Trump's approval rating is skyrocketing as we speak.

Boy, that 2020 election never ends.

Not much wonder! The Trump years were great ----------------- until the pandemic, but then Biden immediately took over and made it much worse. I suppose everyone knows Trump would do a better job on pretty much everything, all that Biden has failed so badly in.
Trump made a disaster out of the pandemic response...

You have to get off the RW news cycle... Biden doing a good job, repairing Trump mess is jusst taking longer than expected and it is not being helped by RW propaganda......
Boy, that 2020 election never ends.

Not much wonder! The Trump years were great ----------------- until the pandemic, but then Biden immediately took over and made it much worse. I suppose everyone knows Trump would do a better job on pretty much everything, all that Biden has failed so badly in.
So for Trump, we should ignore the pandemic year, but for Biden, we shouldn't ignore it. Is that about right?
Sorry Faun... I think he is a brainwashed fool... He is one of those gullible idiots they have on board....

You can ask him time and again for proof and he doesn't think he needs it because if he did then he would have to question everything he has been told by the Trump fraudsters...

They are too bought in... It is a cult and there is some that will never see it...

So lets look at the real evidence, there is none... over a year later and nothing... They keep circling back to debunked theories... This is why I don't think they are lying. If they were smart enough they would have come clean or a large part would have at this stage. They haven't and they have gone further down the rabbit hole...
That is false. He not that he thinks he doesn't need it. He doesn't offer proof because there is no proof supporting his lies. Case in point, there isn't a poll showing more than half the country thinks the election was stolen. He claims there is. Ask him to prove it and he doesn't because he can't. And he knows that which means he knows he's lying.
There is no popular vote. It is a meaningless stat compiled of unverified ballots processed multiplied by 50 to give a figure that means nothing in an election. Since only democrats count it and only democrats care about it, it will always reflect the interests and position of democrats.
Dems counted the votes in states like Florida that Trump won, assclown?
I'm fine with the popular vote, that tells us that most AMERICANS voted against Trump :)....very satisfying. and let's get the house and senate and have a wonderful 4 years driving the orange clown crazy lol.
More than half the people in the US are stupid and/or lazy losers that want freebees. Haven't you figured that out yet?
So for Trump, we should ignore the pandemic year, but for Biden, we shouldn't ignore it. Is that about right?
Trump handled it perfectly. Trump knew if he made to big a deal about it, then investors would panic and the stock market would crash.
Trump handled it perfectly. Trump knew if he made to big a deal about it, then investors would panic and the stock market would crash.

You sycophants crack me up. Dr. Birx said if we handle everything perfectly, we're looking at 100K - 200K deaths. We had 400K under Trump. I also like the way you place more value to the stock market than to peoples' lives. Even worse, you do that for no reason other than to fluff Trump. And you fail anyway since the market did crash.
You sycophants crack me up. Dr. Birx said if we handle everything perfectly, we're looking at 100K - 200K deaths. We had 400K under Trump. I also like the way you place more value to the stock market than to peoples' lives. Even worse, you do that for no reason other than to fluff Trump. And you fail anyway since the market did crash.
America is nothing without it's economy. I'm not surprised you liberals disagree.
Nope. You keep saying that but you know it is not true. I even went so far as to give you exact numbers for population growth in Az and the number of voters and you still said you did not care about the actual numbers you were going to believe what the financial planner told you no matter what.
I believe there was massive and obvious fraud. I don't give a fuck about that.
I believe there was massive and obvious fraud. I don't give a fuck about that.

Yes I know what you believe, and facts and truth will never change your mind.

But hey, tomorrow if your big day, the day pillow dude stands in front fo the SC building all alone and talks to himself.
Yes I know what you believe, and facts and truth will never change your mind.

But hey, tomorrow if your big day, the day pillow dude stands in front fo the SC building all alone and talks to himself.
Every day is a big day for me. If you had an ounce of gratitude it might be for you too.
Your facts are the words of proven liars.
You would not even accept the real numbers, so I guess this is an improvement ...except here is no other is all lies like this lie was.

I am a married many, I do not need to do that.
The videos are not lies. Someone who can't believe their own eyes has big problems.
You're still lying, FruitLoops. No poll shows more than half of Americans think the 2020 election is stolen.
When the people with common sense (Republicans) were polled, the majority said the election was stolen.

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