Trump's 2nd impeachment will backfire on the left

So now, according to the Right, holding someone accountable "backfires". Ok. And trump will be presenting no such evidence of election fraud.....none whatsoever

Violating the Constitution will backfire, for sure.
Yep, when the military finally act, all of those will be tried for treason. RIP. It is going to be a very hard lesson.
Trump's 2nd impeachment will backfire on the left. For his defense Trump is going to present evidence of election fraud. That screws the left. We all know there is no way in hell they will get the requisite 2/3 vote to impeach him. So the left is doing nothing but screw themselves. If they allow the election fraud evidence to be broadcast, they just incriminate themselves and in effect impeach themselves ... if the media blocks that information from being aired they destroy all credibility in themselves and also prove there was election fraud because the public will see right through it and know they are hiding it because it is the truth.

Unfortunately for you, bigly font Boi, a reckoning for inciting a mob to storm the Capitol and shut down its Constitutional process has nothing even to do with "left" or "right". I'm aware you wish it did but it doesn't. It has to do with the fucking Constitution and a public official's Oath thereto. Ain't nuttin' in that Oath, or that Constitution, about "right or left".

Most simplistically lame post of the day.

Oh and speaking of uninformed there is no need for a 2/3 vote to impeach. Impeachment ALREADY HAPPENED, January 13. Go take a civics class that doesn't involve a Honda.
Babble on, thou with panties all in a bunch. I just now IGNORED you. Reason: lack of intelligence.
There is no evidence of election fraud.
You just lost.
You lose:
Scroll to 1.36.02 in the video. The data shown starting there is the exact same data the military has because it came FROM the military.
Go guzzle another gallon of CNN Koolaid.
Here is another gulp of reality for you.
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Its a futile sophomoric revenge stunt and hoax to UnPresident a former President. Only those weak in their convictions seek opposition to be obliterated.
They won but they don’t know what to do with victory so they fall back to the default of victim redress.
They can only feel good if someone else feels bad. Very very emotionally ill people.

And you are acting exactly like them.
There is no evidence of election fraud.
You just lost.
You lose:
Scroll to 1.36.02 in the video. The data shown starting there is the exact same data the military has because it came FROM the military.
Go guzzle another gallon of CNN Koolaid.
Here is another gulp of reality for you.
False up crap from liars. And you fell for it. Again.

I don't lose, Son. You do.
There is no evidence of election fraud.
You just lost.
You lose:
Scroll to 1.36.02 in the video. The data shown starting there is the exact same data the military has because it came FROM the military.
Go guzzle another gallon of CNN Koolaid.
Here is another gulp of reality for you.
False up crap from liars. And you fell for it. Again.

I don't lose, Son. You do.
Speaking of false crap from you ... making you a guess what?
I am going to LAUGH LIKE HELL when the military finally acts and feeds you liberals a triple helping of reality.
That data shown in Lindell's video is going to absolutely end the deep state, probably end the Democrat party, and see Biden arrested for treason, tried in a military tribunal and quite possibly executed. And Trump will be back. And know what? THERE ISN'T ONE DAMNED THING YOU CAN DO ABOUT IT. :laughing0301: :cul2:

And if you keep ignoring hard evidence and calling it lies I am simply going to IGNORE you.
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Trump's 2nd impeachment will backfire on the left. For his defense Trump is going to present evidence of election fraud. That screws the left. We all know there is no way in hell they will get the requisite 2/3 vote to impeach him. So the left is doing nothing but screw themselves. If they allow the election fraud evidence to be broadcast, they just incriminate themselves and in effect impeach themselves ... if the media blocks that information from being aired they destroy all credibility in themselves and also prove there was election fraud because the public will see right through it and know they are hiding it because it is the truth.

Unfortunately for you, bigly font Boi, a reckoning for inciting a mob to storm the Capitol and shut down its Constitutional process has nothing even to do with "left" or "right". I'm aware you wish it did but it doesn't. It has to do with the fucking Constitution and a public official's Oath thereto. Ain't nuttin' in that Oath, or that Constitution, about "right or left".

Most simplistically lame post of the day.

Oh and speaking of uninformed there is no need for a 2/3 vote to impeach. Impeachment ALREADY HAPPENED, January 13. Go take a civics class that doesn't involve a Honda.
Babble on, thou with panties all in a bunch. I just now IGNORED you. Reason: lack of intelligence.

