Trumpette's, avert your eyes. Senate Intel report confirms Russia aimed to help Trump in 2016

Interesting that all the documents and memos that Judicial Watch has sued the federal government to obtain reveal the Russians worked with Crooked Hillary and Obama Deep State "intelligence" agencies.
I shouldn't admit this, but it drives me nuts when I see batshyte crazy lies like that. It makes me feel hopeless for the country's future that we have organizations like JW (and Faux) that are dedicated to misinforming the public.
Interesting that all the documents and memos that Judicial Watch has sued the federal government to obtain reveal the Russians worked with Crooked Hillary and Obama Deep State "intelligence" agencies.
I shouldn't admit this, but it drives me nuts when I see batshyte crazy lies like that. It makes me feel hopeless for the country's future that we have organizations like JW (and Faux) that are dedicated to misinforming the public.
BSNBC, CNN, of the reasons the socialist surrogate MSM hates Trump is because he did not take their abuse and lies like other Presidents, he challenged them and EXPOSED them to the core for the propaganda-pushing fake news they are. Blind trust in the media - especially CNN - has been wiped out, primarily through their own lies being savaged and exposed again and again and again.

And morons like you continue to defend them despite the overwhelming evidence against them, against the Democrats, and against the Obama administration. The exposed evidence undeniably proves the FBI paid a foreign spy working for the Russians for what they confirmed themselves to be Russian Intel Service propaganda already being used against US Foreign Policy elsewhere as the basis for a false Russian Collusion cover story for Obama's failed attempted political coup that consisted in numerous crimes, to include Conspiracy, Obstruction, Sedition, FISA Court abuses, and illegal spying (violations of both Constitutional Rights and Rule of Law).

Hate-drives, TDS-suffering, propaganda-parroting partisan traitors like you also ignore evidence like the latest revealed, showing just how criminal Pelosi's and Schiff's House coup attempt was:

"The transcripts in question pertain to the ‘Russian collusion’ investigation. In September of 2018, the GOP-led House, with bipartisan support, voted to make public the transcripts of 53 witnesses in the bogus Russia probe. Here we are 19 months later and the transcripts are still hidden from the public even though US Intelligence has declassified and cleared for release.
Adam Schiff has been able to keep dozens of transcripts hidden with his backroom dealings with the ODNI.
Schiff got to work hiding the transcripts as soon as the Democrats took over the House in the 2018 midterms and he took over as Chairman of the Intelligence Committee."

This SOB should already be in jail for Obstruction, Perjury, Conspiracy, and for attempting to submit as evidence personally written fake transcripts of the phone call between the US President and Ukraine PM. Now there is even more reason to demand to know why Durham and Barr hasn't thrown his ass in jail.....Americans will just have to remain patient until the proverbial boom gets lowered.
Mueller told AG Barr his four-page memo that exonerated Trump from collusion and obstruction caused 'confusion' and did NOT capture the 'context, nature and substance' of his detailed report

Mic drop.
Daily Mail is fake news. Find a WSJ article that corroborates your claims. Until then STFU, you Palestinian troll.
Mueller Objected to Barr’s Summary of Report
Special counsel said attorney general ‘did not fully capture the context, nature and substance’ of findings on Trump and Russia

Mueller Objected to Barr’s Summary of Report

Let us know how you "fully capture" a report that is hundreds of pages in a 5 page summary.

well duh.... that 'summary' wasn't asked for nor wanted - - - but billy boy took it upon himself to do just that weeks b4 mueller was allowed to release his in depth report.

all barr had to do was petition the court & in the 'nest interest' of the public - it would have been released unredacted.

so save your flawed logic - it doesn't square.
1. Mueller didn't release anything. He had no authority to release anything. He worked for Barr, and was required by law to submit his report to the DOJ. After that, his job was done.

2. Mueller said Barr didn't misrepresent or lie about anything in the report, Moron.

3. No way, no how would the report be released "unredacted" you blithering idiot. It contained grand jury testimony and classified info (both are required by law to be redacted)

You need to ask your handlers for new talking point lies...........those suck.


