Trumpette's, avert your eyes. Senate Intel report confirms Russia aimed to help Trump in 2016

The Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday reaffirmed its support for the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the goal of putting Donald Trump in the Oval Office.

Tuesday's bipartisan report, from a panel chaired by North Carolina Republican Richard Burr, undercuts Trump's years of efforts to portray allegations of Kremlin assistance to his campaign as a "hoax," driven by Democrats and a “deep state” embedded within the government bureaucracy. The report does not address the question of whether anyone in the president's orbit colluded with the Russian efforts.

Absolutely nothing new here. Just further confirmation of Trump's duplicity..................and Trumpette's gullibility.
The pussygrabber was in it since the start...
Perspective...a Republican-controlled Senate Committee has concluded and published a report confirming an opinion supported with evidence Russians assisted in the election of Donald Trump.
And what is surprising about a foreign country trying to influence the American election? I would expect EVERY country with the means to do exactly that. What you are attempting to do without explicitly saying it, is to have people believe that Trump colluded with Russia, which has never been established at all.
You’re making unwarranted assumptions. This was not normal. You’re attempting to trivialize it for political reasons.
How is noting that this happens every election cycle trivializing it? Methinks that you are exaggerating something that happens with great regularity and running to your fainting couch in faux horror, pretending the world has never seen such shenanigans, when the reality is, the US has dirtier hands than anyone when it comes to interfering with other countries picking their leadership. Just ask Obama how that's done.
Because it doesn’t happen every election cycle. Name the last time Russia did anything remotely close to this.
We only know about it this last time. It would be foolish to believe they, the Chinese, the Japanese, and everyone else with the means hasn't tried before. Foolish and naive.

So you’re making a claim based on zero evidence and I’m the foolish one?
And you're claiming that Russia has never tried to influence our elections before? Seriously claiming that? Yes, it is foolish to believe that other nations do not attempt to exert what influence they can. We're the big dog on the block, of course they'll try to get the leaders they want. Heck, they try to get influence during an administration, or have you forgotten Biden's China problem and Hillary's disappearing charity donations?

Then there was the time Senator Edward Kennedy wrote a letter to the Russian President, begging him to help Reagan from being elected.

Pepperidge Farms Remembers.
Mueller told AG Barr his four-page memo that exonerated Trump from collusion and obstruction caused 'confusion' and did NOT capture the 'context, nature and substance' of his detailed report

Mic drop.
Daily Mail is fake news. Find a WSJ article that corroborates your claims. Until then STFU, you Palestinian troll.
Mueller Objected to Barr’s Summary of Report
Special counsel said attorney general ‘did not fully capture the context, nature and substance’ of findings on Trump and Russia

Mueller Objected to Barr’s Summary of Report

Let us know how you "fully capture" a report that is hundreds of pages in a 5 page summary.
Perspective...a Republican-controlled Senate Committee has concluded and published a report confirming an opinion supported with evidence Russians assisted in the election of Donald Trump.
And what is surprising about a foreign country trying to influence the American election? I would expect EVERY country with the means to do exactly that. What you are attempting to do without explicitly saying it, is to have people believe that Trump colluded with Russia, which has never been established at all.
You’re making unwarranted assumptions. This was not normal. You’re attempting to trivialize it for political reasons.
How is noting that this happens every election cycle trivializing it? Methinks that you are exaggerating something that happens with great regularity and running to your fainting couch in faux horror, pretending the world has never seen such shenanigans, when the reality is, the US has dirtier hands than anyone when it comes to interfering with other countries picking their leadership. Just ask Obama how that's done.
Because it doesn’t happen every election cycle. Name the last time Russia did anything remotely close to this.
We only know about it this last time. It would be foolish to believe they, the Chinese, the Japanese, and everyone else with the means hasn't tried before. Foolish and naive.

