Trumpers, why do you want the government to FORCE YOU TO STOP AT RED LIGHTS?

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Unlike idiots such as yourself I don't need the government to tell me to stop at redlights nor do I need them to tell me not to put my hand in a fire or jump out of an airplane without wearing parachute. You see the overwheleming majority of us know how to do common sense things without the government telling us to. Perhaps one day you will be part of that majority and won't need mommy and daddy government to tell you the obvious.
Traffic control is not Tyranny. What a stupid OP.
What gives the police the authority to pull you over?
Local laws. What gives you the authority to risk other people's lives by running red lights?
But local laws are superseded by state laws. And state police answer to their boss, the governor. So how do you explain that you have to listen to the police, but you don't have to listen to the boss of the police?
What gives you the authority to risk other people's lives by running red lights?
What gives you the authority to risk other people's lives by not wearing a mask or practicing social distancing?

Who said he wasn't?

That's the problem with you retards, just because we want the economy opened up you claim we won't be smart.

Like I said, you're stupid.
Ask your democratic buddies they have been caught doing JUST that usually right after telling others to do it. Again RETARD comparing traffic laws to forced imprisonment is REALLY STUPID.
It's TYRANNY! It's a complete overreach! I can decide when to cross the highway without Big Brother telling me to wait until the light turns green!

Good gosh but you're stupid.
If you have nothing constructive to add to the thread you should get the fuck out. The mods sometimes consider your post off-topic trolling. Sometimes.
Traffic control is not Tyranny. What a stupid OP.
What gives the police the authority to pull you over?
Local laws. What gives you the authority to risk other people's lives by running red lights?
But local laws are superseded by state laws. And state police answer to their boss, the governor. So how do you explain that you have to listen to the police, but you don't have to listen to the boss of the police?

No matter how many times you attempt to reframe or reword the same question, you will never get the answer you most desire. Unfortunately, your "education" likely prevents you from understanding this, from being capable of "getting it" as you've been irredeemably brainwashed. It's a whole lot like watching a hamster run faster in its wheel, thinking increased speed equals escape, or a dog repeatedly running headfirst into a sliding glass door. Woof! Bonk! Woof! Bonk! Woof! If I just try one more time . . . bonk!
It's TYRANNY! It's a complete overreach! I can decide when to cross the highway without Big Brother telling me to wait until the light turns green!

Good gosh but you're stupid.
If you have nothing constructive to add to the thread you should get the fuck out. The mods sometimes consider your post off-topic trolling. Sometimes.
LOL your THREAD is off topic. Comparing traffic laws to forcing people not to work and to stay in their homes? Driving is NOT a right, freedom of movement and gathering in groups IS a RIGHT.
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