^ 1. ' Mueller didn't release anything. He had no authority to release anything. He worked for Barr, and was required by law to submit his report to the DOJ. After that, his job was done. '

i said that, dumbfuck. learn to comprehend what you see on the screen. what part of b4 he was allowed to release his own indepth report didn't you understand?

2. ' Mueller said Barr didn't misrepresent or lie about anything in the report, Moron. '

mueller DID say ' The letter written to Barr expressed the special counsel's frustration that the attorney general's memo to Congress "did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance" of the investigation. ' which is easy enough for upright bipeds to think critically & read between the lines.

3. 'No way, no how would the report be released "unredacted" you blithering idiot. It contained grand jury testimony and classified info (both are required by law to be redacted)'

really? you sure about that? of course certain classified portions must be redacted if there are ongoing active cases being investigated, but:

Academics, Congress, Courts, Criminal law, Lawyering April 17, 2019
Columbia Professor: Barr Can Release Grand Jury Information But Does Not Want To Do So
Columbia Professor: Barr Can Release Grand Jury Information But Does Not Want To Do So

AG Barr: No Plans to Ask Court to Release Grand Jury Info in Mueller Report

ALM Media
April 9, 2019

Rep. Ed Case, D-Hawaii, questioned Barr on whether he intends to directly ask a federal judge to make sensitive information in Mueller’s report public. Although Barr has said it would be illegal to release grand jury material, he could ask the judge presiding over Mueller’s grand jury—Chief Judge Beryl Howell of Washington's federal trial court—to permit the release.

“My intention is not to ask for it at this stage,” Barr told Case.
He noted Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-New York, who chairs the House Judiciary Committee, could make that request himself. Nadler has threatened to subpoena the Justice Department for Mueller’s findings, if he and Barr can’t come to an agreement over redactions
AG Barr: No Plans to Ask Court to Release Grand Jury Info in Mueller Report

& there has been precedence on releasing grand jury testimony already on the books:

An Untold Option for Mueller: Grand Jury “Presentment” as an Alternative to Indicting Trump
Other courts have also distinguished Briggs, for example, in a case where there was an “important countervailing public interest,” and in another case where the individual “simply cannot be indicted and tried.”
An Untold Option for Mueller: Grand Jury "Presentment" as an Alternative to Indicting Trump - Just Security

Special Prosecutor Starr’s Documents Will Be Unsealed
April 17, 2018
“While the continued secrecy of judicial opinions regarding grand jury matters is necessary to protect the integrity of an ongoing investigation, that need for secrecy decreases once the investigation ends and continues to diminish over time,” the ruling states. “The public has an overarching interest in the accessibility of judicial opinions.”
Special Prosecutor Starr’s Documents Will Be Unsealed

but here, i'll throw in a couple things you also didn't hear about because of the fake news you watch.

Judge demands unredacted Mueller report, questions Barr's 'credibility'
By Harper Neidig - 03/05/20 05:13 PM EST

Judge Reggie B. Walton, a federal district court judge in Washington, said that he could not reconcile Barr's public comments in April 2019 about the report with the actual findings that former special counsel Robert Mueller outlined.

"The inconsistencies between Attorney General Barr’s statements, made at a time when the public did not have access to the redacted version of the Mueller Report to assess the veracity of his statements, and portions of the redacted version of the Mueller Report that conflict with those statements cause the Court to seriously question whether Attorney General Barr made a calculated attempt to influence public discourse about the Mueller Report in favor of President Trump despite certain findings in the redacted version of the Mueller Report to the contrary," Walton wrote in his decision.

"These circumstances generally, and Attorney General Barr’s lack of candor specifically, call into question Attorney General Barr’s credibility" as well as the DOJ's arguments in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, Walton added.

A DOJ spokeswoman did not respond when asked for comment.

