Trump's DACA trap. He's losing on shutting the govt for a wall that a maj doesn't support

First off the Americans do not want the wall. The republicans do not want the wall. If they had wanted the wall they would have passed legislation to build the wall. They did not because they know that to build the wall is rather stupid. We know that the Donald keeps lying about stopping drugs from entering this country if a wall is built. He and everyone else including you on the right know that it will not stop the drugs from coming across the border because very little now comes across the border. It comes in through our ports. We have negative migration coming from Mexico. So what we are talking about are refugees that do have protection under our constitution and international laws. If you want to be honest then you need to write to the Donald and tell him no this country and your own party do not want a stupid wall. The wall is about the Donald wanting to be reelected in 2020 which will not happen either.

That's a lie Troll 85% of the Continental United States voted for President Trump and voted for one of his biggest campaign promises to restart building and strengthening The Wall and Border Security.

There is now enough Fentanyl smuggled in to this country by illegal aliens through The Southern Border to kill every single US Citizen.

You lie again.

For the First time in US History an American is more likely to die of a drug related incident than he or she is of a car accident.

You lie again.

No need to go in to your other lies but to tell you to make your peace with God, because Liars cannot enter in to The Kingdom of Heaven.
Uh-huh, thanks for sharing those DNC talking points

unsurprising since the depiction was perfectly accurate -

If you say so; far be it from me to argue with partisan parrots when they get their propaganda feathers ruffled, after all, what would be the point? it's not like anything useful ever comes out of it. :dunno:

And yes, keeping the Executive out of law-making - -
The Executive IS "out of law-making", its authority is strictly a check on the law MAKERS in the legislative branch pursuant to keeping them from doing anything drastically stupid, doesn't always work but it's better than leaving it solely up to unelected black robed dictators that aren't accountable to "We the people".

the check for that is the courts, is a good idea for a functioning system of governance. The current dysfunction proves it beyond any reasonable doubt.
Why? The framers didn't come up with the system in vacuum, instead they examined the history of systems that came before them and found them wanting from a checks and balances standpoint and as it turns out that system has worked for over 200 years to create arguably the most successful Republican in human history.

The framers have a track record of success for their model and you and your ilk have a track record of doing everything in your power to consolidate power in the hands of a few., personally I'll go with those former.
But a maj didn't support a shut down over deporting the DACA folks.

CNN poll: DACA not worth a shutdown, except to Democrats - CNNPolitics

Will the dems fall for it? For all voters the econ is a more important issue, and HC is as important as immigration, and the dems own that issue after Trumpcare's implosion ... and on immigration, there's no consensus on what should be done. Only the gop wants a wall. - Home |

Where's the dickweeds-D counter offer? If Trump's DACA and TPS extensions aren't acceptable, isn't it expected for the other side to come back with something that would be acceptable in exchange for what Donny wants?
Boy, you Trumpanzees are dumb. Trump WON'T NEGOTIATE! It's WALL OR NOTHING!

LOL, Apparently the Mail Truck hasn't reached the Asylum with the memo that Donny just offered something to Team Douche Bag-D and they countered with "It's NO WALL OR NOTHING", seems you got the negotiating positions of your Political Crime Families backwards …

Perhaps those "Trumpanzees" know some things you don't, like for example, how to read.:cool:
A three year Daca moratorium is nothing.
But a maj didn't support a shut down over deporting the DACA folks.

CNN poll: DACA not worth a shutdown, except to Democrats - CNNPolitics

Will the dems fall for it? For all voters the econ is a more important issue, and HC is as important as immigration, and the dems own that issue after Trumpcare's implosion ... and on immigration, there's no consensus on what should be done. Only the gop wants a wall. - Home |

Where's the dickweeds-D counter offer? If Trump's DACA and TPS extensions aren't acceptable, isn't it expected for the other side to come back with something that would be acceptable in exchange for what Donny wants?
Boy, you Trumpanzees are dumb. Trump WON'T NEGOTIATE! It's WALL OR NOTHING!

LOL, Apparently the Mail Truck hasn't reached the Asylum with the memo that Donny just offered something to Team Douche Bag-D and they countered with "It's NO WALL OR NOTHING", seems you got the negotiating positions of your Political Crime Families backwards …

Perhaps those "Trumpanzees" know some things you don't, like for example, how to read.:cool:
A three year Daca moratorium is nothing.

