Trumps cabinet

Who gets put where? He said he will announce some at the convention so who?

SoS-Ivanka Trump
Treasury-Rand Paul
Homeland security-Giuliani
Commerce-Donald Trump jr

What say you? I personally would love to see Patrick Buchanan as a special advisor to Trump as well
AG - Michael Cohen

Secretary of State - Avigdor Lieberman

COS - Junior

Treasury - James W. Giddens

Defense - Trey Gowdy

Interior - Wal-Mart

Homeland Security - Allen West

HHS - gonna get rid of that

Education - Palin

Commerce - El Chapo

Labor - Paul LePage

AG - Orly Taitz
Secretary of State -- Hulk Hogan
Treasury -- Bernie Madoff
Commerce -- Kevin Trudeau
Defense -- Mike Tyson
Interior -- David Koch
Homeland Security --- Alaweed Bin Talal ("there will be exceptions", Rump owes him big time)
Education -- himself ("very good brain")
Labor -- Hugh Hefner

I did read that she's a registered Demo.

So why did Trump at first lie about the plagiarism by denying it was plagiarism, and why are you trying to deflect from both that lie and the plagiarism itself?

And why was a Trump employee working for his campaign, in violation of the law?

And how much of a cash payoff do you think the speechwriter will get for trying to divert attention away from her boss?

You're certainly earning your pay, by so dutifully repeating every GOP talking point.

Shame there is a button for Ignorant Post but Funny
loser, downer, and seems insincere, are the next ratings buttons coming down the pike.
Who gets put where? He said he will announce some at the convention so who?

SoS-Ivanka Trump
Treasury-Rand Paul
Homeland security-Giuliani
Commerce-Donald Trump jr

What say you? I personally would love to see Patrick Buchanan as a special advisor to Trump as well
i almost didn't catch the sanders labor pun. very cool. :cool: hey, better dead than red...
Who gets put where? He said he will announce some at the convention so who?

SoS-Ivanka Trump
Treasury-Rand Paul
Homeland security-Giuliani
Commerce-Donald Trump jr

What say you? I personally would love to see Patrick Buchanan as a special advisor to Trump as well
Talk about putting the cart before the horse.
or should I say the cart before the biggest horse's ass to ever have a major party's nomination for President.
God help us all if he is elected.
Who gets put where? He said he will announce some at the convention so who?

SoS-Ivanka Trump
Treasury-Rand Paul
Homeland security-Giuliani
Commerce-Donald Trump jr

What say you? I personally would love to see Patrick Buchanan as a special advisor to Trump as well
Talk about putting the cart before the horse.
or should I say the cart before the biggest horse's ass to ever have a major party's nomination for President.
God help us all if he is elected.
now you know how we feel.
Who gets put where? He said he will announce some at the convention so who?

SoS-Ivanka Trump
Treasury-Rand Paul
Homeland security-Giuliani
Commerce-Donald Trump jr

What say you? I personally would love to see Patrick Buchanan as a special advisor to Trump as well
AG - Michael Cohen

Secretary of State - Avigdor Lieberman

COS - Junior

Treasury - James W. Giddens

Defense - Trey Gowdy

Interior - Wal-Mart

Homeland Security - Allen West

HHS - gonna get rid of that

Education - Palin

Commerce - El Chapo

Labor - Paul LePage

AG - Orly Taitz
Secretary of State -- Hulk Hogan
Treasury -- Bernie Madoff
Commerce -- Kevin Trudeau
Defense -- Mike Tyson
Interior -- David Koch
Homeland Security --- Alaweed Bin Talal ("there will be exceptions", Rump owes him big time)
Education -- himself ("very good brain")
Labor -- Hugh Hefner

And some sour puss conservative says that liberals have no sense of humor!

Unfortunately, the current Obama cabinet is not any less ridiculous.
You guys simply won't give up that pipe dream will you?

Try and figure out how Trump is going to sweep the swing states like he first needs to.
You guys simply won't give up that pipe dream will you?

Try and figure out how Trump is going to sweep the swing states like he first needs to.
Lol he don't need to sweep them he is putting usual blue states into play like Pennsylvania

PA is a swing state. In fact it's voted for twice as many Republicans for POTUS as Democrats since those parties have existed.

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