Trump's DACA trap. He's losing on shutting the govt for a wall that a maj doesn't support

Compromise? If I demand $5 from you, would you counter that you’ll only give me $2, or tell me to fuck off?
Don't know about him. I'd just tell you to fuck off and get a job from the gitgo.
Genius, you just acknowledged that the dems should tell Trump to fuck off.
Wrong...The argument between Cheeto and Chuck-n-Nan is over money that isn't even theirs in the first place.
But a maj didn't support a shut down over deporting the DACA folks.

CNN poll: DACA not worth a shutdown, except to Democrats - CNNPolitics

Will the dems fall for it? For all voters the econ is a more important issue, and HC is as important as immigration, and the dems own that issue after Trumpcare's implosion ... and on immigration, there's no consensus on what should be done. Only the gop wants a wall. - Home |

Where's the dickweeds-D counter offer? If Trump's DACA and TPS extensions aren't acceptable, isn't it expected for the other side to come back with something that would be acceptable in exchange for what Donny wants?
Why should the dems make a counter offer at all on immigration until Trump opens up the govt?
For starters, they can probably get all sorts of concessions that they've been wanting instead they're offering nothing which is tantamount to asking for a prolonged pissing contest.

So, Trump's holding the govt hostage over a wall.
It takes two to tango, while I suspect Trump will capitulate eventually the Democrats aren't helping themselves by not forcing him to offer up a laundry list of compromises for things they SAY they want.

The reality is both sides are "holding the govt hostage over a wall" for political reasons, which is fine by me since as far as I'm concerned they can keep those 8 departments closed forever and just find private sector alternatives but I don't think the American Sheeple have the stomach for it.
But a maj didn't support a shut down over deporting the DACA folks.

CNN poll: DACA not worth a shutdown, except to Democrats - CNNPolitics

Will the dems fall for it? For all voters the econ is a more important issue, and HC is as important as immigration, and the dems own that issue after Trumpcare's implosion ... and on immigration, there's no consensus on what should be done. Only the gop wants a wall. - Home |
DACA was important enough for Obama to - after admitting he did not have the Constitutional authority to affect (existing) Immigration Law - to VIOLATE the US Constitution by bypassing Congress to impose his own Socialist EDICT making 'DACA' the illegitimate Law of The land.

DACA was important enough to Democrats to run on the promise getting DACA for Latinos.

DACA was important enough to Democrats - after walking away from DACA when it was offered to them - to promise to get it legally passed AGAIN.

NOW, when President Trump and the GOP have once again offered them DACA in exchange for almost $6 Billion, which is almost as much as the Democrats have wasted - while standing with Illegals to keep the borders open, illegal votes coming, and while continuing to illegally operate Federal Law-violating Sanctuary Cities that provide safe haven to human traffickers, MS13, rapists, thieves and cop killers, etc.... - while engaging in obstruction, resisting, and lying, newly elected Speaker of the House Pelosi has once again rejected DACA.

And snowflakes laughably quote / cite a poll from CNN - the fake news organization that piled on the Buzzfeed fake news 'Cohen' disaster and whose 'journalists' were openly calling for violence against the Catholic HS students in the midst of the fake news Covington story - as 'definitive' evidence that claims DACA is suddenly unimportant to Democrats, Liberals, and snowflakes.

If you don't want a wall then tell me you will get rid of every illegal here and every one that comes after. They are ILLEGAL AND NEED TO BE DEPORTED ASAP. Putting up with them makes us a JOKE. There should be no such thing as an Angel Mom. We can create a giant ICE force and drag them out-do you prefer that to a wall?
A wall helps with deportation, how?
But a maj didn't support a shut down over deporting the DACA folks.

CNN poll: DACA not worth a shutdown, except to Democrats - CNNPolitics

Will the dems fall for it? For all voters the econ is a more important issue, and HC is as important as immigration, and the dems own that issue after Trumpcare's implosion ... and on immigration, there's no consensus on what should be done. Only the gop wants a wall. - Home |
He won the presidency on the wall. Your claim is false and fake
why the hell would the dems make a trade with Goldilocks for something they already have ?
But a maj didn't support a shut down over deporting the DACA folks.

