Trumpism has more of the characteristics of a cult than a political movement

You people are FUCKING RETARDED.

All you need is a message popular among the public to bolster your ideals. But since you seemingly have none of that you rely on a miniscule amount of politically motivated retards on the right to paint an entire population.

Keeping that in mind would you like to discuss the criminal rate among BLACKS? Or does your asinine logic only apply to the right?
Another extremely defensive individual about being part of a cult.
If you are not a cult member, why would you care.
Trumpism has more of the characteristics of a cult than a political movement. See the definition below. That is Trumpism.
According to the Cult Education Institute, there are specific warning signs to look out for when considering whether a group might be a cult. Cults are characterized by:

  1. Absolute authoritarianism without accountability
  2. Zero tolerance for criticism or questions
  3. Lack of meaningful financial disclosure regarding budget
  4. Unreasonable fears about the outside world that often involve evil conspiracies and persecutions
  5. A belief that former followers are always wrong for leaving and there is never a legitimate reason for anyone else to leave
  6. Abuse of members
  7. Records, books, articles, or programs documenting the abuses of the leader or group
  8. Followers feeling they are never able to be “good enough”
  9. A belief that the leader is right at all times
  10. A belief that the leader is the exclusive means of knowing “truth” or giving validation
  11. Cults are dangerous because they typically rely on deceptive and authoritarian practices to make members dependent on and obedient to the group. Cults often cut members off from other forms of social and financial support and pose both physical and psychological risks to members of the group.

Of course it does.

That's why its cultists believe in The Big Lie and buy his NFTs, even though they have zero clue what an NFT is.

I agree.

Barack Obama was the real cult.....he was even more than that for the lunatics on the Left.....he was almost The Second Coming!

You want a cult there you have it Barack Ovomit.
A clear case of Obama envy. Probably a white person with an inferiority complex.
An embarrassment to all the good whites out there.
First guy: YOU are in a cult.

Second guy: No. It is YOU who is in a cult.

Third guy listening: So, are you saying that if I don’t flip flop all over the place and continue to support “so and so”, I’m in a cult?

First Guy: Exactly.

Second Guy: Damn straight.
Claire, if you support a guy over a political philosophy, you are in a cult.
The fact you don't get that indicates you are a cult member.
Philosophy should be the constant, not a guy.

Trumpism has more of the characteristics of a cult than a political movement​

Too bad it IS a political movement with the popularity of millions wanting the return of our country back from the cult of freaks, sickos and weirdos populating the Marxist Cult of Biden.
Too bad it IS a political movement with the popularity of millions wanting the return of our country back from the cult of freaks, sickos and weirdos populating the Marxist Cult of Biden.
It has been 6 years. Trumpism is getting weaker by the day because Trump is getting weaker by the day.
Your savior is working to save himself, not you.
It has been 6 years. Trumpism is getting weaker by the day because Trump is getting weaker by the day.
Your savior is working to save himself, not you.
His fake campaign announcement is just that, a fake attempt to grift more money from his very simple cult. I read a good opinion today that says the reason trump is being so quiet is, it take a lot of money to hold full fledged rallies. trump no longer has the deep pocket donors that used to send him the money for his lame, self pitying rallies.

It will be interesting to see if he starts hold his big rallies or he tries to do cheaper, less expensive rallies. I think trump thought announcing his candidacy would take some of the heat off the many investigations. Jack Smith is not going to let that happen. He is charging full steam ahead. Fulton County in Georgia does not care.
Too funny. You derps were claiming that back in 2017 when I joined here! :laugh2:

Only thing getting weak are your lame attempts to cover for Joe Biden.
We will see. I would suggest a plan B for your next cult. Trump cult is not looking good.
Claire, if you support a guy over a political philosophy, you are in a cult.
The fact you don't get that indicates you are a cult member.
Philosophy should be the constant, not a guy.
You haven’t read many of my posts to make the claim that I support Trump over Trump on paper! I have almost been a broken record about this exact topic Elmer Fudd, so if you haven’t caught on by now don’t worry about it.

