Trump's 2nd impeachment will backfire on the left

Trump's 2nd impeachment will backfire on the left. For his defense Trump is going to present evidence of election fraud. That screws the left. We all know there is no way in hell they will get the requisite 2/3 vote to impeach him. So the left is doing nothing but screw themselves. If they allow the election fraud evidence to be broadcast, they just incriminate themselves and in effect impeach themselves ... if the media blocks that information from being aired they destroy all credibility in themselves and also prove there was election fraud because the public will see right through it and know they are hiding it because it is the truth.
You, as with your fact free post, miss the point entirely.

The story must be told so that the entirety of Trump's crimes can be made clear to the American public.

The cowardice and cooperation of Republicans will be made clear during the trial and by the votes.

This trial and all the evidence being presented will become campaign ads over the next 5 years as Democrats indict one Republican after another for their parts in Trump' s insurrection.

Remember what happened to Republicans after Nixon and Clinton. Coming soon. Democratic permanent majority.
Speaking of a fact free post, yours is absolutely fact free ... worse, it is an outright lie. Trump has committed no crimes. None. Zip. Nada. And the military is fixing to make you eat a 100lb crow. :laughing0301: And when it does I will be laughing my ass off. :laughing0301:

Speaking of Laughing...
How'd that 1/6 thing work out for you fools? Not so good? Hundreds indicted? Hundreds more being sought?
Other than the absolute truth that you are a delusional idiot what makes you think the military, which has already said "NO WAY" is going to support your insurrection? Yeah, you got your white nationalists, with the SecDef is in the process of rooting out but except for a few morons like yourself the military is loyal to the Constitution and understand the need to follow orders.

Personally, I look forward to your little 3/4 party and the hundreds of arrests it will generate and the jokes that will be made of you and your fellow traitors.
Trump's 2nd impeachment will backfire on the left. For his defense Trump is going to present evidence of election fraud. That screws the left. We all know there is no way in hell they will get the requisite 2/3 vote to impeach him. So the left is doing nothing but screw themselves. If they allow the election fraud evidence to be broadcast, they just incriminate themselves and in effect impeach themselves ... if the media blocks that information from being aired they destroy all credibility in themselves and also prove there was election fraud because the public will see right through it and know they are hiding it because it is the truth.
You, as with your fact free post, miss the point entirely.

The story must be told so that the entirety of Trump's crimes can be made clear to the American public.

The cowardice and cooperation of Republicans will be made clear during the trial and by the votes.

This trial and all the evidence being presented will become campaign ads over the next 5 years as Democrats indict one Republican after another for their parts in Trump' s insurrection.

Remember what happened to Republicans after Nixon and Clinton. Coming soon. Democratic permanent majority.
Demicrat communists believe fraud will give them a permanent majority. It did in California. Except for recalls.
You know, if you're going to be stupid, work on your spelling.
Trump's 2nd impeachment will backfire on the left. For his defense Trump is going to present evidence of election fraud. That screws the left. We all know there is no way in hell they will get the requisite 2/3 vote to impeach him. So the left is doing nothing but screw themselves. If they allow the election fraud evidence to be broadcast, they just incriminate themselves and in effect impeach themselves ... if the media blocks that information from being aired they destroy all credibility in themselves and also prove there was election fraud because the public will see right through it and know they are hiding it because it is the truth.
You, as with your fact free post, miss the point entirely.

The story must be told so that the entirety of Trump's crimes can be made clear to the American public.

The cowardice and cooperation of Republicans will be made clear during the trial and by the votes.

This trial and all the evidence being presented will become campaign ads over the next 5 years as Democrats indict one Republican after another for their parts in Trump' s insurrection.

Remember what happened to Republicans after Nixon and Clinton. Coming soon. Democratic permanent majority.
Demicrat communists believe fraud will give them a permanent majority. It did in California. Except for recalls.
You know, if you're going to be stupid, work on your spelling.
When a communist calls someone stupid it has no effect.
Trump's 2nd impeachment will backfire on the left. For his defense Trump is going to present evidence of election fraud. That screws the left. We all know there is no way in hell they will get the requisite 2/3 vote to impeach him. So the left is doing nothing but screw themselves. If they allow the election fraud evidence to be broadcast, they just incriminate themselves and in effect impeach themselves ... if the media blocks that information from being aired they destroy all credibility in themselves and also prove there was election fraud because the public will see right through it and know they are hiding it because it is the truth.

I know you just want to prove to the class that you are the biggest asshole here but there is no need, everyone already knows.

As to the impact this trial will have on America, this will make Trump even a bigger loser than he already is.
Trump's 2nd impeachment will backfire on the left. For his defense Trump is going to present evidence of election fraud. That screws the left. We all know there is no way in hell they will get the requisite 2/3 vote to impeach him. So the left is doing nothing but screw themselves. If they allow the election fraud evidence to be broadcast, they just incriminate themselves and in effect impeach themselves ... if the media blocks that information from being aired they destroy all credibility in themselves and also prove there was election fraud because the public will see right through it and know they are hiding it because it is the truth.
You, as with your fact free post, miss the point entirely.

The story must be told so that the entirety of Trump's crimes can be made clear to the American public.

The cowardice and cooperation of Republicans will be made clear during the trial and by the votes.

This trial and all the evidence being presented will become campaign ads over the next 5 years as Democrats indict one Republican after another for their parts in Trump' s insurrection.