The judge, who was appointed to the court by former President George W. Bush, said he would review the full report to determine whether the redactions made by the DOJ are subject to a FOIA request.
Judge demands unredacted Mueller report, questions Barr's 'credibility'

DOJ turns over unredacted Mueller report to judge who questioned Barr's 'credibility'
by Jerry Dunleavy & Daniel Chaitin
| March 30, 2020 08:50 PM | Updated Mar 30, 2020, 09:40 PM
DOJ turns over unredacted Mueller report to judge who questioned Barr's 'credibility'

'You need to ask your handlers for new talking point lies...........those suck.'



you lose. anyhoo - i know your poorly educated lazy ass won't bother to read any of it, but for those who care about facts , might indulge in the reality.
Thanks for the well researched post. If Trumpleton's weren't impervious to facts it would bring them to tears.
BSNBC, CNN, of the reasons the socialist surrogate MSM hates Trump is because he did not take their abuse and lies like other Presidents, he challenged them and EXPOSED them to the core for the propaganda-pushing fake news they are.
Trump is the unparalleled champion of lies and propaganda. Parroted by right wing media. As for your hero John Soloman................

Impeachment report hammers the Hill and John Solomon

Articles by John Solomon in the Hill earlier this year accelerated a “smear campaign” against Marie Yovanovitch, then the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, in furtherance of a rogue foreign policy spearheaded by Rudolph W. Giuliani on behalf of President Trump, according to the Trump-Ukraine Impeachment Inquiry Report released Tuesday by the House Intelligence Committee. “The smear campaign entered a more public phase in the United States in late March 2019 with the publication of a series of opinion pieces in The Hill,” notes the report, which synthesizes hearings and documentary evidence relating to the president’s efforts to secure an investigation by Ukraine into former vice president Joe Biden and his son Hunter.
A Dozen Questions for John Solomon
While I'm blowing up nutbag conspiracy theories I thought I'd add this one.

Senate Intel found no evidence of 2016 Ukrainian interference: report
Compare and contrast teeny tiny Russia for Trump to BIG FUCKING ASS 24/7 media propaganda for all things PROG.

We're supposed to feel cheated because a few Russians supported Trump on social media. Media that few even saw.
Over the next four months, the media establishment will play a central role in informing the public about the candidates and the issues. As the countdown to Election Day begins, it is important to remember the journalists who will help establish the campaign agenda are not an all-American mix of Democrats, Republicans and independents, but an elite group whose views veer sharply to the left.

Surveys over the past 25 years have consistently found that journalists are more liberal than rest of America. This MRC Special Report summarizes the relevant data on journalist attitudes, as well as polling showing how the American public’s recognition of the media’s liberal bias has grown over the years:

Recognizing bias is a good thing. Ignoring the information the media provides is crazy stupid. The consumer just needs to make a note there may be (1) more to the story or (2) another side to the story, and go look for it. Then you know all the facts.
No I will never believe anything coming from mainstream media you fucking sheep
No I will never believe anything coming from mainstream media you fucking sheep
Why would anyone make such a dogmatic statement? Why not take some time to verify or disprove what you see before dismissing it?

You do yourself and the country a disservice by blindly accepting what Trump tells you given his documented record as an inveterate liar.
Mueller told AG Barr his four-page memo that exonerated Trump from collusion and obstruction caused 'confusion' and did NOT capture the 'context, nature and substance' of his detailed report

Mic drop.
Daily Mail is fake news. Find a WSJ article that corroborates your claims. Until then STFU, you Palestinian troll.
Mueller Objected to Barr’s Summary of Report
Special counsel said attorney general ‘did not fully capture the context, nature and substance’ of findings on Trump and Russia

Mueller Objected to Barr’s Summary of Report

Let us know how you "fully capture" a report that is hundreds of pages in a 5 page summary.

well duh.... that 'summary' wasn't asked for nor wanted - - - but billy boy took it upon himself to do just that weeks b4 mueller was allowed to release his in depth report.

all barr had to do was petition the court & in the 'nest interest' of the public - it would have been released unredacted.

so save your flawed logic - it doesn't square.
No one cares what you want, shit for brains.
This Leftist fool hates the thumbs down. Do it to her posts and she goes batshit.

it's called mocking. god damn you're stupid. the best part is your projection....

you'll never catch up to all the likes & loves & that's why you need to search me out & carpet bomb like a child ... you & donny share the same defective personality. you get boring pretty fast & it's usually not worth exchanging much with you anymore - except for mocking entertainment. lol....
Triggered. Need a safe space?
No I will never believe anything coming from mainstream media you fucking sheep
Why would anyone make such a dogmatic statement? Why not take some time to verify or disprove what you see before dismissing it?

