Trumpette's, avert your eyes. Senate Intel report confirms Russia aimed to help Trump in 2016

News flash, neither did the rest of the world.
Well, a majority of Americans did. Did you forget?

Considering Trump is about as popular internationally as Bush was at the end of his term it's safe to say almost the entire glob wanted Clinton over Trump.

Looked at any polls lately? You know, like real information, not the propaganda you're spreading?

Barack Obama's approval only had a 1.8% lead over Trump's current rating, at the same time in his presidency.

That's according to RCP, which is an average of all polls.

Try to be more accurate. People won't think you're such a dope.

Yeah, according to RCP Trump is consistantly over 50% with disapprovals and Obama never is. Neat, huh?

Was Obama forced into dealing with a global pandemic, while the media hounds of hell were yapping at his heels?

Obama would have quit the job, if he's had half as much to put up as President Trump does.

Damn, the cement didn't even dry on those goal posts.

Most world leaders and our owngoverners of either party have received a bump in their polling. Bush after 9/11 got a huge bounce. Trump? Well, he still sucks.

I know it's terrible....the next four years are gonna suck....


For you maybe.
Yet everyone knows that didn't happen

1. Trump was receptive to a Campaign national security adviser’s (George Papadopoulos) pursuit of a back channel to Putin.

2. Kremlin operatives provided the Campaign a preview of the Russian plan to distribute stolen emails.

3. The Trump Campaign chairman and deputy chairman (Paul Manafort and Rick Gates) knowingly shared internal polling data and information on battleground states with a Russian spy; and the Campaign chairman worked with the Russian spy on a pro-Russia “peace” plan for Ukraine.

4. The Trump Campaign chairman periodically shared internal polling data with the Russian spy with the expectation it would be shared with Putin-linked oligarch, Oleg Deripaska.

5. Trump Campaign chairman Manafort expected Trump’s winning the presidency would mean Deripaska would want to use Manafort to advance
Deripaska’s interests in the United States and elsewhere.

6. Trump Tower meeting: (1) On receiving an email offering derogatory information on Clinton coming from a Russian government official, Donald Trump Jr. “appears to have accepted that offer;” (2) members of the Campaign discussed the Trump Tower meeting beforehand; (3) Donald Trump Jr. told the Russians during the meeting that Trump could revisit the issue of the Magnitsky Act if elected.

7. A Trump Campaign official told the Special Counsel he “felt obliged to object” to a GOP Platform change on Ukraine because it contradicted Trump’s wishes; however, the investigation did not establish that Gordon was directed by Trump.

Wow! Why didn't you give all this to Shiftless so he could have included it in the impeachment? He apparently knew nothing whatsoever about it. I mean, they were only chasing collusion for years, you'd think they'd include it if they found it. If only they had asked you, they could have saved so much time and embarrassment.
Mueller expressed 'frustration' to Barr over lack of context in letter

Why do I get the feeling you misinformed cultists are learning about this stuff for the first time? Wait.............I know...............Faux.
Nope, heard it all before. If collusion was a real thing, it would have been in the impeachment. It wasn't. Man, if they had only asked you...
Perspective...a Republican-controlled Senate Committee has concluded and published a report confirming an opinion supported with evidence Russians assisted in the election of Donald Trump.
And what is surprising about a foreign country trying to influence the American election? I would expect EVERY country with the means to do exactly that. What you are attempting to do without explicitly saying it, is to have people believe that Trump colluded with Russia, which has never been established at all.
You’re making unwarranted assumptions. This was not normal. You’re attempting to trivialize it for political reasons.
How is noting that this happens every election cycle trivializing it? Methinks that you are exaggerating something that happens with great regularity and running to your fainting couch in faux horror, pretending the world has never seen such shenanigans, when the reality is, the US has dirtier hands than anyone when it comes to interfering with other countries picking their leadership. Just ask Obama how that's done.
Methinks that you are exaggerating the things the US has done compared to what Russia did. Not to mention that whatever the US did doesn't not excuse how eagerly Trump accepted and encouraged Russia's help. Behavior you would label treasonous if a Dem did it.
Is it exaggerating to note that we use violence to overthrow other countries' leadership when we don't like what they have? You could ask Gaddhafi how that works, if he was still alive. Or maybe some Israeli voters how they liked Obama interfering. Maybe Saddam Hussein would be a good source. Nope, he's dead too. Point is, Russia apparently put some ads on FB. We use drones, bullets, money and bombs when we want a country to go our way.

Now, I do believe you'd better send back the diploma you got from that mind-reading school and demand a refund of your tuition, because you really suck at it.

This is about election interference. We didn’t interfere in the elections of Gadaffi or Saddam Hussein since they were dictators. Apparently you think enabling elections equals meddling in them, which is stupid.