Reason and evidence dictate that it is in fact something (and so is a TPS extension), it might not be something the Democrats are willing to consider but given that they've countered with what is in fact NOTHING indicates that they're perfectly fine with the status quo (despite their constant protestations to the contrary) as long as it hurts President Twitter politically.

If they actually CARED about ending this they could have countered with a list of demands, the fact that all they offered up was zip, nada, nothing is telling, they're being as purely partisan in this whole imbroglio as Donny is.

A pox on both political Crime Families houses, they both suck ass.

…. on the bright side, the partial government "shut down" continues and thus still leaves a teeny, tiny glimmer of hope that it'll last indefinitely.
Uh-huh, thanks for sharing those DNC talking points

unsurprising since the depiction was perfectly accurate -

If you say so; far be it from me to argue with partisan parrots when they get their propaganda feathers ruffled, after all, what would be the point? it's not like anything useful ever comes out of it. :dunno:

Yep, you still have no counter. McConnell is sitting on the very bill both the House and the Senate have already approved on behalf of Individual 1. That's plainly, patently the truth. Your resorting no name-calling gives it away. First it's been the "DNC talking points", then I am a "partisan parrot". Next you're going to own the definition for "chutzpah", eh?

Look, Fox, defend the banana republic of crumbling infrastructure and half the population living either in, or at the brink of, poverty all you wish. Our definitions of "successful" apparently diverge, wildly. That's entirely legit. The dysfunction we are currently seeing (again) doesn't go away, and I pointed to some of the causes for that. The entirety of the developed Western world looks at a government shut down in peace time, half bemused, half bewildered, all shaking their heads. You think you know better. That's fine. Come back when you actually have an argument - as for now all you have is an opinion.
Nazi Pelosi will eventually have to compromise. Despite her party's attempt to move hard left, The Dems actually took The House back with Moderate and Conservative Democrats.

And President Trump is more popular than ever worldwide.
But a maj didn't support a shut down over deporting the DACA folks.

CNN poll: DACA not worth a shutdown, except to Democrats - CNNPolitics

Will the dems fall for it? For all voters the econ is a more important issue, and HC is as important as immigration, and the dems own that issue after Trumpcare's implosion ... and on immigration, there's no consensus on what should be done. Only the gop wants a wall. - Home |

Where's the dickweeds-D counter offer? If Trump's DACA and TPS extensions aren't acceptable, isn't it expected for the other side to come back with something that would be acceptable in exchange for what Donny wants?
Boy, you Trumpanzees are dumb. Trump WON'T NEGOTIATE! It's WALL OR NOTHING!

LOL, Apparently the Mail Truck hasn't reached the Asylum with the memo that Donny just offered something to Team Douche Bag-D and they countered with "It's NO WALL OR NOTHING", seems you got the negotiating positions of your Political Crime Families backwards …

Perhaps those "Trumpanzees" know some things you don't, like for example, how to read.:cool:
A three year Daca moratorium is nothing.

They deserve nothing but deportation.
Uh-huh, thanks for sharing those DNC talking points

unsurprising since the depiction was perfectly accurate -

If you say so; far be it from me to argue with partisan parrots when they get their propaganda feathers ruffled, after all, what would be the point? it's not like anything useful ever comes out of it. :dunno:

Yep, you still have no counter. McConnell is sitting on the very bill both the House and the Senate have already approved on behalf of Individual 1. That's plainly, patently the truth. Your resorting no name-calling gives it away. First it's been the "DNC talking points", then I am a "partisan parrot". Next you're going to own the definition for "chutzpah", eh?
LOL, counter to what? Your rant consisting of a stream of regurgitated talking points sprinkled with spittle? Why would I even want to bother "countering" it since I don't give a damn how much you folks insult each others "leaders"? it's all just comedic relief for me.

Look, Fox, defend the banana republic of crumbling infrastructure and half the population living either in, or at the brink of, poverty all you wish.
Hmmmm.. when did I "defend" any of that? I thought the point of contention was the current system of checks & balances? It's interesting how you folks always want to morph the point into random hyperbole when the questions start to get a bit tough, everyone has to have a hobby I suppose.

