Trumponomics: Drivers


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Does consumerism-culture inspire cool storytelling or cliched newsies?


Green Arrow (Oliver Queen) and Green Lantern (Hal Jordan) decided to invest in a green-colored European train that travelled through the Swiss Alps. They ensured the global population the train infrastructure and supervisory bodies would be well-anticipatory of any destabilization threats (e.g., terrorism, earthquakes, etc.). The train was now called the Arrows to Lantern Railway Company and it included model-train toy sets (for kids and hobbyists), corporate sponsorship of athletes (e.g., Kevin Durant, Isaiah Thomas, Sidney Crosby, etc.), and investments in Wall Street. They even drew the attention of U.S. President Donald Trump who believed the railway was a terrific symbol of socioeconomic ambition (well-controlled).

The Arrows to Lantern Railway was threatened in upper-management when Arrow and Lantern began falling in love with the same woman --- a beautiful gypsy named Bella. Bella hypnotized the two love-crazed and war-weary culture-veterans who simply wanted to escape a life in which crime-fighting included endless brooding about crime in America. Oliver thought Bella would be drawn to his shrewd studies in Social Science, and Hal believed Bella would be drawn to his sensitivity towards 'macro-spirituality.' Hal won the contest (and the amazing Bella), and Oliver was crushed and driven to a maddening sense of envy which would drive him to betrayal. How would the Arrow to Lantern Railway Company fare in this drama, and how would consumerism-idealism be affected?



The Ground-Eaters

What is ceaselessly fascinating is the quality of emotion-based storytelling in our modern age of high-traffic commerce and consumerism-obsessed imagination (e.g., Starbucks, Facebook, Playstation, Lucifer, etc.).


"I started conversing with American movie-superstar Tom Cruise on World Discussion Forums about the social prestige surrounding African-American professional basketball player Charles Barkley (76ers) and his investment in the American Turf Stakes preliminary-race at Kentucky Derby 2017 winning horse Arklow, a huge underdog who few expected to win. I bet on American Turf, and my prediction was correct! I told Cruise about pedestrians gambling in 'matrix sports' and Cruise explained, 'It's really a Vegas culture, my good friend...'

Cruise and I became great friends and our ex-wives Katie Holmes and Shelbye Ariel became best girlfriends. We formed a peculiar media-culture optimistic 'quartet.' He was the media icon, and I was an idealistic Ivy League Internet blogger with dreams of someday teaching Dystopian Economics at Yale University. Our ex-wives reconciled us despite our stubborn attitude that they conform to our Utopian capitalism-consumerism culture consciousness, but they at first didn't appreciate the same films we liked --- Jerry Maguire, Casino Royale, Alien: Resurrection, Minority Report.

NASA affirmed with the NSA that our 'quartet' was perfect for a special shuttle-mission to Mars. When we landed on Mars as the American Quartet, we made contact with a super-intelligent underground species called the Ground-Eaters who survived on absorbing nutrients by eating moist ground-soil hydrated by ground-water from rain. The species was agriculturally rather sophisticated but very paranoid in instinct towards the hospitality-potential in newly-contacted 'alien species' (such as ourselves!). We called the Ground-Eaters the 'Malice Mazzola' (after the cooking oil on Earth), since they symbolized a 'psyche greasing' about day-to-day virtue. We started comparing Ground-Eaters culture to Starbucks Culture. We secretly yearned for our pre-2K days cheering for our more egalitarian Boston Celtics (NBA)."



The Exchange


TOM CRUISE: Are you a fan of apocalyptic theories?
AJAY SATAN: I like apocalypto-films (e.g., Mad Max, 2012, etc.).
TOM CRUISE: Do you follow any apocalyptic mythologies?
AJAY SATAN: I know a little about it, but mostly Christianity-based (Revelation).
TOM CRUISE: The Book of Revelation discusses a great beast disturbing the waters of civilization at the End of Days...
AJAY SATAN: I know! It's very bizarre. Maybe it refers to a great 'intellectual calamity' (e.g., Internet!).
TOM CRUISE: Facebook is intriguing, and consumerism-culture (e.g., Starbucks) is very glossy!
AJAY SATAN: It's hard to find temperance in a Burger King cholesterol world.
TOM CRUISE: Did you know there's a Burger King in Afghanistan?
AJAY SATAN: I liked your films Magnolia and Collateral.
TOM CRUISE: They were both really about 'conceptions of macho behaviors.'
AJAY SATAN: Are you familiar with the Menendez Trials on TV?
TOM CRUISE: Of course, OJ Simpson, Enron, Tonya Harding (I know it all!).
AJAY SATAN: Cool. Are you a fan of horror films?
TOM CRUISE: I do think American horror films (e.g., The Texas Chainsaw Massacre) symbolize 'purity paranoia.'
AJAY SATAN: That's all thanks to Facebook, my friend...



Galaxy Conquest: Starbucks?

This sort of 'consumerism-metaphysics' optimism seems more digestible to our First Lady (Melania Trump) than the U.S. President (Donald Trump). Is it a trend that the First Lady is more receptive to 'proletariat-polka' than the President (e.g., Jackie Kennedy, Michelle Obama)? If our consumerism-background President (the first celebrity-prez since Ronald Reagan!) seems out of touch with the people's hysteria, then his administration will always face 'plebeian protests.'


Tom Cruise had become the American superhero Green Lantern, and Ajay Satan became the superhero Green Arrow. Lantern/Cruise was on a mission to use media pulpits (i.e., celebrity interviews) to advocate free-speech and pluralism values regarding the marketing of Scientology. Arrow/Ajay wanted to study the sci-fi horror film franchise Alien and blog on the Internet about how new age sci-fi horror storytelling represents modernism paranoia --- e.g., species mutations. An alien species on a nearby planet from a nearby galaxy noticed the activities of Lantern and Arrow and decided to send an emissary (a Xenomorph creature called Xeno-1).

Lantern and Arrow made contact with Xeno-1 but quickly discovered its intentions were bent towards malicious mischief towards American consumerism-culture (e.g., Starbucks, Facebook, Wall Street, etc.).

LANTERN: Do you despise Burger King?
ARROW: Do you despise Chinatown?
XENO-1: Commerce is simply survivalism.

LANTERN: Do you find nothing noble in capitalism?
ARROW: Are you not inspired by Wall Street?
XENO-1: Economics is gambling.

LANTERN: Do you prefer martial law?
ARROW: Are you an advocate of socialized farming?
XENO-1: I do not subscribe to mob-psychology totems (e.g., Jesus Christ).

LANTERN: Are you a Machiavellian?
ARROW: Do you support the death penalty?
XENO-1: I see nothing *magical* in Starbucks.

LANTERN: So you believe consumerism is strict stenography?
ARROW: Maybe you find it predictable...
XENO-1: There's nothing *innocent* about gluttony.

LANTERN: You'll find sanctuary on a planet not aversive to economic negotiations...
ARROW: You need not pester humanity with thoughts about libel.
XENO-1: I will return in peace!





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