Trump’s boondoggle wall breached 3,000+ times!

That is a rightwinger lie. They get little to no “free money” or “free healthcare”. They work. Hard. For cheap. That is why so many want to hire them.
Do their children not get benefits? Benefits which provides immense help to the parents, if they are the parents?

Are we to feed, house, educate, and care for the children of the World? Or, should only the ultra rich be responsible for their support.

In your opinion what constitutes an "ultra rich" person and specifically how much of their wealth should be surrendered to the government for distribution to others.

How about a tax, collected by the United Nations and distributed to third world countries?
Do their children not get benefits? Benefits which provides immense help to the parents, if they are the parents?
Do they?

All immigrants, including illegal, pay sales and property tax, many pay income tax. Estimates are that they pay around 7 billion annually into Social Security. So they are paying into a system they can’t use since they are not eligible for social security benefits, Medicare, etc.

If they are mixed status family and the child is an American citizen, that child is entitled to whatever any American citizen is.

Are we to feed, house, educate, and care for the children of the World? Or, should only the ultra rich be responsible for their support.

An educated populace, within our country, legal or illegal, is to our national advantage. Since illegals still have to pay taxes, your point about the “ultra rich” (who often have so many tax loopholes they pay little to no income tax) seems pointless.

In your opinion what constitutes an "ultra rich" person and specifically how much of their wealth should be surrendered to the government for distribution to others.

I have no idea since I haven’t even mentioned the “ultra rich”, that seems to be YOUR issue here.

How about a tax, collected by the United Nations and distributed to third world countries?

A possibility.
Do they?

All immigrants, including illegal, pay sales and property tax, many pay income tax. Estimates are that they pay around 7 billion annually into Social Security. So they are paying into a system they can’t use since they are not eligible for social security benefits, Medicare, etc.

If they are mixed status family and the child is an American citizen, that child is entitled to whatever any American citizen is.

An educated populace, within our country, legal or illegal, is to our national advantage. Since illegals still have to pay taxes, your point about the “ultra rich” (who often have so many tax loopholes they pay little to no income tax) seems pointless.

I have no idea since I haven’t even mentioned the “ultra rich”, that seems to be YOUR issue here.

A possibility.
Most of the money that illegals make is given to them under the table.
They don't file taxes for something that is earned illegally.
Most of the money that illegals make is given to them under the table.
They don't file taxes for something that is earned illegally.
It's a little more complicated than that. They sign forms that make them hourly sub-contractors. That way the employer doesn't have to withhold payroll taxes, but still gets to issue a 1099 to get it off of their income profits.

The worker doesn't file, and it's basically a cheat all around. But, trying to find a white Texan without passable Spanish language skills is damn near impossible.
We definitely need less workers in the US. i never see help wanted signs. :rolleyes:
We need better immigration laws not simply an inconvenient expensive wall. Fences and walls obviously have their place but aren’t the answer. Dems are willing to negotiate tougher border controls for reasonable immigration laws and decency in treating our fellow humans plus a resolution for the kids here.
We'll treat our fellow humans "decently" when the border stops being a magnet for human smugglers. drug
dealers and other vermin democrats allow to flourish there.

Your "solutions" all seem like moronic green lights to turn the border into hostile hot houses for
rampant criminality again.

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