CNN poll: DACA not worth a shutdown, except to Democrats - CNNPolitics

Will the dems fall for it? For all voters the econ is a more important issue, and HC is as important as immigration, and the dems own that issue after Trumpcare's implosion ... and on immigration, there's no consensus on what should be done. Only the gop wants a wall. - Home |

Where's the dickweeds-D counter offer? If Trump's DACA and TPS extensions aren't acceptable, isn't it expected for the other side to come back with something that would be acceptable in exchange for what Donny wants?
Why should the dems make a counter offer at all on immigration until Trump opens up the govt?
For starters, they can probably get all sorts of concessions that they've been wanting instead they're offering nothing which is tantamount to asking for a prolonged pissing contest.

So, Trump's holding the govt hostage over a wall.
It takes two to tango, while I suspect Trump will capitulate eventually the Democrats aren't helping themselves by not forcing him to offer up a laundry list of compromises for things they SAY they want.

The reality is both sides are "holding the govt hostage over a wall" for political reasons, which is fine by me since as far as I'm concerned they can keep those 8 departments closed forever and just find private sector alternatives but I don't think the American Sheeple have the stomach for it.
No you're wrong. We simply can't be shutting down the gummit everytime a party that lost an election but holds the WH doesn't like something.

Trump made shutting down the gummt a tool of negotiation. He has to lose.

But there is a compromise to be had on immigration and some barrier funding. The dems cannot again be tricked into approving the funding before Trump signs off on opening the gummit, and it needs to be a longterm agreement on funding the govt, or at least not shutting it down. Hopefully until we get into the general campaign in the late summer of 2
But a maj didn't support a shut down over deporting the DACA folks.

CNN poll: DACA not worth a shutdown, except to Democrats - CNNPolitics

Will the dems fall for it? For all voters the econ is a more important issue, and HC is as important as immigration, and the dems own that issue after Trumpcare's implosion ... and on immigration, there's no consensus on what should be done. Only the gop wants a wall. - Home |
He won the presidency on the wall. Your claim is false and fake
But a maj don't support his wall, and he lost the House.
NOW, when President Trump and the GOP have once again offered them DACA in exchange for almost $6 Billion, which is almost as much as the Democrats have wasted - while standing with Illegals to keep the borders open, illegal votes coming, and while continuing to illegally operate Federal Law-violating Sanctuary Cities that provide safe haven to human traffickers, MS13, rapists, thieves and cop killers, etc.... - while engaging in obstruction, resisting, and lying, newly elected Speaker of the House Pelosi has once again rejected DACA.

The problem here is DACA is not w/in Trumps power to give OR take

Trump asked the SCOTUS to rescind it , they refused to do so, they also refused it to go to a lesser court, and it may not be back on their docket until next fall

In other words, it appears Trump's shutdown is now working against him , as well as the rest of America

That said, DACA is no longer a bargaining chip for Trump

NOW, when President Trump and the GOP have once again offered them DACA in exchange for almost $6 Billion, which is almost as much as the Democrats have wasted - while standing with Illegals to keep the borders open, illegal votes coming, and while continuing to illegally operate Federal Law-violating Sanctuary Cities that provide safe haven to human traffickers, MS13, rapists, thieves and cop killers, etc.... - while engaging in obstruction, resisting, and lying, newly elected Speaker of the House Pelosi has once again rejected DACA.

The problem here is DACA is not w/in Trumps power to give OR take

Trump asked the SCOTUS to rescind it , they refused to do so, they also refused it to go to a lesser court, and it may not be back on their docket until next fall

In other words, it appears Trump's shutdown is now working against him , as well as the rest of America

That said, DACA is no longer a bargaining chip for Trump


Trump plan to reopen govt., build border wall undercut by Supreme Court

all Trump has is the slobber on his tie ..
But a maj didn't support a shut down over deporting the DACA folks.

