Trump's Betsy DeVos has $40 Million Yacht Vandalized And Set Assail

163 feet, that's a big boat!

I just wonder where Betsy got 40 million to buy a boat? Johnny Carson lived in an 80 million dollar home. If Betsy could spend 40 million on a boat, did she live on it or did she also have a 40 million dollar home? Either way, business is good.

She and her husband are worth somewhat North of $5 BILLION. In addition to this $40 million boat, they have eight others. Like President Donald Trump, she has forfeited their life of leisure in a sincere effort to improve America only to be harassed and abused by those whose intention is to make it worse. How pathetic.
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The Great Obama spent four years as a US Senator
Crooked Donnie spent six years doing reality TV and barging in to women’s dressing rooms

He worked as a US Senator 154 days before starting his run for President. Further, Senator's do nothing, whatsoever, to prepare themselves for President.

If President Donald Trump is so poorly prepared, how in the world is he doing so great?
Which means.......nothing

If Crooked Donnie is so well prepared, why did he sell out the US in front of Putin?

Specifically, what did he sell?

Obama offered a deal.....when it would be better politically

At least he didn’t sell the presidency
163 feet, that's a big boat!

I just wonder where Betsy got 40 million to buy a boat? Johnny Carson lived in an 80 million dollar home. If Betsy could spend 40 million on a boat, did she live on it or did she also have a 40 million dollar home? Either way, business is good.

She and her husband are worth somewhat North of $5 BILLION. In addition to this $40 million boat, they have eight others. Like President Donald Trump, she has forfeited their life of leisure in a sincere effort to improve America only to be harassed and abused by those whose intention is to make it worse. How pathetic.
Bored Billionaire housewife
Obviously, Progressives are proud of their vandalism of a private citizens property.

In case the Progressives are traumatized that Ms. DeVos might not have a boat for this weekend, she and her husband own EIGHT OTHERS. So rest easy!
Hope they do a better job tying them up
There is no gooFacebookd excuse for vandalism, that said, there is no good excuse to try and trash our public school system just because she never went to one & thinks private is better.

How could our school system get any worse?

Private schools are better. What is your point?

Progressive school boards and teachers unions have destroyed our public school system.

This is obviously written by someone who does not realize that you can't make chicken salad out of chicken shit.
Well I see that most all those here on this board saying there doing well are graduates of the public free school system.
& no its never been perfect but this new political ploy against education what's the deal? what is gained by trashing our school system?
do we really need more less educated people, jobs requiring educated people are going empty or are being filled by persons from over seas.
Any news yet on who did this? The police said there was surveillance video. Surely they've at least got something to say about how this happened.
She'll probably have to sell it now that it needs 5 grand in repairs :rolleyes:
Maybe she could have that criminal Blackwater Boy Brother of hers - Eric Prince to get a repair discount in the Seychelles and kill the perps?
Obama offered a deal.....when it would be better politically

At least he didn’t sell the presidency

No, failed former President Barack Hussein Obama sold Russia Iraq, Iran, Syria, and Crimea.

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