but he is getting support from conservatives like Jeff Sessions because they understand that it is killing jobs in this country. The TPP is more of the same on steriods...........a job killer.

At the same time the Dems ignore the lower wages and increased spending by allowing illegals to flood our country. They drive down wages and increase the cost of Nanny state handouts. To Cuba with love and the Wet Feet Dry feet immigration policy. Once they hit dry land they are INSTANT AMERICANS..........Yeeeeee HAW......................

Stupidity in motion............with the establishment laughing all the way to the bank.
When people look at some of the charts and graphs posted...........
They have to wonder just how desperate is this guy known as eagle1462010 . The people at Fox fabricated that chart and had to offer an apology for their deception. And the change in home ownership rate......Obama's fault.........really? It is deceptions like these that feed off political ideologies that confound the voting population. If Americans are to reform and protect our government, we first must defend against the perpetuation of distortions and outright lies foisted upon us by a biased media and subsequently regurgitated by ideologues.
Thanks for proving my point...............Only a Dem could spend the amount of stimulus money Obama spent with such dismal results..................Not to mention the QE's ..............A child could have done better with that much money to spend to create jobs................

His legacy is DEBT......
His legacy is Poverty.
His legacy is Welfare
His legacy is Food Stamps.

Foreign policy........LOL
Thanks for proving my point
And which point was that.........explain please.
I would say that it's closer to the truth to say that it is you who is unwittingly proving the op's point. I assume it is fair to characterize you as a Trump supporter and as has been pointed out, someone who is trumping up nonsense, yes?
I'm enjoying the establishment in mass confusion...............they deserve it...............they created Trump by their policies against the will of the people..................Now Frankenstein is bashing their door down...................

REAP IT...........
But the establishment isn't confused, they are doing what they have always done........ what republicans have historically supported. The confused are those who no longer support the establishment policies but have thus far been unable to organize and present a viable candidate who can represent their views to the masses. And so in desperation they cling to Trump, a salesman.......adept in selling his name......his brand........ Someone who has recreated himself for this presidential run.
The establishment has attacked everyone who challenged them over time............making up shit and creating attack ads..............breaking them down............but they can't do it to Trump...........when it has always worked before...................He uses it against them..........where all the others have failed trying to be respectful when they are under attack.

For whatever comes..............this is a result of anyone who can beat their game..............the Dems used it and it worked.........The Mob rules and those who steer the Mob the correct way win.............This is nothing new in history and is how Obama got in there.
We're angry! If there's one thing the useless pundits in the USA have figured out is that the country is angry. With an unemployment rate of 4.9%, who wouldn't be angry! No, wait, that's low, isn't it? Ah, but Mr. Trump tells America that 4.9% is not true! That the actual rate is 40, maybe 50%!! Now that's worth getting angry about! But you have to be as stupid as a stump to believe such absurd nonsense.
The real deal...........More in poverty under Obama. More on Food Stamps under Obama. Median Income is down. Labor Participation rate is record low. More companies are off shoring, and our debt has exploded.

You Praise Bernie in your next quote. More gov't..........more gov't..............when it is gov't and the establishment that is killing the American Dream. While Obama tries to finalize another Free Trade Agreement that will offshore even more jobs. Since Free Trade has come to play 55,000 businesses have left the United States. Companies are keeping cash over seas because we are ranked third in the world Corporate Tax Rates. Known as Inversion.

These companies are not hording cash in some 3rd world shit hole. They are Hording it in places like Canada, the UK, Scotland, etc...........whose rates are 3 TIMES LOWER THAN OURS...........12.5% versus 39.1%.........what do the liberals want to do.............Tax even more.

Bernie wants 18 Trillion over 10 years in new taxes.
Hillary wants to increase their taxes as well.

At some point, perhaps but very doubtfull, the left will finally get into their heads that you cannot tax companies into oblivion and expect them to stay here.................

The left doesn't want a Southern Wall to protect our border...........but they LOVE A WALL OF TAXATION and REGULATION that WALLS OUT INVESTMENT HERE..............

They just don't get it............You can't chase out business and wonder why our jobs are dying..........They want Detroit on steroids for the whole country...........and more dependency on the Fed..........
No, I did not praise Bernie, as you could tell if you bothered to think about the words you read and write. Clearly you don't. I called his approach to the problem absurd. That sounds like praise to you? Just another knee-jerk "it's all the liberals fault" screed. No politician offers specifics. No politician is honest. People who believe liberals are dishonest and conservatives perfect are morons of the first water. People who believe that Trump's nonsensical comment that the unemployment rate is 40-50% is true are idiots.

What we need in this country are people who will call gullible idiots what they are, instead of pretending that they are smart, and that their anger is thoughtful and well focused. People who can recognize that the power elite in this country has betrayed all Americans, not just liberals or conservatives. People who can recognize that true representation in American is non-existent. Bernie wont fix it. Hillary wont fix it. Cruz, Rubio, Trump Kasich, won't even mention it, let alone fix it.
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We're angry! If there's one thing the useless pundits in the USA have figured out is that the country is angry. With an unemployment rate of 4.9%, who wouldn't be angry! No, wait, that's low, isn't it? Ah, but Mr. Trump tells America that 4.9% is not true! That the actual rate is 40, maybe 50%!! Now that's worth getting angry about! But you have to be as stupid as a stump to believe such absurd nonsense.

And we are. We are that stupid. Sadly, there are many very good reasons to be angry. Representation was the basis for the American revolution, and we are sitting by, in utter ignorance, while our representation is stolen from us by a rigged political system. Bernie Sanders is the only candidate who addresses this real problem, though his approach to the problem is absurd. Vote for me and it will all go away!, Bernie claims. Has he offered one specific as to how he will achieve this miracle? Did Obama achieve any of his promises to reform government? Did he do ANYTHING to try to achieve that goal? Nothing I can recall, except his failed attempt to appoint three Republicans to his cabinet, a gesture which Sen. Judd Gregg and the Republican establishment threw back in his face.