Remember what happened to Republicans after Nixon and Clinton. Coming soon. Democratic permanent majority.
Demicrat communists believe fraud will give them a permanent majority. It did in California. Except for recalls.
You know, if you're going to be stupid, work on your spelling.
When a communist calls someone stupid it has no effect.
Well, at least your delusion is spelled correctly, this time.
My question is what will happen to Biden if the election fraud evidence is proven to be legitimate evidence?

God bless you always!!!

Probably the same thing that has happened to Trump, nothing.
Even if its proven that Biden was outvoted?

God bless you always!!!

That has already been proven beyond any doubt whatsoever. Watch the video from Lindell ... the military has that same exact data. That data is absolute undeniable proof. All that remains is for the military to act to totally defeat this insurrection.

Give it a break the folks in this country wanted Trump gone and we voted his ass out. Deal with it.
Yeah I’m watching one of these tools put on a show on the senate floor right now. This is a total farce that only a partisan nut job would feel is legitimate. But let them start holding all politicians accountable to the same the same standard they’re hold the orange one to.

That's the problem the orange one hasn't been held to ANY standard, which is why the country is in the mess it is in today.
The Democrats are solidifying their reputation as being the Party of Scumbags.

The real losers will the cowardly Republicans that join the Democrat assholes

Republicans today have backs made out of Jellyfish, these cowards have no spine that is why they are scared of your savior. As a Republican or should I say Trumplican, you must remain a loyal Trump Humper.
You just got yourself IGNORED. You are kicked out of class permanently. Bye bye toe jam.
I love the IGNORE button ... it is like a built-in garbage disposal. :laughing0301:

it's a useful tool for cowards and jackasses to hide.

Suits you perfect!
Yeah I’m watching one of these tools put on a show on the senate floor right now. This is a total farce that only a partisan nut job would feel is legitimate. But let them start holding all politicians accountable to the same the same standard they’re hold the orange one to.

That's the problem the orange one hasn't been held to ANY standard, which is why the country is in the mess it is in today.

Not as far how impeachment has been used against him. This is the third time the democrats are using impeachment as a political weapon
There is NO CHANCE the impeachment will end bad for Trump!

And for those stupid, indoctrinated, blind liberals who believe no election fraud occurred or that the military isn't going to hand them, their party and every politician in any way supportive of that fraud their collective asses on a plate, well, you all are like ostriches with your heads stuck in a crack on the freeway with a Mac Truck coming at 90 mph. SPLAT. YOU ARE DONE. Fail to actualy watch these videos and you have chosen to be an ostrich.

I have presented ample information that there was election fraud and foreign meddling. It isn't just my personal opinion. My personal opinion doesn't matter any more than yours do. If you don't agree, either post something to back up your opinion or hold your peace. And the entire MSM has completely discredited itself as a lying, spinning communist / leftist propaganda machine, so don't waste your time posting anything from them. They themselves have colluded in the election fraud and are guilty of insurrection and Trump's EO of 2018 will see the military seizing all of their assets and they will be gone.

Nice. I completely disagree with your batshit ideology,, and have been a registered Independent for 20+ years.. I'll go one step further into saying I believe you're completely, totally, like all-in full of shit. Always have. Always will.

But you do you, dumb ass:113:
Trump is going to present evidence of election fraud. That screws the left.
Sure newbie. Which rehash old poster are you?
Doesn't really matter, since you present ZERO evidence.
The name “Rancid” perfectly captures the remainders of the Trump Cult.

These ignorant and rancid cult authoritarians have just been dealt a blow by the nation’s rejection of their leader and of their lunatic movement’s subsequent open attack on our Republic.

This violent attack on Congress “backfired,” and they are now on the run. So of course with no sense or decency they now claim an open Senate Trial of Trump’s attempt to remain in power illegally by violently stopping the legal and Constitutionally-mandated reading out of already confirmed electoral votes, will backfire on all of us.

We who are loyal to our nation’s democratic traditions and to its Republican institutions ... support Trump’s conviction.

Rancid now threatens to ... put us ... on ... “ignore”!

Some threat. This “new guy” is just another pathetic loser.
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Scroll ahead to 8:59 for the important part of this video. I believe him, you may not, but do not call me names because I exercise my right to believe a source as credible as any other ... if you do you will find yourself IGNORED just as fast as I can push the button. This is only ONE of MANY sources that convince me he is 100% correct.
Scroll ahead to 8:59 for the important part of this video. I believe him, you may not, but do not call me names because I exercise my right to believe a source as credible as any other ... if you do you will find yourself IGNORED just as fast as I can push the button. This is only ONE of MANY sources that convince me he is 100% correct.
Why do you keep posting the same thing over and over and over again?
Ugh, so you are QAnon, Rancid ?

Rancid ’s “Patriotic Street Fighter” tells Rancid and others who are self-admittedly doubting, ”Don’t Freak, Trust the Plan!”

“The Plan” has “supernatural and prophetic” aspects only the makers of this video seem to understand.

Cheer up Rancid . You’ll understand it all one day.

I just sincerely hope by that time you’re not in a prison cell,
or a mental institution.

Really I do.
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Sorry Time magazine, but I am with Lisa Haven, the left was not "fortifying" the election, they were committing fraud and insurrection ... Time just admitted it. How you interpret this Time magazine piece is a direct measure of your integrity ... Time has absolutely zero.
Sorry Time magazine, but I am with Lisa Haven, the left was not "fortifying" the election, they were committing fraud and insurrection ... Time just admitted it. How you interpret this Time magazine piece is a direct measure of your integrity ... Time has absolutely zero.

From that article...

They were not rigging the election; they were fortifying it.

... so what's wrong with that?

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