Trump's approval plunges to 37%

The polls said Clinton would win the popular vote, and that's all the polls said. Did she?

A lot of the State polls were way off as well....and those are the ones that mattered, Most national polls had her up 3-5%, and she won the national vote by around 2%.

And all these numbers are combinations of multiple polls taken in multiple places, with much higher sample counts, and a simple binary answer (who to vote for)

They don't include a "how you feel" question involving approval or how you think he's doing his job.
She won the popular vote by 2.1 percentage points and on average, the polls predicted she would win it by 3.2 percentage points. That's pretty damn close.Fro

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein

They also over-counted the vote % for each of them by about 2% each, for another 4% of "meh"

They predicted Hillary would win by 3.2 points and she won by 2.1 points. There is no "another 4%."

From one of your fellow travelers

RealClearPolitics - Election 2016 - General Election: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein

Polling Data
Poll Date Sample MoE Clinton (D) Trump (R) Johnson (L) Stein (G) Spread
Final Results -- -- -- 48.2 46.1 3.3 1.1 Clinton +2.1
RCP Average 11/2 - 11/7 -- 45.5 42.2 4.7 1.9 Clinton +3.3

My mistake was using over-counted instead of under-counted. Clinton got 3% more than the polls figured she would, Trump 4%, so you have to account for their error with over-estimating Johnson/Stein support, and of course the undecideds right before the election (of which i was one of). Then you have to determine of the undecideds, how many voted and how many decided to just stay home.

All this leads to me continuing my disdain for polling in general unless it's like a 70-30 and above split.

No matter how you shake it .... the average of the polls predicted she would win by 3.2 points and she actually won by 2.1 points.
Trump's approval plunges to 37%

Good. Hopefully it will go even lower and stay there.

This level is very close to an absolute guarantee that the GOP loses the House in 2018.

BTW, 37% is about 7 points under the percent of votes he got in November. That is a clear indication that his supporters are turning against him.

And yet, miraculously, he maintains a 99.9% approval rating among the RW'ers on USMB. That if anything should tell you how far from normal America these people are.

Boy you are delusional!

Midterm Election years usually benefit the GOP except in the 2006 election.

So keep dreaming.

You might get the Senate but you will not obtain the House!

No, midterm elections benefit the party out of power, stupid.

Hey fucktard how was the 2016 elections for you!?!

I mean the Democrats won the House, Senate and Oval Office, right!?!

Wait they did not!

So before writing someone is fucking stupid maybe you should look at the 2016 election and ask how fucking stupid are you
Boy you are delusional!

Midterm Election years usually benefit the GOP except in the 2006 election.

So keep dreaming.

You might get the Senate but you will not obtain the House!

No, midterm elections benefit the party out of power, stupid.

They won't get the senate. They lost that chance.

If anything, it looks like the GOP will strengthen the senate come 2018.

The GOP has a 1-seat edge in the senate. How the hell can you be confident the Dems won't gain it back?
The dems have rougly 3x as many senators up for relection
Yeah, 2018 is not looking like a good year for Dem candidates, but . . . they have never had such an ass in the WH since Nixon to make things so damn difficult for the Pubs.
So long as the dems don't lose more than 4 seats, it probably doesn't matter. I'm not a great fan of liberalism, but the gop wth Trump is blowing up the deficits at a time full employment. Bernie could be no worse.
Trump's approval plunges to 37%

Good. Hopefully it will go even lower and stay there.

This level is very close to an absolute guarantee that the GOP loses the House in 2018.

BTW, 37% is about 7 points under the percent of votes he got in November. That is a clear indication that his supporters are turning against him.

And yet, miraculously, he maintains a 99.9% approval rating among the RW'ers on USMB. That if anything should tell you how far from normal America these people are.

Boy you are delusional!

Midterm Election years usually benefit the GOP except in the 2006 election.

So keep dreaming.

You might get the Senate but you will not obtain the House!

Democrats are petitioning in every state to overturn Republican gerrymandering, so districts will be decided by geography, not partisanship. You won't be able to run "safe" districts any more.
so whats next,democrat gerrymandering?....
37% approval? Who cares?

Right as Republicans release their long awaited healthcare plan, their President is tanking in the polls and has no credibility

Does not look good for Trumpcare
...on Gallup.

Gallup Daily: Trump Job Approval

For comparison to our last GOP disaster of a president, it took GW Bush until March of 2006 to hit 37%.

This is getting boring and there will be three plus more years of this nonsense...

Oh well at least you have the polls to keep you warm at night, and before you comment about how you believe I am some Trumpster, well you believe California slanted vote should outweigh the rest of the nation vote and believe the polls that had Clinton winning the Electoral College so you believe anything and everything that suit your partisan view...

