Trump's base see him as the "Disrupter".


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
And they are right. He will disrupt their families, ruin their lives and put their children's lives in danger.

Pitiful that right wingers don't understand that children without healthcare are in danger.
Simple childhood problems could become life threatening issues. An Appendicitis Attack, easily fixed, becomes a killer. Tonsils. Some diseases.

Trump's base will pay a heavy price. Hope it's worth it.
Just saw Republican Rep. Francis Rooney asked if he would vote for a bill that stripped millions of Americans of healthcare and his answer was "Absolutely I would". Republicans are monsters.
amazing but i was a kid , never sick but i broke lots and lots of bones starting in about 1960 - 1962 and they were alway fixed at the hospital after i was rolled in or carried in . Course my parents had to pay for the service as i don't think they had insurance but i never asked them . I hear that laws nowadays make saving a life , setting a broken bone , doing life saving surgery is mandatory for the hospital if a person is taken to an emergency room Dean .
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amazing but i was a kid , never sick but i broke lots and lots of bones starting in about 1960 - 1962 and they were alway fixed at the hospital after i was rolled in or carried in . Course my parents had to pay for the service as i don't think they had insurance but i never asked them . I hear that laws nowadays make saving a life , setting a broken bone , doing live saving surgery is mandatory for the hospital if a person is taken to an emergency room Dean .
And who pays for that emergency room? At ten to hundreds of times the cost of visiting a clinic or having a doctor.
amazing but i was a kid , never sick but i broke lots and lots of bones starting in about 1960 - 1962 and they were alway fixed at the hospital after i was rolled in or carried in . Course my parents had to pay for the service as i don't think they had insurance but i never asked them . I hear that laws nowadays make saving a life , setting a broken bone , doing live saving surgery is mandatory for the hospital if a person is taken to an emergency room Dean .
And who pays for that emergency room? At ten to hundreds of times the cost of visiting a clinic or having a doctor.
------------------------------------------------- my point is that lifesaving care is mandatory at USA hospitals [i think] . --------------------------- And when i went to hospital for broken bones i was usually rolled or carried into the emergency room and my parents paid Dean .
amazing but i was a kid , never sick but i broke lots and lots of bones starting in about 1960 - 1962 and they were alway fixed at the hospital after i was rolled in or carried in . Course my parents had to pay for the service as i don't think they had insurance but i never asked them . I hear that laws nowadays make saving a life , setting a broken bone , doing live saving surgery is mandatory for the hospital if a person is taken to an emergency room Dean .
And who pays for that emergency room? At ten to hundreds of times the cost of visiting a clinic or having a doctor.
------------------------------------------------- my point is that lifesaving care is mandatory at USA hospitals [i think] . --------------------------- And when i went to hospital for broken bones i was usually rolled or carried into the emergency room and my parents paid Dean .
You were a kid. Who knows what was really going on. Come on, a kid that gets broken bones and has to go to the emergency room again and again can't be very bright.
When did Republicans decide to put their hatred for this country and their need to destroy America above the safety and welfare of their own families and their children?
broken bones are no big deal , kinda fun , ask broken bone King ' Millionaire ' Evel Knieval :afro:. I taught him all he knew . Course he is dead now but not from broken bones Dean .
anyway , going to hospital was no big deal when i went , things were cool , didn't have to go to school , food was good , nurses were nice and the hotel like pampered care was free . TV in a semi private room and I was a kid , everyone liked me , they put me and the one or 2 other kids in wheel chairs and we had the run of the joint in our small town hospital .
little story about the way things were . My Mom had her last kid , my youngest sister in about 1962 . My Dad sent us 3 other kids to school on the school bus and my other little sister stayed with a neighbor while Dad went to work . He picked us up after work and we'd all go out to some little Restaurant in town [fried chicken] . ------------------ Thing that i'm getting too , is that my Mother had my new little sister and Mom and sister stayed in hospital for an extra week just to give my Mom a vacation Dean.
Breaking news. 22 million won't be covered. The GOP is creamin' their jeans.
We didn't have insurance when I grew up. The doctor would make a house call and my Dad would write him a check. Once the government became the patient through Medicare and Medicaid, the prices went up and the doctors stopped making house calls.
as another comparison , a couple years ago i knew a guy with stomach , bowel cancer . He went to hospital , was operated on , went home and then went to work with a Chemo machine strapped to his side while still in pain and suffering . Last i saw him a few years ago he said that the cancer had migrated to his lungs and he was given 5 years to live . I haven't see him for a few years , i hope that he defeated cancer Dean .
little story about the way things were . My Mom had her last kid , my youngest sister in about 1962 . My Dad sent us 3 other kids to school on the school bus and my other little sister stayed with a neighbor while Dad went to work . He picked us up after work and we'd all go out to some little Restaurant in town [fried chicken] . ------------------ Thing that i'm getting too , is that my Mother had my new little sister and Mom and sister stayed in hospital for an extra week just to give my Mom a vacation Dean.
And now a days, 87% of lost manufacturing jobs have been automated. That's almost 9 out of 10. Or out of a hundred thousand jobs, that eighty seven thousand. They are never coming back. The days of "Leave it to Beaver" and "Father Knows Best" are gone. Forever.
Turning over our country to Russia is not the answer. Things are terrible in Russia.
Ending healthcare for millions of Americans is not the answer.
Redistributing the wealth of the nation to the top 1% is not the answer.
Clearly, Republicans have all the wrong answers. They need to step aside and stop causing damage.
We didn't have insurance when I grew up. The doctor would make a house call and my Dad would write him a check. Once the government became the patient through Medicare and Medicaid, the prices went up and the doctors stopped making house calls.
---------------------------------------------- i think thats how it worked outside of going to hospital . I remember Doctor coming to the house .
And they are right. He will disrupt their families, ruin their lives and put their children's lives in danger.

Pitiful that right wingers don't understand that children without healthcare are in danger.
Simple childhood problems could become life threatening issues. An Appendicitis Attack, easily fixed, becomes a killer. Tonsils. Some diseases.

Trump's base will pay a heavy price. Hope it's worth it.
Total lying sack of garbage.
And they are right. He will disrupt their families, ruin their lives and put their children's lives in danger.

Pitiful that right wingers don't understand that children without healthcare are in danger.
Simple childhood problems could become life threatening issues. An Appendicitis Attack, easily fixed, becomes a killer. Tonsils. Some diseases.

Trump's base will pay a heavy price. Hope it's worth it.
Total lying sack of garbage.
Yea, because children without heathcare will be just fine.
I got news for you. Your "truth" is a delusion.
little story about the way things were . My Mom had her last kid , my youngest sister in about 1962 . My Dad sent us 3 other kids to school on the school bus and my other little sister stayed with a neighbor while Dad went to work . He picked us up after work and we'd all go out to some little Restaurant in town [fried chicken] . ------------------ Thing that i'm getting too , is that my Mother had my new little sister and Mom and sister stayed in hospital for an extra week just to give my Mom a vacation Dean.
And now a days, 87% of lost manufacturing jobs have been automated. That's almost 9 out of 10. Or out of a hundred thousand jobs, that eighty seven thousand. They are never coming back. The days of "Leave it to Beaver" and "Father Knows Best" are gone. Forever.
Turning over our country to Russia is not the answer. Things are terrible in Russia.
Ending healthcare for millions of Americans is not the answer.
Redistributing the wealth of the nation to the top 1% is not the answer.
Clearly, Republicans have all the wrong answers. They need to step aside and stop causing damage.
-------------------------------- just import some more immigrants , your troubles and concerns will disappear , money will flow , just ask Flopper Dean .

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