So you’re making a claim based on zero evidence and I’m the foolish one?
And you're claiming that Russia has never tried to influence our elections before? Seriously claiming that? Yes, it is foolish to believe that other nations do not attempt to exert what influence they can. We're the big dog on the block, of course they'll try to get the leaders they want. Heck, they try to get influence during an administration, or have you forgotten Biden's China problem and Hillary's disappearing charity donations?

Ive heard of a few failed attempts back in the 60s I believe. Some candidates had been approached. They certainly don’t do it “every year” and there is nothing ordinary or usual about what happened in 2016. You keep back pedaling and demonstrating a complete lack of evidence.

You’re just making it up as you go along.

Ive heard of a few failed attempts back in the 60s I believe. Some candidates had been approached.

And then there's Ted Kennedy who approached the Russians.
Mueller told AG Barr his four-page memo that exonerated Trump from collusion and obstruction caused 'confusion' and did NOT capture the 'context, nature and substance' of his detailed report

Mic drop.
Daily Mail is fake news. Find a WSJ article that corroborates your claims. Until then STFU, you Palestinian troll.
Mueller Objected to Barr’s Summary of Report
Special counsel said attorney general ‘did not fully capture the context, nature and substance’ of findings on Trump and Russia

Mueller Objected to Barr’s Summary of Report

Let us know how you "fully capture" a report that is hundreds of pages in a 5 page summary.

well duh.... that 'summary' wasn't asked for nor wanted - - - but billy boy took it upon himself to do just that weeks b4 mueller was allowed to release his in depth report.

all barr had to do was petition the court & in the 'nest interest' of the public - it would have been released unredacted.

so save your flawed logic - it doesn't square.
Mueller told AG Barr his four-page memo that exonerated Trump from collusion and obstruction caused 'confusion' and did NOT capture the 'context, nature and substance' of his detailed report

Mic drop.
Daily Mail is fake news. Find a WSJ article that corroborates your claims. Until then STFU, you Palestinian troll.
Mueller Objected to Barr’s Summary of Report
Special counsel said attorney general ‘did not fully capture the context, nature and substance’ of findings on Trump and Russia

Mueller Objected to Barr’s Summary of Report

Let us know how you "fully capture" a report that is hundreds of pages in a 5 page summary.

well duh.... that 'summary' wasn't asked for nor wanted - - - but billy boy took it upon himself to do just that weeks b4 mueller was allowed to release his in depth report.

all barr had to do was petition the court & in the 'nest interest' of the public - it would have been released unredacted.

so save your flawed logic - it doesn't square.
No one cares what you want, shit for brains.
Mueller told AG Barr his four-page memo that exonerated Trump from collusion and obstruction caused 'confusion' and did NOT capture the 'context, nature and substance' of his detailed report

Mic drop.
Daily Mail is fake news. Find a WSJ article that corroborates your claims. Until then STFU, you Palestinian troll.
Mueller Objected to Barr’s Summary of Report
Special counsel said attorney general ‘did not fully capture the context, nature and substance’ of findings on Trump and Russia

Mueller Objected to Barr’s Summary of Report

Let us know how you "fully capture" a report that is hundreds of pages in a 5 page summary.

well duh.... that 'summary' wasn't asked for nor wanted - - - but billy boy took it upon himself to do just that weeks b4 mueller was allowed to release his in depth report.

all barr had to do was petition the court & in the 'nest interest' of the public - it would have been released unredacted.

so save your flawed logic - it doesn't square.
No one cares what you want, shit for brains.

buzz off you little flea.
Mueller told AG Barr his four-page memo that exonerated Trump from collusion and obstruction caused 'confusion' and did NOT capture the 'context, nature and substance' of his detailed report

Mic drop.
Daily Mail is fake news. Find a WSJ article that corroborates your claims. Until then STFU, you Palestinian troll.
Mueller Objected to Barr’s Summary of Report
Special counsel said attorney general ‘did not fully capture the context, nature and substance’ of findings on Trump and Russia

Mueller Objected to Barr’s Summary of Report

Let us know how you "fully capture" a report that is hundreds of pages in a 5 page summary.

