Trump's Big Lie takes another hit

Ask your party leaders why they did not do that.
I'll tell you why they didn't. Because they were not low life scum bags like the current democrats are. However, that will end after Republicans take back the House because Democrats have now set the precedent that the House can legally abuse it's power in any way they see fit by simply having a vote of 218-217. Instead of trying to eliminate the filibuster in the Senate we should be focused on instituting a filibuster in the House so the house can't abuse their power with a simple plus one vote like they have been under the current Democratic House. This is what you are encouraging. If you were really against both parties then you would be sounding out that the House shouldn't be allowed to abuse their power by having a one vote majority. This will continue the never ending tit for tat of uber partisanship and division on both sides.
I'll tell you why they didn't. Because they are not low life scum bags like the current democrats are.

Of course they are. There is no difference between the parties.

Instead of trying to eliminate the filibuster in the Senate we should be focused on instituting a filibuster in the House so the house can't abuse their power with a simple plus one vote like they have been under the current Democratic House. This is what you are encouraging. If you were really against both parties then you would be sounding out that the House shouldn't be allowed to abuse their power by having a one vote majority.

I think it is a great use of their time and they both do it. The country would be far better served if that is all they ever did and quit passing so many stupid ass bills.

I think the filibuster in its current form needs to go away. It needs to revert to the way it was intended and be an active event where no other business gets done till it is over.
Of course they are. There is no difference between the parties.

I think it is a great use of their time and they both do it. The country would be far better served if that is all they ever did and quit passing so many stupid ass bills.

I think the filibuster in its current form needs to go away. It needs to revert to the way it was intended and be an active event where no other business gets done till it is over.
If there is no difference between the parties then why didn't the 2017 House go after the 2016 big lie but the 2019 House went after the 2020 big lie? The 2019 House also impeached Trump twice, with one of them being after Trump had already lost the election. Why didn't the 2017 House try to impeach Obama for something? However, democrats keep on showing Republicans how sleazy they can be and now the Republicans have signed on. I don't actually like the filibuster, per say. However, I think no legislation or investigations should go forward unless BOTH Houses have at least a 2/3's majority vote. There shouldn't be separate investigations in the House and the Senate as we have seen that when a party has control over one they will abuse their power legally in order to do whatever the hell they want. I'm for fairness on BOTH sides. These kangaroo House hearings are clearly unfair and clearly a flagrant abuse of power.
If there is no difference between the parties then why didn't the 2017 House go after the 2016 big lie but the 2019 House went after the 2020 big lie? The 2019 House also impeached Trump twice, with one of them being after Trump had already lost the election. Why didn't the 2017 House try to impeach Obama for something? However, democrats keep on showing Republicans how sleazy they can be and now the Republicans have signed on. I don't actually like the filibuster, per say. However, I think no legislation or investigations should go forward unless BOTH Houses have at least a 2/3's majority vote. There shouldn't be separate investigations in the House and the Senate as we have seen that when a party has control over one they will abuse their power legally in order to do whatever the hell they want. I'm for fairness on BOTH sides. These kangaroo House hearings are clearly unfair and clearly a flagrant abuse of power.

If you pulled your head out of the GOP ass and paid attention you would have noticed these things always escalate from one admin to the next. What one did the next one will do a bit more, and then the next one a bit more and then so forth.

Your claim of independent thinking is bashed with each post you make
If you pulled your head out of the GOP ass and paid attention you would have noticed these things always escalate from one admin to the next. What one did the next one will do a bit more, and then the next one a bit more and then so forth.

Your claim of independent thinking is bashed with each post you make
So, when are we going to stop the bit more and a bit more? I already admitted that when Republicans take back the House, they will follow the dems example of abusing their powers, just like the dems are doing now. So, I don't have my head up the GOP's ass.
So, when are we going to stop the bit more and a bit more?

When you people quit voting the duopoly in to office.

I already admitted that when Republicans take back the House, they will follow the dems example of abusing their powers, just like the dems are doing now.

And most of the GOPers want them to do so. They are doing it to make the faithful happy.
When you people quit voting the duopoly in to office.
I don't even know what that means. Politics is politics. It's been dirty from day one, even before these two parties. For the sake of argument, let's say that Americans finally get fed up with this and elect the Libertarian nominee for president in 2024. Now, how do you think a Republican and Democratic filled Congress would react to this? Don't you think they would use their political power to "resist 47"? Don't you think all of the investigations and impeachments, etc. would continue? How much of their campaign promises would the Libertarian president accomplish with a House and Senate filled with Republicans and Democrats? Simply voting "other" is naive.
I don't even know what that means. Politics is politics. It's been dirty from day one, even before these two parties. For the sake of argument, let's say that Americans finally get fed up with this and elect the Libertarian nominee for president in 2024. Now, how do you think a Republican and Democratic filled Congress would react to this? Don't you think they would use their political power to "resist 47"? Don't you think all of the investigations and impeachments, etc. would continue? How much of their campaign promises would the Libertarian president accomplish with a House and Senate filled with Republicans and Democrats? Simply voting "other" is naive.

