Trump's Campaign Threatens the “Traditional Campaign Industry”


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Could that be why the media's so enraged by his run for the presidency? They see a loss of all the usual ad dollars? Check this out:

According to NBC News, here is how much each candidate and their allies have spent to date on television ads:

Team Bush: $28.9 million ($28.4M from Right to Rise Super PAC, $460K from campaign)

Team Rubio: $10.6 million ($8.5M from Conservative Solutions 501c4, $640K from Conservative Solutions Super PAC, $1.5M from campaign)

Team Clinton: $9.7 million ($9.5 million from campaign, $200K from Priorities USA Super PAC)

Team Kasich: $8 million (all from two outside groups)

Team Christie: $6.4 million ($6M from America Leads Super PAC, $400K from campaign)

Team Sanders: $4.9 million (all from campaign)

Team Carson: $2 million ($1.9M from campaign, $73K from 2016 Committee outside group)

Team Paul: $869,000 ($743K from America’s Liberty Super PAC, $125K from campaign)

Team Cruz: $665,000 ($462K from campaign, rest from Super PACs)

Team Trump: $217,000 (all from campaign)

And add all of it up. A measly $72 million to day! How much would be spent on a traditional campaign in the same period.

If nothing else, this will certainly give The Donald a lot more popularity among us regular folks. I for one cannot thank him enough as I am not constantly being bombarded with political ads. Thanks to Drudge, this particular story is @ Trump’s Rise Without Traditional Campaign Spending ‘Existential Threat’ to ‘Political Election Industry’ - Breitbart

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