Trump's Big Lie takes another hit

"My position is in asking why in the hell the left spend all of their damn time proving that Biden won the election..."
Ah, that is a sad misread of the dynamic here.

I doubt those who identify as 'Democrat' or 'Leftist'* or 'Liberal' spend much time at all or even energy thinking that Joe ain't the President, that Joe didn't win fair and square and in a fair and square election. I'm convinced they've already carved that conviction into their fireplace mantle.

However, the dynamic, the kinetic energy ....we are witnessing in liberal-leaning circles is more along the lines of a bullfight.....where we all know the fate of the dumb bull but we are watching him flail away with snot, and blood, and sweat, and bullmerde' flung everywhere. And poor D.Trump, the bull, is being poked and prodded by the picadors. The crowd.....the Dems, the Libs, the Leftist, the Normal Americans.....are entertained by the spectacle. It's showtime writ large.

Now, to overstretch this metaphor.....if he bull would just stand still and avoid the picadors....well, the crowd would grow bored and leave the stands. But our bull, DTrump, keeps going on talk-radio, or issuing messages on his Twitter-wannabe site, or fleecing the TDS'rs from the stage at his rallies....and saying one dumb thing after another.

Accordingly, he keeps the fight fans in the watch him get another lance from the picadors.

*I have never ever met anyone anywhere who self-identifies as a "Leftist".
Is that an imaginary boogeyman by RightyTighties?
If a majority of Americans believed the election was clean and pure, Democrats wouldn't need their people to keep making threads pushing the line. It would be a non issue.
If a majority of Americans believed the election was clean and pure, Democrats wouldn't need their people to keep making threads pushing the line. It would be a non issue.
Actually, the majority of Americans do not believe the 2020 election was rigged. And I know nuthin' about "Democrats" needing people to make threads. Got a source on that one?

But I most certainly have noticed the TDS'rs (Trump's Duped & Snookered) loudly and frequently proclaiming how life is so unfair to DonT....and people simply shouldn't be commenting on DonT sending his armed fanboys at our legislators on J6, nor how he sat on his kiester watching the telly while our thin blue line of Capitol Police were being savagely beaten by those same Trump celebrity-groupies.

Yeah, I just can't see why any of that is comment-worthy.

The Hill, April 11, 2022:
"Everyone who lives in objective reality understands that Donald Trump did not win the 2020 presidential election. He lost by 7 million actual votes and 74 electoral votes. His claim that the election was rigged has been debunked by numerous Republican state elections officials, and rejected by judges in both state and federal courts in more than 70 lawsuits filed by the Trump campaign and its proxies. Trump’s own Justice Department as well as his former attorney general, William Barr, found no evidence of widespread fraud.

Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, two-thirds of GOP voters and just over one-third of all voters, now believe the 2020 election was stolen.
Ah, that is a sad misread of the dynamic here.

I doubt those who identify as 'Democrat' or 'Leftist'* or 'Liberal' spend much time at all or even energy thinking that Joe ain't the President, that Joe didn't win fair and square and in a fair and square election. I'm convinced they've already carved that conviction into their fireplace mantle.

However, the dynamic, the kinetic energy ....we are witnessing in liberal-leaning circles is more along the lines of a bullfight.....where we all know the fate of the dumb bull but we are watching him flail away with snot, and blood, and sweat, and bullmerde' flung everywhere. And poor D.Trump, the bull, is being poked and prodded by the picadors. The crowd.....the Dems, the Libs, the Leftist, the Normal Americans.....are entertained by the spectacle. It's showtime writ large.

Now, to overstretch this metaphor.....if he bull would just stand still and avoid the picadors....well, the crowd would grow bored and leave the stands. But our bull, DTrump, keeps going on talk-radio, or issuing messages on his Twitter-wannabe site, or fleecing the TDS'rs from the stage at his rallies....and saying one dumb thing after another.

Accordingly, he keeps the fight fans in the watch him get another lance from the picadors.

*I have never ever met anyone anywhere who self-identifies as a "Leftist".
Is that an imaginary boogeyman by RightyTighties?
The left spend time trying to prove to others that Biden won. Why? They don't spend time trying to prove to flat Earthers that the Earth isn't flat. Why waste time trying to prove Biden won when he's already been president for a year and a half? It's not necessary and it's certainly not going to convince Trump supporters.
And you wonder why sane people don’t take you seriously. You can’t back up your positions and instead of admitting it you just name call. You could have explained it in less time than all these diversions you’ve been typing. But since you haven’t you’re showing that you can’t. All you’re doing is proving my point… you have no legitimate argument.
So says the one who pushes common sense gun control. Which there is nothing common sense about it
You think election workers are hand writing experts? You think they thoroughly inspect every signature? You think that democrat election workers who find a suspect signature will flag it if they are voting for a democrat?

You are delusional if you think there isnt a tremendous amount of fraud that CAN take place.

There is no way for the poll worker to know who the vote is for since the signature is on the envelope and not the ballot and is confirmed before the ballot is opened and processed

If you would educate yourself just a little bit on these things you would not always look like a moron on here
My position is in asking why in the hell the left spend all of their damn time proving that Biden won the election when Biden has been president for a year and a half.