Of course they would, and the Libertarian POTUS could do the same to them.

But it has to be more than just the POTUS, we have to show the duopoly there is no guarantee of getting back into power if they mess up.

But, too many people have been brainwashed into your line of thought.

We started to do this in 1992, Perot scared the hell out of the duopoly and they have done everything in their power since to divide us as much as possible so that we never unite behind a 3rd party again.

And it is working since even people that think of themselves as independents still vote party line
No just save your lies.
If all you can do is call me a liar without anything to back up your accusations and claims then all you’re doing is wasting space. Why even spend the time replying to me if you can’t engage in debate? Are you just here to troll and name call?
Of course they would, and the Libertarian POTUS could do the same to them.

But it has to be more than just the POTUS, we have to show the duopoly there is no guarantee of getting back into power if they mess up.

But, too many people have been brainwashed into your line of thought.

We started to do this in 1992, Perot scared the hell out of the duopoly and they have done everything in their power since to divide us as much as possible so that we never unite behind a 3rd party again.

And it is working since even people that think of themselves as independents still vote party line
Sometimes you just have to accept reality. I wish it were different, I truly do. I liked Perot and I liked the Reform party but they imploded. If I remember correctly, Perot won about 20% of the popular vote and got zero electoral votes. The deck is stacked so much in the duopoly's favor, it's just not realistic to think anything will change in our lifetimes and if all you want to do is plant seeds now, there is no guarantee that those seeds will ever grow.

Libertarians have had it all backwards in wanting to capture the presidency without getting members of Congress first. In fact, Libertarians themselves (I'll just pick on Ron and Rand Paul) have given up on the Libertarian party so much that they run as Republicans because they know they would have no chance of winning on a Libertarian ticket. So, I guess their hope is in being moles, but they are lonely moles, surrounded by wolves.

The fact is, our founders set up a two party system and that system is about impossible to crack. It hasn't been done in around 170 years. I personally would be in favor of cracking the system but those who say, "just vote for someone else" is an oversimplification. And, as much as I hate to say this, what if a Republican or a Democrat is actually the better choice of the available candidates? The fact is, third party candidates over decades have all been pretty worthless so, just to vote for someone else, may actually be the worst choice. Perot may have been a good one for the economy but how would have foreign affairs been under him?

Fact is, in the 2016 presidential election, I wrote in John Kasich, the person I had supported in the primaries. There had been talk about him running in the 2020 election as an independent, with Colorado's democrat John Hickenlooper as his VP. Now that would have been good for the country and it would have been interesting to see how well they would have done. It could have really united the country. But, it never came to pass, so, back to the duopoly where we have a solid 25% of voters who will never vote anything but blue and another 25% of voters who will never vote anything but red, leaving about 50% who would be even capable of voting "other".
Sometimes you just have to accept reality. I wish it were different, I truly do. I liked Perot and I liked the Reform party but they imploded. If I remember correctly, Perot won about 20% of the popular vote and got zero electoral votes. The deck is stacked so much in the duopoly's favor, it's just not realistic to think anything will change in our lifetimes and if all you want to do is plant seeds now, there is no guarantee that those seeds will ever grow.

Libertarians have had it all backwards in wanting to capture the presidency without getting members of Congress first. In fact, Libertarians themselves (I'll just pick on Ron and Rand Paul) have given up on the Libertarian party so much that they run as Republicans because they know they would have no chance of winning on a Libertarian ticket. So, I guess their hope is in being moles, but they are lonely moles, surrounded by wolves.

The fact is, our founders set up a two party system and that system is about impossible to crack. It hasn't been done in around 170 years. I personally would be in favor of cracking the system but those who say, "just vote for someone else" is an oversimplification. And, as much as I hate to say this, what if a Republican or a Democrat is actually the better choice of the available candidates? The fact is, third party candidates over decades have all been pretty worthless so, just to vote for someone else, may actually be the worst choice. Perot may have been a good one for the economy but how would have foreign affairs been under him?