You're saying you put me on Ignore because you're not smart enough to dig what I'm puttin' down?
Just as well. Apparently getting spanked for your bigass hey looka me font, worked so my work is done.
when the military finally acts and feeds you liberals a triple helping of reality.
Ah, you're one of those Q'anon potato heads.

Report to the nearest mental health provider for treatment.
You are hereby IGNORED. Have a nice life.
Lol, ignore is for pussies.

Enjoy your life in you safe space, pussy.

Goofy here reminds me of that glob thing in Yellow Sumbarine who goes around swallowing up everything on the tableaux, then when everything around him is gone, he swallows himself.
Well, my delusionl leftist antagonists, I get the last laugh.

Trump Derangement Syndrome - inflicted insane Pelosi and you similarly TDS-inflicted lefties can go suck eggs, pound sand, shove it where the sun don't shine.
I TOLD YOU SO! I TOLD YOU SO! I TOLD YOU SO! :cul2: :laughing0301:
laughing 4.gif
laughing 3.gif
laughing 6.gif
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Can anyone believe that someone uses former crackhead and current conspiracist Mike Lindell as their source for anything?

I mean, doesn't such a thing reveal the Dumbing Down of America? This appalling ignorance in America probably poses the greatest threat to our democracy.
Can anyone believe that someone uses former crackhead and current conspiracist Mike Lindell as their source for anything?

I mean, doesn't such a thing reveal the Dumbing Down of America? This appalling ignorance in America probably poses the greatest threat to our democracy.
Never mind what you think o Mike Lindell! What you think of him is TOTALLY IRRELEVANT. What IS RELEVANT is the DATA HE SHOWS IN HIS VIDEO. Scroll ahead to 1.36.00 and you will see data for EVERY INSTANCE of foreign intervention showing the IP Address of the offending computer, what country it was in, the IP Address of the Dominion computer targeted, what state and county it was in, whether the interference was successful or not, method of breaching the security, and number of votes stolen or flipped. AND THAT DATA CAME FROM OUR NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE SERVICE. So STOP OBFUSCATING with BULLSHIT! The appalling ignorance is those who watch that, see that, and refuse to believe it. They have been BRAINWASHED.
odanny, you probably never watched Giuliani's presentation before the legislatures of each of the offending states either, all of it hard evidence of election fraud with 100s of sworn affidavits from witnesses all of which are admissible as evidence in a court of law. Every one of those presentations was recorded in videos, all of which have been taken down on Youtube by our communist propaganda left-biased corrupt media. Rest assured the military has ALL of that as well. And it has ALL of Sidney Powell's evidence as well. The media says there is no evidence of election fraud and they are lying in your face ... they say every case attempting to present that evidence has been thrown out and they are right ... thrown out for manufactured reasons by the leftist courts, but no court has looked at the evidence in any of those cases. Doesn't make a damned bit of difference, the military has ALL of it.

This impeachment attempt was because the left representatives and senators and RINOs all know the military has all of that evidence, and that Biden is an illegitimate President, that the military is in full control due to the Insurrection Act, the military KNOWS Trump won by a landslide, and that they are going to act, arrest Biden and all of them for treason, and reinstate Trump as the legitimate President. They know Trump is still the legitimate President. Impeaching him was their only hope of keeping him out of office. THEY FAILED. The absolute refusal of so many to acknowledge this is ABSOLUTELY APPALLING. Talk about a dumbed down America, this is being dumbed down to a disgusting level.
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Trump's 2nd impeachment will backfire on the left. For his defense Trump is going to present evidence of election fraud. That screws the left. We all know there is no way in hell they will get the requisite 2/3 vote to impeach him. So the left is doing nothing but screw themselves. If they allow the election fraud evidence to be broadcast, they just incriminate themselves and in effect impeach themselves ... if the media blocks that information from being aired they destroy all credibility in themselves and also prove there was election fraud because the public will see right through it and know they are hiding it because it is the truth.

Unfortunately for you, bigly font Boi, a reckoning for inciting a mob to storm the Capitol and shut down its Constitutional process has nothing even to do with "left" or "right". I'm aware you wish it did but it doesn't. It has to do with the fucking Constitution and a public official's Oath thereto. Ain't nuttin' in that Oath, or that Constitution, about "right or left".

Most simplistically lame post of the day.

Oh and speaking of uninformed there is no need for a 2/3 vote to impeach. Impeachment ALREADY HAPPENED, January 13. Go take a civics class that doesn't involve a Honda.
Babble on, thou with panties all in a bunch. I just now IGNORED you. Reason: lack of intelligence.

Sarah Palin defends Trump.