For the record (which btw always Trumps what any one poster claims having personal knowledge about some other anonymous poster) and as I’ve previously posted, I did not vote for Trump in 2016 as well as being a never Hillary voter. Had I known in advance that Trump would enact effective policy, both foreign and domestic, I would have absolutely done so. Make your claims Elmer, I support free speech over taking offense! Lol
You seem very defensive, Scruffy. You are a cult member.
And you're a shit for brains leftard trollboi.

I'm not defensive, I'm in your face, dumbass fucktard.

Fuck you and the horse you rode in on.

Clear enough?
You haven’t read many of my posts to make the claim that I support Trump over Trump on paper! I have almost been a broken record about this exact topic Elmer Fudd, so if you haven’t caught on by now don’t worry about it.

For the record (which btw always Trumps what any one poster claims having personal knowledge about some other anonymous poster) and as I’ve previously posted, I did not vote for Trump in 2016 as well as being a never Hillary voter. Had I known in advance that Trump would enact effective policy, both foreign and domestic, I would have absolutely done so. Make your claims Elmer, I support free speech over taking offense! Lol
Your post clearly referred to "support “so and so”. You did not refer to policy, you referred to so and so; a person.
If you were more concerned about policy, you might find others can get the policies through better than Trump.
Cult followers are always very sensitive when they are called a cult member.

We can identify the many Trump cult members by the way they replied to this post.

They are very defensive.
You are in a cult. Your whole thread is a huge projection.
Your post clearly referred to "support “so and so”. You did not refer to policy, you referred to so and so; a person.
If you were more concerned about policy, you might find others can get the policies through better than Trump.
My post:
First guy: YOU are in a cult.
Second guy: No. It is YOU who is in a cult.
Third guy listening: So, are you saying that if I don’t flip flop all over the place and continue to support “so and so”, I’m in a cult?

To infer the above post indicates ANY person whatsoever is delusional. Take off your partisan blinders EM. My post is a parody of real life, whether you realize that or not, and plays out by the minute across social media and this board.
My post:
First guy: YOU are in a cult.
Second guy: No. It is YOU who is in a cult.
Third guy listening: So, are you saying that if I don’t flip flop all over the place and continue to support “so and so”, I’m in a cult?

To infer the above post indicates ANY person whatsoever is delusional. Take off your partisan blinders EM. My post is a parody of real life, whether you realize that or not, and plays out by the minute across social media and this board.
So you have no issue with the Republican party nominating another 2024 Presidential candidate besides Trump just so there is consistency with policy. Indications, now, are Trump would give the Democrats the greater chance to win as opposed to DeSantis.
So you have no issue with the Republican party nominating another 2024 Presidential candidate besides Trump just so there is consistency with policy. Indications, now, are Trump would give the Democrats the greater chance to win as opposed to DeSantis.
My take has been this since 2017- another run would lead to a divorce, I was obviously wrong as Trump did run again in 2020 and no divorce (there is little doubt Melania was not interested to be hounded again by the squawking article writers (posing as journalists). Yeah, I know…take up a public position like that and you get the public’s focus…but the type of negative focus on Trump by the domestic press was hyped and went overboard…but that’s another topic.

I would vote for the right independent candidate to lead the country in a safe and smart way. I support a battery of tests be given to all candidates, so they show their worth and possibly cues about their inner mindset. The right candidate will pull in left and right leaning voters, voters dissatisfied with the status quo, and voters aware of the duplicity of our government, while partisans will vote their party.

I’ve stated and written this for 20 years about my hope for an independent to win. Ron Paul only broke the ice and the timing wasn’t right, plus so many charts might have lost a few who couldn’t understand his presentation. Ron Paul will be noted by future historians as the candidate who broke the ice. 2028 possibly, but if DeSantis wins in 2024 he’ll most likely have 2 terms. He’ll receive major votes from the middle not just from Republicans. He could be that independent but with current Rep support why would he.
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