Fact is, in the 2016 presidential election, I wrote in John Kasich, the person I had supported in the primaries. There had been talk about him running in the 2020 election as an independent, with Colorado's democrat John Hickenlooper as his VP. Now that would have been good for the country and it would have been interesting to see how well they would have done. It could have really united the country. But, it never came to pass, so, back to the duopoly where we have a solid 25% of voters who will never vote anything but blue and another 25% of voters who will never vote anything but red, leaving about 50% who would be even capable of voting "other".

I have accepted it will not change in our lifetimes, if ever.

But as I see little difference between the D and the R I will continue to not vote for either.

And you are correct about the Libertarians doing it backwards, which is why I work much harder to get local and state level Libertarians elected than I do anyone on the national level.
I have accepted it will not change in our lifetimes, if ever.

But as I see little difference between the D and the R I will continue to not vote for either.

And you are correct about the Libertarians doing it backwards, which is why I work much harder to get local and state level Libertarians elected than I do anyone on the national level.
I think part of Trump's nationalist/populist appeal is/was that he is not actually a Republican. He was "other" and he tapped into the country's displeasure with the R's and the D's although, like Rand Paul, he had to run as a Republican in order to do win. He's perfectly fine with sticking it to the liberals and he's also perfectly fine with sticking it to the Republicans. He's willing to blow DC up, drain the swamp (so to speak), and that really appealed to many in the country and that is why he continues to have a devout following today. I'm not saying that because I'm a Trump fan, it just is what it is, whether you like Trump or not.
I think part of Trump's nationalist/populist appeal is/was that he is not actually a Republican. He was "other" and he tapped into the country's displeasure with the R's and the D's although, like Rand Paul, he had to run as a Republican in order to do win. He's perfectly fine with sticking it to the liberals and he's also perfectly fine with sticking it to the Republicans. He's willing to blow DC up, drain the swamp (so to speak), and that really appealed to many in the country and that is why he continues to have a devout following today. I'm not saying that because I'm a Trump fan, it just is what it is, whether you like Trump or not.

I do agree. Trump looked at the two parties and choose the one he had the best chance of winning with and ran with it. He is a good enough salesman to know which buttons to push to get a reaction out of people.

Trump's draining of the swamp is just a myth. While his initial cabinet had some good non-swampy picks none lasted and almost all were replaced with long time swamp critters. In the end nothing really changed as far as the swamp goes.
CALL #1: They are totally and completely obsessed with proving Biden won. When are the left going to accept the results of the 2020 election?
RESPONSE #1: Ah, that is a sad misread of the dynamic here. However, the dynamic, the kinetic energy ....we are witnessing in liberal-leaning circles is more along the lines of a bullfight.....where we all know the fate of the dumb bull but we are watching him flail away with snot, and blood, and sweat, and bullmerde' flung everywhere. And poor D.Trump, the bull, is being poked and prodded by the picadors. The crowd.....the Dems, the Libs, the Leftist, the Normal Americans.....are entertained by the spectacle. It's showtime writ large.
CALL #2 So why are the left so totally obsessed with proving that Biden won the election when Biden is already president and living in the White House?

RESPONSE #2: I can't speak for "the Left"......but I can for common-sense hard-working responsible citizens with decent educations, the good fortune to have proper parenting, and who are positive contributors to our American society ....and those folks know Joe Biden won fair and square in a fair and square election. But they continue to be entertained by DonT flailing away in his fantagasm that HE won the a "landslide".
For which his TDS groupies (Trump Duped & Snookered) applaud wildly and shower money on him. If it wasn't so sad and'd be pure entertainment. IMHO ;)

So, with all that said, my free advice to the good poster 'tthinker' is this: It ain't about Joe. It's about Trump.

That was discussed at length in a Captain Obvious TEDTalk. Trust me.
I do agree. Trump looked at the two parties and choose the one he had the best chance of winning with and ran with it. He is a good enough salesman to know which buttons to push to get a reaction out of people.

Trump's draining of the swamp is just a myth. While his initial cabinet had some good non-swampy picks none lasted and almost all were replaced with long time swamp critters. In the end nothing really changed as far as the swamp goes.
I don't think he or anyone else really ever defined what the swamp actually was. I personally took it to mean he was talking about Senators and Congressmen, which, of course, you can't really drain so, that was nothing but BS. Only voters can drain them and then, even when they are "drained", other swamp members step up to fill the void. So, draining the swamp was a great slogan but not really practical as, as you said, he drained who he could and the only choices he had to fill positions in his cabinet had to be handpicked from the swamp itself. Yes, there is a swamp in DC but it is deep and constantly replenishes itself.

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