You do yourself and the country a disservice by blindly accepting what Trump tells you given his documented record as an inveterate liar.
Says the board spammer. Shut your stupid mouth. Trump lives in a giant Trump tower in your empty head.
Mueller told AG Barr his four-page memo that exonerated Trump from collusion and obstruction caused 'confusion' and did NOT capture the 'context, nature and substance' of his detailed report

Mic drop.
Daily Mail is fake news. Find a WSJ article that corroborates your claims. Until then STFU, you Palestinian troll.
Mueller Objected to Barr’s Summary of Report
Special counsel said attorney general ‘did not fully capture the context, nature and substance’ of findings on Trump and Russia

Mueller Objected to Barr’s Summary of Report

Let us know how you "fully capture" a report that is hundreds of pages in a 5 page summary.

well duh.... that 'summary' wasn't asked for nor wanted - - - but billy boy took it upon himself to do just that weeks b4 mueller was allowed to release his in depth report.

all barr had to do was petition the court & in the 'nest interest' of the public - it would have been released unredacted.

so save your flawed logic - it doesn't square.
No one cares what you want, shit for brains.

buzz off you little flea.
Awwwwww! Did I hurt your witto feewings?

is that what you think you do? i got bored with you - so i moved on. deal with reality once in a while , stupid. it can only do you good.
That is your typical excuse. “I got bored”. You’re so lazy all you do is cut and paste articles from biased sources and you don’t even use capital letters. You have lost every single debate I have seen you in on this board. Pretty pathetic.
BSNBC, CNN, of the reasons the socialist surrogate MSM hates Trump is because he did not take their abuse and lies like other Presidents, he challenged them and EXPOSED them to the core for the propaganda-pushing fake news they are.
Trump is the unparalleled champion of lies and propaganda. Parroted by right wing media. As for your hero John Soloman................

Impeachment report hammers the Hill and John Solomon

Articles by John Solomon in the Hill earlier this year accelerated a “smear campaign” against Marie Yovanovitch, then the U.S. ambassador to Ukraine, in furtherance of a rogue foreign policy spearheaded by Rudolph W. Giuliani on behalf of President Trump, according to the Trump-Ukraine Impeachment Inquiry Report released Tuesday by the House Intelligence Committee. “The smear campaign entered a more public phase in the United States in late March 2019 with the publication of a series of opinion pieces in The Hill,” notes the report, which synthesizes hearings and documentary evidence relating to the president’s efforts to secure an investigation by Ukraine into former vice president Joe Biden and his son Hunter.
A Dozen Questions for John Solomon
Washington Post is Fake News. If you were an American you would know that.
Mueller told AG Barr his four-page memo that exonerated Trump from collusion and obstruction caused 'confusion' and did NOT capture the 'context, nature and substance' of his detailed report

Mic drop.
Daily Mail is fake news. Find a WSJ article that corroborates your claims. Until then STFU, you Palestinian troll.
Mueller Objected to Barr’s Summary of Report
Special counsel said attorney general ‘did not fully capture the context, nature and substance’ of findings on Trump and Russia

Mueller Objected to Barr’s Summary of Report

Let us know how you "fully capture" a report that is hundreds of pages in a 5 page summary.

well duh.... that 'summary' wasn't asked for nor wanted - - - but billy boy took it upon himself to do just that weeks b4 mueller was allowed to release his in depth report.

all barr had to do was petition the court & in the 'nest interest' of the public - it would have been released unredacted.

so save your flawed logic - it doesn't square.
No one cares what you want, shit for brains.

buzz off you little flea.
Awwwwww! Did I hurt your witto feewings?

is that what you think you do? i got bored with you - so i moved on. deal with reality once in a while , stupid. it can only do you good.
You apparently believe your relentless stream of ad hominems against Trump is interesting.
The Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday reaffirmed its support for the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the goal of putting Donald Trump in the Oval Office.

