Trump's 2020 mistakes


Diamond Member
Mar 24, 2020

and no its not what the asshole left wing liars say.

and no its not what the asshole left wing liars say.
Three years ago on these pages I posed the question Will the Coronavirus Pandemic Derail China’s Global Ambitions?. My answer: only if Donald Trump were to be re-elected as President in 2020 will China’s ambitions be derailed; on the other hand, if any of the Democrat candidates for president were to win, then China would not pay a price but would instead achieve even more power and dominance as a pliable and compromised Democrat party would be in power.

The American people failed to understand that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the Democrat Party had formed an unspoken de facto alliance to defeat Trump in 2020. The unrelenting drumbeat for unprecedented lockdowns to ostensibly achieve net-zero Covid-19 infections and the gross exaggeration of fatalities were among the primary weapons in their arsenal.

For the first time in American history, a major political party was essentially in league with a hostile foreign power to defeat an incumbent president that posed a threat to their respective interests.

Donald Trump was well aware of this poisonous alliance and had often railed against the Communist Chinese. However, instead of relying on his nearly always infallible gut instincts that had propelled him to the presidency as well as worldwide fame and fortune, Trump, perhaps because it was an election year, foolishly acquiesced to this cabal’s covid-19 tactics.

Further, and for the same reason, he hesitated to fire those around him who were not only incompetent but in league with the Democrat/CCP axis, thereby setting up the election debacle of November 3, 2020.


Dr. Li-Meng Yan, a virologist who fled from China and worked in the field of coronavirus research, claimed in the summer of 2020 that Covid-19 not only originated at the Wuhan Institute of Virology but it was deliberately released by the Communist Chinese. There is now wide consensus that the virus escaped from the Institute, and many are suspicious that it was perhaps deliberately released.

The virus was circulating among humans in China and Europe as early as October/November of 2019. Yet it took nearly three months until January 2020 for China to announce to the world that a new virus had ostensibly originated in a wet market in Wuhan and was rapidly spreading throughout the region.

As a follow-up, the Chinese leadership initiated choreographed lockdowns of major cities and provinces for the world to obsess over as a means of exponentially increasing fear of the virus in the West.

However, their official fatality numbers were absurdly low and remained so for over two years as China has reported a miniscule total death toll of just 4,638 or .0003% of their population (1.5 Billion) during this period. This appears to have been yet another ploy that enabled them to falsely tout to the world, and in particular the United States, how successful their near total lockdowns were in controlling covid.

Duplicitously the CCP also closed down all domestic travel, but pushed to keep open foreign travel until the first of April 2020 (six months after first detecting the virus) thus creating the conduit to spread Covid-19 around the globe.


Falling prey to China’s deceptions, Trump was initially deferential to China and praised their actions to supposedly contain the virus. By late spring of 2020, however, he was the lone world leader criticizing and condemning the Communist Chinese. However, by that time Trump’s mistaken acquiescence to lockdowns and social distancing in the United States had placed him in an untenable and unwinnable situation.

Shutting down a nation to combat a pandemic had never been done at any time in human history. However, the politically compromised and dishonest medical advisors to Trump (Fauci and Birx) strongly urged Trump to agree to a lockdown and social distancing by pointing to the supposed success of China’s lockdown policies.

Additionally, the political opposition and legacy media also promoted lockdowns and social distancing as they realized that they could serve as a vehicle to initiate and legalize mass mail-in voting and ballot harvesting throughout all the so-called battleground states.

The folly began on March 16, 2020 when Trump announced an effective national shutdown of “15 days to slow the spread”. Within a matter of a week, he knew he had made a mistake as he watched the economy begin to implode. Nonetheless, he did not reverse course but continued to accede to a national policy of “temporary lockdowns”.

His concession to a 15-day lockdown would inevitably lead to massive economic dislocations, long-term lockdowns and school closures and, more importantly, it allowed the various states to initiate their own lockdown regimens pointing to Trump’s decision as the basis.

Inevitably, the 15 days soon became 45. Thereafter, it became impossible to reverse course as Trump was mercilessly mocked whenever he talked about ending lockdowns as the media and the Democrats were incessantly fearmongering and the federal medical bureaucracy was deliberately inflating the infection and fatality numbers. Further, Trump was confronted with the reality that a president has no legal basis to intervene in the shutdown policies of the states.

He unsuccessfully attempted to alter course and eventually did shuffle Fauci and Birx to the sidelines. But it was too late as the damage had been done and it was a near impossibility to stop the Democrat war machine from changing elections laws in many states before November 3, 2020.

Donald Trump deserves to be recognized as an indispensable man who was the right president at the right time. However, when confronted from all sides by his adversaries and their manipulation of the Coronavirus Pandemic, Trump’s acquiescence and decision-making process were out of character as he was far too fixated on the upcoming election.

