Trump's DACA trap. He's losing on shutting the govt for a wall that a maj doesn't support

Hot off the press Old One, check it out>>>

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump's bid to build a U.S.-Mexico border wall and end a month-long partial government shutdown suffered a blow on Tuesday when the U.S. Supreme Court left in place for now a program protecting young illegal immigrants from deportation.

I've seen it, Sparky. Still, it doesn't change that's what the Mafia Don's negotiation strategy was, no? The point was that this offer wasn't a "compromise" at all, and that's even before accounting for the fact that the Mafia Don couldn't really offer what he tried to present because the Supreme Court had already freed the hostages.
I thought the potus 'led' both parties, despite party of orgin? how times change.....
Times don't change - you're still an idiot.

"I Won!" "Elections Have Consequences!"

Sound familiar, snowflake? It should - that's Obama pitching an immature hissy fit after he won, telling the GOP, 'F* YOU - I won, so I get my way'. Now tell me again how that is a President 'leading both parties'.

:p Bwuhahahahaha

The point is, Trump is a poor leader

something i suspect will be inescapable as the rats jump ship

thank fking gawd he's ten times the president as obammy.
I thought the potus 'led' both parties, despite party of orgin? how times change.....
Times don't change - you're still an idiot.

"I Won!" "Elections Have Consequences!"

Sound familiar, snowflake? It should - that's Obama pitching an immature hissy fit after he won, telling the GOP, 'F* YOU - I won, so I get my way'. Now tell me again how that is a President 'leading both parties'.

:p Bwuhahahahaha

The point is, Trump is a poor leader

something i suspect will be inescapable as the rats jump ship


Listen. Optimism is a virtue I suppose...but...just how long will you hold your breath for us to abandon Trump? You have a party in control of the House who sees that as the ONLY goal. Worth repeating. Their ONLY goal. They have no other stated objective. No other desire. Their only purpose in life is to shear Trumps base from him, divide it, and sink him. Not much as for as statesmen go but there it is.
And what would they replace it with? The same old rule by elites. They have never faced a unified opposition they couldnt co-opt 51% of before. And it is driving them over the edge.

But its not going to happen over this. We are as pleased as Hollywood is mad. We are as happy with him as Wall Street and the media conglomerates are disgusted with him.
The Democrats are cunning I will admit. They want Trump to back they can say he backed down. They want him to break on the at election time they can bemoan the lack of a wall. But they lack a basic understanding of Americans. When they pillory Trump we are sitting there thinking " say that like its a bad thing...". Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaughs comments are simply stay the course comments. We all undrstand them.

They think the cats are yowling in pain on the fence when really its just the cats making more cats.
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The point is, Trump is a poor leader
Moving the goal posts there, skippy? :p Bwuhahahaha

You went from 'Presidents lead both parties' to 'Trump is a poor leader' after being reminded Obama was a hypocritical tantrum-throwing Partisan Extremist who violated the Constitution to impose his own edicts because he couldn't get his own Democrats to follow him / give him what he wanted.
Leave it to snowflakes to call the President / GOP offering the Democrats DACA / everything they want a 'trap'. :p

The difference YOU just pointed out is that President Trump is OFFERING the Democrats a deal to PASS LEGISLATION that would contain DACA and money for the wall.

Not any more.....

Trump is the leader of the Republican Party, and as such he can negotiate the possibility of legislation supported by Republicans in the House and Senate, which is what he is offering.

I thought the potus 'led' both parties, despite party of orgin?

how times change.....


Yes indeed...different time. When our nation stood against communism as the last best hope of the world thats the way it was. But when the communists are inside the fence...not so much. For Trump to lead America to success the Democrats have to lose. And vice versa. They are obsessed with taking him down no matter the cost.

And to some extent that was always true. We now know the Democrats, Ted Kennedy inn particular, asked the KGB for help in toppling Ronald Reagan. Little did they fact socialism was so far superior to them they couldn't even imagine..that the USSR would fall in the face of Reagan and their deeds would someday be exposed.

Ted Kennedy's Soviet Gambit
What does any of that have to do with the fact that Donny isn't the first POTUS to use "shutdown" as a negotiating tool?

Only in that's he's blowing it.....
Possibly, however the Democrats might also be "blowing it" by not countering on his latest offer after all by continuing on course they're effectively saying that they're OK with the status quo as long as it hurts Trump politically.

sparky said:
Not to mention that the U.S. Constitution disagrees with you on what power the Executive Branch "shouldn't have", the POTUS can refuse to sign whatever bill(s) he/she doesn't care to sign and the Legislative Branch has the Constitutional Authority to override him/her.

