"TrumpKills" is going to be voted on by the house today

When are the conservatives going to bow to the inevitable, accept universal single payer healthcare and find a way to make it affordable and efficient?
You may be right on the inevitable part, the affordable and efficient part is what scares many of us. I just picture a giant pile of govt money that will end up everywhere but where it is needed.
This week, Mo brooks (R) Alabama, explained that Trumpcare is good because it allows insurance companies to charge more to the people who are ill, who did not take proper care of themselves, and less to those who made good lifestyle decisions. A couple of people I know, who are suffering from bone cancer and breast cancer would like to know what they did to cause those cancers to victimize them

Breast cancer is caused in women who use contraceptives, and Bone cancer is caused by masturbation, Doesn't everyone knows that?

---Sarcasm Alert---***

***Only fools and liars will not understand this is sarcasm, and liars will take my comment out of context and call it funny.
Most GOP run states have not expanded Medicaid, and so I doubt many states will continue to do so. We are basically at the mercy of the Insurance companies now, they can get a state waiver to opt out of certain things.

One Rep representative said the bill was too long to read. Its just a big tax break for the rich. I clearly remember insurance before the ACA and it was bad and I'm quite sure the Insurance companies can also opt out of essential health care benefits.

Under this bill just past if a state hasn't expanded Medicaid, if signed, it cannot afterwards.
When are the conservatives going to bow to the inevitable, accept universal single payer healthcare and find a way to make it affordable and efficient?
You may be right on the inevitable part, the affordable and efficient part is what scares many of us. I just picture a giant pile of govt money that will end up everywhere but where it is needed.

It already does end up where it is not needed. And the Trump Administration will do all it can to make sure more money goes to where it is not needed, and less to where it is needed.
The GOP House just voted and passed this bill.

It is only a preliminary bill and now it goes to the Senate for modification.

I am sure the filibuster rule will be tried there too, over this.

Eventually the group that scores these proposals will need to do their thing too.
Its called TrumpKills. They are now celebrating. Trump will be gloating soon on TV. I should join Twitter just to bug him.

We need to kill the insurance companies, everyone protect your assets and go to ER's for care, cancel your policy. Its time to teach the insurance companies a lesson.
Its called TrumpKills. They are now celebrating. Trump will be gloating soon on TV. I should join Twitter just to bug him.

We need to kill the insurance companies, everyone protect your assets and go to ER's for care, cancel your policy. Its time to teach the insurance companies a lesson.

Believe me, most insurance companies did not want this. Did you watch the live debates before the vote? Several congressmen read short quotes from some insurer's, AMA, American Hospital Association and other's. They did not ask insurance companies for input in this legislation like they did obamacare.
Its called TrumpKills. They are now celebrating. Trump will be gloating soon on TV. I should join Twitter just to bug him.

We need to kill the insurance companies, everyone protect your assets and go to ER's for care, cancel your policy. Its time to teach the insurance companies a lesson.

Believe me, most insurance companies did not want this. Did you watch the live debates before the vote? Several congressmen read short quotes from some insurer's, AMA, American Hospital Association and other's. They did not ask insurance companies for input in this legislation like they did obamacare.

Yet they opted out of states due to the GOP propaganda. I am sure some do not want it, as they lived off of Gov money who subsidized the health plans, but there is not need for health insurance. The reason we are in this mess is due to the Health Insurance industry.

I hope its a total fail. Protect your assets. I remember the days when many lost their homes and filed bankruptcy due to medical bills. They can put a lien on your home, take your savings, and your IRA's. My husband has hx of kidney stones and glaucoma, we carried the same insurance on him for 12 years as it went up every year, and we paid 938 a month and a 5100 OOP max in 2013 for just him. The insurance companies are not your friends.
Its called TrumpKills. They are now celebrating. Trump will be gloating soon on TV. I should join Twitter just to bug him.

We need to kill the insurance companies, everyone protect your assets and go to ER's for care, cancel your policy. Its time to teach the insurance companies a lesson.

Believe me, most insurance companies did not want this. Did you watch the live debates before the vote? Several congressmen read short quotes from some insurer's, AMA, American Hospital Association and other's. They did not ask insurance companies for input in this legislation like they did obamacare.

Yet they opted out of states due to the GOP propaganda. I am sure some do not want it, as they lived off of Gov money who subsidized the health plans, but there is not need for health insurance. The reason we are in this mess is due to the Health Insurance industry.

I hope its a total fail. Protect your assets. I remember the days when many lost their homes and filed bankruptcy due to medical bills. They can put a lien on your home, take your savings, and your IRA's. My husband has hx of kidney stones and glaucoma, we carried the same insurance on him for 12 years as it went up every year, and we paid 938 a month and a 5100 OOP max in 2013 for just him. The insurance companies are not your friends.

I never said insurance companies were your friends I said they did not like what the house just passed.
Its called TrumpKills. They are now celebrating. Trump will be gloating soon on TV. I should join Twitter just to bug him.

We need to kill the insurance companies, everyone protect your assets and go to ER's for care, cancel your policy. Its time to teach the insurance companies a lesson.

Believe me, most insurance companies did not want this. Did you watch the live debates before the vote? Several congressmen read short quotes from some insurer's, AMA, American Hospital Association and other's. They did not ask insurance companies for input in this legislation like they did obamacare.

Yet they opted out of states due to the GOP propaganda. I am sure some do not want it, as they lived off of Gov money who subsidized the health plans, but there is not need for health insurance. The reason we are in this mess is due to the Health Insurance industry.