If he is the Republican nominee in 2024, and with a vast number of voters are viscerally opposed to him because of his personality traits, Trump needs to swallow his pride and openly and honestly address his failures during that fateful period or he, in all likelihood, will not again occupy the White House and China’s uncontested dominance of the globe will be inevitable.

and no its not what the asshole left wing liars say.
So, Democrats and China invented COVID to defeat Trump In 2020

COVID did cost Trump the election in 2020

Any other President would have used a national crisis to demonstrate their leadership and show Americans we are all in this together

Look at George Bush after 9-11. Rather than turn against him for allowing a terrorists to attack us, over 80 percent of Americans rallied around him in a War on Terror.

Instead of uniting us to fight COVID, Trump used us against each other. State against state, those who wanted tight restrictions and those who didn’t.
Trump encouraged disinformation and was a major spreader of COVID lies.

Cost him the election
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So, Democrats and China invented COVID to defeat Trump In 2020

Read it genius. A de facto alliance against Trump. Covid was created in China and released just in time for the 2020 elections. Then again your ilk don't give a damn about the US anyway.
The last thing we need is another four years of dumb Don or dumb Joe. However looking at it optimistically, four years of either might kill the empire.
Read it genius. A de facto alliance against Trump. Covid was created in China and released just in time for the 2020 elections. Then again your ilk don't give a damn about the US anyway.
So, let me get this straight

In order to defeat Trump, China unleashed a virus that killed millions worldwide and hit their own country the worst.

The Title of this thread is insufficient to warrant reading through its meandering content.
Read it genius. A de facto alliance against Trump. Covid was created in China and released just in time for the 2020 elections. Then again your ilk don't give a damn about the US anyway.
Yeah. Trump allied with big pharma and gave them millions of our tax money to create a vaccine and used an EUA, against the advice of Fauci, while advocating for the vaccine that he fast tracked.

Follow the money to big pharma and then you may find out how Trump undermined COVID reactions just to increase the need for people to take the vaccine he is likely getting under the table kick backs for.

Trump and Xi worked together to make sure the virus went global and Ivanka got some fast tracked parents by Xi for his efforts. Probably Xi deposited the money in his Chinese bank account...that for some reason, Trump lied about having.

Remember Trump slobbering all over Xi when COVID first came out. Duh, stop putting your head in the sand.

“China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!”

“China is not in great shape right now, unfortunately. But they’re working very hard. We’ll see what happens. But we’re working very closely with China and other countries.”

“I just spoke to President Xi last night, and, you know, we’re working on the — the problem, the virus. It’s a — it’s a very tough situation. But I think he’s going to handle it. I think he’s handled it really well. We’re helping wherever we can.”

Who knows what backroom deals Trump made with Xi? Gym needs to get in this shit after the anti inflation bill is done.
Yeah. Trump allied with big pharma and gave them millions of our tax money to create a vaccine and used an EUA, against the advice of Fauci, while advocating for the vaccine that he fast tracked.

Follow the money to big pharma and then you may find out how Trump undermined COVID reactions just to increase the need for people to take the vaccine he is likely getting under the table kick backs for.

Trump and Xi worked together to make sure the virus went global and Ivanka got some fast tracked parents by Xi for his efforts. Probably Xi deposited the money in his Chinese bank account...that for some reason, Trump lied about having.

Remember Trump slobbering all over Xi when COVID first came out. Duh, stop putting your head in the sand.

“China has been working very hard to contain the Coronavirus. The United States greatly appreciates their efforts and transparency. It will all work out well. In particular, on behalf of the American People, I want to thank President Xi!”

“China is not in great shape right now, unfortunately. But they’re working very hard. We’ll see what happens. But we’re working very closely with China and other countries.”

“I just spoke to President Xi last night, and, you know, we’re working on the — the problem, the virus. It’s a — it’s a very tough situation. But I think he’s going to handle it. I think he’s handled it really well. We’re helping wherever we can.”

Who knows what backroom deals Trump made with Xi? Gym needs to get in this shit after the anti inflation bill is done.
Trump's mistakes as I said before are not the ones lying asshole left wingers say.
Trump's mistakes as I said before are not the ones lying asshole left wingers say.
Good to hear. I'm not a left winger. I'm one of those independents who will make sure traitor Trump never holds office again.

Did you have anything to say about Trump's complicity in the vaccinr and Xi dick sucking or are you just going to deflect with ad hominem?
Good to hear. I'm not a left winger. I'm one of those independents who will make sure traitor Trump never holds office again.

Did you have anything to say about Trump's complicity in the vaccinr and Xi dick sucking or are you just going to deflect with ad hominem?
Trump had early mistakes with covid, yes as outlined in the article. Most of the rest is hyperbole by Trump haters. Yes pharmacy did make a bunch of money and they still are under Thief in Chief Biden.
Read it genius. A de facto alliance against Trump. Covid was created in China and released just in time for the 2020 elections. Then again your ilk don't give a damn about the US anyway.

Trump had early mistakes with covid, yes as outlined in the article. Most of the rest is hyperbole by Trump haters. Yes pharmacy did make a bunch of money and they still are under Thief in Chief Biden.
They made a bunch of money because Trump game them our tax money to fast track a vaccine the right claims is killing people...but Biden. Derp.

It's pretty transparent you are more concerned with maligning democrats then actually holding people accountable if they are named Trump as if he had nothing to do with any of the COVID mess.

Hyper-partisons will hyper-partison

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