Our definitions of "successful" apparently diverge, wildly.
Interesting, what's YOUR definition of "successful"?

That's entirely legit. The dysfunction we are currently seeing (again) doesn't go away, and I pointed to some of the causes for that.
No, you didn't, you simply registered your objections to the system defined by the Constitution and used the current impasse as an example of why it doesn't "work", while completely ignoring the fact that it has generally "worked" for over 200 years.

I imagine if the current occupant of the White House had a "D" bolted onto it's name and the Congress Critters were of species "R" you'd be squawking about how great the current system is, just a theory but one I suspect isn't very far off the mark.

If you want to examine the causes look no further than the political instability brought about when the citizenry increasingly distrusts the established order and the duopoly capitalizes on that distrust by moving toward extremes and populism.
Democrats are standing with illegals, breaking laws, and illegally operating federal law-violating sanctuary cities that provide safe haven to illegals and criminals.

none of which a wall will remedy.....~S~

This is what I am talking about. Its a settled issue. Preaching is not going to change that nor is diversion or deflection. We want a wall. If the wall doesnt work 100% we still want a wall. You missed the opportunity to sing the praises of an open border when you lost the election. It is of no use to you to argue that walls dont work. It just looks silly.
i neither want open borders OR daca

But a maj didn't support a shut down over deporting the DACA folks.

CNN poll: DACA not worth a shutdown, except to Democrats - CNNPolitics

Will the dems fall for it? For all voters the econ is a more important issue, and HC is as important as immigration, and the dems own that issue after Trumpcare's implosion ... and on immigration, there's no consensus on what should be done. Only the gop wants a wall. - Home |

Where's the dickweeds-D counter offer? If Trump's DACA and TPS extensions aren't acceptable, isn't it expected for the other side to come back with something that would be acceptable in exchange for what Donny wants?
Boy, you Trumpanzees are dumb. Trump WON'T NEGOTIATE! It's WALL OR NOTHING!

LOL, Apparently the Mail Truck hasn't reached the Asylum with the memo that Donny just offered something to Team Douche Bag-D and they countered with "It's NO WALL OR NOTHING", seems you got the negotiating positions of your Political Crime Families backwards …

Perhaps those "Trumpanzees" know some things you don't, like for example, how to read.:cool:
A three year Daca moratorium is nothing.

They deserve nothing but deportation.
I really don't care about the Daca folks. It would be inhumane to deport them at this point, but I didn't ask them to come, and it'd kill the gop to do so.
Well have to wait for things to play out (who's surprised)? Comments here and elsewhere are pretty much 50/50, so there will be no clear winners or losers. The only way to stop this stuff is a grass roots effort like the civil rights marches to change or enforce existing laws. If we start with increased ICE precincts, the action will reduce the need for a wall. There are many ways to reach a solution to any problem.
But a maj didn't support a shut down over deporting the DACA folks.

CNN poll: DACA not worth a shutdown, except to Democrats - CNNPolitics

Will the dems fall for it? For all voters the econ is a more important issue, and HC is as important as immigration, and the dems own that issue after Trumpcare's implosion ... and on immigration, there's no consensus on what should be done. Only the gop wants a wall. - Home |

Where's the dickweeds-D counter offer? If Trump's DACA and TPS extensions aren't acceptable, isn't it expected for the other side to come back with something that would be acceptable in exchange for what Donny wants?
CNN? What's the point?

I was referring to the Democrats not CNN, did they put a counter offer on the table to what Donny proposed with DACA and TPS extensions? So far I haven't seen anything which suggests that they don't really care about compromise, they just want to keep milking this "shutdown" for political reasons.

On the other hand, maybe they're working on a counter offer and just haven't finalized it yet. :dunno:

They don't want anything except what the majority of Americans want, the govt funded and opened.
Uh-huh, thanks for sharing those DNC talking points

unsurprising since the depiction was perfectly accurate -

If you say so; far be it from me to argue with partisan parrots when they get their propaganda feathers ruffled, after all, what would be the point? it's not like anything useful ever comes out of it. :dunno:

Yep, you still have no counter. McConnell is sitting on the very bill both the House and the Senate have already approved on behalf of Individual 1. That's plainly, patently the truth. Your resorting no name-calling gives it away. First it's been the "DNC talking points", then I am a "partisan parrot". Next you're going to own the definition for "chutzpah", eh?
LOL, counter to what? Your rant consisting of a stream of regurgitated talking points sprinkled with spittle? Why would I even want to bother "countering" it since I don't give a damn how much you folks insult each others "leaders"? it's all just comedic relief for me.