Trump's 2nd impeachment will backfire on the left. For his defense Trump is going to present evidence of election fraud. That screws the left. We all know there is no way in hell they will get the requisite 2/3 vote to impeach him. So the left is doing nothing but screw themselves. If they allow the election fraud evidence to be broadcast, they just incriminate themselves and in effect impeach themselves ... if the media blocks that information from being aired they destroy all credibility in themselves and also prove there was election fraud because the public will see right through it and know they are hiding it because it is the truth.

Unfortunately for you, bigly font Boi, a reckoning for inciting a mob to storm the Capitol and shut down its Constitutional process has nothing even to do with "left" or "right". I'm aware you wish it did but it doesn't. It has to do with the fucking Constitution and a public official's Oath thereto. Ain't nuttin' in that Oath, or that Constitution, about "right or left".

Most simplistically lame post of the day.

Oh and speaking of uninformed there is no need for a 2/3 vote to impeach. Impeachment ALREADY HAPPENED, January 13. Go take a civics class that doesn't involve a Honda.
Babble on, thou with panties all in a bunch. I just now IGNORED you. Reason: lack of intelligence.

Sarah Palin defends Trump.


There that stupid, ignorant interviewer goes spouting the MSM media mantra that there has been no proven election fraud. BECAUSE NO COURT HAS EVEN HEARD THE FREAKING EVIDENCE OR EVER EVEN LOOKED AT IT. Believe me, the military IS looking at it and it PROVES ELECTION FRAUD. It doesn't matter a bit what the media thinks, all that matters is what the military thinks. Buckle up, a whole lot of people are going to get a triple helping of hard reality.
Can anyone believe that someone uses former crackhead and current conspiracist Mike Lindell as their source for anything?

I mean, doesn't such a thing reveal the Dumbing Down of America? This appalling ignorance in America probably poses the greatest threat to our democracy.
Never mind what you think o Mike Lindell! What you think of him is TOTALLY IRRELEVANT. What IS RELEVANT is the DATA HE SHOWS IN HIS VIDEO. Scroll ahead to 1.36.00 and you will see data for EVERY INSTANCE of foreign intervention showing the IP Address of the offending computer, what country it was in, the IP Address of the Dominion computer targeted, what state and county it was in, whether the interference was successful or not, method of breaching the security, and number of votes stolen or flipped. AND THAT DATA CAME FROM OUR NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE SERVICE. So STOP OBFUSCATING with BULLSHIT! The appalling ignorance is those who watch that, see that, and refuse to believe it. They have been BRAINWASHED.

They aren't hooked up to the internet.
There is no evidence of election fraud.
You just lost.
You lose:
Scroll to 1.36.02 in the video. The data shown starting there is the exact same data the military has because it came FROM the military.
Go guzzle another gallon of CNN Koolaid.
Here is another gulp of reality for you.
Is it wrong to wish this was true?
Trump's 2nd impeachment will backfire on the left. For his defense Trump is going to present evidence of election fraud. That screws the left. We all know there is no way in hell they will get the requisite 2/3 vote to impeach him. So the left is doing nothing but screw themselves. If they allow the election fraud evidence to be broadcast, they just incriminate themselves and in effect impeach themselves ... if the media blocks that information from being aired they destroy all credibility in themselves and also prove there was election fraud because the public will see right through it and know they are hiding it because it is the truth.

Unfortunately for you, bigly font Boi, a reckoning for inciting a mob to storm the Capitol and shut down its Constitutional process has nothing even to do with "left" or "right". I'm aware you wish it did but it doesn't. It has to do with the fucking Constitution and a public official's Oath thereto. Ain't nuttin' in that Oath, or that Constitution, about "right or left".

Most simplistically lame post of the day.

Oh and speaking of uninformed there is no need for a 2/3 vote to impeach. Impeachment ALREADY HAPPENED, January 13. Go take a civics class that doesn't involve a Honda.
Babble on, thou with panties all in a bunch. I just now IGNORED you. Reason: lack of intelligence.

Sarah Palin defends Trump.


There that stupid, ignorant interviewer goes spouting the MSM media mantra that there has been no proven election fraud. BECAUSE NO COURT HAS EVEN HEARD THE FREAKING EVIDENCE OR EVER EVEN LOOKED AT IT. Believe me, the military IS looking at it and it PROVES ELECTION FRAUD. It doesn't matter a bit what the media thinks, all that matters is what the military thinks. Buckle up, a whole lot of people are going to get a triple helping of hard reality.

I can't wait.. When will the military reveal its findings?

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