Not to mention the PA granting exec power over judicial and legislative branches, so i wonder if a national emergency would invoke that now?


It's hard to predict what Trump might do if he's pushed too far, he has a history of increasing intransigence when a dispute becomes a matter of "pride" (like this one is becoming). He does have options to act unilaterally in this instance though (Executive Transfer Authority, National Emergency, etc..,) none of which is without downside risks for everyone involved.
The difference YOU just pointed out is that President Trump is OFFERING the Democrats a deal to PASS LEGISLATION that would contain DACA and money for the wall.

Not any more.....

Trump is the leader of the Republican Party, and as such he can negotiate the possibility of legislation supported by Republicans in the House and Senate, which is what he is offering.

I thought the potus 'led' both parties, despite party of orgin?

how times change.....


Yes indeed...different time. When our nation stood against communism as the last best hope of the world thats the way it was. But when the communists are inside the fence...not so much. For Trump to lead America to success the Democrats have to lose. And vice versa. They are obsessed with taking him down no matter the cost.

And to some extent that was always true. We now know the Democrats, Ted Kennedy inn particular, asked the KGB for help in toppling Ronald Reagan. Little did they fact socialism was so far superior to them they couldn't even imagine..that the USSR would fall in the face of Reagan and their deeds would someday be exposed.

Ted Kennedy's Soviet Gambit
I thought US politicians were supposed to represent Americans, were supposed to obey and enforce US law....

Democrats are standing with illegals, breaking laws, and illegally operating federal law-violating sanctuary cities that provide safe haven to illegals and criminals.
Democrats are standing with illegals, breaking laws, and illegally operating federal law-violating sanctuary cities that provide safe haven to illegals and criminals.

none of which a wall will remedy.....~S~
Not to mention that the U.S. Constitution disagrees with you on what power the Executive Branch "shouldn't have", the POTUS can refuse to sign whatever bill(s) he/she doesn't care to sign and the Legislative Branch has the Constitutional Authority to override him/her.

Seems like a reasonable checks & balances system to me, however given the current petty childish that our hyper-partisan miscreants in Washington are prone to these days it shouldn't surprise anybody that we're at this juncture and it isn't just one major Crime Family doing it, it's BOTH of them abusing a rational separation of powers arrangement.

So, Article I, giving "All legislative powers" to the legislature, followed by Article II giving some legislative powers to the President, is "a reasonable checks & balances system"? For to me it looks like a major error in the form of an incomplete separation of powers - in pretty much the same way as the VP having a vote in the Senate.

Perhaps more importantly, there's the biggest crooks of all, one Mr. McConnell, thwarting any and all efforts by Congress to express what is obviously the Representatives' will, by refusing to bring to a vote a bill the House has already approved, and the Senate approved late last year, in abject subservience to the man-child in the White House. That's how the incomplete separation of powers bites the country into its fat arse, and that's how negotiation tactics reminiscent of the Mafia emerge, resulting in hostage-taking and government shutdowns.
Democrats are standing with illegals, breaking laws, and illegally operating federal law-violating sanctuary cities that provide safe haven to illegals and criminals.

none of which a wall will remedy.....~S~

This is what I am talking about. Its a settled issue. Preaching is not going to change that nor is diversion or deflection. We want a wall. If the wall doesnt work 100% we still want a wall. You missed the opportunity to sing the praises of an open border when you lost the election. It is of no use to you to argue that walls dont work. It just looks silly.
Not to mention that the U.S. Constitution disagrees with you on what power the Executive Branch "shouldn't have", the POTUS can refuse to sign whatever bill(s) he/she doesn't care to sign and the Legislative Branch has the Constitutional Authority to override him/her.

Seems like a reasonable checks & balances system to me, however given the current petty childish that our hyper-partisan miscreants in Washington are prone to these days it shouldn't surprise anybody that we're at this juncture and it isn't just one major Crime Family doing it, it's BOTH of them abusing a rational separation of powers arrangement.

So, Article I, giving "All legislative powers" to the legislature, followed by Article II giving some legislative powers to the President, is "a reasonable checks & balances system"?
Yeah, what's your idea of a reasonable checks & balances system?

