Trump's cabinet is outstanding

Obama will leave office with a 57% approval rating. And over the years, it will only go up.
Appoint Nikki Haley to Ambassador to the UN? Trump could care less about the UN. Haley was against Trump during the campaign. Her Lt Gov loved & supported & worked for Trump.

Trump just rewarded him with the Governorship of SC.
Obama will leave office with a 57% approval rating. And over the years, it will only go up.

Theory: poll question framed wrong. Stacked poll sample. People still dread being labeled racist. The like his personality but not really the results.

Remember other polls: Beast in landslide. Dead people win office. Those not play 10% of games voted to start MLB ASG. Polls are often a joke.

Economy sluggish, $20T debt. BO was lazy phony senator and helped cause housing bust w/Dems.
Obama will leave office with a 57% approval rating. And over the years, it will only go up.

Theory: poll question framed wrong. Stacked poll sample. People still dread being labeled racist. The like his personality but not really the results.

Remember other polls: Beast in landslide. Dead people win office. Those not play 10% of games voted to start MLB ASG. Polls are often a joke.

Economy sluggish, $20T debt. BO was lazy phony senator and helped cause housing bust w/Dems.
Being a rscist is deplorables & the Trump supporters called themselves deplorable. What does that say?
The joke is the last 8 years.
When you look at where Bush left us and how Obama is leaving Trump, I really don't understand where you get that from.

When Bush left office, the DOW was around 7,000, now it will be above 19 thousand.

Before Obama put in his first budget, unemployment went to over 10%, now it's under 5%.

78 straight months of economic growth.

Bush let Bin Laden go to continue to plot for 6 more years. Obama took him out.

The list is endless. You can hate Obama because he's black, but you can't be blind to what the GOP handed him and the excellent job he's done. Scuz me, I need to go get some cheap gas so I can drive to the affordable care office.

The dow went to record highs after Trump won the election. Record growth and 20 trillion in debt + obamacare as a complete failure.
Which I will add something positive to:
Trump's New Deputy National Security Advisor

General Flynn's senior assistant.


She's a long time FoxNews talking head.. She served in the Reagan and Ford administrations. The Daily Mail also reports Donald McGahn will serve as White House counsel.


Story @ Trump taps KT McFarland as deputy national security advisor and Don McGahn as White House counsel | Daily Mail Online and War News Updates: President-Elect Trump Names K.T. McFarland As Deputy National Security Adviser

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