I believe in one person one vote. Would California slant the vote? It already does....

The only difference is that somehow the right wing get more votes for their people than the left does, and I can see why you're happy with this, and I can see why you don't want to change it. I mean, the whites in South Africa didn't want to change Apartheid, did they?

Two consecutive terms of Obama and those like you are still using the race baiting card!?!

The Electoral College elected President Obama not only once but twice, so are you now claiming that it failed to support your view that the Electoral College is built on keeping the white in power!?!

It is not my problem you have a hard time understanding that when this country was created you did not vote for the President and later were granted this right.

It is not my problem you lack the understanding to understand that Clinton lost more states which mean she loses the Electoral College and if you believe she lost because of the color of her damn skin you are really showing your stupidity today.

Your vote count on the state level and the Electoral College usually will vote according to your state popular vote, so there is your one vote for You!

Now I know partisan whores like yourself will use the race card to support your view and believe everyone that does not vote straight ticket Democrat is the enemy, but in the real damn world people know the rules and have lived by them all this damn time!

So shove your race baiting nonsense up your ass because I am not entertaining this bullshit of yours anymore you pathetic loser!

How on Earth do you find a "race bait card" in what I wrote?

I don't lack any understanding in what happened during that election. But hey, fuck it, if it makes you feel better about yourself, fine, I know nothing, I bow down to your childish games. Wait, not, I'll just say, I don't do silly games, bye.

No, you made the claim that I wanted America to be more like the old South African system that kept whites in power...

So yeah race baiting nonsense and when called on it you now lie and deny it!

You believe the slanted vote in California should be the only vote that matter and the Founding Fathers made sure that is not the damn case!

If Texas does this you would be screaming racism, gerrymandering and stupid hicks not supporting your wish to have a one political party system lead by the Democratic Party!

The reason why you are bitiching about my response is because you know your racism nonsense is a fail and your delusion of believing your vote matters beyond the House and State level goverments!

So if you don't like the response that I have given you then do not accuse me of wanting to keep whites in power or try to claim the Electoral College is used to keep whites in power because Obama blew that notion out of water and Clinton is as black as Trump!

No, I clearly didn't make such a claim, and it would be nice if I could write something on this board and someone actually read it and actually respond to what I did actually write.

I said the system in the US was weighted towards the Republicans and they clearly don't want it to change, just like in South Africa, the whites didn't want Apartheid to change. There was NOTHING in what I said, no matter how many times you read it, that even slightly suggests you want the US to be like South Africa.

So, yeah, you come out with some nonsense about race baiting because you're reading what you want to read, and not what I actually wrote.

What slanted vote in California?

This is some nonsense attempting to justify taking away democracy and taking away one person one vote from people.


For every California, you have a Texas. Then you have Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, states which will change.

But surely an election is about the will of the people, and you're saying you don't want the will of the people, because the people are more liberal than you. So, you want to keep a system that is inherently unfair, just because it benefits you.

There's no way in hell that California would be able to decide who is the president. California has 39 million people from a country of 300 million people. That's around 15% of the population. They can't control anything. But again, you just don't want California to have one person one vote. You don't want them to have democracy.
This is getting boring and there will be three plus more years of this nonsense...

Oh well at least you have the polls to keep you warm at night, and before you comment about how you believe I am some Trumpster, well you believe California slanted vote should outweigh the rest of the nation vote and believe the polls that had Clinton winning the Electoral College so you believe anything and everything that suit your partisan view...

I believe in one person one vote. Would California slant the vote? It already does....

The only difference is that somehow the right wing get more votes for their people than the left does, and I can see why you're happy with this, and I can see why you don't want to change it. I mean, the whites in South Africa didn't want to change Apartheid, did they?

Two consecutive terms of Obama and those like you are still using the race baiting card!?!

The Electoral College elected President Obama not only once but twice, so are you now claiming that it failed to support your view that the Electoral College is built on keeping the white in power!?!

It is not my problem you have a hard time understanding that when this country was created you did not vote for the President and later were granted this right.

It is not my problem you lack the understanding to understand that Clinton lost more states which mean she loses the Electoral College and if you believe she lost because of the color of her damn skin you are really showing your stupidity today.

Your vote count on the state level and the Electoral College usually will vote according to your state popular vote, so there is your one vote for You!

Now I know partisan whores like yourself will use the race card to support your view and believe everyone that does not vote straight ticket Democrat is the enemy, but in the real damn world people know the rules and have lived by them all this damn time!

So shove your race baiting nonsense up your ass because I am not entertaining this bullshit of yours anymore you pathetic loser!

How on Earth do you find a "race bait card" in what I wrote?