Obama never meddled in Israeli elections. That’s one of the right wing zombie lies that won’t die.
We don't bother to wait for elections, we just blow away the guy that's already in there. Are you really trying to argue that violently removing a country's leader is superior to posting FB ads during an election?
Perspective...a Republican-controlled Senate Committee has concluded and published a report confirming an opinion supported with evidence Russians assisted in the election of Donald Trump.
And what is surprising about a foreign country trying to influence the American election? I would expect EVERY country with the means to do exactly that. What you are attempting to do without explicitly saying it, is to have people believe that Trump colluded with Russia, which has never been established at all.
You’re making unwarranted assumptions. This was not normal. You’re attempting to trivialize it for political reasons.
How is noting that this happens every election cycle trivializing it? Methinks that you are exaggerating something that happens with great regularity and running to your fainting couch in faux horror, pretending the world has never seen such shenanigans, when the reality is, the US has dirtier hands than anyone when it comes to interfering with other countries picking their leadership. Just ask Obama how that's done.
Because it doesn’t happen every election cycle. Name the last time Russia did anything remotely close to this.
We only know about it this last time. It would be foolish to believe they, the Chinese, the Japanese, and everyone else with the means hasn't tried before. Foolish and naive.
Perspective...a Republican-controlled Senate Committee has concluded and published a report confirming an opinion supported with evidence Russians assisted in the election of Donald Trump.
And what is surprising about a foreign country trying to influence the American election? I would expect EVERY country with the means to do exactly that. What you are attempting to do without explicitly saying it, is to have people believe that Trump colluded with Russia, which has never been established at all.
You’re making unwarranted assumptions. This was not normal. You’re attempting to trivialize it for political reasons.
How is noting that this happens every election cycle trivializing it? Methinks that you are exaggerating something that happens with great regularity and running to your fainting couch in faux horror, pretending the world has never seen such shenanigans, when the reality is, the US has dirtier hands than anyone when it comes to interfering with other countries picking their leadership. Just ask Obama how that's done.
Because it doesn’t happen every election cycle. Name the last time Russia did anything remotely close to this.
We only know about it this last time. It would be foolish to believe they, the Chinese, the Japanese, and everyone else with the means hasn't tried before. Foolish and naive.

The Japanese?
Yet everyone knows that didn't happen

1. Trump was receptive to a Campaign national security adviser’s (George Papadopoulos) pursuit of a back channel to Putin.

2. Kremlin operatives provided the Campaign a preview of the Russian plan to distribute stolen emails.

3. The Trump Campaign chairman and deputy chairman (Paul Manafort and Rick Gates) knowingly shared internal polling data and information on battleground states with a Russian spy; and the Campaign chairman worked with the Russian spy on a pro-Russia “peace” plan for Ukraine.

4. The Trump Campaign chairman periodically shared internal polling data with the Russian spy with the expectation it would be shared with Putin-linked oligarch, Oleg Deripaska.

5. Trump Campaign chairman Manafort expected Trump’s winning the presidency would mean Deripaska would want to use Manafort to advance
Deripaska’s interests in the United States and elsewhere.

6. Trump Tower meeting: (1) On receiving an email offering derogatory information on Clinton coming from a Russian government official, Donald Trump Jr. “appears to have accepted that offer;” (2) members of the Campaign discussed the Trump Tower meeting beforehand; (3) Donald Trump Jr. told the Russians during the meeting that Trump could revisit the issue of the Magnitsky Act if elected.

7. A Trump Campaign official told the Special Counsel he “felt obliged to object” to a GOP Platform change on Ukraine because it contradicted Trump’s wishes; however, the investigation did not establish that Gordon was directed by Trump.

1) backchannels aren't illegal.
2) link to the preview?
3) polling data isn't classified
4) polling data isn't classified
5) Manafort's what?
6) derogatory info from foreigners is illegal?
7) huh?
Perspective...a Republican-controlled Senate Committee has concluded and published a report confirming an opinion supported with evidence Russians assisted in the election of Donald Trump.
And what is surprising about a foreign country trying to influence the American election? I would expect EVERY country with the means to do exactly that. What you are attempting to do without explicitly saying it, is to have people believe that Trump colluded with Russia, which has never been established at all.
You’re making unwarranted assumptions. This was not normal. You’re attempting to trivialize it for political reasons.
How is noting that this happens every election cycle trivializing it? Methinks that you are exaggerating something that happens with great regularity and running to your fainting couch in faux horror, pretending the world has never seen such shenanigans, when the reality is, the US has dirtier hands than anyone when it comes to interfering with other countries picking their leadership. Just ask Obama how that's done.
Because it doesn’t happen every election cycle. Name the last time Russia did anything remotely close to this.
We only know about it this last time. It would be foolish to believe they, the Chinese, the Japanese, and everyone else with the means hasn't tried before. Foolish and naive.