They are not, they are merely responding to false charges from you all.
The left spend time trying to prove to others that Biden won. Why?

I can't speak for "the Left"......but I can for common-sense hard-working responsible citizens with decent educations, the good fortune to have proper parenting, and who are positive contributors to our American society ....and those folks know Joe Biden won fair and square in a fair and square election.

But they continue to be entertained by DonT flailing away in his fantagasm that HE won the a "landslide".
For which his TDS groupies (Trump Duped & Snookered) applaud wildly and shower money on him.

If it wasn't so sad and'd be pure entertainment. IMHO ;)
They are not, they are merely responding to false charges from you all.
That is exactly what I said. They continue trying to prove to the other side that Biden won. Why? Biden has been president for a year and a half already. He lives in the White House. There is no need to respond to the other side. Biden is and has been president. Why are the left so totally obsessed with proving something that already is?
I can't speak for "the Left"......but I can for common-sense hard-working responsible citizens with decent educations, the good fortune to have proper parenting, and who are positive contributors to our American society ....and those folks know Joe Biden won fair and square in a fair and square election.

But they continue to be entertained by DonT flailing away in his fantagasm that HE won the a "landslide".
For which his TDS groupies (Trump Duped & Snookered) applaud wildly and shower money on him.

If it wasn't so sad and'd be pure entertainment. IMHO ;)
So why are the left so totally obsessed with proving that Biden won the election when Biden is already president and living in the White House? It's not necessary, just as it is not necessary to prove to flat Earthers that the Earth is not flat. Who cares what others think? When are the left going to accept the results of the 2020 election and start working on inflation, etc?
That is exactly what I said. They continue trying to prove to the other side that Biden won. Why? Biden has been president for a year and a half already. He lives in the White House. There is no need to respond to the other side. Biden is and has been president. Why are the left so totally obsessed with proving something that already is?

They are not tying to prove anything. They have nothing to prove as Biden is sitting in the White House. But that does not mean they should just ignore all the lies and fake claims by you all. Those do real damage to the country and should be addressed .
They are not tying to prove anything. They have nothing to prove as Biden is sitting in the White House. But that does not mean they should just ignore all the lies and fake claims by you all. Those do real damage to the country and should be addressed .
By not ignoring the other side they continue to try proving to the other side something that already is. They are totally and completely obsessed with proving Biden won. When are the left going to accept the results of the 2020 election? There is no need to respond to the other side, just as there is no need to prove to flat Earthers that the Earth is not flat. Let idiots believe what they want to believe. Ignore them.
By not ignoring the other side they continue to try proving to the other side something that already is. They are totally and completely obsessed with proving Biden won. When are the left going to accept the results of the 2020 election? There is no need to respond to the other side, just as there is no need to prove to flat Earthers that the Earth is not flat. Let idiots believe what they want to believe. Ignore them.

Flat earthers cause no harm, though I have to admit I have spent way too much time in the past debating with them.

But the big lie folks are causing actual harm to the country and should not be ignored. If they are ignore it will just be worse in 2022 and 2024, as it is now pretty much every election a Repus loses is said to have been lost via cheating. A guy that lost by 50 plus points did this.
Ah, that is a sad misread of the dynamic here.

I doubt those who identify as 'Democrat' or 'Leftist'* or 'Liberal' spend much time at all or even energy thinking that Joe ain't the President, that Joe didn't win fair and square and in a fair and square election. I'm convinced they've already carved that conviction into their fireplace mantle.

However, the dynamic, the kinetic energy ....we are witnessing in liberal-leaning circles is more along the lines of a bullfight.....where we all know the fate of the dumb bull but we are watching him flail away with snot, and blood, and sweat, and bullmerde' flung everywhere. And poor D.Trump, the bull, is being poked and prodded by the picadors. The crowd.....the Dems, the Libs, the Leftist, the Normal Americans.....are entertained by the spectacle. It's showtime writ large.

Now, to overstretch this metaphor.....if he bull would just stand still and avoid the picadors....well, the crowd would grow bored and leave the stands. But our bull, DTrump, keeps going on talk-radio, or issuing messages on his Twitter-wannabe site, or fleecing the TDS'rs from the stage at his rallies....and saying one dumb thing after another.

Accordingly, he keeps the fight fans in the watch him get another lance from the picadors.

*I have never ever met anyone anywhere who self-identifies as a "Leftist".
Is that an imaginary boogeyman by RightyTighties?
I don`t support the NRA or the Klan. That makes me a "Leftist".
Flat earthers cause no harm, though I have to admit I have spent way too much time in the past debating with them.

But the big lie folks are causing actual harm to the country and should not be ignored. If they are ignore it will just be worse in 2022 and 2024, as it is now pretty much every election a Repus loses is said to have been lost via cheating. A guy that lost by 50 plus points did this.
Democrats have had many big lies. Why aren't they being persecuted? They not only planted the Trump/Russian Collusion thing against Trump but repeated the big lie for years.
There is no way for the poll worker to know who the vote is for since the signature is on the envelope and not the ballot and is confirmed before the ballot is opened and processed

If you would educate yourself just a little bit on these things you would not always look like a moron on here
Uhuh, the things youre saying are dumb and untrue. You bore me.

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