Look, Fox, defend the banana republic of crumbling infrastructure and half the population living either in, or at the brink of, poverty all you wish.
Hmmmm.. when did I "defend" any of that? I thought the point of contention was the current system of checks & balances? It's interesting how you folks always want to morph the point into random hyperbole when the questions start to get a bit tough, everyone has to have a hobby I suppose.

Our definitions of "successful" apparently diverge, wildly.
Interesting, what's YOUR definition of "successful"?

That's entirely legit. The dysfunction we are currently seeing (again) doesn't go away, and I pointed to some of the causes for that.
No, you didn't, you simply registered your objections to the system defined by the Constitution and used the current impasse as an example of why it doesn't "work", while completely ignoring the fact that it has generally "worked" for over 200 years.

I imagine if the current occupant of the White House had a "D" bolted onto it's name and the Congress Critters were of species "R" you'd be squawking about how great the current system is, just a theory but one I suspect isn't very far off the mark.

If you want to examine the causes look no further than the political instability brought about when the citizenry increasingly distrusts the established order and the duopoly capitalizes on that distrust by moving toward extremes and populism.

Chuckle. So, spittle is the thing that gets your fantasy going. Interesting.

Other than that, if you followed the argument - rather than fisking my posting - you could have answered your questions yourself and spared you the stupid you've been uttering. But then, you didn't. More's the pity.

Other than that, yes, I've seen your entire shtick resting on the Reaganite bumper sticker, "Goverment is the problem". Your efforts to ascribe that stance to the entire "citizenry" is just wishful thinking on your part. Ah, the "duopoly" makes an appearance, the miscreant created by another monumental mistake, FPTP voting. But then, that's for another thread.
They don't want anything except what the majority of Americans want, the govt funded and opened.
Bullshit. They want Trump's head on a platter. That's more important than controlling drugs and crime, and only because they lost an election they expected to win.
But a maj didn't support a shut down over deporting the DACA folks.

CNN poll: DACA not worth a shutdown, except to Democrats - CNNPolitics

Will the dems fall for it? For all voters the econ is a more important issue, and HC is as important as immigration, and the dems own that issue after Trumpcare's implosion ... and on immigration, there's no consensus on what should be done. Only the gop wants a wall. - Home |

Where's the dickweeds-D counter offer? If Trump's DACA and TPS extensions aren't acceptable, isn't it expected for the other side to come back with something that would be acceptable in exchange for what Donny wants?
Why should the dems make a counter offer at all on immigration until Trump opens up the govt?
For starters, they can probably get all sorts of concessions that they've been wanting instead they're offering nothing which is tantamount to asking for a prolonged pissing contest.

So, Trump's holding the govt hostage over a wall.
It takes two to tango, while I suspect Trump will capitulate eventually the Democrats aren't helping themselves by not forcing him to offer up a laundry list of compromises for things they SAY they want.

The reality is both sides are "holding the govt hostage over a wall" for political reasons, which is fine by me since as far as I'm concerned they can keep those 8 departments closed forever and just find private sector alternatives but I don't think the American Sheeple have the stomach for it.
It takes two to tango,
It takes only one to demand $5.7b or else they won't sign a funding bill to shutdown the govt.
Donny is guilty of a lot of sins but inventing government "shutdowns" as a negotiating tools isn't one of them, they've become a regular occurrence as a result of the instability in our political system which has become increasingly acute over the last few decades

Any given potus shouldn't have the power to shut down governance

Most past shutdowns were short political posturing ,over quickly

Trump, however, weilds it ineffectively , the scotus called his bluff, now he's backed into a corner , withe the Dems boot on his neck

Even some noob piker of a leader could see this coming

in your opinion, my opinion is keep it shut down till i get what i voted for

You own it then, fool.

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