The Japanese?
Sure, why wouldn't they? They have skin in the game and have opinions about our leaders, who they want and who they don't. I fully expect every country with the means to try to influence our elections.
Perspective...a Republican-controlled Senate Committee has concluded and published a report confirming an opinion supported with evidence Russians assisted in the election of Donald Trump.
And what is surprising about a foreign country trying to influence the American election? I would expect EVERY country with the means to do exactly that. What you are attempting to do without explicitly saying it, is to have people believe that Trump colluded with Russia, which has never been established at all.
You’re making unwarranted assumptions. This was not normal. You’re attempting to trivialize it for political reasons.
How is noting that this happens every election cycle trivializing it? Methinks that you are exaggerating something that happens with great regularity and running to your fainting couch in faux horror, pretending the world has never seen such shenanigans, when the reality is, the US has dirtier hands than anyone when it comes to interfering with other countries picking their leadership. Just ask Obama how that's done.
Because it doesn’t happen every election cycle. Name the last time Russia did anything remotely close to this.
Close to what? Not changing a single vote?
Don't care. Hope they help him win again in 2020.

I owe no allegiance to you, nor do I to anything you believe in. So you can stick your feigned "patriotism" up your ass, bub.
Traitor to your country.

Yes, I'm talking to you. You are an American hating traitor.

Suck it Bozo. You're impotent to do anything about anything, and you can't change nothing, ya clown.

You're right: I do hate America. But only your vision of what this country should be, and every part of it you stand for.

Thank God we have a President who is destroying everything you secular progressive commie bastards worked so hard for. He's taking apart your little sand castle piece by piece, and won't stop until this country is barely recognizable to you.

And the best part is, there's nothing you can do to stop him. Like I said, you're as impotent as a snarling little rat in a cage, and all you can do is rage against the bars.

Have a nice day.
Last edited:
Don't care. Hope they help him win again in 2020.

I owe no allegiance to you, nor do I to anything you believe in. So you can stick your feigned "patriotism" up your ass, bub.
Traitor to your country.

Yes, I'm talking to you. You are an American hating traitor.

Suck it Bozo. You're impotent to do anything about anything, and you can't change nothing, ya clown.

You're right: I do hate America. But only your vision of what this country should be, and every part of it you stand for.

Thank God we have a President who is destroying everything you secular progressive commie bastards worked so hard for. He's taking apart your little sand castle piece by piece, and won't stop until this country is barely recognizable to you.

And the best part is, there's nothing you can do to stop him. Like I said, you're impotent like a snarling little rat in a cage, and all you can do is rage against the bars.

Have a nice day.


drama queen.jpg
Perspective...a Republican-controlled Senate Committee has concluded and published a report confirming an opinion supported with evidence Russians assisted in the election of Donald Trump.
And what is surprising about a foreign country trying to influence the American election? I would expect EVERY country with the means to do exactly that. What you are attempting to do without explicitly saying it, is to have people believe that Trump colluded with Russia, which has never been established at all.
You’re making unwarranted assumptions. This was not normal. You’re attempting to trivialize it for political reasons.
How is noting that this happens every election cycle trivializing it? Methinks that you are exaggerating something that happens with great regularity and running to your fainting couch in faux horror, pretending the world has never seen such shenanigans, when the reality is, the US has dirtier hands than anyone when it comes to interfering with other countries picking their leadership. Just ask Obama how that's done.
Because it doesn’t happen every election cycle. Name the last time Russia did anything remotely close to this.
We only know about it this last time. It would be foolish to believe they, the Chinese, the Japanese, and everyone else with the means hasn't tried before. Foolish and naive.

The Japanese?
Sure, why wouldn't they? They have skin in the game and have opinions about our leaders, who they want and who they don't. I fully expect every country with the means to try to influence our elections.

I doubt it.
All Putin has to do is spend $200,000 on Facebook ads and Biden won't win a single State, not even NY or CA

With oil going into the negative price zone, I don't think he could scrape up that much cash right now.