Perhaps more importantly, there's the biggest crooks of all, one Mr. McConnell, thwarting any and all efforts by Congress to express what is obviously the Representatives' will, by refusing to bring to a vote a bill the House has already approved, and the Senate approved late last year, in abject subservience to the man-child in the White House. That's how the incomplete separation of powers bites the country into its fat arse, and that's how negotiation tactics reminiscent of the Mafia emerge, resulting in hostage-taking and government shutdowns.
Uh-huh, thanks for sharing those DNC talking points because it's not like I've been hearing them constantly parroted by every left wing talking head in America for the past month or anything.
But a maj didn't support a shut down over deporting the DACA folks.

CNN poll: DACA not worth a shutdown, except to Democrats - CNNPolitics

Will the dems fall for it? For all voters the econ is a more important issue, and HC is as important as immigration, and the dems own that issue after Trumpcare's implosion ... and on immigration, there's no consensus on what should be done. Only the gop wants a wall. - Home |

Where's the dickweeds-D counter offer? If Trump's DACA and TPS extensions aren't acceptable, isn't it expected for the other side to come back with something that would be acceptable in exchange for what Donny wants?
Boy, you Trumpanzees are dumb. Trump WON'T NEGOTIATE! It's WALL OR NOTHING! He walked out of last meeting when Nancy said forget it! How do you negotiate a FIXED POSITION. Wake up Trumpanzees! The rest of us know that Trump loves you because you're so stupid and buy whatever shit he flings at you! BIGLY!!!!!!!!!!

But a maj didn't support a shut down over deporting the DACA folks.

CNN poll: DACA not worth a shutdown, except to Democrats - CNNPolitics

Will the dems fall for it? For all voters the econ is a more important issue, and HC is as important as immigration, and the dems own that issue after Trumpcare's implosion ... and on immigration, there's no consensus on what should be done. Only the gop wants a wall. - Home |

Where's the dickweeds-D counter offer? If Trump's DACA and TPS extensions aren't acceptable, isn't it expected for the other side to come back with something that would be acceptable in exchange for what Donny wants?
Boy, you Trumpanzees are dumb. Trump WON'T NEGOTIATE! It's WALL OR NOTHING!

LOL, Apparently the Mail Truck hasn't reached the Asylum with the memo that Donny just offered something to Team Douche Bag-D and they countered with "It's NO WALL OR NOTHING", seems you got the negotiating positions of your Political Crime Families backwards …

Perhaps those "Trumpanzees" know some things you don't, like for example, how to read.:cool:
I say let the time clock run out on DACA and just deport them. Declare a National Emergency, build the wall, and deport all illegal immigrants. ALL OF THEM.

Last I heard, Illegal Immigration is ILLEGAL.
Uh-huh, thanks for sharing those DNC talking points

So, no clue, no counter-argument - unsurprising since the depiction was perfectly accurate - but you had to say something stupid in an attempt to save McConnell's subservience to Individual 1 from exposure. Too late, Fox. That horse has already bolted...

And yes, keeping the Executive out of law-making - the check for that is the courts - is a good idea for a functioning system of governance. The current dysfunction proves it beyond any reasonable doubt.
First off the Americans do not want the wall. The republicans do not want the wall. If they had wanted the wall they would have passed legislation to build the wall. They did not because they know that to build the wall is rather stupid. We know that the Donald keeps lying about stopping drugs from entering this country if a wall is built. He and everyone else including you on the right know that it will not stop the drugs from coming across the border because very little now comes across the border. It comes in through our ports. We have negative migration coming from Mexico. So what we are talking about are refugees that do have protection under our constitution and international laws. If you want to be honest then you need to write to the Donald and tell him no this country and your own party do not want a stupid wall. The wall is about the Donald wanting to be reelected in 2020 which will not happen either.
First off the Americans do not want the wall. The republicans do not want the wall. If they had wanted the wall they would have passed legislation to build the wall. They did not because they know that to build the wall is rather stupid. We know that the Donald keeps lying about stopping drugs from entering this country if a wall is built. He and everyone else including you on the right know that it will not stop the drugs from coming across the border because very little now comes across the border. It comes in through our ports. We have negative migration coming from Mexico. So what we are talking about are refugees that do have protection under our constitution and international laws. If you want to be honest then you need to write to the Donald and tell him no this country and your own party do not want a stupid wall. The wall is about the Donald wanting to be reelected in 2020 which will not happen either.

Then, keep it shut down until 2020.


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