Trump's 2020 mistakes

So, Democrats and China invented COVID to defeat Trump In 2020

Are you denying Covid was used as a political weapon? The more people dying the better for Trump's enemies. The Democrats did not care how many died, and they still do not.
Are you denying Covid was used as a political weapon? The more people dying the better for Trump's enemies. The Democrats did not care how many died, and they still do not.

Like I posted earlier…
Most Presidents could have used a national crisis like Covid to unite the country and demonstrate their leadership in a crisis. The people would have rallied around him

Trump failed miserably
Like I posted earlier…
Most Presidents could have used a national crisis like Covid to unite the country and demonstrate their leadership in a crisis. The people would have rallied around him

Trump failed miserably

Okay, I'll take back my last post.

Good to hear. I'm not a left winger. I'm one of those independents who will make sure traitor Trump never holds office again.

Did you have anything to say about Trump's complicity in the vaccinr and Xi dick sucking or are you just going to deflect with ad hominem?


Someone just started a thread on this very topic, another leftie claiming to be an 'independent'.
Like I posted earlier…
Most Presidents could have used a national crisis like Covid to unite the country and demonstrate their leadership in a crisis. The people would have rallied around him

Trump failed miserably
Most presidents in a national emergency would have the help of the media and politicians from both parties. Did that happen jerkoff?
COVID did cost Trump the election in 2020

Any other President would have used a national crisis to demonstrate their leadership and show Americans we are all in this together

Look at George Bush after 9-11. Rather than turn against him for allowing a terrorists to attack us, over 80 percent of Americans rallied around him in a War on Terror.

Instead of uniting us to fight COVID, Trump used us against each other. State against state, those who wanted tight restrictions and those who didn’t.
Trump encouraged disinformation and was a major spreader of COVID lies.

Cost him the election
I agree

Trump failed so badly on covid it cost him the election.

Covid was surging through the country and record Americans are getting sick and dying, and Trump is holding maskless Super Spreader events, and telling people "we're rounding the curve"

Only the most loyal Trumpers would believe that nonsense, and Trump lost the election because of it.
Most presidents in a national emergency would have the help of the media and politicians from both parties. Did that happen jerkoff?

Look at Bush after 9-11
Rather than condemn him, both parties rallied him and gave him what he needed to fight terrorism

Trump used COVID to divide the country, point fingers, spread misinformation. Trump made it Political praising Republican Governors and condemning Democratic Governors
I agree

Trump failed so badly on covid it cost him the election.

Covid was surging through the country and record Americans are getting sick and dying, and Trump is holding maskless Super Spreader events, and telling people "we're rounding the curve"

Only the most loyal Trumpers would believe that nonsense, and Trump lost the election because of it.
Yep. That actually could have been his golden, shining moment. The pinnacle of his presidency.

Instead, he played games to cover his ass and attacked his own people. Then he admitted it, on tape, to Woodward.

What a disaster.
Look at Bush after 9-11
Rather than condemn him, both parties rallied him and gave him what he needed to fight terrorism

Trump used COVID to divide the country, point fingers, spread misinformation. Trump made it Political praising Republican Governors and condemning Democratic Governors
You last sentence is total bullshit. Stop fucking lying.
I agree

Trump failed so badly on covid it cost him the election.

Covid was surging through the country and record Americans are getting sick and dying, and Trump is holding maskless Super Spreader events, and telling people "we're rounding the curve"

Only the most loyal Trumpers would believe that nonsense, and Trump lost the election because of it.
The sad part is, if Trump made tough decisions, explained to Americans why sacrifices needed to be made, reached out to Democrats
Americans would have loved him for it.

But Trump only cared about getting elected
The sad part is, if Trump made tough decisions, explained to Americans why sacrifices needed to be made, reached out to Democrats
Americans would have loved him for it.

But Trump only cared about getting elected
And everyone else cared about defrauding him in 2020.

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