well duh.... that 'summary' wasn't asked for nor wanted - - - but billy boy took it upon himself to do just that weeks b4 mueller was allowed to release his in depth report.

all barr had to do was petition the court & in the 'nest interest' of the public - it would have been released unredacted.

so save your flawed logic - it doesn't square.
No one cares what you want, shit for brains.

buzz off you little flea.
Awwwwww! Did I hurt your witto feewings?
Mueller told AG Barr his four-page memo that exonerated Trump from collusion and obstruction caused 'confusion' and did NOT capture the 'context, nature and substance' of his detailed report

Mic drop.
Daily Mail is fake news. Find a WSJ article that corroborates your claims. Until then STFU, you Palestinian troll.
Mueller Objected to Barr’s Summary of Report
Special counsel said attorney general ‘did not fully capture the context, nature and substance’ of findings on Trump and Russia

Mueller Objected to Barr’s Summary of Report

Let us know how you "fully capture" a report that is hundreds of pages in a 5 page summary.

well duh.... that 'summary' wasn't asked for nor wanted - - - but billy boy took it upon himself to do just that weeks b4 mueller was allowed to release his in depth report.

all barr had to do was petition the court & in the 'nest interest' of the public - it would have been released unredacted.

so save your flawed logic - it doesn't square.
1. Mueller didn't release anything. He had no authority to release anything. He worked for Barr, and was required by law to submit his report to the DOJ. After that, his job was done.

2. Mueller said Barr didn't misrepresent or lie about anything in the report, Moron.

3. No way, no how would the report be released "unredacted" you blithering idiot. It contained grand jury testimony and classified info (both are required by law to be redacted)

You need to ask your handlers for new talking point lies...........those suck.

The Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday reaffirmed its support for the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the goal of putting Donald Trump in the Oval Office.

Tuesday's bipartisan report, from a panel chaired by North Carolina Republican Richard Burr, undercuts Trump's years of efforts to portray allegations of Kremlin assistance to his campaign as a "hoax," driven by Democrats and a “deep state” embedded within the government bureaucracy. The report does not address the question of whether anyone in the president's orbit colluded with the Russian efforts.

Absolutely nothing new here. Just further confirmation of Trump's duplicity..................and Trumpette's gullibility.
Please quote the text that says Russia was deliberately trying to help Trump.

Are you blind?
The latest report from the Senate panel is an open rebuke to the House GOP’s report issued in early 2018, which faulted the intelligence community's assertion that Putin had developed a preference for a Trump victory in 2016. Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee said at the time that this conclusion was the result of “significant intelligence tradecraft failings that undermine confidence in the [assessment’s] judgments regarding Russian President Vladimir Putin's strategic objectives for disrupting the U.S. election.”

Tuesday's bipartisan report, from a panel chaired by North Carolina Republican Richard Burr, undercuts Trump's years of efforts to portray allegations of Kremlin assistance to his campaign as a "hoax," driven by Democrats and a “deep state” embedded within the government bureaucracy.

A bipartisan report, from a Republican controlled Senate. 'nuff said.

Cue the culties.
The latest report from the Senate panel is an open rebuke to the House GOP’s report issued in early 2018, which faulted the intelligence community's assertion that Putin had developed a preference for a Trump victory in 2016. Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee said at the time that this conclusion was the result of “significant intelligence tradecraft failings that undermine confidence in the [assessment’s] judgments regarding Russian President Vladimir Putin's strategic objectives for disrupting the U.S. election.”

Tuesday's bipartisan report, from a panel chaired by North Carolina Republican Richard Burr, undercuts Trump's years of efforts to portray allegations of Kremlin assistance to his campaign as a "hoax," driven by Democrats and a “deep state” embedded within the government bureaucracy.

A bipartisan report, from a Republican controlled Senate. 'nuff said.