Well, maybe if he pawned the Kremlin.
Perspective...a Republican-controlled Senate Committee has concluded and published a report confirming an opinion supported with evidence Russians assisted in the election of Donald Trump.
And what is surprising about a foreign country trying to influence the American election? I would expect EVERY country with the means to do exactly that. What you are attempting to do without explicitly saying it, is to have people believe that Trump colluded with Russia, which has never been established at all.
You’re making unwarranted assumptions. This was not normal. You’re attempting to trivialize it for political reasons.
How is noting that this happens every election cycle trivializing it? Methinks that you are exaggerating something that happens with great regularity and running to your fainting couch in faux horror, pretending the world has never seen such shenanigans, when the reality is, the US has dirtier hands than anyone when it comes to interfering with other countries picking their leadership. Just ask Obama how that's done.
Because it doesn’t happen every election cycle. Name the last time Russia did anything remotely close to this.
We only know about it this last time. It would be foolish to believe they, the Chinese, the Japanese, and everyone else with the means hasn't tried before. Foolish and naive.

So you’re making a claim based on zero evidence and I’m the foolish one?
Outrageous, you mean the Russians didn't want that old hag Hillaryous to be President.

News flash, neither did the rest of the world.

Why would they? She's a patriotic American looking after US interests. The Orange Buffoon only cares about his own.

Coming from a part of the rest of the world, almost down to a T, all the western world countries wanted Hillary in charge. Only the likes of Russia, China etc wanted Trump. That tells me all I need to know about Trump and his Deplorable supporters.
Outrageous, you mean the Russians didn't want that old hag Hillaryous to be President.

News flash, neither did the rest of the world.

Why would they? She's a patriotic American looking after US interests. The Orange Buffoon only cares about his own.

Coming from a part of the rest of the world, almost down to a T, all the western world countries wanted Hillary in charge. Only the likes of Russia, China etc wanted Trump. That tells me all I need to know about Trump and his Deplorable supporters.

Then go live in one of those western world countries, because Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden will never be the President of this one.

Nobody's stopping you, are they?
Perspective...a Republican-controlled Senate Committee has concluded and published a report confirming an opinion supported with evidence Russians assisted in the election of Donald Trump.
And what is surprising about a foreign country trying to influence the American election? I would expect EVERY country with the means to do exactly that. What you are attempting to do without explicitly saying it, is to have people believe that Trump colluded with Russia, which has never been established at all.
You’re making unwarranted assumptions. This was not normal. You’re attempting to trivialize it for political reasons.
How is noting that this happens every election cycle trivializing it? Methinks that you are exaggerating something that happens with great regularity and running to your fainting couch in faux horror, pretending the world has never seen such shenanigans, when the reality is, the US has dirtier hands than anyone when it comes to interfering with other countries picking their leadership. Just ask Obama how that's done.
Because it doesn’t happen every election cycle. Name the last time Russia did anything remotely close to this.
We only know about it this last time. It would be foolish to believe they, the Chinese, the Japanese, and everyone else with the means hasn't tried before. Foolish and naive.

So you’re making a claim based on zero evidence and I’m the foolish one?
And you're claiming that Russia has never tried to influence our elections before? Seriously claiming that? Yes, it is foolish to believe that other nations do not attempt to exert what influence they can. We're the big dog on the block, of course they'll try to get the leaders they want. Heck, they try to get influence during an administration, or have you forgotten Biden's China problem and Hillary's disappearing charity donations?
Here's a little lite reading for you.

Declassified Info Reveals Russia Hoax Was Based on Russian Disinformation

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Perspective...a Republican-controlled Senate Committee has concluded and published a report confirming an opinion supported with evidence Russians assisted in the election of Donald Trump.
And what is surprising about a foreign country trying to influence the American election? I would expect EVERY country with the means to do exactly that. What you are attempting to do without explicitly saying it, is to have people believe that Trump colluded with Russia, which has never been established at all.
You’re making unwarranted assumptions. This was not normal. You’re attempting to trivialize it for political reasons.
How is noting that this happens every election cycle trivializing it? Methinks that you are exaggerating something that happens with great regularity and running to your fainting couch in faux horror, pretending the world has never seen such shenanigans, when the reality is, the US has dirtier hands than anyone when it comes to interfering with other countries picking their leadership. Just ask Obama how that's done.
Because it doesn’t happen every election cycle. Name the last time Russia did anything remotely close to this.
We only know about it this last time. It would be foolish to believe they, the Chinese, the Japanese, and everyone else with the means hasn't tried before. Foolish and naive.

So you’re making a claim based on zero evidence and I’m the foolish one?
And you're claiming that Russia has never tried to influence our elections before? Seriously claiming that? Yes, it is foolish to believe that other nations do not attempt to exert what influence they can. We're the big dog on the block, of course they'll try to get the leaders they want. Heck, they try to get influence during an administration, or have you forgotten Biden's China problem and Hillary's disappearing charity donations?

Ive heard of a few failed attempts back in the 60s I believe. Some candidates had been approached. They certainly don’t do it “every year” and there is nothing ordinary or usual about what happened in 2016. You keep back pedaling and demonstrating a complete lack of evidence.

You’re just making it up as you go along.

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