Tuesday's bipartisan report, from a panel chaired by North Carolina Republican Richard Burr, undercuts Trump's years of efforts to portray allegations of Kremlin assistance to his campaign as a "hoax," driven by Democrats and a “deep state” embedded within the government bureaucracy. The report does not address the question of whether anyone in the president's orbit colluded with the Russian efforts.

Absolutely nothing new here. Just further confirmation of Trump's duplicity..................and Trumpette's gullibility.
Please quote the text that says Russia was deliberately trying to help Trump.

He just did. The Republican controlled Senate report. If you can’t read, please have someone read it to you.
No he didn't, moron.
Compare and contrast teeny tiny Russia for Trump to BIG FUCKING ASS 24/7 media propaganda for all things PROG.

We're supposed to feel cheated because a few Russians supported Trump on social media. Media that few even saw.

The Russians hacked and disseminated the private emails of the DNC and Clinton’s advisor.

It was illegal.
So? WTF does that have to do with Trump?
Mueller told AG Barr his four-page memo that exonerated Trump from collusion and obstruction caused 'confusion' and did NOT capture the 'context, nature and substance' of his detailed report

Mic drop.
Daily Mail is fake news. Find a WSJ article that corroborates your claims. Until then STFU, you Palestinian troll.
Mueller Objected to Barr’s Summary of Report
Special counsel said attorney general ‘did not fully capture the context, nature and substance’ of findings on Trump and Russia

Mueller Objected to Barr’s Summary of Report

Let us know how you "fully capture" a report that is hundreds of pages in a 5 page summary.

well duh.... that 'summary' wasn't asked for nor wanted - - - but billy boy took it upon himself to do just that weeks b4 mueller was allowed to release his in depth report.

all barr had to do was petition the court & in the 'nest interest' of the public - it would have been released unredacted.

so save your flawed logic - it doesn't square.
1. Mueller didn't release anything. He had no authority to release anything. He worked for Barr, and was required by law to submit his report to the DOJ. After that, his job was done.

2. Mueller said Barr didn't misrepresent or lie about anything in the report, Moron.

3. No way, no how would the report be released "unredacted" you blithering idiot. It contained grand jury testimony and classified info (both are required by law to be redacted)

You need to ask your handlers for new talking point lies...........those suck.


^ 1. ' Mueller didn't release anything. He had no authority to release anything. He worked for Barr, and was required by law to submit his report to the DOJ. After that, his job was done. '

i said that, dumbfuck. learn to comprehend what you see on the screen. what part of b4 he was allowed to release his own indepth report didn't you understand?

2. ' Mueller said Barr didn't misrepresent or lie about anything in the report, Moron. '

mueller DID say ' The letter written to Barr expressed the special counsel's frustration that the attorney general's memo to Congress "did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance" of the investigation. ' which is easy enough for upright bipeds to think critically & read between the lines.

3. 'No way, no how would the report be released "unredacted" you blithering idiot. It contained grand jury testimony and classified info (both are required by law to be redacted)'

really? you sure about that? of course certain classified portions must be redacted if there are ongoing active cases being investigated, but:

Academics, Congress, Courts, Criminal law, Lawyering April 17, 2019
Columbia Professor: Barr Can Release Grand Jury Information But Does Not Want To Do So
Columbia Professor: Barr Can Release Grand Jury Information But Does Not Want To Do So

AG Barr: No Plans to Ask Court to Release Grand Jury Info in Mueller Report

ALM Media
April 9, 2019

Rep. Ed Case, D-Hawaii, questioned Barr on whether he intends to directly ask a federal judge to make sensitive information in Mueller’s report public. Although Barr has said it would be illegal to release grand jury material, he could ask the judge presiding over Mueller’s grand jury—Chief Judge Beryl Howell of Washington's federal trial court—to permit the release.