CNN poll: DACA not worth a shutdown, except to Democrats - CNNPolitics

Will the dems fall for it? For all voters the econ is a more important issue, and HC is as important as immigration, and the dems own that issue after Trumpcare's implosion ... and on immigration, there's no consensus on what should be done. Only the gop wants a wall. - Home |

Where's the dickweeds-D counter offer? If Trump's DACA and TPS extensions aren't acceptable, isn't it expected for the other side to come back with something that would be acceptable in exchange for what Donny wants?
Why should the dems make a counter offer at all on immigration until Trump opens up the govt?
For starters, they can probably get all sorts of concessions that they've been wanting instead they're offering nothing which is tantamount to asking for a prolonged pissing contest.

So, Trump's holding the govt hostage over a wall.
It takes two to tango, while I suspect Trump will capitulate eventually the Democrats aren't helping themselves by not forcing him to offer up a laundry list of compromises for things they SAY they want.

The reality is both sides are "holding the govt hostage over a wall" for political reasons, which is fine by me since as far as I'm concerned they can keep those 8 departments closed forever and just find private sector alternatives but I don't think the American Sheeple have the stomach for it.
No you're wrong. We simply can't be shutting down the gummit everytime a party that lost an election but holds the WH doesn't like something.
In your opinion I'm wrong, I seem to recall that the Republicans won enough elections to hold the White House and the Senate, so at best it's a DRAW on the election front, which generally speaking means the sheeple want bi-partisan compromise, so far it looks like Donny is the only one willing to compromise since he's the only one that's made an offer.

Trump made shutting down the gummt a tool of negotiation. He has to lose.
Donny is guilty of a lot of sins but inventing government "shutdowns" as a negotiating tools isn't one of them, they've become a regular occurrence as a result of the instability in our political system which has become increasingly acute over the last few decades.

But there is a compromise to be had on immigration and some barrier funding.
Why should the Democrats limit their counter offer to immigration issues alone? They can counter with whatever they want, doesn't mean they'll get it but it certainly is a better indication of willingness to compromise than what they're doing now.
The problem here is DACA is not w/in Trumps power to give OR take

How can you say that?

Obama himself admitted he did not have the Constitutional Authority to do so ... right before he did it. AFTER he did it snowflakes and Democrats argued that he did have the power / authority to do it. An Obama appointed judge even declared that despite what the Constitution says he was blocking the eradication of Obama's Constitutional violation.

Democrats / snowflakes can not have it both ways. Either a President has the power to make it law through, Presidential decree or not.

So you are admitting Obama's decree was illegal / Un-Constitutional and Trump's attempt to do so would be, too?

Trump is speaking for the GOP in the House and the Senate in making Pelosi and Democrats an offer to vote for a bill to pass DACA legally in exchange for wall funding.....but Pelosi has already walked away from it ... AGAIN.

Members of her own party have already walked away from her to begin negotiating deals on their own. The D-Ga Rep chastised Pelosi for not knowing negotiations and compromise and how deals get done, and one D-Rep from Ma, I believe, publicly stated IF there was such a deal on the table he would vote for it.
NOW, when President Trump and the GOP have once again offered them DACA in exchange for almost $6 Billion, which is almost as much as the Democrats have wasted - while standing with Illegals to keep the borders open, illegal votes coming, and while continuing to illegally operate Federal Law-violating Sanctuary Cities that provide safe haven to human traffickers, MS13, rapists, thieves and cop killers, etc.... - while engaging in obstruction, resisting, and lying, newly elected Speaker of the House Pelosi has once again rejected DACA.

The problem here is DACA is not w/in Trumps power to give OR take

Trump asked the SCOTUS to rescind it , they refused to do so, they also refused it to go to a lesser court, and it may not be back on their docket until next fall

In other words, it appears Trump's shutdown is now working against him , as well as the rest of America

That said, DACA is no longer a bargaining chip for Trump


Trump plan to reopen govt., build border wall undercut by Supreme Court

all Trump has is the slobber on his tie ..