We the people have to reform government. We can only do so through the management of the stupid and ignorant. Is there anyone who is addressing this real problem? Is there any organization that is attempting to restore functionality to our government? We can't continue to allow the US to slid down into a fascist state, answerable only to fear and loathing.

Sorry, couldn't read past the ignorant statement about the unemployment being at 4.9%. I have reached the limit of how much stupid I can read in one day.

No one expects anything less from a conservative moron...anything that contains fact, you people find difficult to carry on, fool
Make America Grate Again
I love it! Make America Grate Again ranks right up there with Make America Hate Again.

What Trump, Obama and white people have done for this to let us all know....although we've come a long way from lynching minorities....we still have a long long way to go. Its a shame, this country with all its resources and wealth, can not move past the notion that white skin ISN'T ALL THAT MATTERS!!! And although they may have all the guns, the law enforcement bias, the attention from media....the progression of change for humanity, isn't gonna stop just for them and why these clueless brainless shit for brains fucks don't get it, only god knows.
Oops! This is in the CDZ.

Predfan's posts deleted in 5...4...3...
What does that mean, CDZ??? and what does it imply....thanks in advance
It means Clean Debate Zone and it implies that Predfan's usual buffoonery is a no no.
Oops! This is in the CDZ.

Predfan's posts deleted in 5...4...3...
What does that mean, CDZ??? and what does it imply....thanks in advance
It means Clean Debate Zone and it implies that Predfan's usual buffoonery is a no no.
"That government is, or ought to be, instituted for the common benefit, protection, and security of the people, nation, or community; of all the various modes and forms of government, that is best which is capable of producing the greatest degree of happiness and safety and is most effectually secured against the danger of maladministration. And that, when any government shall be found inadequate or contrary to these purposes, a majority of the community has an indubitable, inalienable, and indefeasible right to reform, alter, or abolish it, in such manner as shall be judged most conducive to the public weal."
-- Declaration of Rights of the State of Virginia; Section 3 (1776)
Did Obama achieve any of his promises to reform government?

Well, I don't know what "reform government" means to you -- e.g., do you mean things that are explicty reforms of the way government operates and things like campaign reform, or do you mean reforms of a more general nature that are enacted by the government, such as consumer protection reforms -- but I'd say that Mr. Obama did implement some of the government reforms he promised to effect.

Those aren't all the promises Mr. Obama has kept, only the ones that seemed, as I read the "headline," to be of the "reforming" type. (If you want to pick up where I left off.... Your idea of "reform" and mine may differ.


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Did Obama achieve any of his promises to reform government?

Well, I don't know what "reform government" means to you -- e.g., do you mean things that are explicty reforms of the way government operates and things like campaign reform, or do you mean reforms of a more general nature that are enacted by the government, such as consumer protection reforms -- but I'd say that Mr. Obama did implement some of the government reforms he promised to effect.

Those aren't all the promises Mr. Obama has kept, only the ones that seemed, as I read the "headline," to be of the "reforming" type. (If you want to pick up where I left off....The Obameter: Tracking Obama's Campaign Promises | PolitiFact) Your idea of "reform" and mine may differ.
I was referring to the 2008 campaign promises which proved so hollow and which are discussed in this article.

Obama’s hard lessons

Obama promised systemic change. To say the least, he failed. He has been a divisive figure, through his weaknesses and failures. He has always mouthed the language of bi-partisanship, but he hates Washington. He never socialized or tried to manipulate congress ala LBJ. He just shrugged and blamed McConnell and Bohner. Those two bear a lot of the blame, but neither of them was the president. They at least were honest obstructionists. Obama was a dishonest reformer.
Did Obama achieve any of his promises to reform government?

Well, I don't know what "reform government" means to you -- e.g., do you mean things that are explicty reforms of the way government operates and things like campaign reform, or do you mean reforms of a more general nature that are enacted by the government, such as consumer protection reforms -- but I'd say that Mr. Obama did implement some of the government reforms he promised to effect.

Those aren't all the promises Mr. Obama has kept, only the ones that seemed, as I read the "headline," to be of the "reforming" type. (If you want to pick up where I left off....The Obameter: Tracking Obama's Campaign Promises | PolitiFact) Your idea of "reform" and mine may differ.
I was referring to the 2008 campaign promises which proved so hollow and which are discussed in this article.

Obama’s hard lessons

Obama promised systemic change. To say the least, he failed. He has been a divisive figure, through his weaknesses and failures. He has always mouthed the language of bi-partisanship, but he hates Washington. He never socialized or tried to manipulate congress ala LBJ. He just shrugged and blamed McConnell and Bohner. Those two bear a lot of the blame, but neither of them was the president. They at least were honest obstructionists. Obama was a dishonest reformer.

Without going into much detail, the federal branches under Mssrs. Obama and Bohner could have gotten much accomplished but for the binary intransigence of extreme right wing of the Republican Party members of Congress. The members in that bloc see everything in terms of "us and them," "my way or your way," etc. They've positioned themselves so that what they want and will accept is mutually exclusive of what anything folks left of them want or would accept. The very idea that "you get some of what you want and they get some of what they want" is anathema to them. For them, and to a slightly lesser extent their liberal equivalents, see no gray in the world, so to speak.

Mr. Obama and Mr. Bohner both are willing to compromise. Mr. Obama, as President, has far more ability to do so unilaterally than any Speaker of the House ever could. At the end of the day, Mr. Bohner's "coattails" weren't long enough. That's partly his fault and partly not, but I can't say to what extent it is more one than the other.

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