“My intention is not to ask for it at this stage,” Barr told Case.
He noted Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-New York, who chairs the House Judiciary Committee, could make that request himself. Nadler has threatened to subpoena the Justice Department for Mueller’s findings, if he and Barr can’t come to an agreement over redactions
AG Barr: No Plans to Ask Court to Release Grand Jury Info in Mueller Report

& there has been precedence on releasing grand jury testimony already on the books:

An Untold Option for Mueller: Grand Jury “Presentment” as an Alternative to Indicting Trump
Other courts have also distinguished Briggs, for example, in a case where there was an “important countervailing public interest,” and in another case where the individual “simply cannot be indicted and tried.”
An Untold Option for Mueller: Grand Jury "Presentment" as an Alternative to Indicting Trump - Just Security

Special Prosecutor Starr’s Documents Will Be Unsealed
April 17, 2018
“While the continued secrecy of judicial opinions regarding grand jury matters is necessary to protect the integrity of an ongoing investigation, that need for secrecy decreases once the investigation ends and continues to diminish over time,” the ruling states. “The public has an overarching interest in the accessibility of judicial opinions.”
Special Prosecutor Starr’s Documents Will Be Unsealed

but here, i'll throw in a couple things you also didn't hear about because of the fake news you watch.

Judge demands unredacted Mueller report, questions Barr's 'credibility'
By Harper Neidig - 03/05/20 05:13 PM EST

Judge Reggie B. Walton, a federal district court judge in Washington, said that he could not reconcile Barr's public comments in April 2019 about the report with the actual findings that former special counsel Robert Mueller outlined.

"The inconsistencies between Attorney General Barr’s statements, made at a time when the public did not have access to the redacted version of the Mueller Report to assess the veracity of his statements, and portions of the redacted version of the Mueller Report that conflict with those statements cause the Court to seriously question whether Attorney General Barr made a calculated attempt to influence public discourse about the Mueller Report in favor of President Trump despite certain findings in the redacted version of the Mueller Report to the contrary," Walton wrote in his decision.

"These circumstances generally, and Attorney General Barr’s lack of candor specifically, call into question Attorney General Barr’s credibility" as well as the DOJ's arguments in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, Walton added.

A DOJ spokeswoman did not respond when asked for comment.

The judge, who was appointed to the court by former President George W. Bush, said he would review the full report to determine whether the redactions made by the DOJ are subject to a FOIA request.
Judge demands unredacted Mueller report, questions Barr's 'credibility'

DOJ turns over unredacted Mueller report to judge who questioned Barr's 'credibility'
by Jerry Dunleavy & Daniel Chaitin
| March 30, 2020 08:50 PM | Updated Mar 30, 2020, 09:40 PM
DOJ turns over unredacted Mueller report to judge who questioned Barr's 'credibility'

'You need to ask your handlers for new talking point lies...........those suck.'



you lose. anyhoo - i know your poorly educated lazy ass won't bother to read any of it, but for those who care about facts , might indulge in the reality.

1. Sorry moron, Mueller never released any report. He submitted it to his boss, AG Barr. Barr released the report.

2. I will go with the facts idiot, not what you think you "read between the lines".

3. Thanks for proving it would be illegal for Barr to release classified info and grand jury testimony, but there really was no need for you to go to all that trouble bringing all those links proving my point.
Mueller told AG Barr his four-page memo that exonerated Trump from collusion and obstruction caused 'confusion' and did NOT capture the 'context, nature and substance' of his detailed report

Mic drop.
Daily Mail is fake news. Find a WSJ article that corroborates your claims. Until then STFU, you Palestinian troll.
Mueller Objected to Barr’s Summary of Report
Special counsel said attorney general ‘did not fully capture the context, nature and substance’ of findings on Trump and Russia

Mueller Objected to Barr’s Summary of Report

Let us know how you "fully capture" a report that is hundreds of pages in a 5 page summary.

well duh.... that 'summary' wasn't asked for nor wanted - - - but billy boy took it upon himself to do just that weeks b4 mueller was allowed to release his in depth report.

all barr had to do was petition the court & in the 'nest interest' of the public - it would have been released unredacted.

so save your flawed logic - it doesn't square.
1. Mueller didn't release anything. He had no authority to release anything. He worked for Barr, and was required by law to submit his report to the DOJ. After that, his job was done.

2. Mueller said Barr didn't misrepresent or lie about anything in the report, Moron.

3. No way, no how would the report be released "unredacted" you blithering idiot. It contained grand jury testimony and classified info (both are required by law to be redacted)

You need to ask your handlers for new talking point lies...........those suck.


