Trump's DACA trap. He's losing on shutting the govt for a wall that a maj doesn't support

I love how Dems scream

" Dems shouldn't have to compromise and give Trump ANYTHING" as if that is something to be proud of.

Do you idiots not understand how compromise works, BOTH sides have to give in. Not one side gives up everything and the other gives up nothing.

This is why Democrats are terrorists and should be ignored.
What does any of that have to do with the fact that Donny isn't the first POTUS to use "shutdown" as a negotiating tool?

Only in that's he's blowing it.....
Possibly, however the Democrats might also be "blowing it" by not countering on his latest offer after all by continuing on course they're effectively saying that they're OK with the status quo as long as it hurts Trump politically.

sparky said:
Not to mention that the U.S. Constitution disagrees with you on what power the Executive Branch "shouldn't have", the POTUS can refuse to sign whatever bill(s) he/she doesn't care to sign and the Legislative Branch has the Constitutional Authority to override him/her.

Not to mention the PA granting exec power over judicial and legislative branches, so i wonder if a national emergency would invoke that now?


It's hard to predict what Trump might do if he's pushed too far, he has a history of increasing intransigence when a dispute becomes a matter of "pride" (like this one is becoming). He does have options to act unilaterally in this instance though (Executive Transfer Authority, National Emergency, etc..,) none of which is without downside risks for everyone involved.

The Dems are righteous. They've said from the beginning that they didn't want a shutdown and have passed a dozen bills that would open the govt.

There's only one person who is refusing to sign any funding bills that don't include wall funding. It's Trump's own choice to hold that position.
I love how Dems scream

" Dems shouldn't have to compromise and give Trump ANYTHING" as if that is something to be proud of.

Do you idiots not understand how compromise works, BOTH sides have to give in. Not one side gives up everything and the other gives up nothing.

This is why Democrats are terrorists and should be ignored.

You act as if a shutdown is a requirement and the Dems aren't meeting their obligation.

Only one person is holding up the process unless they get funding.
First off the Americans do not want the wall. The republicans do not want the wall. If they had wanted the wall they would have passed legislation to build the wall. They did not because they know that to build the wall is rather stupid. We know that the Donald keeps lying about stopping drugs from entering this country if a wall is built. He and everyone else including you on the right know that it will not stop the drugs from coming across the border because very little now comes across the border. It comes in through our ports. We have negative migration coming from Mexico. So what we are talking about are refugees that do have protection under our constitution and international laws. If you want to be honest then you need to write to the Donald and tell him no this country and your own party do not want a stupid wall. The wall is about the Donald wanting to be reelected in 2020 which will not happen either.

That's a lie Troll 85% of the Continental United States voted for President Trump and voted for one of his biggest campaign promises to restart building and strengthening The Wall and Border Security.

There is now enough Fentanyl smuggled in to this country by illegal aliens through The Southern Border to kill every single US Citizen.

You lie again.

For the First time in US History an American is more likely to die of a drug related incident than he or she is of a car accident.

You lie again.

No need to go in to your other lies but to tell you to make your peace with God, because Liars cannot enter in to The Kingdom of Heaven.
That's a lie Troll 85% of the Continental United States voted for President Trump and voted for one of his biggest campaign promises to restart building and strengthening The Wall and Border Security.

The Dems are righteous. They've said from the beginning that they didn't want a shutdown and have passed a dozen bills that would open the govt.

There's only one person who is refusing to sign any funding bills that don't include wall funding. It's Trump's own choice to hold that position.

Now what?

It takes only one to demand $5.7b or else they won't sign a funding bill to shutdown the govt.
It only takes a quick amendment to include 5.7b to get a signature and reopen the government.

We can play this game all day long.

It's your game. Not mine. I'm clear headed.
It's Trump's demand that shut and continues to keep the govt closed. No one is obliged to meet such a demand.
The Dems are righteous. They've said from the beginning that they didn't want a shutdown and have passed a dozen bills that would open the govt.

There's only one person who is refusing to sign any funding bills that don't include wall funding. It's Trump's own choice to hold that position.

Now what?


Ask Trump. He's got McConnell on a leash.
They don't want anything except what the majority of Americans want, the govt funded and opened.
Bullshit. They want Trump's head on a platter. That's more important than controlling drugs and crime, and only because they lost an election they expected to win.

Who's said that?

If Trump's head ends up on a platter, it'll be his own doing.
Come on kid. WTF do you think you're talking to?
They don't want anything except what the majority of Americans want, the govt funded and opened.
Bullshit. They want Trump's head on a platter. That's more important than controlling drugs and crime, and only because they lost an election they expected to win.

Who's said that?

If Trump's head ends up on a platter, it'll be his own doing.
Come on kid. WTF do you think you're talking to?

Umm....a meathead? Trick question?
But a maj didn't support a shut down over deporting the DACA folks.

CNN poll: DACA not worth a shutdown, except to Democrats - CNNPolitics

Will the dems fall for it? For all voters the econ is a more important issue, and HC is as important as immigration, and the dems own that issue after Trumpcare's implosion ... and on immigration, there's no consensus on what should be done. Only the gop wants a wall. - Home |

Where's the dickweeds-D counter offer? If Trump's DACA and TPS extensions aren't acceptable, isn't it expected for the other side to come back with something that would be acceptable in exchange for what Donny wants?
CNN? What's the point?
We're they the same outlet that said Trump told Cohen to lie and that the Covington high school kids were "taunting" that toothless indian?
But a maj didn't support a shut down over deporting the DACA folks.

CNN poll: DACA not worth a shutdown, except to Democrats - CNNPolitics

Will the dems fall for it? For all voters the econ is a more important issue, and HC is as important as immigration, and the dems own that issue after Trumpcare's implosion ... and on immigration, there's no consensus on what should be done. Only the gop wants a wall. - Home |

Where's the dickweeds-D counter offer? If Trump's DACA and TPS extensions aren't acceptable, isn't it expected for the other side to come back with something that would be acceptable in exchange for what Donny wants?
Why should the dems make a counter offer at all on immigration until Trump opens up the govt? The answer is that Trump knows a wall ain't gonna be part of it. So, Trump's holding the govt hostage over a wall.

the dems have offered more funding for deporation and border security - not a wall. But Trump's even broken his word to McConnell, who is no longer even negotiating with Trump.

To be very honest, I don't give a shit about the wall or funding it. I don't really give a shit about border security, since on avg more people aren't entering the country that way than are leaving. And I certainly don't give a shit whether the DACA folks stay. It's horrible that Trump jailed and has now lost another 15K children, but why were they even brought here?

Immigration is really about who is working here and not a citizen, and do we want them. And how can we deport people who over stayed their visas. But Trump doesn't care about that. Trump's not serious. He wants make believe Wall to statisfy his base. That's all this shut down is about. The dems job is to call him on it.
"Border security" is meaningless when the Dims are spouting the term. It actually means absolutely nothing. Furthermore, the Dims haven't offered jack shit.

We know you don't give a shit about border security, so why should anyone listen to your imbecile traitorous spew?

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