Many federal employees and contractors were turning to unemployment assistance, food banks and other support as the shutdown entered its second month. Others began seeking new jobs.

U.S. airport security officer absences rose to a record high over the weekend with some airports experiencing longer wait times and a least one major East Coast airport closing one security checkpoint.

If we get hit because Trump shut us down, he'll never recover......~S~
NOW, when President Trump and the GOP have once again offered them DACA in exchange for almost $6 Billion, which is almost as much as the Democrats have wasted - while standing with Illegals to keep the borders open, illegal votes coming, and while continuing to illegally operate Federal Law-violating Sanctuary Cities that provide safe haven to human traffickers, MS13, rapists, thieves and cop killers, etc.... - while engaging in obstruction, resisting, and lying, newly elected Speaker of the House Pelosi has once again rejected DACA.

The problem here is DACA is not w/in Trumps power to give OR take

Trump asked the SCOTUS to rescind it , they refused to do so, they also refused it to go to a lesser court, and it may not be back on their docket until next fall

In other words, it appears Trump's shutdown is now working against him , as well as the rest of America

That said, DACA is no longer a bargaining chip for Trump

I agree. Daca is not Trump's to bargain with. The dems may have been open but the scotus took it off the board for this year, and a 3 year pass is a joke anyway. Everyone knows his base will not let him do a longterm deal. Daca is just his attempt to deflect from the fact he backed out of a gop brokered deal to fund the gummit ... after coulter said mean things about him.

And that was pretty much the point of the thread, along with .......

There is a pretty easy deal on immigration: more judges, more deportations ... both parties agree. More barriers at ports of entry ... both parties agree. Trump has to have a way to say "it's a beginning of my wall" and the dems have to have a way to say "there's not wall agreement."

But none of that really deals with the more important issues of how to find people overstaying visas and where the hell are these 15K kids and how to we get them and their parents on the other side of the border. But Trump's shutdown has never been about immigration policy..... it's about keeping Coulter off his ass. LOL
If we get hit because Trump shut us down, he'll never recover......~S~
You mean if Pelosi stops trying to flee the country to avoid doing her job and to escape media attention for her lies.....

Are Democrats willing to affect a terrorist attack on the US resulting on more dead Americans just to damage Trump's re-election chances in 2020? Do they have so little confidence in their candidates - like they did in 2016 - that they have to desperately take criminal steps that hurt this nation to improve their chances?

Apparently so.....
Donny is guilty of a lot of sins but inventing government "shutdowns" as a negotiating tools isn't one of them, they've become a regular occurrence as a result of the instability in our political system which has become increasingly acute over the last few decades

Any given potus shouldn't have the power to shut down governance

Most past shutdowns were short political posturing ,over quickly

Trump, however, weilds it ineffectively , the scotus called his bluff, now he's backed into a corner , withe the Dems boot on his neck

Even some noob piker of a leader could see this coming

But a maj didn't support a shut down over deporting the DACA folks.

CNN poll: DACA not worth a shutdown, except to Democrats - CNNPolitics

Will the dems fall for it? For all voters the econ is a more important issue, and HC is as important as immigration, and the dems own that issue after Trumpcare's implosion ... and on immigration, there's no consensus on what should be done. Only the gop wants a wall. - Home |
He won the presidency on the wall. Your claim is false and fake
But a maj don't support his wall, and he lost the House.
too funny, doesn't change 2016 at all. majority voted for a wall. 30 states. you're taking about districts. penny anti shit. time for the wall or the government stays shut down.

remember when the dims were for the wall before trump was elected?
If we get hit because Trump shut us down, he'll never recover......~S~
You mean if Pelosi stops trying to flee the country to avoid doing her job and to escape media attention for her lies.....

Are Democrats willing to affect a terrorist attack on the US resulting on more dead Americans just to damage Trump's re-election chances in 2020? Do they have so little confidence in their candidates - like they did in 2016 - that they have to desperately take criminal steps that hurt this nation to improve their chances?

Apparently so.....

The tangerine terror claims this shutdown as his own

Let's see if he's man enough to admit he's wrong


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