^ 1. ' Mueller didn't release anything. He had no authority to release anything. He worked for Barr, and was required by law to submit his report to the DOJ. After that, his job was done. '

i said that, dumbfuck. learn to comprehend what you see on the screen. what part of b4 he was allowed to release his own indepth report didn't you understand?

2. ' Mueller said Barr didn't misrepresent or lie about anything in the report, Moron. '

mueller DID say ' The letter written to Barr expressed the special counsel's frustration that the attorney general's memo to Congress "did not fully capture the context, nature, and substance" of the investigation. ' which is easy enough for upright bipeds to think critically & read between the lines.

3. 'No way, no how would the report be released "unredacted" you blithering idiot. It contained grand jury testimony and classified info (both are required by law to be redacted)'

really? you sure about that? of course certain classified portions must be redacted if there are ongoing active cases being investigated, but:

Academics, Congress, Courts, Criminal law, Lawyering April 17, 2019
Columbia Professor: Barr Can Release Grand Jury Information But Does Not Want To Do So
Columbia Professor: Barr Can Release Grand Jury Information But Does Not Want To Do So

AG Barr: No Plans to Ask Court to Release Grand Jury Info in Mueller Report

ALM Media
April 9, 2019

Rep. Ed Case, D-Hawaii, questioned Barr on whether he intends to directly ask a federal judge to make sensitive information in Mueller’s report public. Although Barr has said it would be illegal to release grand jury material, he could ask the judge presiding over Mueller’s grand jury—Chief Judge Beryl Howell of Washington's federal trial court—to permit the release.

“My intention is not to ask for it at this stage,” Barr told Case.
He noted Rep. Jerrold Nadler, D-New York, who chairs the House Judiciary Committee, could make that request himself. Nadler has threatened to subpoena the Justice Department for Mueller’s findings, if he and Barr can’t come to an agreement over redactions
AG Barr: No Plans to Ask Court to Release Grand Jury Info in Mueller Report

& there has been precedence on releasing grand jury testimony already on the books:

An Untold Option for Mueller: Grand Jury “Presentment” as an Alternative to Indicting Trump
Other courts have also distinguished Briggs, for example, in a case where there was an “important countervailing public interest,” and in another case where the individual “simply cannot be indicted and tried.”
An Untold Option for Mueller: Grand Jury "Presentment" as an Alternative to Indicting Trump - Just Security

Special Prosecutor Starr’s Documents Will Be Unsealed
April 17, 2018
“While the continued secrecy of judicial opinions regarding grand jury matters is necessary to protect the integrity of an ongoing investigation, that need for secrecy decreases once the investigation ends and continues to diminish over time,” the ruling states. “The public has an overarching interest in the accessibility of judicial opinions.”
Special Prosecutor Starr’s Documents Will Be Unsealed

but here, i'll throw in a couple things you also didn't hear about because of the fake news you watch.

Judge demands unredacted Mueller report, questions Barr's 'credibility'
By Harper Neidig - 03/05/20 05:13 PM EST

Judge Reggie B. Walton, a federal district court judge in Washington, said that he could not reconcile Barr's public comments in April 2019 about the report with the actual findings that former special counsel Robert Mueller outlined.

"The inconsistencies between Attorney General Barr’s statements, made at a time when the public did not have access to the redacted version of the Mueller Report to assess the veracity of his statements, and portions of the redacted version of the Mueller Report that conflict with those statements cause the Court to seriously question whether Attorney General Barr made a calculated attempt to influence public discourse about the Mueller Report in favor of President Trump despite certain findings in the redacted version of the Mueller Report to the contrary," Walton wrote in his decision.

"These circumstances generally, and Attorney General Barr’s lack of candor specifically, call into question Attorney General Barr’s credibility" as well as the DOJ's arguments in a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, Walton added.

A DOJ spokeswoman did not respond when asked for comment.