I hope its a total fail. Protect your assets. I remember the days when many lost their homes and filed bankruptcy due to medical bills. They can put a lien on your home, take your savings, and your IRA's. My husband has hx of kidney stones and glaucoma, we carried the same insurance on him for 12 years as it went up every year, and we paid 938 a month and a 5100 OOP max in 2013 for just him. The insurance companies are not your friends.

I never said insurance companies were your friends I said they did not like what the house just passed.

Your right , but most are happy. Soon with the decrease regs that Trump is passing, many will merge and there will only be a couple left.
It's over, Penny.

You snowflakes lost.

Find a very cool safe place lest you melt.
Its called TrumpKills. They are now celebrating. Trump will be gloating soon on TV. I should join Twitter just to bug him.

We need to kill the insurance companies, everyone protect your assets and go to ER's for care, cancel your policy. Its time to teach the insurance companies a lesson.

Believe me, most insurance companies did not want this. Did you watch the live debates before the vote? Several congressmen read short quotes from some insurer's, AMA, American Hospital Association and other's. They did not ask insurance companies for input in this legislation like they did obamacare.

Yet they opted out of states due to the GOP propaganda. I am sure some do not want it, as they lived off of Gov money who subsidized the health plans, but there is not need for health insurance. The reason we are in this mess is due to the Health Insurance industry.

I hope its a total fail. Protect your assets. I remember the days when many lost their homes and filed bankruptcy due to medical bills. They can put a lien on your home, take your savings, and your IRA's. My husband has hx of kidney stones and glaucoma, we carried the same insurance on him for 12 years as it went up every year, and we paid 938 a month and a 5100 OOP max in 2013 for just him. The insurance companies are not your friends.

I never said insurance companies were your friends I said they did not like what the house just passed.

Your right , but most are happy. Soon with the decrease regs that Trump is passing, many will merge and there will only be a couple left.

Four already tried to merge in the past couple years and the Justice Department shot the merger's down. So that ain't gona happen at least with the big ones.

I don't know about other states but in mine if a risk pool is set up it will either be run by the state or one insurance company they choose. So if run by the state the insurer's lose all those $ they are now taking in premium's and subsidies. If it is an insurance company and only one the other insurer's will lose their business to them. Don't think for one minute insurance companies wants to lose anyone's premium's. If the one insurer and state does not let agents and brokers participate it will be just as bad as dealing with healthcare.gov and believe no one will know what their coverage's are and they will eventually drop out and either find money to purchase from an agents insurance company or go without.
Its called TrumpKills. They are now celebrating. Trump will be gloating soon on TV. I should join Twitter just to bug him.

We need to kill the insurance companies, everyone protect your assets and go to ER's for care, cancel your policy. Its time to teach the insurance companies a lesson.

Believe me, most insurance companies did not want this. Did you watch the live debates before the vote? Several congressmen read short quotes from some insurer's, AMA, American Hospital Association and other's. They did not ask insurance companies for input in this legislation like they did obamacare.

Yet they opted out of states due to the GOP propaganda. I am sure some do not want it, as they lived off of Gov money who subsidized the health plans, but there is not need for health insurance. The reason we are in this mess is due to the Health Insurance industry.

I hope its a total fail. Protect your assets. I remember the days when many lost their homes and filed bankruptcy due to medical bills. They can put a lien on your home, take your savings, and your IRA's. My husband has hx of kidney stones and glaucoma, we carried the same insurance on him for 12 years as it went up every year, and we paid 938 a month and a 5100 OOP max in 2013 for just him. The insurance companies are not your friends.

I never said insurance companies were your friends I said they did not like what the house just passed.

Your right , but most are happy. Soon with the decrease regs that Trump is passing, many will merge and there will only be a couple left.

Four already tried to merge in the past couple years and the Justice Department shot the merger's down. So that ain't gona happen at least with the big ones.

I don't know about other states but in mine if a risk pool is set up it will either be run by the state or one insurance company they choose. So if run by the state the insurer's lose all those $ they are now taking in premium's and subsidies. If it is an insurance company and only one the other insurer's will lose their business to them. Don't think for one minute insurance companies wants to lose anyone's premium's. If the one insurer and state does not let agents and brokers participate it will be just as bad as dealing with healthcare.gov and believe no one will know what their coverage's are and they will eventually drop out and either find money to purchase from an agents insurance company or go without.

Yes under Obama, different story under Trump. Aetna left the exchange since they couldn't merge. We do not need insurance companies, time for universal coverage. Those who have left the exchanges did so do to the threat of repealing the ACA. We have no more essential benefits, and no more Medicaid expansion. I am just sick about all the people who are going to loose health insurance.
The GOP care more about the rich tax cut than the do about the health of the people who voted for them.

Like someone said if they vote this through, they will no longer be in Congress.

I also heard that Congress is continuing on the ACA.

You act is if Obamacare is a great solution to affordable healthcare.

You're taking a free country and just adding more regulations to it by forcing people to pay for insurance or else pay a fine out of their tax returns or to the IRS if you owe them money.

If you're a fan of the non-working person having better healthcare than the middle-class, poor, or rich in this country, please say so.
In Texas a family of 3 needs to make less than 8700 a year to qualify for Medicaid. I do not know how a family can live on 9 grand a year and have insurance.

They certainly shouldn't be wasting what little money they have on insurance. People have such naive, ridiculous misconceptions about insurance. It's not a safety net to take care of the poor. It's a perk for people who are already well-off, to avoid bankruptcy if things go to shit. Wishing it otherwise is delusion. To be fair, it's a delusion actively promoted by the insurance industry, but people really gotta wake up.

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