Trump's approval rating is skyrocketing as we speak.

No it is not a lie and there is not one thing you can do about it but keep trolling.

And there is not one thing you can do about Biden sitting in the white house but to keep whining.

What was it you all used to say about the tears of the libs....
No it is not a lie and there is not one thing you can do about it but keep trolling.

If you weren't lying, you'd be able to prove your bullshit claim. Sadly for you, you can't because you're lying.
Monkey see , monkey do. Hypocrite.

Nope. You keep saying that but you know it is not true. I even went so far as to give you exact numbers for population growth in Az and the number of voters and you still said you did not care about the actual numbers you were going to believe what the financial planner told you no matter what.
Aww, poor baby. That was your brain which was stolen.


Your dirty diaper senile god is a fraud.
538 has him back at 45.3 Points among likely voters. That is almost a 5 Point surge over the last 2 month. In the Last 2 weeks alone he gained way over two Points. Given the trend he will sit at around 45.5 Points tomorrow. That is only 0.5 below is 2016 starting point and within his margin of error. I am sorry to break the news for You but Trump has this thing locked up. Yes Biden will win the popular vote by a wider margin than Clinton. But Trump has enough support in the bag to secure the Electoral College.
Boy, that 2020 election never ends.

Not much wonder! The Trump years were great ----------------- until the pandemic, but then Biden immediately took over and made it much worse. I suppose everyone knows Trump would do a better job on pretty much everything, all that Biden has failed so badly in.
America is not a democracy. It is a democratic Representative Republic. Time you learned the difference.
It is a democratic Republic in which the majority is supposed to determine policy.

About time YOU got it right
No, he's lying. He knows it's not true.
Sorry Faun... I think he is a brainwashed fool... He is one of those gullible idiots they have on board....

You can ask him time and again for proof and he doesn't think he needs it because if he did then he would have to question everything he has been told by the Trump fraudsters...

They are too bought in... It is a cult and there is some that will never see it...

So lets look at the real evidence, there is none... over a year later and nothing... They keep circling back to debunked theories... This is why I don't think they are lying. If they were smart enough they would have come clean or a large part would have at this stage. They haven't and they have gone further down the rabbit hole...

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