The judge, who was appointed to the court by former President George W. Bush, said he would review the full report to determine whether the redactions made by the DOJ are subject to a FOIA request.
Judge demands unredacted Mueller report, questions Barr's 'credibility'

DOJ turns over unredacted Mueller report to judge who questioned Barr's 'credibility'
by Jerry Dunleavy & Daniel Chaitin
| March 30, 2020 08:50 PM | Updated Mar 30, 2020, 09:40 PM
DOJ turns over unredacted Mueller report to judge who questioned Barr's 'credibility'

'You need to ask your handlers for new talking point lies...........those suck.'



you lose. anyhoo - i know your poorly educated lazy ass won't bother to read any of it, but for those who care about facts , might indulge in the reality.
Thanks for the well researched post. If Trumpleton's weren't impervious to facts it would bring them to tears.
Yep, all that research confirmed my post.

The Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday reaffirmed its support for the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the goal of putting Donald Trump in the Oval Office.

Tuesday's bipartisan report, from a panel chaired by North Carolina Republican Richard Burr, undercuts Trump's years of efforts to portray allegations of Kremlin assistance to his campaign as a "hoax," driven by Democrats and a “deep state” embedded within the government bureaucracy. The report does not address the question of whether anyone in the president's orbit colluded with the Russian efforts.

Absolutely nothing new here. Just further confirmation of Trump's duplicity..................and Trumpette's gullibility.
Please quote the text that says Russia was deliberately trying to help Trump.

He just did. The Republican controlled Senate report. If you can’t read, please have someone read it to you.
No he didn't, moron.

Not everything is at it seems. The author sites examples in the enclosed piece.
The Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday reaffirmed its support for the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the goal of putting Donald Trump in the Oval Office.

Tuesday's bipartisan report, from a panel chaired by North Carolina Republican Richard Burr, undercuts Trump's years of efforts to portray allegations of Kremlin assistance to his campaign as a "hoax," driven by Democrats and a “deep state” embedded within the government bureaucracy. The report does not address the question of whether anyone in the president's orbit colluded with the Russian efforts.

Absolutely nothing new here. Just further confirmation of Trump's duplicity..................and Trumpette's gullibility.

Very informative, one sure to bring forth the wraith of trump supporters. Expect to be called a commie by some of the usual members.

I find it very funny that the people who support trump call those who don't agree with them commies or communists.

When it's the republicans who have been working with the communists since 2016 to elect trump and they're working with them again to reelect trump.

They have been lying about it all along. Even when factual, honest reports from republicans they support tells them the truth about the russians helping trump to win.

Most of the trump supporters on line now are russian trolls. The only thing anyone should say to them is "how's the weather today in moscow comrade?"

The commies or communists are the republicans. Not anyone who doesn't agree with the republicans.
Compare and contrast teeny tiny Russia for Trump to BIG FUCKING ASS 24/7 media propaganda for all things PROG.

We're supposed to feel cheated because a few Russians supported Trump on social media. Media that few even saw.

The Russians hacked and disseminated the private emails of the DNC and Clinton’s advisor.

It was illegal.

The Russians hacked and disseminated the private emails of the DNC and Clinton’s advisor.

Yes, Russia is awful!
Makes you wonder why Obama wanted to get all flexible for Putin, eh comrade?
The Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday reaffirmed its support for the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the goal of putting Donald Trump in the Oval Office.

Tuesday's bipartisan report, from a panel chaired by North Carolina Republican Richard Burr, undercuts Trump's years of efforts to portray allegations of Kremlin assistance to his campaign as a "hoax," driven by Democrats and a “deep state” embedded within the government bureaucracy. The report does not address the question of whether anyone in the president's orbit colluded with the Russian efforts.

Absolutely nothing new here. Just further confirmation of Trump's duplicity..................and Trumpette's gullibility.

Very informative, one sure to bring forth the wraith of trump supporters. Expect to be called a commie by some of the usual members.

I find it very funny that the people who support trump call those who don't agree with them commies or communists.

When it's the republicans who have been working with the communists since 2016 to elect trump and they're working with them again to reelect trump.

They have been lying about it all along. Even when factual, honest reports from republicans they support tells them the truth about the russians helping trump to win.

Most of the trump supporters on line now are russian trolls. The only thing anyone should say to them is "how's the weather today in moscow comrade?"

The commies or communists are the republicans. Not anyone who doesn't agree with the republicans.

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