I don't lack any understanding in what happened during that election. But hey, fuck it, if it makes you feel better about yourself, fine, I know nothing, I bow down to your childish games. Wait, not, I'll just say, I don't do silly games, bye.

No, you made the claim that I wanted America to be more like the old South African system that kept whites in power...

So yeah race baiting nonsense and when called on it you now lie and deny it!

You believe the slanted vote in California should be the only vote that matter and the Founding Fathers made sure that is not the damn case!

If Texas does this you would be screaming racism, gerrymandering and stupid hicks not supporting your wish to have a one political party system lead by the Democratic Party!

The reason why you are bitiching about my response is because you know your racism nonsense is a fail and your delusion of believing your vote matters beyond the House and State level goverments!

So if you don't like the response that I have given you then do not accuse me of wanting to keep whites in power or try to claim the Electoral College is used to keep whites in power because Obama blew that notion out of water and Clinton is as black as Trump!

No, I clearly didn't make such a claim, and it would be nice if I could write something on this board and someone actually read it and actually respond to what I did actually write.

I said the system in the US was weighted towards the Republicans and they clearly don't want it to change, just like in South Africa, the whites didn't want Apartheid to change. There was NOTHING in what I said, no matter how many times you read it, that even slightly suggests you want the US to be like South Africa.

So, yeah, you come out with some nonsense about race baiting because you're reading what you want to read, and not what I actually wrote.

What slanted vote in California?

This is some nonsense attempting to justify taking away democracy and taking away one person one vote from people.


For every California, you have a Texas. Then you have Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, states which will change.

But surely an election is about the will of the people, and you're saying you don't want the will of the people, because the people are more liberal than you. So, you want to keep a system that is inherently unfair, just because it benefits you.

There's no way in hell that California would be able to decide who is the president. California has 39 million people from a country of 300 million people. That's around 15% of the population. They can't control anything. But again, you just don't want California to have one person one vote. You don't want them to have democracy.

Taking your words out of context!?!

You again made the comment about Republicans wanting to keep the government white and yet deny your race baiting nonsense you lying piece of filth!?!

You also accused me of wanting to make America into the old South African system!

So Do you deny this also!?!

Also dipshit Hillary Clinton beat Trump by 4.7 million votes in Crapafornia and only won by 3 million votes, so she was losing the popular vote until the California vote was counted.

You don't believe me!?!

Look it up and realize she was losing and your silly nonsense about America is Liberal is based on what!?!

She lost the Electoral College and California slanted vote will not change that damn reality!

Now tell me again how I want America to be more like the old South African government and I will tell you that you are a race baiting asshole!

Oh, Clinton is fucking white and a friend of Trump you moron!
The more liberals hate him the more liberal polls indicate his unpopularity. It only means he's doing a great job.
Yeah... great job. Alienating our biggest allies...more and more of them thinking he's crazy, getting spanked today by the FBI for his ridiculous lie about Obama wiretapping, Muslim ban ruled unconstitutional TWICE...
Trump care doesn't have the votes etc...
yeah what a great job he's doing!
I believe in one person one vote. Would California slant the vote? It already does....

The only difference is that somehow the right wing get more votes for their people than the left does, and I can see why you're happy with this, and I can see why you don't want to change it. I mean, the whites in South Africa didn't want to change Apartheid, did they?

Two consecutive terms of Obama and those like you are still using the race baiting card!?!

The Electoral College elected President Obama not only once but twice, so are you now claiming that it failed to support your view that the Electoral College is built on keeping the white in power!?!

It is not my problem you have a hard time understanding that when this country was created you did not vote for the President and later were granted this right.

It is not my problem you lack the understanding to understand that Clinton lost more states which mean she loses the Electoral College and if you believe she lost because of the color of her damn skin you are really showing your stupidity today.

Your vote count on the state level and the Electoral College usually will vote according to your state popular vote, so there is your one vote for You!

Now I know partisan whores like yourself will use the race card to support your view and believe everyone that does not vote straight ticket Democrat is the enemy, but in the real damn world people know the rules and have lived by them all this damn time!

So shove your race baiting nonsense up your ass because I am not entertaining this bullshit of yours anymore you pathetic loser!

How on Earth do you find a "race bait card" in what I wrote?

I don't lack any understanding in what happened during that election. But hey, fuck it, if it makes you feel better about yourself, fine, I know nothing, I bow down to your childish games. Wait, not, I'll just say, I don't do silly games, bye.

No, you made the claim that I wanted America to be more like the old South African system that kept whites in power...

So yeah race baiting nonsense and when called on it you now lie and deny it!

You believe the slanted vote in California should be the only vote that matter and the Founding Fathers made sure that is not the damn case!

