Trump's approval rating among hispanics jumps 10%

Nope just mine. I am NOT the typical republican....its why I would have NEVER voted in the 2016 if it hadn't been for Trump. The GOP was controlled by cuckservatives afraid of their own shadows...Trump changed that.
Yeah they've taken America to more pro-Israel/Jewish heights than anybody could have ever imagined
Its always been that way unfortunately...always will be far as I can tell...

That's pretty funny....its full of lies but its still absolutely hilarious!
Straight out of his mouth, actually.
Media Fail -- Trump's Approval Rating with Hispanics Jumps 10 Points keeps failing and failing....this is hilarious!

Polls are all fake

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So are the employment numbers .

At least they were BEFORE trump got elected . Then after , the cult welcomes the stats as gospel !

And every "good" poll is true and honest and accurate and every other poll is slanted and full of lies...

It is a predictable script that is followed
You all can listen to the white noise and ignore the facts but at some point they become meaningful. Hispanic support up, black support up, economy rolling, personal popularity up, democrats in self destruct mode, primaries not working out like lefties thought. Which way is the trend going? The mainstream media wants you to believe the far left, radical, socialist, anarchist,anti American, culture hating, obstructionist Democratic Party represents the majority of Americans. It doesn’t.
Media Fail -- Trump's Approval Rating with Hispanics Jumps 10 Points keeps failing and failing....this is hilarious!
Glad to see you warming up to Hispanics
Not gonna happen. To me they are just a tool to be used to get reelected and elected to begin with. They are cockroaches I want NO WHERE near me.
Yes that seems to be the GOP stance.

Many of these hispanics share Odium's stance. That's why they escaped Mexico.
Media Fail -- Trump's Approval Rating with Hispanics Jumps 10 Points keeps failing and failing....this is hilarious!
From my experience the Hispanics that followed the rules and came here legally loathe those who didn't

Well, by some measure that would certainly be justified. Some people put in effort and time to do things the right way. Others take without a thought and feel entitled to it. Big fucking difference. Conservatives appreciate the former. It would seem liberals appreciate the latter most.

Nice to see there are wise/educated English speaking hispanics, celebrate:

Ignorance is one reason Democrats want hispanics to remain English illiterate.
Media Fail -- Trump's Approval Rating with Hispanics Jumps 10 Points keeps failing and failing....this is hilarious!
From the source:

Trump's approval rating fell by 4 percentage points among independents, and 53 percent of those polled hold an unfavorable view of him.

"In contrast, the Republicans in Congress seem to be more of a deer in the headlights, paralyzed and leaderless. The Democratic edge remains fairly strong even in the face of Trump improving," Penn added.
You all can listen to the white noise and ignore the facts but at some point they become meaningful. Hispanic support up, black support up, economy rolling, personal popularity up, democrats in self destruct mode, primaries not working out like lefties thought. Which way is the trend going? The mainstream media wants you to believe the far left, radical, socialist, anarchist,anti American, culture hating, obstructionist Democratic Party represents the majority of Americans. It doesn’t.
Keep telling yourself that. Please.
You all can listen to the white noise and ignore the facts but at some point they become meaningful. Hispanic support up, black support up, economy rolling, personal popularity up, democrats in self destruct mode, primaries not working out like lefties thought. Which way is the trend going? The mainstream media wants you to believe the far left, radical, socialist, anarchist,anti American, culture hating, obstructionist Democratic Party represents the majority of Americans. It doesn’t.
You left out your president is under investigation and many of his pals Manafort etc etc are in a cesspool of trouble
The man has been a con man for 40 years If that's what works for you so be it

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