Cue the culties.
Hillary lost doofy

Grow up already
Perspective...a Republican-controlled Senate Committee has concluded and published a report confirming an opinion supported with evidence Russians assisted in the election of Donald Trump.
And what is surprising about a foreign country trying to influence the American election? I would expect EVERY country with the means to do exactly that. What you are attempting to do without explicitly saying it, is to have people believe that Trump colluded with Russia, which has never been established at all.
You’re making unwarranted assumptions. This was not normal. You’re attempting to trivialize it for political reasons.
How is noting that this happens every election cycle trivializing it? Methinks that you are exaggerating something that happens with great regularity and running to your fainting couch in faux horror, pretending the world has never seen such shenanigans, when the reality is, the US has dirtier hands than anyone when it comes to interfering with other countries picking their leadership. Just ask Obama how that's done.
Because it doesn’t happen every election cycle. Name the last time Russia did anything remotely close to this.
We only know about it this last time. It would be foolish to believe they, the Chinese, the Japanese, and everyone else with the means hasn't tried before. Foolish and naive.

So you’re making a claim based on zero evidence and I’m the foolish one?
And you're claiming that Russia has never tried to influence our elections before? Seriously claiming that? Yes, it is foolish to believe that other nations do not attempt to exert what influence they can. We're the big dog on the block, of course they'll try to get the leaders they want. Heck, they try to get influence during an administration, or have you forgotten Biden's China problem and Hillary's disappearing charity donations?

Ive heard of a few failed attempts back in the 60s I believe. Some candidates had been approached. They certainly don’t do it “every year” and there is nothing ordinary or usual about what happened in 2016. You keep back pedaling and demonstrating a complete lack of evidence.

You’re just making it up as you go along.

Ive heard of a few failed attempts back in the 60s I believe. Some candidates had been approached.

And then there's Ted Kennedy who approached the Russians.
Generally speaking, Russia has been spectacularly unsuccessful. Until lately.
Mueller told AG Barr his four-page memo that exonerated Trump from collusion and obstruction caused 'confusion' and did NOT capture the 'context, nature and substance' of his detailed report

Mic drop.
Daily Mail is fake news. Find a WSJ article that corroborates your claims. Until then STFU, you Palestinian troll.
Mueller Objected to Barr’s Summary of Report
Special counsel said attorney general ‘did not fully capture the context, nature and substance’ of findings on Trump and Russia

Mueller Objected to Barr’s Summary of Report

Let us know how you "fully capture" a report that is hundreds of pages in a 5 page summary.

well duh.... that 'summary' wasn't asked for nor wanted - - - but billy boy took it upon himself to do just that weeks b4 mueller was allowed to release his in depth report.

all barr had to do was petition the court & in the 'nest interest' of the public - it would have been released unredacted.

so save your flawed logic - it doesn't square.
No one cares what you want, shit for brains.
This Leftist fool hates the thumbs down. Do it to her posts and she goes batshit.
Perspective...a Republican-controlled Senate Committee has concluded and published a report confirming an opinion supported with evidence Russians assisted in the election of Donald Trump.
And what is surprising about a foreign country trying to influence the American election? I would expect EVERY country with the means to do exactly that. What you are attempting to do without explicitly saying it, is to have people believe that Trump colluded with Russia, which has never been established at all.
You’re making unwarranted assumptions. This was not normal. You’re attempting to trivialize it for political reasons.
How is noting that this happens every election cycle trivializing it? Methinks that you are exaggerating something that happens with great regularity and running to your fainting couch in faux horror, pretending the world has never seen such shenanigans, when the reality is, the US has dirtier hands than anyone when it comes to interfering with other countries picking their leadership. Just ask Obama how that's done.
Because it doesn’t happen every election cycle. Name the last time Russia did anything remotely close to this.
We only know about it this last time. It would be foolish to believe they, the Chinese, the Japanese, and everyone else with the means hasn't tried before. Foolish and naive.

So you’re making a claim based on zero evidence and I’m the foolish one?
And you're claiming that Russia has never tried to influence our elections before? Seriously claiming that? Yes, it is foolish to believe that other nations do not attempt to exert what influence they can. We're the big dog on the block, of course they'll try to get the leaders they want. Heck, they try to get influence during an administration, or have you forgotten Biden's China problem and Hillary's disappearing charity donations?