If Texas does this you would be screaming racism, gerrymandering and stupid hicks not supporting your wish to have a one political party system lead by the Democratic Party!

The reason why you are bitiching about my response is because you know your racism nonsense is a fail and your delusion of believing your vote matters beyond the House and State level goverments!

So if you don't like the response that I have given you then do not accuse me of wanting to keep whites in power or try to claim the Electoral College is used to keep whites in power because Obama blew that notion out of water and Clinton is as black as Trump!

No, I clearly didn't make such a claim, and it would be nice if I could write something on this board and someone actually read it and actually respond to what I did actually write.

I said the system in the US was weighted towards the Republicans and they clearly don't want it to change, just like in South Africa, the whites didn't want Apartheid to change. There was NOTHING in what I said, no matter how many times you read it, that even slightly suggests you want the US to be like South Africa.

So, yeah, you come out with some nonsense about race baiting because you're reading what you want to read, and not what I actually wrote.

What slanted vote in California?

This is some nonsense attempting to justify taking away democracy and taking away one person one vote from people.


For every California, you have a Texas. Then you have Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania, states which will change.

But surely an election is about the will of the people, and you're saying you don't want the will of the people, because the people are more liberal than you. So, you want to keep a system that is inherently unfair, just because it benefits you.

There's no way in hell that California would be able to decide who is the president. California has 39 million people from a country of 300 million people. That's around 15% of the population. They can't control anything. But again, you just don't want California to have one person one vote. You don't want them to have democracy.

Taking your words out of context!?!

You again made the comment about Republicans wanting to keep the government white and yet deny your race baiting nonsense you lying piece of filth!?!

You also accused me of wanting to make America into the old South African system!

So Do you deny this also!?!

Also dipshit Hillary Clinton beat Trump by 4.7 million votes in Crapafornia and only won by 3 million votes, so she was losing the popular vote until the California vote was counted.

You don't believe me!?!

Look it up and realize she was losing and your silly nonsense about America is Liberal is based on what!?!

She lost the Electoral College and California slanted vote will not change that damn reality!

Now tell me again how I want America to be more like the old South African government and I will tell you that you are a race baiting asshole!

Oh, Clinton is fucking white and a friend of Trump you moron!

Wow, insults.

Dude, you're clearly in this only for a fight, I'm out, and putting you on ignore. Anyone who can't make an argument without insults isn't really worth talking to.

My advice to you is to learn to read first, then learn to make a proper argument. Bye.
Boy you are delusional!

Midterm Election years usually benefit the GOP except in the 2006 election.


Mid-terms are almost always carried by whichever political party is not holding the White House. Since the Duopoly has existed there have been exactly three (3) exceptions. Since the Civil War. You could look it up.

In an average presidency that means Democrats should see considerable victories in 2018. With this kind of nosedive going on it's virtually guaranteed.
Boy you are delusional!

Midterm Election years usually benefit the GOP except in the 2006 election.


Mid-terms are almost always carried by whichever political party is not holding the White House. Since the Duopoly has existed there have been exactly three (3) exceptions. Since the Civil War. You could look it up.

In an average presidency that means Democrats should see considerable victories in 2018. With this kind of nosedive going on it's virtually guaranteed.

Try again and if you think your political party will win in 2018 when Democrats have more seats to defend in the Senate then you are delusional!
Boy you are delusional!

Midterm Election years usually benefit the GOP except in the 2006 election.


Mid-terms are almost always carried by whichever political party is not holding the White House. Since the Duopoly has existed there have been exactly three (3) exceptions. Since the Civil War. You could look it up.

In an average presidency that means Democrats should see considerable victories in 2018. With this kind of nosedive going on it's virtually guaranteed.

Try again and if you think your political party will win in 2018 when Democrats have more seats to defend in the Senate then you are delusional!

They will win the House if Trump is in the 30's and that stops the GOP legislative agenda cold.
Boy you are delusional!

Midterm Election years usually benefit the GOP except in the 2006 election.


Mid-terms are almost always carried by whichever political party is not holding the White House. Since the Duopoly has existed there have been exactly three (3) exceptions. Since the Civil War. You could look it up.

In an average presidency that means Democrats should see considerable victories in 2018. With this kind of nosedive going on it's virtually guaranteed.

Try again and if you think your political party will win in 2018 when Democrats have more seats to defend in the Senate then you are delusional!

They will win the House if Trump is in the 30's and that stops the GOP legislative agenda cold.

Sure and Clinton won that landslide victory, right!?!

You have no clue how hard it will be to win in 2018 and believe that the House will fall.

Hell you believe the Democrats will retain all their Senate Seats, right!?!

And then sweep the House and believe Trump numbers will stay in the tank, right!?!

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