Ive heard of a few failed attempts back in the 60s I believe. Some candidates had been approached. They certainly don’t do it “every year” and there is nothing ordinary or usual about what happened in 2016. You keep back pedaling and demonstrating a complete lack of evidence.

You’re just making it up as you go along.

Ive heard of a few failed attempts back in the 60s I believe. Some candidates had been approached.

And then there's Ted Kennedy who approached the Russians.
Generally speaking, Russia has been spectacularly unsuccessful. Until lately.
What happened lately? Are you talking about 2016 when they weren't able to change a single vote?
The Senate Intelligence Committee on Tuesday reaffirmed its support for the U.S. intelligence community’s conclusion that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 presidential election with the goal of putting Donald Trump in the Oval Office.

Tuesday's bipartisan report, from a panel chaired by North Carolina Republican Richard Burr, undercuts Trump's years of efforts to portray allegations of Kremlin assistance to his campaign as a "hoax," driven by Democrats and a “deep state” embedded within the government bureaucracy. The report does not address the question of whether anyone in the president's orbit colluded with the Russian efforts.

Absolutely nothing new here. Just further confirmation of Trump's duplicity..................and Trumpette's gullibility.
Please quote the text that says Russia was deliberately trying to help Trump.

Are you blind?
No. That's why I can see that the article doesn't quote the part of the report that says what it claims.
Perspective...a Republican-controlled Senate Committee has concluded and published a report confirming an opinion supported with evidence Russians assisted in the election of Donald Trump.
And what is surprising about a foreign country trying to influence the American election? I would expect EVERY country with the means to do exactly that. What you are attempting to do without explicitly saying it, is to have people believe that Trump colluded with Russia, which has never been established at all.
You’re making unwarranted assumptions. This was not normal. You’re attempting to trivialize it for political reasons.
How is noting that this happens every election cycle trivializing it? Methinks that you are exaggerating something that happens with great regularity and running to your fainting couch in faux horror, pretending the world has never seen such shenanigans, when the reality is, the US has dirtier hands than anyone when it comes to interfering with other countries picking their leadership. Just ask Obama how that's done.
Because it doesn’t happen every election cycle. Name the last time Russia did anything remotely close to this.
We only know about it this last time. It would be foolish to believe they, the Chinese, the Japanese, and everyone else with the means hasn't tried before. Foolish and naive.

So you’re making a claim based on zero evidence and I’m the foolish one?
And you're claiming that Russia has never tried to influence our elections before? Seriously claiming that? Yes, it is foolish to believe that other nations do not attempt to exert what influence they can. We're the big dog on the block, of course they'll try to get the leaders they want. Heck, they try to get influence during an administration, or have you forgotten Biden's China problem and Hillary's disappearing charity donations?

Ive heard of a few failed attempts back in the 60s I believe. Some candidates had been approached. They certainly don’t do it “every year” and there is nothing ordinary or usual about what happened in 2016. You keep back pedaling and demonstrating a complete lack of evidence.

You’re just making it up as you go along.

Ive heard of a few failed attempts back in the 60s I believe. Some candidates had been approached.

And then there's Ted Kennedy who approached the Russians.
Generally speaking, Russia has been spectacularly unsuccessful. Until lately.

Generally speaking, Russia has been spectacularly unsuccessful.

Yeah, that's communism for you.
Didn't stop the Dems from fellating them for a century...…..
Outrageous, you mean the Russians didn't want that old hag Hillaryous to be President.

News flash, neither did the rest of the world.

Why would they? She's a patriotic American looking after US interests. The Orange Buffoon only cares about his own.

Coming from a part of the rest of the world, almost down to a T, all the western world countries wanted Hillary in charge. Only the likes of Russia, China etc wanted Trump. That tells me all I need to know about Trump and his Deplorable supporters.

Then go live in one of those western world countries, because Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden will never be the President of this one.

Nobody's stopping you, are they?
I already dumb arse.

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